[OSGeo-Discuss] Input regarding Axis Order Confusion

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Thu Dec 14 17:52:37 EST 2006

Good NeoGeographers are not the target audience that GeoTools page ...

Okay - WMS with SRS:
- "EPSG:4326" <== x,y everybody "happy"
- "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326" <=== exactly as defined by the EPSG 

If you want to make it easy you need to publish a web service that takes 
the complexity away ...

Provide a Web Service takes a "SRS" field and a normal x,y bounds, and 
returns the "correct" information for them.

The webservice can have each EPSG database avalable in order to answer 
the hard questions, maybe with proj4 or GeoTools to help with producing
the correct request.  In GeoTools we provide a WebMapServer class that 
has stratagy objects capturing what needs to be done for the different 
WMS versions, and in some cases the different implementations ....


> Hey
> thanx Paulo, Jody, Bob and all others for the input. As always good input
> from GeoTools. Problem is that this is way too long and complicated to the
> neogeographer.
> Schyler,
> could you please reformulate your 1000 year pledge, I don't get it (soy
> extranjero).
> So we are back at the start - or was it the end. My trouble with this is
> that I have already seen way too many hmtl clients in the web hopping to
> the right when you wanted to go left. With 1.3 applications will break
> more often. This is not good. All we can do is keep the exposed interfaces
> really well isolated. Anything else might be added to the Wiki, I am done
> with this issue at this point.
> Regards, Arnulf.
> On Thu, December 14, 2006 19:32, Jody Garnett wrote:
>> Here is an interesting page to link to:
>> - http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTOOLS/The+axis+order+issue
>> GeoTools is taking the stance of - provide a way for the application to
>> handle the problem (because it will occur), with the recommendation that
>> this control be passed onto the end user as an "advanced option" if
>> needed.
>> You will also find that for the new URI format of SRS used by WMS1.3 or
>> WFS1.1 we believe the EPSG table order, the codes are only ambiguous in
>> their more common "AUTHORY:NUMBER" form...
>> Cheers,
>> Jody
>>> Hello,
>>> if you are aware of anything that might enhance information regarding
>>> the
>>> great Axis Order Confusion that we are faced with in the spatial realm
>>> please feel free to add it to this Wiki page:
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Axis_Order_Confusion
>>> There is some discussion going as to having to break WMS 1.1.1 (and WFS
>>> and SFS and probably everything) in order to rectify this problem which
>>> I
>>> think is the end of the world. Well, ok maybe not quite but it will make
>>> things stall, so lets be reasonable on this.
>>> Thanks,
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