[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Geowanking] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Input regarding Axis Order Confusion

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Mon Dec 18 11:53:19 EST 2006


DescribeLayer->WFS->DescribeFeatureType only works if you have an  
associated WFS. And since many publishers of WMS do so explicitly to  
"keep their features internal while providing access to maps", it is  
very very common for no parallel WFS instance to exist.  If WFS  
supported a "Capabilities and DescribeFeatureType only" mode, it  
would be possible to just have a "non-WFS WFS" as part of the WMS and  
make this happen. But "GetFeature" is a mandatory operation for WFS,  
so it's not.


On 17-Dec-06, at 10:53 PM, Markus Müller wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> Paul Ramsey schrieb:
>> Allan Doyle wrote:
>>> There could always be a community (can you say "mass market"?)  
>>> profile that takes 1.1.1 and lays the good parts of 1.3 on top.
>> I'd be interested in forking WMS to add support for  
>> DescribeFeatureType to it, so that arbitrary external styling was  
>> possible. (My favourite ranting point.)  Also, selection.  10  
>> years later and we might achieve functional parity with ArcXML.
> Are you proposing to extend WMS 1.1.1 or 1.3? In both cases I think  
> it is not necessary.
> SLD 1.0.0 defines the DescribeLayer operation for WMS 1.1.1 that  
> allows you to find out which WFS (or WCS) serves the actual feature  
> data. This WFS can then be queried with DescribeFeatureType.
> SLD spec 1.1.0 will shortly become official, bringing back SLD  
> functionality to WMS - including DescribeLayer.
> regards
> Markus
>> Also to extend the "geodetic exception for axis order" in WMS  
>> 1.1.1 to cover all geodetic systems, not just 4326.  (Which is  
>> practically what folks do anyways, it's just not explicit in the  
>> document.)
>> P.
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> Dr. Markus Müller
> l a t / l o n  GmbH (Hamburg)
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