[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Geowanking] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Input regarding Axis Order Confusion

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Mon Dec 18 13:42:05 EST 2006

Thanks Markus, that's an interesting tidbit. Something to put on the  
mapserver enhancement list.

On 18-Dec-06, at 9:04 AM, Markus Müller wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> okay, I possibly wasn't precise enought. That is what I meant (and  
> the SLD spec describes) - you can have a WMS that supports  
> DescribeFeatureType without having a full WFS. A so called  
> "integrated WMS" is exactly what you describe as "Capabilities and  
> DescribeFeatureType only" mode. For such an integrated WMS (partial  
> WFS) it is not necessary to support GetFeature. See page 12 of SLD  
> 1.0.0 (OGC document 02-070).
> regards
> Markus
> Paul Ramsey schrieb:
>> 1.1.1.
>> DescribeLayer->WFS->DescribeFeatureType only works if you have an  
>> associated WFS. And since many publishers of WMS do so explicitly  
>> to "keep their features internal while providing access to maps",  
>> it is very very common for no parallel WFS instance to exist.  If  
>> WFS supported a "Capabilities and DescribeFeatureType only" mode,  
>> it would be possible to just have a "non-WFS WFS" as part of the  
>> WMS and make this happen. But "GetFeature" is a mandatory  
>> operation for WFS, so it's not.
>> P
>> On 17-Dec-06, at 10:53 PM, Markus Müller wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> Paul Ramsey schrieb:
>>>> Allan Doyle wrote:
>>>>> There could always be a community (can you say "mass market"?)  
>>>>> profile that takes 1.1.1 and lays the good parts of 1.3 on top.
>>>> I'd be interested in forking WMS to add support for  
>>>> DescribeFeatureType to it, so that arbitrary external styling  
>>>> was possible. (My favourite ranting point.)  Also, selection.   
>>>> 10 years later and we might achieve functional parity with ArcXML.
>>> Are you proposing to extend WMS 1.1.1 or 1.3? In both cases I  
>>> think it is not necessary.
>>> SLD 1.0.0 defines the DescribeLayer operation for WMS 1.1.1 that  
>>> allows you to find out which WFS (or WCS) serves the actual  
>>> feature data. This WFS can then be queried with DescribeFeatureType.
>>> SLD spec 1.1.0 will shortly become official, bringing back SLD  
>>> functionality to WMS - including DescribeLayer.
>>> regards
>>> Markus
>>>> Also to extend the "geodetic exception for axis order" in WMS  
>>>> 1.1.1 to cover all geodetic systems, not just 4326.  (Which is  
>>>> practically what folks do anyways, it's just not explicit in the  
>>>> document.)
>>>> P.
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> Dr. Markus Müller
> l a t / l o n  GmbH (Hamburg)
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