Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Website Review

(Orkney)Toru Mori moritoru at orkney.co.jp
Sat Feb 11 07:20:55 EST 2006

Please let me make one correction, sorry.

Unfortunately I was *NOT* one of them on Wednesday, but many people
in the geospatial field in Japan have already been keen in open source 
geospatial tools.

Toru Mori

"(Orkney)Toru Mori" <moritoru at orkney.co.jp> wrote:
> Allan Doyle wrote:
> > I'm glad to see the site is running and I'm glad to see that content
> > is being added. This is great. I told an audience of 200+ people in
> > Tokyo about the foundation on Wednesday and I hope we're getting lots
> > of hits from Japan.
> Unfortunately I was one of them on Wednesday, but many people in the 
> geospatial field in Japan have already been keen in open source
> geospatial tools. I was also invited to give presentations about the
> foundation three times already for these 2 months.

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