[OSGeo-Discuss] Canned slide deck

Pericles S. Nacionales naci0002 at umn.edu
Fri Feb 17 13:32:20 EST 2006


Check Aaron Racicot's presentation available at 

There might also be other presentations available at 


On Friday 17 February 2006 12:10, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> I have a presentation at work on Monday (Sunday for you in USA) where I
> aim ton convince managers that they should support Open Source GIS
> projects.
> So if anyone already has material that I can copy then that would be great.
> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> > Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
> >> A lot of us participate in various industry and community groups and
> >> events, and I'm already seeing requests of the form "hey, can you take
> >> 5/10/30 minutes and describe this OSGeo thing for us at the next XYZ
> >> meeting?"
> >>
> >> It Would Be Nice(tm) if we could put together a basic set of slides
> >> describing what OSGeo does, who we are, etc, etc.  Perhaps two
> >> versions, one short and one long.
> >>
> >> (If folks agree, I'd be happy to help with this.)
> >>
> >> But of course, we'd need to pick a logo first... :-)
> >
> > Michael,
> >
> > Arnulf is proposing forming a committee that would include producing
> > promotional material and presentation material.  I certainly think this
> > is an important early initiative and will help us ensure a reasonably
> > unified message with regard to OSGeo.
> >
> > Perhaps we still have time to get a motion on the table for todays
> > Board meeting to designate such a committee.
> >
> > Best regards,

Pericles S. Nacionales
Conservation Biology Program
University of Minnesota
e-mail: naci0002 at umn.edu

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