[OSGeo-Discuss] Abstract, please look at.

Allan Doyle adoyle at eogeo.org
Wed Feb 22 14:13:49 EST 2006

To add another wrinkle, there was talk on the freegisbook list about  
moving operations to OSGeo... What's needed is a decent Wiki  

http://www.eogeo.org/Projects/projects_wiki/FreeGISBook for those who  
don't know about it. If OSGeo wants to host it, that's fine with me.  
If not, I have an offer of a mediawiki instance at MIT we can use.


On Feb 22, 2006, at 14:05, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

> Helena Mitasova wrote:
>> - let us not create another committe - we can expand
>> the focus of curricullum committe to education in general -
>> that would cover curricullum, academia, tutorials, books etc.
> I agree, we should broaden the concept to include curriculum and
> education in general together rather than keeping them apart.
> Tyler
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Allan Doyle
adoyle at eogeo.org

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