[OSGeo-Discuss] Volunteer for translations
Alexandre Leroux
alexandreleroux at mac.com
Wed Feb 22 15:13:42 EST 2006
I just started the Press Release French translation over the wiki.
Only the first paragraphs have been processed and I'll try to finish
the work before the end of the month, working on this as fast as I
can devote more time.
I never introduced myself, let's do just that :-) I'm Alex, one of
the slashgeo.org founders. slashgeo.org is managed by a non-profit
organization with very compatible goals to OSGeo. You can get a short
analysis on the project's status here: http://slashgeo.slashgeo.org/
I do not plan to be directly active within the OSGeo Foundtation at
this time. Even if I can help with small tasks such as important
translations. I already have my hands full with the slashgeo project
and my real day work at Environment Canada (and my non-digital
life :-). However, as a French-speaking canadian from the province of
Québec, I have a strong interest to participate if a regional OSGeo
is setted for my area.
Cheers and long live the new Foundation :-)
Le 06-02-21 à 4:43 pm, Chris Holmes a écrit :
> The main thing being translated right now is the press release,
> though it looks like there's already a version that's been
> translated: http://www.fossgis.de/osgeo/index.php/
> Press_Release_Portugues Though actually it looks like it hasn't
> gotten the latest updates, so if you could take the latest changes
> from: http://www.fossgis.de/osgeo/index.php/Proposed_Press_Release
> and translate them to the portuguese page that would be a great help.
> As for further translation, I think we're still working on setting
> up the internationalization committee and lists, but I'm sure it
> will be announced on this discuss list, so you can join in there
> and figure out what to do.
> best regards,
> Chris
> pmarc wrote:
>> Hi All.
>> I've spent most of last year translating GRASS to portuguese
>> (brazilian) and would like to give a hand on translating OSGEO
>> materials to portuguese.
>> Just drop a note. I'm usually lurking on #osgeo and #grass
>> Not sure how to approach this...
>> --
>> Paulo Marcondes = PU1/PU2PIX
>> -22.915 -42.229 = GG87vc (http://www.amsat.org/cgi-bin/gridconv)
>> Debian GNU/Linux = http://rj.debianbrasil.org = http://www.debian.org
> --
> Chris Holmes
> The Open Planning Project
> thoughts at: http://cholmes.wordpress.com
> <cholmes.vcf>
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