[OSGeo-Discuss] Proposal to find an alternative to Collabnet

Gary Lang gary.lang at autodesk.com
Mon Jul 17 20:12:56 EDT 2006

You may be right, mpg.

Can anyone from WebCom answer? My response would be "you're in charge,
you've seen the budget, go!"


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael P. Gerlek [mailto:mpg at lizardtech.com] 
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 4:22 PM
To: discuss at mail.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposal to find an alternative to

Gary said:
> I worry about these discussions - which feel circular to me - because 
> I fear that we will go down in history as the foundation that 
> discussed content management infrastructure endlessly instead of doing

> something great for its projects.

and also:

> In the interim I hope WebCom is spending some time to address the
> Allan is highlighting.

>From the sidelines...  one possible issue is: does WebCom
feel/understand that they have a mandate to go off and Make Something
Happen, and (corrspondingly) are there people ready to sign up for such
a task?  I believe the answer to the latter is yes, but I'm not sure on
the former.

(Am not trying to put down Jason's team here -- for my own part, I know
that I've been skittish at times to Just Go Do Something because I
wasn't sure I had Proper Authority and Mandate to do so.  Getting
better, though :-)


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