[OSGeo-Discuss] Mobile GPS data collection...

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Fri Jul 28 07:18:22 EDT 2006

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> On 27-Jul-06, at 6:49 PM, Gary Lang wrote:
>> How would this funding occur?
>> I just met the CEO and CTO last Thursday at a party. They've invited
>> me to a CTO advisor meeting they have to discuss just such an
>> opportunity - take the OQO vertical, etc.
>>> ...a treat), so for many, having a full colour 1/4 VGA display is a
>>> luxury :)  I personally like the OQO form factor and would love to
>>> fund a ruggedised version...
> Oops, one typo and now you've really got me thinking.  I meant to say
> "and would love to FIND a ruggedised version".  But now you've got me
> thinking more about potential for the OQO in an open source mobile geo.
> context. Hmm...  How about we get some funding to build binary apps of
> our OSGeo stack to run on their platform.  We could also then integrate
> it with GPS as a value add.  Just some thoughts based on a freudian slip
> typo :)

I love this idea and I'd be happy to participate in such project.

Best regards
Mateusz Loskot

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