[OSGeo-Discuss] Mobile GPS data collection...

Bob Basques bob.b at gritechnologies.com
Mon Jul 31 22:41:19 EDT 2006

Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Here, I'd like to dig into a very technical level of the synchronization
> idea and ask some questions. May be it's obvious for most of us, bug
> saying explicitly, I think it's highly recommended to stick to open
> standards. How do you feel?
> What protocol would you suggest for remote data synchronization?
> In my opinion, Web Feature Service interface should be a sufficient for
> this purpose. HTTP/SOAP interface is available on most of mobile
> platforms we've mentioned.
To tell the truth, I'm thinking about a basic XML format. Easy to 
compress if needed, easy to parse, even easy to store in a Database.  
The nice part would be, that a database would not be required, but it 
could be optionally used.  I think this is a basic premise to use with 
regard to wide acceptance of any resulting set of utilities.

The HTTP method of transfer I think will provide the most benefit with 
the least resistance.


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