[OSGeo-Discuss] Search engines and spatial context...

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Fri Jun 2 13:52:14 EDT 2006

Thanks for the link Ian. Could be a pretty cool Open Source project then. MetaCarta seems to 
have the right idea but is not offering as a service...


>>> ijturton at gmail.com 6/2/2006 12:37:44 PM >>>
On 6/2/06, Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us> wrote:
> That's what I'd like to find out, been thinking about this for years. Virtually everything is spatial so:
>   1) do engines look for non-explicit spatial context
>   2) do they leverage explicit spatial context (e.g. document metadata or actual spatial data formats)
>   3) do they even deal with new stuff like GeoRSS

Have a look at http://www.citeulike.org/user/ianturton/tag/information-retrieval 
for my bibliography on this but from the literature the short answer
is no, or if they are no one is talking about it.

> I would assume that Google and others do at least some of this, but perhaps not. Wouldn't it be sweet to have georeferenced document index (GeoIndex) and a GeoSpider to build it. The Alexandria Digital Library has definitly operated in that space but seemingly with more traditional spatial information. I'm curious about regular old web pages, sensor feeds, news stories and such.

Our group at PSU is starting to look into this so if anyone wants to
collaborate let me know.


Ian Turton

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