[OSGeo-Discuss] Tag Line winner

Aaron Koning aaronkoning at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 03:49:13 EDT 2006

Hmmm... does this mean I get another prize? j/k

Thanks for voting,

On 6/7/06, Daniel Brookshier <dbrookshier at collab.net> wrote:
> Been a busy month but I can finally announce the winner of the tag line
> contest. The result was both unsuprising and a nod to Aaron Koning, who came
> up with the tag line to go with the original winning logo submission. So,
> hands down, the winner is "Your Open Source Compass".
> The number two and three were "Spatialize your mind" followed by "The Open
> Source Geospatial Foundation".
> *Daniel Brookshier | Community Manager | CollabNet, Inc.*
> 8000 Marina Blvd. Suite 600 | Brisbane, CA 94005 | USA
> O 972.422.5261 | C 214.207.6614 | dbrookshier at collab.net

|  Aaron Koning
|  Information Technologist
|  Prince George, BC, Canada.
|  http://datashare.gis.unbc.ca/fist/
|  http://datashare.gis.unbc.ca/gctp-js/
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