[OSGeo-Discuss] Where 2.0 presentations

Gary Lang gary.lang at autodesk.com
Thu Jun 15 11:16:31 EDT 2006

We will make sure that it is so.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Ned Horning [mailto:nedh at lightlink.com]
Sent:	Thu 6/15/2006 6:03 AM
To:	discuss at mail.osgeo.org
Subject:	[OSGeo-Discuss] Where 2.0 presentations

Where 2.0 presenters,

I am preparing a short presentation to promote OSGeo for a dual conference with the Society for Conservation Biology and Society for Conservation GIS next week in San Jose and would like to use some of the material prepared for Where 2.0 if possible. Will these presentations and flyers be available on the visibility committee web site? 


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