Boston: Grassroots Use of Technology Conference (June 17)]

Tyler Mitchell tjm at
Tue May 9 14:16:28 EDT 2006

Anyone planning to attend this event (details below)...


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[NOSI discussion] CORRECTED: Grassroots Use of Technology
Conference (Boston, June 17)
Date: 	Tue, 9 May 2006 13:14:03 -0400
From: 	Rich Cowan <richcowan at>
To: 	nosi-discussion at, civicspace-community at

To the Civicspace and nonprofit open source communities:

We just unveiled a new Civicspace web site: the
web site for the 7th Annual Grassroots Use of
Technology Conference, on June 17 in Boston, MA!

The new site is at: <>

and it is a template that will replace the designs for all
our other web sites! We developed a new theme (we
are still tweaking it) with help from a graphic designer,
after starting from the <> site!

Speaking of the conference, you may now register for it!

There is an exciting agenda planned, including workshops
on use of open source software by community organizations,
including Plone, Drupal, open GIS, even one on using
Google APIs.

This annual Organizers' Collaborative (OC) conference
features the latest in tech innovations relevant to
grassroots nonprofits and community organizations. The
conference is jointly hosted by OC and the Community
Technology Vista (CTC Vista) project at UMass Boston.

An expected 250 people are expected.

Topics such as online fundraising, email delivery, web
content management, databases, GIS, tech planning, and
online activism will be covered in over 15 breakout sessions.

The conference will be followed by a special dinner to
raise funds for a program to provide computers and
training to nonprofit groups in the Boston area.

Please visit
<> to view
the agenda, to register online, and to sign up for the
optional post conference dinner.

We look forward to seeing someone from your organization
at the conference on Saturday, June 17!

- Rich Cowan, Stu Mendelson, and Muadi Dibinga
  for Organizers' Collaborative
  conf2006 @ <>

About Organizers' Collaborative

OC is a nonprofit organization that identifies and develops low-cost,
replicable technology, software, and trainings that meets the
organizing, outreach, and fundraising needs of small nonprofits. OC is
comprised of community organizers and technology consultants dedicated
to helping nonprofit organizations and community groups integrate
technology into their work. More information is available online

Quotes From 2005 Conference Participants

"I moved from one [workshop and conversation] to the next and found
myself making choices I couldn't have predicted at the beginning of the
day. I finished with the PLONE workshop and walked away with a clear
idea of next steps. So exciting!"

"I thought the keynote was terrific, especially the use of the chatroom
during his talk. I made a lot of new connections that were not the usual
folks I see at conferences - I will look forward to next year!"

"The session in the last round that dealt with voter management and GIS
was really impressive - I had no idea that anything like those tools

"Through impromptu meetings with leaders in this field, I was able to
make a tremendous amount of headway both technically and strategically
for my organization."

Quotes About Past Conferences

"The Grassroots Use of Technology conference is a wonderful opportunity
for people in the field of activist technology to meet, network and
share experiences working with the latest technology to advance the
goals of our organizations" - Gregory Heller, CivicActions

"I attended the conference last year and came away with some very useful
information that catapulted our organization technologically." - Mary
Jeanette Ebenhack, Common Good Planning Center

Organizers' Collaborative, 14 Beacon St. Suite 707, Boston, MA  02108
email: oc2006(at) <>
(617) 720-6190, m-f 9:30-5:30

|   Technology and training to advance and sustain social change   |

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