[OSGeo-Discuss] I suggest overview page for osgeo projects and pointers toapplications using osgeo projects.

Gary Lang gary.lang at autodesk.com
Mon Oct 2 00:22:23 EDT 2006

I am not sure why, if our mission is to promote open source geospatial, we wouldn't do something like freegis, or invite them to post their work to our infrastructure, once we have one we like. 


-----Original Message-----
From:	Frank Warmerdam (External)
Sent:	Sun 10/1/2006 10:45 AM
To:	discuss at mail.osgeo.org
Subject:	Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] I suggest overview page for osgeo projects and pointers toapplications using osgeo projects.

Jachym Cepicky wrote:
> hallo,
> sorry, if i undertood wrong. there is allready page like this, see
>     http://freegis.org
> maybe it would be good to ask people from freegis, if they would like to
> participate on project like this. their databasis is allready full.


Freegis.org is definately the authoritative full list of open source
geospatial projects.  I think the original poster, and Jody were looking
for something that puts some of the major components in context - obviously
starting with the OSGeo projects themselves, and the components they
interact with closely.

I personally don't want to see OSGeo trying to duplicate freegis.org.  It
is a great resource, and we should just reference it and support it as

But it is still hard for people new to the open source geospatial space to
get a sense of maturity and context from seaches on freegis.org.  Hopefully
that is something that OSGeo can offer.  I think starting with something
like Paul Ramsey's survey of open source geospatial packages would be a
good start.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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