[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo community Maxed out?

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Thu Oct 26 19:38:54 EDT 2006

On 26-Oct-06, at 4:30 PM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:

> Paul Ramsey wrote:
>> Sounds like classic open source to me... lots of people making  
>> noise about the big picture and strategy and a very small number  
>> beavering away at getting things done.  I don't know any magic  
>> solution for turning talkers into doers (maybe that's because I'm  
>> a talker :)
> One magical solution that I know off is sponsorship, funding,
> compensation for time and energy. Seems I'm in the
> talker category too :)

Ha! For talkers you are pretty active!

It is well known that in volunteer organisations, 10% of the people  
do 90% of the work, not always a good way around that.  This just  
means we need to make the 100% = more volunteers, so the 10% is  
bigger too :)


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