[OSGeo-Discuss] IST 2006, November 21-23 in Helsinki

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Fri Sep 1 12:42:03 EDT 2006

Ari Jolma wrote:
> IST 2006 is in November 21-23 in Helsinki. I've never been to a IST
> conference, from the webpage: "the most important European event in the
> field of Information Society Technologies will coincide with the launch
> of the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development".
> Networking sessions can be suggested for the organizers. Currently there
> are 105 suggested, the Finnish COSS (center for open source software)
> will have one with the topic of such centers and ONESSI. ONESSI is
> probably "open networked european software & services initiative".
> Looks very much networking kind of thing and jargon talk. I could go to
> our COSS's session and talk about OSGeo. I'm not very interested in
> proposing a full session. Link to FP7 (research money...) looks somewhat
> interesting.

I've never attended any IST fair but I participated in one of long-term
project founded by IST - http://www.felis.uni-freiburg.de/regeo/English/

AFAIK, IST supports substantial amount of GIS (and realted)
projects and programs in Europe, especially projects involving
international teams.

Personally, I see IST may definitely be an interesting
partner for OSGeo.

> Does anybody here know anything about these things or is going to attend?

I don't know much.
I'd be interested to attend if time will allow.

Mateusz Loskot

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