[OSGeo-Discuss] BOF Mobile GIS

Silke Reimer Silke.Reimer at intevation.de
Fri Sep 8 06:22:06 EDT 2006

(Cc: to mobile at lists.maptools.org, the ne mailing list for this

On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 08:16:57AM +0200, Just van den Broecke wrote:
> I'll be there. best,

Thank you all for your comments. So far we are at least 6
participants Mateusz, Tyler Tim, Just, Jan-Oliver Wagner and me.

I will clarify on Tuesday where we can get a room for the meeting.
I will edit the Wiki-page as soon as I have more information. So
please have a look on Tuesday afternoon or on Wednesday to know
where the meeting will take place.



Silke Reimer   : www.intevation.de/~silke | GISpatcher: www.gispatcher.de
Intevation GmbH: www.intevation.de        | Thuban    : thuban.intevation.org
Georgstr.4     : 49074 Osnabrück          | FreeGIS   : www.freegis.org
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