Fwd: WMS trainers

Allan Doyle adoyle at eogeo.org
Tue Sep 26 19:30:05 EDT 2006

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Doug Nebert <ddnebert at usgs.gov>
> Date: September 26, 2006 15:05:30 EDT
> To: Allan Doyle <adoyle at eogeo.org>, Greg Yetman  
> <gyetman at ciesin.columbia.edu>, jornelas at antares.inegi.gob.mx, Mark  
> E Reichardt <mreichardt at opengeospatial.org>, John Evans  
> <john.evans at gsfc.nasa.gov>, Randy Fusaro  
> <randy.j.fusaro at census.gov>, Wendy Blake-Coleman <blake- 
> coleman.wendy at epa.gov>
> Subject: WMS trainers
> Reply-To: ddnebert at usgs.gov
> All:
> Seeking 1-2 Spanish-fluent trainers in WMS who could assemble and  
> present a 3-day workshop on "open mapping services" in Bogota,  
> Colombia in December. Travel (airfare and perdiem only, no salary)  
> would be covered by the host organization, IGAC, their national  
> mapping authority.
> Please let me know promptly.
> Doug.
> -- 
> Douglas D. Nebert
> Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Coordinator, Information Architect
> FGDC/GSDI Secretariat   Phone: +1 703 648 4151  Fax: +1 703 648-5755

Allan Doyle
adoyle at eogeo.org

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