[webmap-discuss] Fwd: OsGeo AJAX Web Mapping discussion at Lausanne (foss4g)

Robert Bray rbray at robertbray.net
Sun Aug 27 01:42:15 EDT 2006

I'd love to attend / contribute representing the MapGuide project.


On 24-Aug-06, at 10:15 AM, Lorenzo Becchi wrote:

> So it seems that's planned
> Please comment freely.
> ciao
> Lorenzo
>> From: Olivier Ertz
>> Date: 24 agosto 2006 17:55:44 GMT+02:00
>> To: Lorenzo Becchi <lorenzo at ominiverdi.com>
>> Cc: program at foss4g2006.org
>> Subject: Re: OsGeo AJAX  Web Mapping discussion at Lausanne (foss4g)
>> Great ! We've already planned to schedule time for a BOFs about ka- 
>> Map/OpenLayers.
>> It can take place during lunch or Wednesday between 18:00 and 20:00.
>> Do you have a short description of this debate we could include in  
>> the conference book ?
>> Cordially,
>> Olivier.
>> Lorenzo Becchi a écrit :
>>> First of all I'm presenting me:
>>> Lorenzo Becchi
>>> ominiverdi.org
>>> ka-Map co-developer
>>> There's (maybe) the chance to have the space of a conference for  
>>> a debate on this issue.
>>> I've collected the interest of ka-Map and OpenLayers developers  
>>> but I'm sure there are more developers interested in this issue.
>>> The more we are the best will be (I hope) this first common and  
>>> open discussion.
>>> As far as other groups agree participating I'll inform the foss4g  
>>> commission (CC).
>>> best regards
>>> Lorenzo Becchi
>> -- 
>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> FOSS4G2006 - Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics
>> See the conference website : http://www.foss4g2006.org
>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> <olivier.ertz.vcf>

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