[webmap-discuss] Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] [Dev] Re: Vectors in OpenLayers?

Pierre GIRAUD bluecarto at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 16:33:38 EDT 2006

Sure, we will go further. We need something working soon. In any case,
we currently spend much time on this.


On 10/26/06, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
> Pierre,
>  From your email, it seems Bertil has a solid design, and not very
> different to what we have proposed.
> I'm busy for the next week or 2, but hope to have time to look at the
> code after that.
> Are you (or Pierre) still working on this, or interested in working on
> Vector Rendering further?
> Pierre GIRAUD wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > This comes certainly a little late in the discussion but I'd like to
> > propose the architecture design a student (Bertil CHAPUIS) worked on
> > for camptocamp. This happened just before or while you also started
> > thinking about it, but we didn't have time to share it.
> >
> > It may go in a different way that the one proposed in the osgeo wiki
> > but here are summarized the pros and cons, or specific features of his
> > model.
> >
> > --- separated geometry model and rendering system ---
> > pros :
> > - Javascript geometry objects are clear and easier to instanciate
> > - those objects can be easily managed by new modules (WFS, etc...)
> >
> > cons :
> > - this implementation may be more difficult to maintain because it is
> > needed to alter the rendering engine or modules plugged on the model
> > when a geometry class is modified. But this should not happen often if
> > the classes follow the OGC norms at once.
> >
> > --- Editing events handlers ---
> >
> > The different rendering systems have the ability to send editing
> > events (requests).
> >
> > --- Vector Layer ---
> >
> > The model and geometry features management is handled in the vector
> > layer. It is sort of a features container. This helps to centralize
> > the actions on data so to make the integrity management easier.
> >
> > --- Editing controlers ---
> > The editing controlers manage the geometries modifications through the
> > vector layer and its methods. This allows to list the previous carried
> > actions and to propose cancel functionnalities.
> >
> > Constraint by a short period, he also already started to implement it
> > on top of openlayers librairy.
> > You can find a almost working demo at
> > http://dev.camptocamp.com/~bchapuis/openlayers/examples/vector.html
> >
> > I hope you can have a look and give back comments and/or additions.
> > Just note that the vml implementations isn't working completely for
> > the moment.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Pierre GIRAUD and Bertil CHAPUIS
> >
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> http://cameron.shorter.net
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