[webmap-discuss] Re: Strategic Direction

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Sat Sep 23 16:19:33 EDT 2006

Thanks Claude.  I am, in general, doing things the same way as you  
are ... I feel that there is benefit to be had by some server-side  
involvement, hence Chameleon is what it is :)

I can't speak for the future evolution of the unified web-mapping API  
(umapi anyone?) but I think, in general, that the tools are designed  
to gather user input and advertise this through an event mechanism.   
This means that a set of basic rendering functions would just draw on  
the screen and advertise that drawing is complete.  Depending on the  
toolkit using the API, this could be interpreted as a POLYGON for a  
WFS filter or sent to a server side script for some sort of  
intelligent query plus extraction function (or data insertion).

I've got a general need for feature creation and editing and am  
building a generic architecture for OpenLayers that would hopefully  
provide decent cross-platform support for the basic primitive  
operations like drawing.  There is also some work being done in  
MapBuilder on an SVG/VML implementation of something similar that I  
haven't seen but have heard about.  I would hope that over time,  
these implementations come closer together, or merge, around the  
OpenLayers API ...



On 22-Sep-06, at 3:59 PM, Claude Philipona wrote:

> I added CartoWeb to the matrix on the Wiki. We are indeed very  
> interested to be active in this cross project, even though we could  
> not get involved as much as we wanted too considering the time we  
> put in foss4g2006 organization.
> A few month ago we made a comparison analysis of some js library  
> used for Webmapping, mainly on a poitn aof view for advanced  
> editing. We will translate the matrix to english and post it to the  
> group. It might help future thinking.
> we will try very soon to integrate OpenLayers into CartoWeb to see  
> how far we can go and major problems. On of the particularity of  
> CartoWeb is that it offers extensible server-side treatments for  
> advanced features, which would not be possible with pure OGS services.
> One of our concern is that the future unified js API's offers  
> robust extensible OO API not only for basic functions (zoom,  
> pan,..) but also for advanced features such as polygon editing with  
> snappping, and that it can be extended to interact with advanced  
> server-side treatment.
> So we are of course interested in contributing to specification of  
> this unified project.
> Claude
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Chief Technology Officer                                         |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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