[webmap-discuss] Choosing a Web Mapping Platform Wiki

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Sun Sep 24 10:40:44 EDT 2006


I struggled with wording and have no problems changing it.  Perhaps  
we need to develop a dictionary/glossary for web-mapping terms so  
that everything we talk about has some static reference point that  
(hopefully) we agree on.

For instance, client can mean:

* the application produced by a developer using the toolkit (client -  
* browser technology
* person (developer) choosing which toolkit to use
* end user of the application that the person (developer) is going to  
* person (company) hiring person (developer) to build an application  
for their clients

Expanding the matrix is a bit problematic since we are limited to two  
dimensions.  I was hoping that it would be somehow really simple.   
Perhaps the whole thing would be better presented as a flow chart and  
a series of binary questions that direct a potential developer.

In any case, I was hoping that each project would develop a project  
profile that highlighted some of the benefits, limitations and use- 
cases for their projects and that profile would include some of the  
detail that you are talking about here.

Interested in feedback ...



On 24-Sep-06, at 9:58 AM, Richard Greenwood wrote:

> I like the "Choosing a Web Mapping Platform" Wiki that Paul Spencer  
> started at:
>   http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Choosing_a_Web_Mapping_Platform
> A few questions:
> 1. Is the focus of the Wiki really a Platform, or a Client? It seems
> like the focus is on clients and a separate page might be appropriate
> for servers. Where platform = server + client.
> 2. How about an expanded matrix detailing more functionality and
> requirements like:
> - templates (managed / unmanaged) (this is in Paul's matrix)
> - consumes (OGC, proprietary, Google, etc.) (Client/Server in  
> Paul's matrix)
> - server side requirements to support the client
> - legend / layer selector
> - measure and area tools
> - digitizing
> - tiled "slippy" map panning
> - JavaScript library(s)
> - other important stuff
> Do other people see value in this level of detail?
> Would people from the various projects be willing to provide details
> for their projects?
> Can an HTML table be put into a Wiki page, or are we limited to  
> ASCII art?
> Rich
> -- 
> Richard Greenwood
> richard.greenwood at gmail.com
> www.greenwoodmap.com
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Chief Technology Officer                                         |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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