svn commit: r45 - trunk/mapbender/mb_installation.txt

uli at uli at
Thu Apr 13 16:56:48 EDT 2006

Author: uli
Date: 2006-04-13 20:56:48+0000
New Revision: 45


import Mapbender source without history

Added: trunk/mapbender/mb_installation.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/mapbender/mb_installation.txt	2006-04-13 20:56:48+0000
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+Read the description in the Mapbender Wiki
+Every Mapbender User is invited to let the Mapbender Wiki grow.
+If you want an account to edit any of these Wiki pages please write an email to info at and request for an ID and password. 
+You need a valid email address to be able to edit this Wiki. 
+-- 1. Database:
+-- MySQL --
+-- Create a Database:
+-- select the encoding to run your databse: UTF8 or Latin is possible (choose in the mapbender.conf)
+-- To Show the possible character sets:
+-- database with utf8 encoding
+create database mapbender CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ;
+-- database with ISO-8859-1 encoding 
+create database mapbender CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german1_ci ;
+-- select the database mapbender
+use mapbender
+--If you want to run Mapbender with MySQL load the following files:
+1. mysql_schema.sql 	(creates tables, keys, constraints)
+2. mysql_data.sql	(loads data)
+-- run the scripts as follow:
+source mysql_schema.sql 
+source mysql_data.sql (make sure, that you use the right sql for the right encoding)
+-- To Update the password of the user root use the following sql
+UPDATE mb_user set mb_user_password = password('root') where mb_user_name = 'root';
+-- PostgreSQL --
+-- Create a Database with Latin1 or UTF8 encoding
+If you want to run Mapbender with PostgreSQL load the following files:
+1. pgsql_schema.sql (creates tables, keys, constraints)
+2. pgsql_data.sql	(loads data)
+3. pgsql_serial_set_sequences_7x.sql or pgsql_serial_set_sequences.sql 
+(depending on wich postgresql version you use, sets the values for the sequences)
+- Zählerstand der Sequenz für Serial-Felder (Autowerte)
+-- How to load the sqls in PostgreSQL:
+psql -f pgsql_schema.sql <dbname>
+psql -f pgsql_data.sql <dbname>
+psql -f pgsql_serial_set_sequences.sql <dbname>
+Passwordencryption in PostgreSQL with md5
+If you want to get encrypted passwords you have to choose MD5 true (see mapbender.conf, default is false).
+You only can choose md5, when your PostgreSQL supports the function md5(). You can check this with the following SQL : Select md5('root'); 
+At the moment in the database mb_user.mb_user_password = 'root' (see pgsql_data.sql)
+If you want to use md5 send the following SQL to set the password in md5-encoding:
+UPDATE mb_user set mb_user_password = md5('root') where mb_user_name = 'root';
+-- 2. mapbender configuration
+configure the file mapbender.conf 
+-- check the database connection
+-- 3. print configuration
+to use the pdfprint configure the files:
+mapbender_2.2.1\http\print\printPDF.conf (if you use the print in an iframe)
+mapbender_2.2.1\http\print\printPDF_b.conf (if you use the print with a button - b for button)

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