svn commit: r93 - trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_digitize_tab.php

christoph at christoph at
Wed Apr 19 09:21:54 EDT 2006

Author: christoph
Date: 2006-04-19 13:21:54+0000
New Revision: 93


only basepoints on mapframe are calculated
wfs featuretype namespaces


Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_digitize_tab.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_digitize_tab.php	(original)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_digitize_tab.php	2006-04-19 13:21:54+0000
@@ -1,1643 +1,1873 @@
-#$Id: mod_digitize_tab.php,v 1.39 2006/04/07 15:48:13 c_baudson Exp $
-#$Header: /cvsroot/mapbender/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_digitize_tab.php,v 1.39 2006/04/07 15:48:13 c_baudson Exp $
-# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS 
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-$con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW);
-$gui_id = $_SESSION["mb_user_gui"];
-	<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-	<html>
-	<head>
-	<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
-	<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
-	<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
-	<?php
-	echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.CHARSET.'">';	
-	?>
-	<title>Digitize</title>
-	<?php
-	include '../include/dyn_css.php';
-	$con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW);
-	db_select_db(DB,$con);
-	$sql = "SELECT e_src, e_target FROM gui_element WHERE e_id = 'digitize' AND fkey_gui_id = '".$gui_id."'";
-	$res = db_query($sql);
-	$cnt = 0;
-	while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ 
-   		$e_src = $row["e_src"];
-   		$e_target = explode(",",$row["e_target"]);
-   		$cnt++;
-	}
-	if($cnt > 1){ echo "alert('digitize_button: ID not unique!');";}
-#	echo $e_target[0] . "<br>";
-#	echo $e_target[1];
-	echo "<script language='JavaScript'>";
-	echo "var mod_digitize_target = '".$e_target[0]."';";
-	echo "var mod_digitize_frame = '".$e_target[1]."';";
-//	var mod_digitize_status = 0;
-	//public
-	var mod_digitize_color1 = "white";
-	var mod_digitize_color2 = "black";
-	var mod_digitize_font = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
-	var mod_digitize_fontsize = "9px";
-	var mod_digitize_basepoint = "#8a2be2";
-	var mod_digitize_linepoint = "#ff00ff";
-	var mod_digitize_bg = "";
-	var mod_digitize_elName = "digitize";
-	var mod_digitize_frameName = "";
-	var wfsWindow;	
-	var snappingCoordinates = new Array();
-	var snappingTolerance = 12;
-	var snappedMember = -1;
-	var snappedGeometry = -1;
-	var snappedPoint = -1;
-	var snapped = false;
-	// canvas contains circles around snapping target
-	var canvas = new Array();
-	var wfs_conf = new Array();
-	var D = new Array();
-	var activeButton = null; // contains id of active button
-	var isOn = true;
-	var mod_digitize_width;
-	var mod_digitize_height;
-	var mod_digitize_Dist = new Array();
-	var mod_digitize_TotalDist = new Array();
-	var mod_digitizeSubFunctions = new Array();
-	var mod_digitizeEvent = false;
-	//currently selected basepoint
-	var basepointObject = false;
-	// stores the number of geometries in the geometry list 
-	var numberOfGeometries = 0;
-	//indices of the geometry associated with a certain basepoint
-	var basepointMemberIndex = false;
-	var basepointGeometryIndex = false;
-	var basepointPointIndex = false;
-	//when a basepoint is being dragged, the coordinates are stored
-	var basepointDragActive = false;
-	var basepointDragStartX = false;
-	var basepointDragStartY = false;
-	var basepointDragEndX = false;
-	var basepointDragEndY = false;
-	//indices of the geometry that is currently built
-	var currentMemberIndex = -1;
-	var currentGeometryIndex = -1;
-	var canvas = new Array();
-	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// --- registered functions (begin) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//		
-	// this method is called onload. these functions will be invoked whenever they are triggered by the mapObj 
-	// 
-	function registerFunctions(){
-		parent.mb_registerInitFunctions("window.frames['"+ mod_digitize_elName + "'].setStyleForTargetFrame()");
-		parent.mb_registerInitFunctions("window.frames['"+ mod_digitize_elName + "'].checkTag()");
-		parent.mb_registerSubFunctions("window.frames['"+ mod_digitize_elName + "'].drawDashedLine()");
-	}
-	//
-	// checks if a div tag with id "digitize" exists in frame mod_digitize_target.
-	// if yes, these element's attributes are set and itself is returned
-	// if not, it is created (with attributes) and returned
-	// if an element with id "digitize" exists and it is not a div tag, false is returned
-	//
-	function checkTag () {
-		var attributes = new Array();
-		attributes[0] = new Array();
-		attributes[0][0] = "style";
-		attributes[0][1] = "position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:26; font-size:10px"; 
-		node = parent.mb_checkTag(mod_digitize_target, "div", "digitize", "body", attributes);
-		if (node == false) {
-			alert("Fatal error: Element id 'digitize' is already taken!");
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	// this adds the stylesheet to the map frame
-	//
-	function setStyleForTargetFrame() {
-		var cssLink = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.createElement("link");
-		cssLink.setAttribute("href", cssUrl); 
-		cssLink.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); 
-		cssLink.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); 
-		var cssTmp = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
-		cssTmp.appendChild(cssLink);
-	}
-	// --- registered functions (end) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	function const_D(id,type){
- = id;
-		this.type = type;
-		this.x = new Array();
-		this.y = new Array();
-		this.label = "";
-		var ind = parent.getMapObjIndexByName(mod_digitize_target);
-		this.epsg = parent.mb_mapObj[ind].epsg;
-		this.units = "";
-		this.dist = new Array();
-		this.totaldist = new Array();
-		this.complete = false;
-	}
-	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// --- preload images (begin) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// up	 
-	var digitize_point_up = new Image(); digitize_point_up.src = "../img/button_digitize/text_up.png";
-	var digitize_line_up = new Image(); digitize_line_up.src = "../img/button_digitize/line_up.png";
-	var digitize_poly_up = new Image(); digitize_poly_up.src = "../img/button_digitize/poly_up.png";
-	var digitize_move_up = new Image(); digitize_move_up.src = "../img/button_digitize/move_up.png";
-	var digitize_addNode_up = new Image(); digitize_addNode_up.src = "../img/button_digitize/newNode_up.png";
-	var digitize_delNode_up = new Image(); digitize_delNode_up.src = "../img/button_digitize/delNode_up.png";
-	// down	 
-	var digitize_point_down = new Image(); digitize_point_down.src = "../img/button_digitize/text_down.png";
-	var digitize_line_down = new Image(); digitize_line_down.src = "../img/button_digitize/line_down.png";
-	var digitize_poly_down = new Image(); digitize_poly_down.src = "../img/button_digitize/poly_down.png";
-	var digitize_move_down = new Image(); digitize_move_down.src = "../img/button_digitize/move_down.png";
-	var digitize_addNode_down = new Image(); digitize_addNode_down.src = "../img/button_digitize/newNode_down.png";
-	var digitize_delNode_down = new Image(); digitize_delNode_down.src = "../img/button_digitize/delNode_down.png";
-	// --- preload images (end) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// --- button handling (begin) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	function register_button(obj) {
-		parent.mb_regButton_frame("init_digitize_button", obj, mod_digitize_elName);
-	}
-	function init_digitize_button(obj, ind){
-		parent.mb_button[ind] = obj;
-		parent.mb_button[ind].img_over = obj.src;
-		if ( == "dragBasePoint") {
-			parent.mb_button[ind].img_on = digitize_move_down.src;
-			parent.mb_button[ind].img_off = digitize_move_up.src;
-		}
-		else if ( == "setBasePoint"){
-			parent.mb_button[ind].img_on = digitize_addNode_down.src;
-			parent.mb_button[ind].img_off = digitize_addNode_up.src;
-		}
-		else if ( == "delBasePoint"){
-			parent.mb_button[ind].img_on = digitize_delNode_down.src;
-			parent.mb_button[ind].img_off = digitize_delNode_up.src;
-		}
-		else if ( == "Point"){
-			parent.mb_button[ind].img_on = digitize_point_down.src;
-			parent.mb_button[ind].img_off = digitize_point_up.src;
-		}
-		else if ( == "Line"){
-			parent.mb_button[ind].img_on = digitize_line_down.src;
-			parent.mb_button[ind].img_off = digitize_line_up.src;
-		}
-		else if ( == "Polygon"){
-			parent.mb_button[ind].img_on = digitize_poly_down.src;
-			parent.mb_button[ind].img_off = digitize_poly_up.src;
-		}
-		parent.mb_button[ind].status = 0;
-		parent.mb_button[ind].elName =;
-		parent.mb_button[ind].fName = "";
-		parent.mb_button[ind].go = new Function ("digitize_click(parent.mb_button["+ind+"])");
-		parent.mb_button[ind].stop = new Function ("digitize_disable(parent.mb_button["+ind+"])");
-	}
-	function digitize_click(obj) {
-		if ( == "dragBasePoint") {
-			activeButton =;
-			setEvent(obj);
-		}
-		else if ( == "setBasePoint"){
-			activeButton =;
-			setEvent(obj);
-		}
-		else if ( == "delBasePoint"){
-			activeButton =;
-			setEvent(obj);
-		}
-		else if ( == "Point"){
-			activeButton =;
-			obj.title = "Finish editing";
-			currentMemberIndex = -1;
-			registerGeometry(obj);
-			storeSnappingCoordinates();
-			var el = parent.frames[mod_digitize_target].document;
-			el.onmousemove = mod_digitize_go;
-		}
-		else if ( == "Line"){
-			activeButton =;
-			obj.title = "Finish editing";
-			currentMemberIndex = -1;
-			registerGeometry(obj);
-			storeSnappingCoordinates();
-			var el = parent.frames[mod_digitize_target].document;
-			el.onmousemove = mod_digitize_go;
-		}
-		else if ( == "Polygon"){
-			activeButton =;
-			obj.title = "Finish editing";
-			currentMemberIndex = -1;
-			registerGeometry(obj);
-			storeSnappingCoordinates();
-			var el = parent.frames[mod_digitize_target].document;
-			el.onmousemove = mod_digitize_go;
-		}
-	}
-	function digitize_disable(obj) {
-		if ( == "dragBasePoint") {
-		}
-		else if ( == "setBasePoint"){
-		}
-		else if ( == "delBasePoint"){
-		}
-		else if ( == "Point"){
-			activeButton = null;
-			obj.title = "Add point";
-			closeGeometry(;
-			mod_digitize_timeout();
-		}
-		else if ( == "Line"){
-			activeButton = null;
-			obj.title = "Add line";
-			closeGeometry(;
-			mod_digitize_timeout();
-		}
-		else if ( == "Polygon"){
-			activeButton = null;
-			obj.title = "Add polygon";
-			closeGeometry(;
-			mod_digitize_timeout();
-		}
-	}
-	// --- button handling (end) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	var dwin = null;
-	function mod_saveGeom() {
-		dwin ="../php/mod_wfs_save.php","dwin","width=300,height=200");
-	}
-	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// --- snapping (begin) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//
-	// deletes all snapping areas from the canvas
-	//
-	function cleanCanvas () {
-		var el = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.getElementById('mod_digi_draw');
-		if (el) el.innerHTML = "";
-	}
-	//
-	// checks if the canvas for snapping areas is present
-	// if not, it is being generated
-	//
-	function checkCanvasTag () {
-		var isTag = (parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.getElementById('mod_digi_draw'))?1:0;
-		if(isTag == 0){
-			var draw = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.createElement("div");
-			var tmp = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(draw);
-			tmp.setAttribute("id","mod_digi_draw");
-			tmp.setAttribute("style","position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:0px;height:0px;z-index:100");
-		}
-		canvas[mod_digitize_target] = new parent.jsGraphics('mod_digi_draw', parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target]);
-		canvas[mod_digitize_target].setStroke(3);
-	}
-	//
-	// draws a snapping area around a given point
-	//
-	function drawSnappingArea (centerX,centerY,radius,size) {
-		canvas[mod_digitize_target].setColor("#ff0000");
-		canvas[mod_digitize_target].drawEllipse(centerX-(size/2)*radius,centerY-(size/2)*radius,size*radius,size*radius);
-		canvas[mod_digitize_target].paint();
-	}
-	//
-	// stores the coordinates of points that may be used for snapping 
-	// in respect to the current point (the point being moved or inserted)
-	//
-	function storeSnappingCoordinates() {
-		snappingCoordinates = new Array();
-		// copy coordinates of other geometries in another array
-		var im = -1;
-		var cnt = 0;
-		for (var i = 0; i < D.length ; i++) {
-			for (var j = 0 ; j < D[i]['geometry'].length ; j++) {
-				for (var k = 0 ; k < D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length ; k++) {
-					var pos = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_digitize_target, D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k], D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k]);
-					// snap only if the two points have different coordinates
-					if (basepointDragActive == false || basepointDragActive == true && (D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k] != D[basepointMemberIndex]['geometry'][basepointGeometryIndex]['x'][basepointPointIndex] || D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k] != D[basepointMemberIndex]['geometry'][basepointGeometryIndex]['y'][basepointPointIndex])) {
-						snappingCoordinates[cnt] = new Array();
-						snappingCoordinates[cnt]['map_x'] = pos[0]; 
-						snappingCoordinates[cnt]['map_y'] = pos[1];
-						snappingCoordinates[cnt]['member'] = i;
-						snappingCoordinates[cnt]['geometry'] = j;
-						snappingCoordinates[cnt]['point'] = k;
-						cnt++;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	//
-	// checks if a point is in snapping range
-	// if yes, the snapping area is highlighted and the snapped point is stored
-	// 
-	function checkSnapped (basepointDragEndX, basepointDragEndY, defaultMouseCursor) {
-		var minDist = false;
-		var min_i = -1;
-		for (var i = 0 ; i < snappingCoordinates.length ; i++) {
-			var aDist = dist(basepointDragEndX, basepointDragEndY, snappingCoordinates[i]['map_x'], snappingCoordinates[i]['map_y']);
-			if (aDist < snappingTolerance) {
-				if (minDist == false || aDist < minDist) {
-					minDist = aDist;
-					snappedMember = snappingCoordinates[i]['member'];
-					snappedGeometry = snappingCoordinates[i]['geometry'];
-					snappedPoint = snappingCoordinates[i]['point'];
-					min_i = i;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (minDist == false || minDist > snappingTolerance) {
-			snapped = false;
-			var el = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.getElementById('mod_digi_draw');
-			if (el) el.innerHTML = "";
-		}
-		else {
-			snapped = true;
-			checkCanvasTag();
-			cleanCanvas();
-			drawSnappingArea(snappingCoordinates[min_i]['map_x'], snappingCoordinates[min_i]['map_y'], snappingTolerance, 3);
-		}
-		if (basepointObject != false) {
-			if (snapped == true) {
- = 'crosshair';
-			}
-			else {
- = defaultMouseCursor;
-			}
-			if (defaultMouseCursor == 'move') {
-				// replace basepoint by transparent blob
- = mod_digitize_width;
- = mod_digitize_height;
- = 0;
- = 0;
-				if ( {
-					// ie cannot handle backgroundColor = 'transparent'
- = "url(/../img/button_digitize/trans.png)";
-				}
-				else{
- = 'transparent';
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// --- snapping (end) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	function mod_digitize_go(e){
-		parent.mb_registerGML(mod_digitize_target,D);   
-		parent.document.getElementById(mod_digitize_elName).style.visibility = 'visible';
-		// track mouse position
-		parent.mb_getMousePos(e, mod_digitize_target);
-		checkSnapped(parent.clickX, parent.clickY, 'default');
-		var el = parent.frames[mod_digitize_target].document;
-		el.onmousedown = mod_digitize_start;
-		//el.onmousemove = mod_digitize_run;
-		var ind = parent.getMapObjIndexByName(mod_digitize_target);
-		mod_digitize_width = parent.mb_mapObj[ind].width;
-		mod_digitize_height = parent.mb_mapObj[ind].height;
-		mod_digitize_epsg = parent.mb_mapObj[ind].epsg;
-	}
-	function mod_digitize_timeout(){
-//		isOn = false;
-//		parent.document.getElementById(mod_digitize_elName).style.visibility = 'hidden';
-		var el = parent.frames[mod_digitize_target].document;
-		el.onmousedown = null;
-		el.onmouseup = null;
-		el.onmousemove = null;
-//		drawDashedLine();
-	}
-	//
-	// a new member is being generated and attached to the array D
-	//
-	function registerGeometry(type){
-		// a new geometry will be inserted
-		if (currentMemberIndex == -1) {
-			currentMemberIndex = D.length;
-			// generate a new member
-			D[currentMemberIndex] = new Array();    
-			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'] = new Array();
-			D[currentMemberIndex]['element'] = new Array();
-			D[currentMemberIndex]['wfs_conf'] = -1;
-			D[currentMemberIndex]['geomtype'] =;
-			// attach a new geometry
-			var geomInd = D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'].length;
-			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd] = new Array();
-			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'] = new Array();
-			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['y'] = new Array();
-			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['complete'] = false;
-			currentGeometryIndex = 0;
-		}
-		// a geometry will be added to an existing geometry
-		else {
-			// FIXME: check if geometry types match
-			// attach a new geometry
-			var geomInd = D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'].length;
-			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd] = new Array();
-			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'] = new Array();
-			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['y'] = new Array();
-			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['complete'] = false;
-			currentGeometryIndex = geomInd;
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	// adds a new basepoint to the geometry
-	//
-	function mod_digitize_start(e){
-		isOn = true;
-		if (currentMemberIndex != -1) {
-			// select the last geometry of the current member
-			var geomInd = D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'].length - 1;
-			// check if a proper geometry is selected	
-			if(D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['complete'] == true || (D.length == 0)){
-				if (activeButton != null) {
-					alert("No geometry selected!");
-				}
-				return true;
-			}
-			// get the mouse position and calculate real world position
-			if (snapped == true) {
-				cleanCanvas();
-				var realWorldPos = new Array();
-				realWorldPos[0] = D[snappedMember]['geometry'][snappedGeometry]['x'][snappedPoint];
-				realWorldPos[1] = D[snappedMember]['geometry'][snappedGeometry]['y'][snappedPoint];
-			}
-			else {
-				parent.mb_getMousePos(e,mod_digitize_target);
-				var realWorldPos = parent.makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(mod_digitize_target,parent.clickX,parent.clickY);
-			}
-			snapped = false;
-			if (D[currentMemberIndex]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'polygon' 
-					&& D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'].length > 1
-					&& D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'][0] == realWorldPos[0]
-					&& D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['y'][0] == realWorldPos[1]) {
-				// close the polygon
-				parent.mb_disableThisButton('Polygon');
-			}
-			else {
-				// set the calculated real world position as point of the geometry
-				xInd = D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'].length; 
-				yInd = D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['y'].length; 
-				D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'][xInd] = realWorldPos[0];
-				D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['y'][yInd] = realWorldPos[1];
-				// if the current geometry is a point, attach a label to it
-				if(D[currentMemberIndex]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'point'){
-					parent.mb_disableThisButton('Point');
-				}
-				// add first point of polygon to snapping list (if three points have been inserted).
-				if (D[currentMemberIndex]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'polygon' 
-					&& D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'].length == 3) {
-						var tempInd = snappingCoordinates.length;
-						var pos = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_digitize_target, D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'][0], D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['y'][0]);
-						snappingCoordinates[tempInd] = new Array();
-						snappingCoordinates[tempInd]['map_x'] = pos[0]; 
-						snappingCoordinates[tempInd]['map_y'] = pos[1];
-						snappingCoordinates[tempInd]['member'] = currentMemberIndex;
-						snappingCoordinates[tempInd]['geometry'] = geomInd;
-						snappingCoordinates[tempInd]['point'] = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			drawDashedLine();
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	//
-	// finishes a geometry by labelling it complete.
-	// if no coordinates have been added, the geometry is discarded.
-	//
-	// when a polygon is built and the polygon button is clicked again, the 
-	// polygon will be closed by connecting the last to the first point.
-	// Actually, the first point is stored twice at index '0' and index 'length'
-	//
-	function closeGeometry(obj_id){
-		var i = currentMemberIndex;
-		var j = currentGeometryIndex;
-		if(!isOn){ return; };
-		D[i]['geometry'][j]['complete'] = true;
-		var tmpLength = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length;
-		// if no geometries have been inserted, delete the geometry or member
-		if (tmpLength == 0) {
-			if (j == 0) {
-				D.length--;
-			}
-			else {
-				D[i]['geometry'].length--;
-			}
-		}
-		if (obj_id == "Polygon") {
-			if (tmpLength > 0) {
-				D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][tmpLength] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][0];
-				D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][tmpLength] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][0];
-			}
-		}
-		drawDashedLine();
-	}
-	//
-	// displays *all* digitized geometries
-	//	
-	function drawDashedLine(){
-		var smP = "";
-		smP += "<div class='t_img'>";
-		smP += "<img src='"+parent.mb_trans.src+"' width='"+mod_digitize_width+"' height='0'></div>";
-		smP += "<div class='t_img'>";
-		smP += "<img   src='"+parent.mb_trans.src+"' width='0' height='"+mod_digitize_height+"'></div>";
-		// *all* members will be painted
-		for(var i=0; i<D.length; i++){
-			// paint all geometries of member i 
-			for(var j=0; j<D[i]['geometry'].length; j++){
-				//
-				// paint the basepoints
-				//
-				for(var k=0; k<D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length; k++){
-					// calculate screen position from real world coordinates
-					var pos = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_digitize_target,D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k],D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k]);
-					// if this geometry is a point
-					if(D[i]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == "point"){
-						// smP += "<div class='label' style='top:"+(pos[1]-6)+"px;left:"+(pos[0])+"px;z-index:50;'>"+D[i]['label']+"</div>";
-					}
-					smP += "<div class='bp' style='top:"+(pos[1]-2)+"px;left:"+(pos[0]-2)+"px;z-index:50;'";
-					if(j==0 && D[i]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'polygon' && D[i]['geometry'][j]['complete'] == false){
-						smP += " title='to close polygon, release the polygon button on the left' ";
-					}
-					if(isOn){
-						smP += " onmouseover='parent.window.frames[\""+mod_digitize_elName+"\"].handleBasepoint(this,"+i+","+j+","+k+")' ;";
-					}
-					smP += "></div>";
-				}
-				//
-				// paint the lines between basepoints
-				//
-				for(var k = 1; k < D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length; k++){
-					var pos0 = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_digitize_target, D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k]  , D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k]);
-					var pos1 = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_digitize_target, D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k-1], D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k-1]);
-					smP += evaluateDashes(pos1[0], pos1[1], pos0[0], pos0[1], i, j, k);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		parent.writeTag(mod_digitize_target,"digitize",smP);
-		updateListOfGeometries();
-	}
-	//
-	// this function calculates the line points between start and end
-	//
-	function evaluateDashes(startX, startY, endX, endY, memberIndex, geomIndex, pointIndex){
-		var str_dashedLine = "";
-		var deltaX = endX - startX; 
-		var deltaY = endY - startY;
-		// s = distance between two linepoints
-		var s = 10;
-		var vecLength = dist(startX, startY, endX, endY);
-		var n = Math.round(vecLength/s);
-		var stepX =  deltaX/n;
-		var stepY =  deltaY/n;
-		for(var i=1; i<n; i++){
-			var x = Math.round(startX + i * stepX) - 2;
-			var y = Math.round(startY + i * stepY) - 2;
-			if(x >= 0 && x <= mod_digitize_width && y >= 0 && y <= mod_digitize_height){
-				str_dashedLine += "<div class='lp' style='top:"+y+"px;left:"+x+"px;z-index:50;' ";
-				if(isOn){
-					str_dashedLine += "onmouseover='parent.window.frames[\""+mod_digitize_elName+"\"].convertLinepointToBasepoint(this,"+memberIndex+","+geomIndex+","+pointIndex+")'>";
-				}
-				str_dashedLine += "</div>";
-			}
-		}
-		return str_dashedLine;
-	}
-	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// --- basepoint handling (begin) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//
-	// this function checks what to do with a basepoint that is currently under 
-	// the mouse pointer.
-	// Depending on what action is intended, other methods are invoked.
-	//
-	function handleBasepoint(Obj,memberIndex,geometryIndex,pointIndex){
-		if(!isOn){ return false; };
-		// set the global variables that will be used in deleteBasepoint etc.
-		basepointObject = Obj;
-		basepointMemberIndex = memberIndex;
-		basepointGeometryIndex = geometryIndex;
-		basepointPointIndex = pointIndex;
-		if(mod_digitizeEvent == "dragBasePoint" && activeButton == 'dragBasePoint'){
-			mod_digitize_timeout();
- = 'move';
-			basepointObject.onmousedown = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_elName].selectBasepoint;
-		}
-		if(mod_digitizeEvent == false && D[memberIndex]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'polygon' && D[memberIndex]['geometry'][geometryIndex].complete == false){
-			basepointObject.onmousedown = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_elName].closeGeometry("Polygon");
-		}
-		if(mod_digitizeEvent == "delBasePoint" && activeButton == 'delBasePoint'){
-			mod_digitize_timeout();
- = 'crosshair';
-			basepointObject.onmousedown = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_elName].deleteBasepoint;
-		}
-	}
-	function deleteBasepoint(e){
-		var i = basepointMemberIndex;
-		var j = basepointGeometryIndex;
-		var k = basepointPointIndex;
-		var xCoord = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k];
-		var yCoord = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k];
-		var deleted = false;
-		while (deleted == false) {
-			var continueFor = true;
-			deleted = true;
-			//find points of other geometries with the same coordinates and delete them as well
-			for (var l = 0 ; l < D.length && continueFor == true; l ++) {
-				for (var m = 0; m < D[l]['geometry'].length && continueFor == true; m++) {
-					for (var n = 0; n < D[l]['geometry'][m]['x'].length && continueFor == true ; n++) {
-						if (D[l]['geometry'][m]['x'][n] == xCoord && D[l]['geometry'][m]['y'][n] == yCoord) {
-							deletePoint(l,m,n);
-							continueFor = false;
-							deleted = false;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			} 
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	// deletes the point at the i-th member, j-th geometry, k-th point
-	//
-	function deletePoint (i,j,k) {
-		//
-		// the last point is being deleted...
-		//
-		if ( (k == 0 || (D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length - k) == 1) && D[i]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'polygon') {
-			// if the last basepoint of a polygon is being deleted,
-			// the first basepoint is now set to be the last but one as well,
-			// in order to close the polygon
-			// Shorten the array by one
-			D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length - 1;
-			D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'].length = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'].length - 1;
-			// if only one point is left (which has been stored twice), remove it as well
-			if (D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length == 1) {
-				D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length = 0;
-				D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'].length = 0;
-			}
-			// point that will be deleted is not the only point of the geometry
-			else {
-				// place a copy of the last point at index 0
-				var tmpIndex = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length - 1;
-				D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][0] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][tmpIndex];
-				D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][0] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][tmpIndex];
-			}
-		}
-		//
-		// a point that is *not* the last point of a geometry is being deleted
-		//
-		else {
-			// move basepoints behind deleted basepoints up by one... 
-			for(var z= k; z<D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length-1; z++){
-				D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][z] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][z+1];
-				D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][z] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][z+1];
-			}
-			// ...and adjust length of the array
-			D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length - 1;
-			D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'].length = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'].length - 1;
-		}
-		//
-		// if all basepoints of this geometry have been deleted...
-		//
-		if (D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length == 0) {
-			deleteGeometry(i, j);
-		}
-		else {
-			drawDashedLine();
-			//resetButtonsIfNoMembersLeft();
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	// deletes the geometry at index 'indexGeometry' of member at index 'indexmember' of D
-	//
-	function deleteGeometry (indexMember, indexGeometry) {
-		var i = indexMember;
-		var j = indexGeometry;
-		//
-		// check whether the deleted geometry is the only geometry of the member...
-		//
-		if (D[i]['geometry'].length == 1) {
-			deleteMember(i);
-		}
-		//
-		// ...if not, move other geometries one spot up
-		//
-		else {
-			var tmpLength = D[i]['geometry'].length - 1;
-			for (var z = j; z < tmpLength ; z ++) {
-				D[i]['geometry'][z] = D[i]['geometry'][z+1];
-				D[i]['element'][z] = D[i]['element'][z+1];
-			}
-			D[i]['geometry'].length -= 1;
-			drawDashedLine();
-			resetButtonsIfNoMembersLeft();
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	// deletes the member of D at index 'index''
-	//
-	function deleteMember (index) {
-		// delete geometry itself...
-		for(var z = index ; z < D.length - 1; z++){
-			D[z] = D[z+1];
-		}
-		// ... and adjust length of geometry array
-		D.length -= 1;
-		drawDashedLine();
-	}
-	//
-	// this function is invoked when the mouse is over a linepoint.
-	// When the mouse is clicked, the method insert basepoint is 
-	// called.
-	//
-	function convertLinepointToBasepoint(obj, memberIndex, geomIndex, pointIndex){
-		if(!isOn){ return false; };
-		if(mod_digitizeEvent == "setBasePoint" && activeButton == 'setBasePoint'){
-			mod_digitize_timeout();
- = 'crosshair';
-			obj.onclick = insertBasepoint;
-			basepointObject = obj;
-			basepointMemberIndex = memberIndex;
-			basepointGeometryIndex = geomIndex;
-			basepointPointIndex = pointIndex;
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	// this function inserts a new basepoint into the geometry.
-	// the basepoint is a former linepoint.
-	//
-	function insertBasepoint(e){
-		var i = basepointMemberIndex;
-		var j = basepointGeometryIndex;
-		var k = basepointPointIndex;
-		parent.mb_getMousePos(e, mod_digitize_target);
-		var pos = parent.makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(mod_digitize_target,parent.clickX, parent.clickY);
-		for(var z = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length; z > k; z--){
-			D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][z] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][z-1];
-			D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][z] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][z-1];
-		}
-		D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k] = pos[0];
-		D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k] = pos[1];
-		drawDashedLine();
-	}
-	// 
-	// when a basepoint move is intended, this function is invoked when the mouse button
-	// is pressed. It stores the start coordinates in a global variable and sets
-	// the global basepointDragActive to true, so other modules know that a basepoint is
-	// currently being dragged
-	//
-	function selectBasepoint(e){
-		if(basepointDragActive == false && mod_digitizeEvent == "dragBasePoint"){
-			basepointDragActive = true;
-			storeSnappingCoordinates();
-			basepointObject.onmouseup = releaseBasepoint;
-			basepointObject.onmousemove = dragBasepoint;
-		}
-	}
-	function dist (startX, startY, endX, endY) {
-		var deltaX = endX - startX; 
-		var deltaY = endY - startY;
-		return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaY,2) + Math.pow(deltaX,2)) ;
-	}
-	//
-	// when a basepoint is being dragged and the mouse button is down,
-	// this function will track the mouse position.
-	// instead of the basepoint, a transparent object the size of the 
-	// mapframe is being displayed
-	//
-	function dragBasepoint(e){
-		if(basepointDragActive){
-			parent.mb_getMousePos(e, mod_digitize_target);
-			checkSnapped(parent.clickX, parent.clickY, 'move');
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	// checks if a geometry has identical neighbour points
-	//
-	function removeDuplicates(i, j) {
-		var length1 = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length;
-		var continueFor = true;
-		for (var k = 2; k < length1 && continueFor == true ; k++) {
-			if (D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k] == D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k-1] && D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k] == D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k-1] ) {
-				deletePoint(i,j,k-1);
-				continueFor = false;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	// when a basepoint is being dragged and the mouse button is released, 
-	// this function is invoked and the geometry will be updated
-	//
-	function releaseBasepoint(e){
-		var i = basepointMemberIndex;
-		var j = basepointGeometryIndex;
-		var k = basepointPointIndex;
-		basepointDragActive = false;
-		parent.mb_getMousePos(e, mod_digitize_target);
-		basepointDragEndX = parent.clickX;
-		basepointDragEndY = parent.clickY;
-		basepointObject.onmousedown = null;
-		var pos = parent.makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(mod_digitize_target, basepointDragEndX, basepointDragEndY);
-		if (snapped == true) {
-			cleanCanvas();
-			pos[0] = D[snappedMember]['geometry'][snappedGeometry]['x'][snappedPoint];
-			pos[1] = D[snappedMember]['geometry'][snappedGeometry]['y'][snappedPoint];
-		}
-		if ( (k == D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length - 1 || k == 0) && D[i]['geometry'][j]['complete'] == true && D[i]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'polygon') {
-			D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][0] = pos[0];
-			D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][0] = pos[1];
-		}
-		// check if there are points in other geometries with the same coordinates
-		for (var l = 0; l < D.length ; l++) {
-			for (var m = 0 ; m < D[l]['geometry'].length ; m++) {
-				for (n = 0 ; n < D[l]['geometry'][m]['x'].length ; n++) {
-					if ((l != i || m != j) && D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k] == D[l]['geometry'][m]['x'][n] && D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k] == D[l]['geometry'][m]['y'][n]) {
-						D[l]['geometry'][m]['x'][n] = pos[0];
-						D[l]['geometry'][m]['y'][n] = pos[1];
-						if (snapped == true) {
-							removeDuplicates(l,m);
-						}
-					}			
-				}					
-			}
-		}
-		D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k] = pos[0];
-		D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k] = pos[1];
-		if (snapped == true) {
-			removeDuplicates(i,j);
-		}
-		snapped = false;
-		drawDashedLine();
-	}
-	// --- basepoint handling (end) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	// 
-	// clones a given object
-	//
-	function cloneObject (someArray) {
-		var a = someArray;
-		var z = new Array();
-		for (attr in a) {
-			var b = a[attr];
-			if (typeof(b) == "object") {
-				z[attr] = cloneObject(b);
-			}
-			else {
-				z[attr] = b;
-			}
-		}	
-		return z;
-	}
-	//
-	// clones a given geometry array
-	//
-	function cloneGeometryArray(originalArray) {
-		z = cloneObject(originalArray);
-		// add the attribute 'complete' for every geometry
-		for (var i = 0 ; i < originalArray['geometry'].length ; i ++) {
-			z['geometry'][i]['complete'] = true;
-		}
-	    return z;
-	}
-	//
-	// a given geometry object is appended to the member array
-	//
-	function addMember(newMember) {
-		var index = D.length; 
-		D[index] = new Array();
-		D[index] = cloneGeometryArray(newMember);
-		mod_digitize_go();
-		drawDashedLine();
-	}	
-	function setEvent(obj){
-		mod_digitizeEvent =;
-	}
-	function delEvent(){
-		mod_digitizeEvent = false;
-		mod_digitize_go();
-	}
-	// 
-	// displays an object
-	// (may not be essential, but useful for debugging)
-	// 
-	function displayObject (someArray) {
-		var a = someArray;
-		var str = "";
-		for (attr in a) {
-			b = a[attr];
-			if (typeof(b) == "object") {
-				str += "<br>" + attr + "<br>";
-				str += displayObject(b);
-			}
-			else {
-				str += attr + ": " + b + "<br>";
-			}
-		}	
-		return str;
-	}
-	//
-	// returns a form with the elements of a selected wfs
-	// (if the original wfs is the selected wfs, the values are set too)
-	//
-	function buildElementForm (wfsConfIndex, memberIndex) {
-		var selMember = memberIndex;
-		// if the selected wfs is not the original wfs,
-		// the form template, updating and deleting are disabled.
-		if (parseInt(D[memberIndex]['wfs_conf']) != parseInt(wfsConfIndex)) {
-			memberIndex = -1;
-		}
-		var str = "";
-		// the wfs conf needs to have a gid and a geom, otherwise saving does not work
-		var gid = false;
-		var geom = false;
-		var wfs = wfs_conf[wfsConfIndex];
-		var memEl;
-		if (parseInt(memberIndex) != -1) {
-			 memEl = D[memberIndex]['element'];
-		}
-		// search attribute 'element' in wfsConfArray
-		for (attr in wfs) {
-			if (attr == "element") {
-				str += "<form id='wfs_conf'>\n\t<table>\n";
-				b = wfs[attr];
-				// get the 'element name' of wfsConfArray['element'][i]
-				for (var i = 0 ; i < b.length ; i ++) {
-					var c = b[i];
-					var wfsElementName = c['element_name'];
-					// don't display geoms
-					if (parseInt(c['f_geom']) != 1) {
-						if (parseInt(wfs['element'][i]['f_gid']) == 1) {
-							gid = wfsElementName;
-						}
-						//
-						// display the element name and an input row for its value
-						//
-						str += "\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n";
-						str += "\t\t\t\t" + wfsElementName + "\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td colspan = 2>\n";
-						str += "\t\t\t\t<input name='" + wfsElementName + "' type='text' size=20 ";
-						// only if the selected wfs is the original wfs!
-						if (parseInt(memberIndex) != -1) {
-							//
-							// get the 'element name' of memberArray['element'][j]
-							//
-							for (var j = 0 ; j < memEl.length ; j ++) {
-								currentElementName = memEl[j]['name'];
-								//
-								// if the element is in both objects, display the value as default
-								//
-								if (currentElementName == wfsElementName) {
-									str += "value = '" + memEl[j]['val'] + "' ";
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						str += ">\n";
-						str += "\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n";
-					}
-					else {
-						geom = wfsElementName;
-					}
-				}
-				//
-				// generating buttons "save", "update", "delete"
-				//
-				// a wfs_transaction url is required.
-				if (wfs['wfs_transaction']) {
-					str += "\t\t<tr>\n";
-					// if not all buttons will be generated, the missing columns will be generated afterwards.
-					var colspan = 0;
-					if (geom) {
-						str += "\t\t\t<td><input type='button' name='saveButton' value='Save' onclick='window.opener.saveGeom("+selMember+")' /></td>\n";
-					}
-					else {
-						colspan++;
-					}
-					if (parseInt(memberIndex) != -1 && gid) {
-						if (geom) {
-							str += "\t\t\t<td><input type='button' name='updateButton' value='Update' onclick='window.opener.updateGeom("+selMember+")'/></td>\n";
-						}
-						else {
-							colspan++;
-						}
-						str += "\t\t\t<td><input type='button' name='deleteButton' value='Delete' onclick='window.opener.deleteGeom("+selMember+")'/></td>\n";
-					}
-					else {
-						colspan++;
-					}
-					if (colspan > 0 && colspan < 3) {
-						str += "\t\t\t<td colspan = " + colspan + "></td>\n";
-					}
-					str += "\t\t</tr>";
-				}
-				str += "\t</table>\n";
-//				str += "<input type='text' name='mb_geom'>";
-//				str += "<input type='text' name='mb_wfs_conf'>";
-				str += "</form>\n";
-			}
-		}
-		return str;
-	}
-	//
-	// this method opens a new window and displays the attributes in wfs_conf
-	//
-	function showWfs(index) {
-		wfsWindow = open("", "wfsattributes", "width=300, height=300, resizable, dependent=yes, scrollbars=yes");
-		wfs_conf = parent.get_complete_wfs_conf();
-		var str = "";
-		var defaultIndex = -1;
-		str += "<form id='wfs'>\n\t<select name='wfs' size='" + wfs_conf.length + "'";
-		str += " onChange='document.getElementById(\"elementForm\").innerHTML = window.opener.buildElementForm(this.value , " + index + ")'";
-		str += ">\n\t\t";
-		for (var attr in wfs_conf) {
-			str += "<option value='" + attr + "'";
-			// if the geometry is already associated with a wfs
-			if (parseInt(D[index]['wfs_conf']) == parseInt(attr)) {
-				str += " selected";
-				defaultIndex = parseInt(attr);
-			}
-			str += ">" + wfs_conf[attr]['wfs_conf_abstract'];
-			str += "</option>\n\t\t";
-		}
-		str += "</select>\n\t\t</form>\n\t";
-		str += "<div id='elementForm'>\n</div>\n";
-		wfsWindow.document.write(str);
-		wfsWindow.document.close();
-		if (defaultIndex != -1) {
-			wfsWindow.document.getElementById("elementForm").innerHTML = buildElementForm(defaultIndex, index);
-		}
-	}
-	//
-	// updates the list of geometries.
-	// this function is invoked only at the end of drawDashedLines()
-	// 
-	function updateListOfGeometries () {
-		var listOfGeom = "";
-		if (D.length > 0) {
-			listOfGeom += "<table>\n";
-		}
-		for (var i = 0 ; i < D.length; i ++) {
-			listOfGeom += "\t<tr>\n";
-			listOfGeom += "\t\t<td>\n";
-			listOfGeom += "\t\t\t<img src = '../img/button_digitize/geomInfo.png' title='WFS conf' onclick='showWfs("+i+")'>\n";
-			listOfGeom += "\t\t</td>\n";
-			listOfGeom += "\t\t<td>\n";
-			listOfGeom += "\t\t\t<img src = '../img/button_digitize/geomRemove.png' title='delete this " + D[i]['geomtype'] + "' onclick='deleteMember("+i+")'>\n";
-			listOfGeom += "\t\t</td>\n";
-			listOfGeom += "\t\t<td style = 'color:blue'>\n";
-			listOfGeom += "\t\t\t<div onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",D["+i+"])' ";
-			listOfGeom += " onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",D["+i+"])' ";
-			// if a geometry is a wfs result -> zoom to geometry
-			if (D[i]['wfs_conf'] != -1) {
-				listOfGeom += " onclick='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"click\",D["+i+"]);' ";
-			}
-			// ... a geometry has been digitized by hand -> zoom to first point (FIXME: zooming to the entire geometry would be better)
-			else{
-				listOfGeom += " onclick='parent.zoom(mod_digitize_target,\"true\", 1.0, " + D[i]['geometry'][0]['x'][0] + ", " + D[i]['geometry'][0]['y'][0] + ");' ";
-			}
-			var geomName = parent.getElementValueByName(D, i, "name"); 
-			if (!geomName) {
-				geomName = "new";
-			}
-			var suffix = " ";
-			if (D[i]['geomtype'] == "Polygon") {
-				suffix += "(Py)";
-			}
-			else if (D[i]['geomtype'] == "Line") {
-				suffix += "(Li)";
-			}
-			if (D[i]['geomtype'] == "Point") {
-				suffix += "(Pt)";
-			}
-			listOfGeom += ">" + geomName + suffix +"</div>";
-			listOfGeom += "\t\t</td>\n";
-		}
-		if (D.length > 0) {
-			listOfGeom += "</table>\n";
-		}
-		parent.writeTag(mod_digitize_elName,"listOfGeometries",listOfGeom);
-	}
-function saveGeom(m){
-	var myform = wfsWindow.document.forms[0];
-	var ind = myform.wfs.selectedIndex;
-	var wfs = myform.wfs.options[ind].value;
-	myform = wfsWindow.document.forms[1];
-	D[m]['wfs_conf'] = wfs;
-	D[m]['element'] = new Array();
-	D[m]['element']['name'] = new Array();
-	D[m]['element']['val'] = new Array();
-	var cnt = 0;	
-	for( var i=0; i<myform.length; i++){
-		if(myform.elements[i].type == 'text'){
-			D[m]['element'][cnt] = new Array();
-			D[m]['element'][cnt]['name'] =  myform.elements[i].name;
-			D[m]['element'][cnt]['val'] =  myform.elements[i].value;
-			cnt++;
-		}
-	}
-//	alert(wfs_conf[D[m]['wfs_conf']]['wfs_transaction']);
-	var myconf = wfs_conf[D[m]['wfs_conf']];
-	document.sendForm.url.value = myconf['wfs_transaction'];
-	var str = '<wfs:Transaction version="1.0.0" service="WFS" xmlns="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:wfs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=";typename=mapbender_user" xmlns:topp="">';
-	str += '<wfs:Insert>';
-	str += '<'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'>';
-	for(var i=0; i<D[m]['element'].length; i++){
-		if(D[m]['element'][i]['val'] != ""){
-			var tmp = D[m]['element'][i]['name'];
-			str += '<' + tmp  + '>';
-			str += D[m]['element'][i]['val'];
-			str += '</' + tmp  + '>';
-		}
-	}
-	for(var j=0; j<myconf['element'].length; j++){
-		if(myconf['element'][j]['f_geom'] == 1){
-			var el_geom = myconf['element'][j]['element_name'];	
-		}
-	}
-	str += '<' + el_geom + '>';	
-//	if(dig.D[0].type == 'text'){
-//		str += '<gml:Point srsName="epsg:4326">';
-//		str += '<gml:coordinates>';
-//		str += dig.D[0].x[0] + "," + dig.D[0].y[0]; 
-//		str += '</gml:coordinates>';
-//		str += '</gml:Point>';		
-//	}
-//	if(dig.D[0].type == 'line'){
-//		str += '<gml:MultiLineString srsName="epsg:4326">';
-//		str += '<gml:lineStringMember>';
-//		str += '<gml:LineString>';		
-//		str += '<gml:coordinates>';
-//		for(var k=0; k<dig.D[0].x.length; k++){
-//			if(k>0){
-//				str += " ";	
-//			}
-//			str += dig.D[0].x[k] + "," + dig.D[0].y[k];
-//		} 
-//		str += '</gml:coordinates>';
-//		str += '</gml:LineString>';
-//		str += '</gml:lineStringMember>';
-//		str += '</gml:MultiLineString>';
-//	}
-	if(D[m]['geomtype'] == 'Polygon'){
-		str += '<gml:MultiPolygon srsName="epsg:4326">';
-		str += '<gml:polygonMember>';
-		str += '<gml:Polygon>';
-		str += '<gml:outerBoundaryIs>';
-		str += '<gml:LinearRing>';
-		str += '<gml:coordinates>';
-		for(var k=0; k<D[m]['geometry'][0]['x'].length; k++){
-			if(k>0){
-				str += " ";	
-			}
-			str += D[m]['geometry'][0]['x'][k] + "," + D[m]['geometry'][0]['y'][k];
-		} 
-		str += '</gml:coordinates>';
-		str += '</gml:LinearRing>';
-		str += '</gml:outerBoundaryIs>';
-		str += '</gml:Polygon>';
-		str += '</gml:polygonMember>';
-		str += '</gml:MultiPolygon>';
-	}
-	str += '</' + el_geom + '>';
-	str += '</'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'>';
-	str += '</wfs:Insert>';
-	str += '</wfs:Transaction>';
-	document.forms[1].filter.value = str;
-	document.forms[1].submit();
-	return false;
-function updateGeom(m){
-	var myid_value;
-	var myform = wfsWindow.document.forms[0];
-	var ind = myform.wfs.selectedIndex;
-	var wfs = myform.wfs.options[ind].value;
-	myform = wfsWindow.document.forms[1];
-	D[m]['wfs_conf'] = wfs;
-	D[m]['element'] = new Array();
-	D[m]['element']['name'] = new Array();
-	D[m]['element']['val'] = new Array();
-	var cnt = 0;	
-	for( var i=0; i<myform.length; i++){
-		if(myform.elements[i].type == 'text'){
-			D[m]['element'][cnt] = new Array();
-			D[m]['element'][cnt]['name'] =  myform.elements[i].name;
-			D[m]['element'][cnt]['val'] =  myform.elements[i].value;
-			if(D[m]['element'][cnt]['name'] == 'gid'){
-				myid_value = D[m]['element'][cnt]['val']; 
-			}
-			cnt++;
-		}
-	}
-//	alert(wfs_conf[D[m]['wfs_conf']]['wfs_transaction']);
-	var myconf = wfs_conf[D[m]['wfs_conf']];
-	document.sendForm.url.value = myconf['wfs_transaction'];
-	var str = '<wfs:Transaction version="1.0.0" service="WFS" xmlns="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:wfs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=";typename=mapbender_user" xmlns:topp="">';
-	str += '<wfs:Update typeName="'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'">';
-	for(var i=0; i<D[m]['element'].length; i++){
-		if(D[m]['element'][i]['val'] != ""){
-			str += '<wfs:Property>';
-			str += '<wfs:Name>'+D[m]['element'][i]['name']+'</wfs:Name>';
-			str += '<wfs:Value>'+D[m]['element'][i]['val']+'</wfs:Value>';
-			str += '</wfs:Property>';
-		}
-	}
-	for(var j=0; j<myconf['element'].length; j++){
-		if(myconf['element'][j]['f_geom'] == 1){
-			var el_geom = myconf['element'][j]['element_name'];	
-		}
-	}
-//	str += '<' + el_geom + '>';	
-//	if(dig.D[0].type == 'text'){
-//		str += '<gml:Point srsName="epsg:4326">';
-//		str += '<gml:coordinates>';
-//		str += dig.D[0].x[0] + "," + dig.D[0].y[0]; 
-//		str += '</gml:coordinates>';
-//		str += '</gml:Point>';		
-//	}
-//	if(dig.D[0].type == 'line'){
-//		str += '<gml:MultiLineString srsName="epsg:4326">';
-//		str += '<gml:lineStringMember>';
-//		str += '<gml:LineString>';		
-//		str += '<gml:coordinates>';
-//		for(var k=0; k<dig.D[0].x.length; k++){
-//			if(k>0){
-//				str += " ";	
-//			}
-//			str += dig.D[0].x[k] + "," + dig.D[0].y[k];
-//		} 
-//		str += '</gml:coordinates>';
-//		str += '</gml:LineString>';
-//		str += '</gml:lineStringMember>';
-//		str += '</gml:MultiLineString>';
-//	}
-	if(D[m]['geomtype'] == 'Polygon'){
-		str += '<wfs:Property>';
-		str += '<wfs:Name>' + el_geom + '</wfs:Name>';
-		str += '<wfs:Value>';
-		str += '<gml:MultiPolygon srsName="epsg:4326">';
-		str += '<gml:polygonMember>';
-		str += '<gml:Polygon>';
-		str += '<gml:outerBoundaryIs>';
-		str += '<gml:LinearRing>';
-		str += '<gml:coordinates>';
-		for(var k=0; k<D[m]['geometry'][0]['x'].length; k++){
-			if(k>0){
-				str += " ";	
-			}
-			str += D[m]['geometry'][0]['x'][k] + "," + D[m]['geometry'][0]['y'][k];
-		} 
-		str += '</gml:coordinates>';
-		str += '</gml:LinearRing>';
-		str += '</gml:outerBoundaryIs>';
-		str += '</gml:Polygon>';
-		str += '</gml:polygonMember>';
-		str += '</gml:MultiPolygon>';
-		str += '</wfs:Value>';
-		str += '</wfs:Property>';
-	}
-//	str += '</' + el_geom + '>';
-	str += '<ogc:Filter>';
-	str += '<ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>';
-	str += '<ogc:PropertyName>gid</ogc:PropertyName>';
-	str += '<ogc:Literal>'+myid_value+'</ogc:Literal>';
-	str += '</ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>';
-	str += '</ogc:Filter>';
-	str += '</wfs:Update>';
-	str += '</wfs:Transaction>';
-	document.forms[1].filter.value = str;
-	//prompt("",str);
-	document.forms[1].submit();
-	return false;
-function deleteGeom(m){
-	var myid_value;
-	var myform = wfsWindow.document.forms[0];
-	var ind = myform.wfs.selectedIndex;
-	var wfs = myform.wfs.options[ind].value;
-	myform = wfsWindow.document.forms[1];
-	D[m]['wfs_conf'] = wfs;
-	D[m]['element'] = new Array();
-	D[m]['element']['name'] = new Array();
-	D[m]['element']['val'] = new Array();
-	var cnt = 0;	
-	for( var i=0; i<myform.length; i++){
-		if(myform.elements[i].type == 'text'){
-			D[m]['element'][cnt] = new Array();
-			D[m]['element'][cnt]['name'] =  myform.elements[i].name;
-			D[m]['element'][cnt]['val'] =  myform.elements[i].value;
-			if(D[m]['element'][cnt]['name'] == 'gid'){
-				myid_value = D[m]['element'][cnt]['val']; 
-			}
-			cnt++;
-		}
-	}
-//	alert(wfs_conf[D[m]['wfs_conf']]['wfs_transaction']);
-	var myconf = wfs_conf[D[m]['wfs_conf']];
-	document.sendForm.url.value = myconf['wfs_transaction'];
-	var str = '<wfs:Transaction version="1.0.0" service="WFS" xmlns="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:wfs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=";typename=mapbender_user" xmlns:topp="">';
-	str += '<wfs:Delete typeName="'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'">';
-	for(var j=0; j<myconf['element'].length; j++){
-		if(myconf['element'][j]['f_geom'] == 1){
-			var el_geom = myconf['element'][j]['element_name'];	
-		}
-	}
-	str += '<ogc:Filter>';
-	str += '<ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>';
-	str += '<ogc:PropertyName>gid</ogc:PropertyName>';
-	str += '<ogc:Literal>'+myid_value+'</ogc:Literal>';
-	str += '</ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>';
-	str += '</ogc:Filter>';
-	str += '</wfs:Delete>';
-	str += '</wfs:Transaction>';
-	document.forms[1].filter.value = str;
-	//prompt("",str);
-	document.forms[1].submit();
-	return false;
-	</script>
-	</head>
-	<body onload="registerFunctions()">
-	<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' align = center>
-	<tr>
-		<td>
-			<form name='dig'>
-			<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='2'>
-				<tr>
-					<td>
-					<img  name='Point' onmouseover='register_button(this)' id='Point' title="Add point" src = '../img/button_digitize/text_up.png'>
-					</td>
-					<td>
-					<img  name='Line' onmouseover='register_button(this)' id='Line'  title="Add line" src = '../img/button_digitize/line_up.png'>
-					</td>
-					<td>
-					<img  name='Polygon' onmouseover='register_button(this)' id='Polygon' title="Add polygon" src = '../img/button_digitize/poly_up.png'>
-					</td>
-					<td>
-					&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-					</td>
-					<td>
-					<img  name='dragBasePoint' onmouseover='register_button(this)' id='dragBasePoint' title="Move node" src = '../img/button_digitize/move_up.png'>
-					</td>
-					<td>
-					<img  name='setBasePoint' onmouseover='register_button(this)' id='setBasePoint' title="Add node" src = '../img/button_digitize/newNode_up.png'>
-					</td>
-					<td>
-					<img  name='delBasePoint' onmouseover='register_button(this)' id='delBasePoint' title="Delete node" src = '../img/button_digitize/delNode_up.png'>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-			</table>
-			</form>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	</table>
-	<div id = 'listOfGeometries'></div>
-	<form name='sendForm' action='../extensions/geom2wfst.php' method='POST' TARGET='_blank'>
-		<input type='hidden' name='url'>
-		<input type='hidden' name='filter'>
-	</form>
-	</body>
+#$Id: mod_digitize_tab.php,v 1.39 2006/04/07 15:48:13 c_baudson Exp $
+#$Header: /cvsroot/mapbender/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_digitize_tab.php,v 1.39 2006/04/07 15:48:13 c_baudson Exp $
+# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS 
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+$con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW);
+$gui_id = $_SESSION["mb_user_gui"];
+	<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+	<html>
+	<head>
+	<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
+	<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
+	<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
+	<?php
+	echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.CHARSET.'">';	
+	?>
+	<title>Digitize</title>
+	<?php
+	include '../include/dyn_css.php';
+	$con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW);
+	db_select_db(DB,$con);
+	$sql = "SELECT e_src, e_target FROM gui_element WHERE e_id = 'digitize' AND fkey_gui_id = '".$gui_id."'";
+	$res = db_query($sql);
+	$cnt = 0;
+	while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ 
+   		$e_src = $row["e_src"];
+   		$e_target = explode(",",$row["e_target"]);
+   		$cnt++;
+	}
+	if($cnt > 1){ echo "alert('digitize_button: ID not unique!');";}
+#	echo $e_target[0] . "<br>";
+#	echo $e_target[1];
+	echo "<script language='JavaScript'>";
+	echo "var mod_digitize_target = '".$e_target[0]."';";
+	echo "var mod_digitize_frame = '".$e_target[1]."';";
+//	var mod_digitize_status = 0;
+	//public
+	var mod_digitize_color1 = "white";
+	var mod_digitize_color2 = "black";
+	var mod_digitize_font = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
+	var mod_digitize_fontsize = "9px";
+	var mod_digitize_basepoint = "#8a2be2";
+	var mod_digitize_linepoint = "#ff00ff";
+	var mod_digitize_bg = "";
+	var mod_digitize_elName = "digitize";
+	var mod_digitize_frameName = "";
+	var wfsWindow;	
+	var snappingCoordinates = new Array();
+	var snappingTolerance = 12;
+	var snappedMember = -1;
+	var snappedGeometry = -1;
+	var snappedPoint = -1;
+	var snapped = false;
+	// canvas contains circles around snapping target
+	var canvas = new Array();
+	var wfs_conf = new Array();
+	var D = new Array();
+	var activeButton = null; // contains id of active button
+	var isOn = true;
+	var mod_digitize_width;
+	var mod_digitize_height;
+	var mod_digitize_Dist = new Array();
+	var mod_digitize_TotalDist = new Array();
+	var mod_digitizeSubFunctions = new Array();
+	var mod_digitizeEvent = false;
+	//currently selected basepoint
+	var basepointObject = false;
+	// stores the number of geometries in the geometry list 
+	var numberOfGeometries = 0;
+	//indices of the geometry associated with a certain basepoint
+	var basepointMemberIndex = false;
+	var basepointGeometryIndex = false;
+	var basepointPointIndex = false;
+	//when a basepoint is being dragged, the coordinates are stored
+	var basepointDragActive = false;
+	var basepointDragStartX = false;
+	var basepointDragStartY = false;
+	var basepointDragEndX = false;
+	var basepointDragEndY = false;
+	//indices of the geometry that is currently built
+	var currentMemberIndex = -1;
+	var currentGeometryIndex = -1;
+	var canvas = new Array();
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// --- registered functions (begin) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//		
+	// this method is called onload. these functions will be invoked whenever they are triggered by the mapObj 
+	// 
+	function registerFunctions(){
+		parent.mb_registerInitFunctions("window.frames['"+ mod_digitize_elName + "'].setStyleForTargetFrame()");
+		parent.mb_registerInitFunctions("window.frames['"+ mod_digitize_elName + "'].checkTag()");
+		parent.mb_registerSubFunctions("window.frames['"+ mod_digitize_elName + "'].drawDashedLine()");
+	}
+	//
+	// checks if a div tag with id "digitize" exists in frame mod_digitize_target.
+	// if yes, these element's attributes are set and itself is returned
+	// if not, it is created (with attributes) and returned
+	// if an element with id "digitize" exists and it is not a div tag, false is returned
+	//
+	function checkTag () {
+		var attributes = new Array();
+		attributes[0] = new Array();
+		attributes[0][0] = "style";
+		attributes[0][1] = "position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:26; font-size:10px"; 
+		node = parent.mb_checkTag(mod_digitize_target, "div", "digitize", "body", attributes);
+		if (node == false) {
+			alert("Fatal error: Element id 'digitize' is already taken!");
+		}
+	}
+	//
+	// this adds the stylesheet to the map frame
+	//
+	function setStyleForTargetFrame() {
+		var cssLink = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.createElement("link");
+		cssLink.setAttribute("href", cssUrl); 
+		cssLink.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); 
+		cssLink.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); 
+		var cssTmp = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
+		cssTmp.appendChild(cssLink);
+	}
+	// --- registered functions (end) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function const_D(id,type){
+ = id;
+		this.type = type;
+		this.x = new Array();
+		this.y = new Array();
+		this.label = "";
+		var ind = parent.getMapObjIndexByName(mod_digitize_target);
+		this.epsg = parent.mb_mapObj[ind].epsg;
+		this.units = "";
+		this.dist = new Array();
+		this.totaldist = new Array();
+		this.complete = false;
+	}
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// --- preload images (begin) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// up	 
+	var digitize_point_up = new Image(); digitize_point_up.src = "../img/button_digitize/text_up.png";
+	var digitize_line_up = new Image(); digitize_line_up.src = "../img/button_digitize/line_up.png";
+	var digitize_poly_up = new Image(); digitize_poly_up.src = "../img/button_digitize/poly_up.png";
+	var digitize_move_up = new Image(); digitize_move_up.src = "../img/button_digitize/move_up.png";
+	var digitize_addNode_up = new Image(); digitize_addNode_up.src = "../img/button_digitize/newNode_up.png";
+	var digitize_delNode_up = new Image(); digitize_delNode_up.src = "../img/button_digitize/delNode_up.png";
+	// down	 
+	var digitize_point_down = new Image(); digitize_point_down.src = "../img/button_digitize/text_down.png";
+	var digitize_line_down = new Image(); digitize_line_down.src = "../img/button_digitize/line_down.png";
+	var digitize_poly_down = new Image(); digitize_poly_down.src = "../img/button_digitize/poly_down.png";
+	var digitize_move_down = new Image(); digitize_move_down.src = "../img/button_digitize/move_down.png";
+	var digitize_addNode_down = new Image(); digitize_addNode_down.src = "../img/button_digitize/newNode_down.png";
+	var digitize_delNode_down = new Image(); digitize_delNode_down.src = "../img/button_digitize/delNode_down.png";
+	// --- preload images (end) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// --- button handling (begin) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function register_button(obj) {
+		parent.mb_regButton_frame("init_digitize_button", obj, mod_digitize_elName);
+	}
+	function init_digitize_button(obj, ind){
+		parent.mb_button[ind] = obj;
+		parent.mb_button[ind].img_over = obj.src;
+		if ( == "dragBasePoint") {
+			parent.mb_button[ind].img_on = digitize_move_down.src;
+			parent.mb_button[ind].img_off = digitize_move_up.src;
+		}
+		else if ( == "setBasePoint"){
+			parent.mb_button[ind].img_on = digitize_addNode_down.src;
+			parent.mb_button[ind].img_off = digitize_addNode_up.src;
+		}
+		else if ( == "delBasePoint"){
+			parent.mb_button[ind].img_on = digitize_delNode_down.src;
+			parent.mb_button[ind].img_off = digitize_delNode_up.src;
+		}
+		else if ( == "Point"){
+			parent.mb_button[ind].img_on = digitize_point_down.src;
+			parent.mb_button[ind].img_off = digitize_point_up.src;
+		}
+		else if ( == "Line"){
+			parent.mb_button[ind].img_on = digitize_line_down.src;
+			parent.mb_button[ind].img_off = digitize_line_up.src;
+		}
+		else if ( == "Polygon"){
+			parent.mb_button[ind].img_on = digitize_poly_down.src;
+			parent.mb_button[ind].img_off = digitize_poly_up.src;
+		}
+		parent.mb_button[ind].status = 0;
+		parent.mb_button[ind].elName =;
+		parent.mb_button[ind].fName = "";
+		parent.mb_button[ind].go = new Function ("digitize_click(parent.mb_button["+ind+"])");
+		parent.mb_button[ind].stop = new Function ("digitize_disable(parent.mb_button["+ind+"])");
+	}
+	function digitize_click(obj) {
+		if ( == "dragBasePoint") {
+			activeButton =;
+			setEvent(obj);
+		}
+		else if ( == "setBasePoint"){
+			activeButton =;
+			setEvent(obj);
+		}
+		else if ( == "delBasePoint"){
+			activeButton =;
+			setEvent(obj);
+		}
+		else if ( == "Point"){
+			activeButton =;
+			obj.title = "Finish editing";
+			currentMemberIndex = -1;
+			registerGeometry(obj);
+			storeSnappingCoordinates();
+			var el = parent.frames[mod_digitize_target].document;
+			el.onmousemove = mod_digitize_go;
+		}
+		else if ( == "Line"){
+			activeButton =;
+			obj.title = "Finish editing";
+			currentMemberIndex = -1;
+			registerGeometry(obj);
+			storeSnappingCoordinates();
+			var el = parent.frames[mod_digitize_target].document;
+			el.onmousemove = mod_digitize_go;
+		}
+		else if ( == "Polygon"){
+			activeButton =;
+			obj.title = "Finish editing";
+			currentMemberIndex = -1;
+			registerGeometry(obj);
+			storeSnappingCoordinates();
+			var el = parent.frames[mod_digitize_target].document;
+			el.onmousemove = mod_digitize_go;
+		}
+	}
+	function digitize_disable(obj) {
+		if ( == "dragBasePoint") {
+		}
+		else if ( == "setBasePoint"){
+		}
+		else if ( == "delBasePoint"){
+		}
+		else if ( == "Point"){
+			activeButton = null;
+			obj.title = "Add point";
+			closeGeometry(;
+			mod_digitize_timeout();
+		}
+		else if ( == "Line"){
+			activeButton = null;
+			obj.title = "Add line";
+			closeGeometry(;
+			mod_digitize_timeout();
+		}
+		else if ( == "Polygon"){
+			activeButton = null;
+			obj.title = "Add polygon";
+			closeGeometry(;
+			mod_digitize_timeout();
+		}
+	}
+	// --- button handling (end) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	var dwin = null;
+	function mod_saveGeom() {
+		dwin ="../php/mod_wfs_save.php","dwin","width=300,height=200");
+	}
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// --- snapping (begin) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//
+	// deletes all snapping areas from the canvas
+	//
+	function cleanCanvas () {
+		var el = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.getElementById('mod_digi_draw');
+		if (el) el.innerHTML = "";
+	}
+	//
+	// checks if the canvas for snapping areas is present
+	// if not, it is being generated
+	//
+	function checkCanvasTag () {
+		var isTag = (parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.getElementById('mod_digi_draw'))?1:0;
+		if(isTag == 0){
+			var draw = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.createElement("div");
+			var tmp = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(draw);
+			tmp.setAttribute("id","mod_digi_draw");
+			tmp.setAttribute("style","position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:0px;height:0px;z-index:100");
+		}
+		canvas[mod_digitize_target] = new parent.jsGraphics('mod_digi_draw', parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target]);
+		canvas[mod_digitize_target].setStroke(3);
+	}
+	//
+	// draws a snapping area around a given point
+	//
+	function drawSnappingArea (centerX,centerY,radius,size) {
+		canvas[mod_digitize_target].setColor("#ff0000");
+		canvas[mod_digitize_target].drawEllipse(centerX-(size/2)*radius,centerY-(size/2)*radius,size*radius,size*radius);
+		canvas[mod_digitize_target].paint();
+	}
+	//
+	// stores the coordinates of points that may be used for snapping 
+	// in respect to the current point (the point being moved or inserted)
+	//
+	function storeSnappingCoordinates() {
+		snappingCoordinates = new Array();
+		// copy coordinates of other geometries in another array
+		var im = -1;
+		var cnt = 0;
+		for (var i = 0; i < D.length ; i++) {
+			for (var j = 0 ; j < D[i]['geometry'].length ; j++) {
+				for (var k = 0 ; k < D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length ; k++) {
+					var pos = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_digitize_target, D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k], D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k]);
+					// snap only if the two points have different coordinates
+					if (basepointDragActive == false || basepointDragActive == true && (D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k] != D[basepointMemberIndex]['geometry'][basepointGeometryIndex]['x'][basepointPointIndex] || D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k] != D[basepointMemberIndex]['geometry'][basepointGeometryIndex]['y'][basepointPointIndex])) {
+						snappingCoordinates[cnt] = new Array();
+						snappingCoordinates[cnt]['map_x'] = pos[0]; 
+						snappingCoordinates[cnt]['map_y'] = pos[1];
+						snappingCoordinates[cnt]['member'] = i;
+						snappingCoordinates[cnt]['geometry'] = j;
+						snappingCoordinates[cnt]['point'] = k;
+						cnt++;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	//
+	// checks if a point is in snapping range
+	// if yes, the snapping area is highlighted and the snapped point is stored
+	// 
+	function checkSnapped (basepointDragEndX, basepointDragEndY, defaultMouseCursor) {
+		var minDist = false;
+		var min_i = -1;
+		for (var i = 0 ; i < snappingCoordinates.length ; i++) {
+			var aDist = dist(basepointDragEndX, basepointDragEndY, snappingCoordinates[i]['map_x'], snappingCoordinates[i]['map_y']);
+			if (aDist < snappingTolerance) {
+				if (minDist == false || aDist < minDist) {
+					minDist = aDist;
+					snappedMember = snappingCoordinates[i]['member'];
+					snappedGeometry = snappingCoordinates[i]['geometry'];
+					snappedPoint = snappingCoordinates[i]['point'];
+					min_i = i;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (minDist == false || minDist > snappingTolerance) {
+			snapped = false;
+			var el = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_target].document.getElementById('mod_digi_draw');
+			if (el) el.innerHTML = "";
+		}
+		else {
+			snapped = true;
+			checkCanvasTag();
+			cleanCanvas();
+			drawSnappingArea(snappingCoordinates[min_i]['map_x'], snappingCoordinates[min_i]['map_y'], snappingTolerance, 3);
+		}
+		if (basepointObject != false) {
+			if (snapped == true) {
+ = 'crosshair';
+			}
+			else {
+ = defaultMouseCursor;
+			}
+			if (defaultMouseCursor == 'move') {
+				// replace basepoint by transparent blob
+ = mod_digitize_width;
+ = mod_digitize_height;
+ = 0;
+ = 0;
+				if ( {
+					// ie cannot handle backgroundColor = 'transparent'
+ = "url(/../img/button_digitize/trans.png)";
+				}
+				else{
+ = 'transparent';
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// --- snapping (end) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function mod_digitize_go(e){
+		parent.mb_registerGML(mod_digitize_target,D);   
+		parent.document.getElementById(mod_digitize_elName).style.visibility = 'visible';
+		// snapping
+		if (e) {
+			// track mouse position
+			parent.mb_getMousePos(e, mod_digitize_target);
+			checkSnapped(parent.clickX, parent.clickY, 'default');
+		}
+		var el = parent.frames[mod_digitize_target].document;
+		el.onmousedown = mod_digitize_start;
+		//el.onmousemove = mod_digitize_run;
+		var ind = parent.getMapObjIndexByName(mod_digitize_target);
+		mod_digitize_width = parent.mb_mapObj[ind].width;
+		mod_digitize_height = parent.mb_mapObj[ind].height;
+		mod_digitize_epsg = parent.mb_mapObj[ind].epsg;
+	}
+	function mod_digitize_timeout(){
+//		isOn = false;
+//		parent.document.getElementById(mod_digitize_elName).style.visibility = 'hidden';
+		var el = parent.frames[mod_digitize_target].document;
+		el.onmousedown = null;
+		el.onmouseup = null;
+		el.onmousemove = null;
+//		drawDashedLine();
+	}
+	//
+	// a new member is being generated and attached to the array D
+	//
+	function registerGeometry(type){
+		// a new geometry will be inserted
+		if (currentMemberIndex == -1) {
+			currentMemberIndex = D.length;
+			// generate a new member
+			D[currentMemberIndex] = new Array();    
+			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'] = new Array();
+			D[currentMemberIndex]['element'] = new Array();
+			D[currentMemberIndex]['wfs_conf'] = -1;
+			D[currentMemberIndex]['geomtype'] =;
+			// attach a new geometry
+			var geomInd = D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'].length;
+			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd] = new Array();
+			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'] = new Array();
+			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['y'] = new Array();
+			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['complete'] = false;
+			currentGeometryIndex = 0;
+		}
+		// a geometry will be added to an existing geometry
+		else {
+			// FIXME: check if geometry types match
+			// attach a new geometry
+			var geomInd = D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'].length;
+			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd] = new Array();
+			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'] = new Array();
+			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['y'] = new Array();
+			D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['complete'] = false;
+			currentGeometryIndex = geomInd;
+		}
+	}
+	//
+	// adds a new basepoint to the geometry
+	//
+	function mod_digitize_start(e){
+		isOn = true;
+		if (currentMemberIndex != -1) {
+			// select the last geometry of the current member
+			var geomInd = D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'].length - 1;
+			// check if a proper geometry is selected	
+			if(D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['complete'] == true || (D.length == 0)){
+				if (activeButton != null) {
+					alert("No geometry selected!");
+				}
+				return true;
+			}
+			// get the mouse position and calculate real world position
+			if (snapped == true) {
+				cleanCanvas();
+				var realWorldPos = new Array();
+				realWorldPos[0] = D[snappedMember]['geometry'][snappedGeometry]['x'][snappedPoint];
+				realWorldPos[1] = D[snappedMember]['geometry'][snappedGeometry]['y'][snappedPoint];
+			}
+			else {
+				parent.mb_getMousePos(e,mod_digitize_target);
+				var realWorldPos = parent.makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(mod_digitize_target,parent.clickX,parent.clickY);
+			}
+			snapped = false;
+			if (D[currentMemberIndex]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'polygon' 
+					&& D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'].length > 1
+					&& D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'][0] == realWorldPos[0]
+					&& D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['y'][0] == realWorldPos[1]) {
+				// close the polygon
+				parent.mb_disableThisButton('Polygon');
+			}
+			else {
+				// set the calculated real world position as point of the geometry
+				xInd = D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'].length; 
+				yInd = D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['y'].length; 
+				D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'][xInd] = realWorldPos[0];
+				D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['y'][yInd] = realWorldPos[1];
+				// if the current geometry is a point, attach a label to it
+				if(D[currentMemberIndex]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'point'){
+					parent.mb_disableThisButton('Point');
+				}
+				// add first point of polygon to snapping list (if three points have been inserted).
+				if (D[currentMemberIndex]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'polygon' 
+					&& D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'].length == 3) {
+						var tempInd = snappingCoordinates.length;
+						var pos = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_digitize_target, D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['x'][0], D[currentMemberIndex]['geometry'][geomInd]['y'][0]);
+						snappingCoordinates[tempInd] = new Array();
+						snappingCoordinates[tempInd]['map_x'] = pos[0]; 
+						snappingCoordinates[tempInd]['map_y'] = pos[1];
+						snappingCoordinates[tempInd]['member'] = currentMemberIndex;
+						snappingCoordinates[tempInd]['geometry'] = geomInd;
+						snappingCoordinates[tempInd]['point'] = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			drawDashedLine();
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	//
+	// finishes a geometry by labelling it complete.
+	// if no coordinates have been added, the geometry is discarded.
+	//
+	// when a polygon is built and the polygon button is clicked again, the 
+	// polygon will be closed by connecting the last to the first point.
+	// Actually, the first point is stored twice at index '0' and index 'length'
+	//
+	function closeGeometry(obj_id){
+		var i = currentMemberIndex;
+		var j = currentGeometryIndex;
+		if(!isOn){ return; };
+		D[i]['geometry'][j]['complete'] = true;
+		var tmpLength = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length;
+		// if no geometries have been inserted, delete the geometry or member
+		if (tmpLength == 0) {
+			if (j == 0) {
+				D.length--;
+			}
+			else {
+				D[i]['geometry'].length--;
+			}
+		}
+		if (obj_id == "Polygon") {
+			if (tmpLength > 0) {
+				D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][tmpLength] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][0];
+				D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][tmpLength] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][0];
+			}
+		}
+		drawDashedLine();
+	}
+	function calculateDashes(pos0, pos1) {
+		// pos0 is leftmost point
+		if (pos0[0] > pos1[0]) {
+			var pos_temp = new Array();
+			pos_temp = pos0;
+			pos0 = pos1;
+			pos1 = pos_temp;
+		}
+		var p = pos0;
+		var q = pos1;
+		var m;
+		var draw = true;
+		// if line is not vertical
+		if (pos1[0] != pos0[0]) {
+			// calculate slope
+			m = -(pos1[1]-pos0[1])/(pos1[0]-pos0[0]); 
+			// check if p is left of the right vertical of the screen && the line is not above or below the screen
+			if (pos0[0] < mod_digitize_width && pos1[0] > 0 
+				&& !(pos0[1] < 0 && pos1[1] < 0) && !(pos0[1] > mod_digitize_height && pos1[1] > mod_digitize_height) ) {
+				// if p is left of the screen
+				if (pos0[0] < 0) {
+					//calculate intersection of line with left vertical of screen
+					var iy = pos0[1] - m*(0-pos0[0]);
+					// if intersection is visible
+					if (iy > 0 && iy < mod_digitize_height) {
+						p[0] = 0; 
+						p[1] = iy;
+					}
+					// if intersection is below the screen
+					else if (iy > mod_digitize_height) {
+						// calculate intersection with lower horizontal
+					    var ix = pos0[0]+((pos0[1] - mod_digitize_height)/m);
+					    if (ix > 0 && ix < mod_digitize_width) {
+					    	p[0] = ix;
+					    	p[1] = mod_digitize_height;
+					    }
+						else {
+							draw = false;
+						}
+					}
+					// if intersection is above the screen
+					else if (iy < 0) {
+						// calculate intersection with upper horizontal
+					    var ix = pos0[0]+(pos0[1]/m);
+					    if (ix > 0 && ix < mod_digitize_width) {
+					    	p[0] = ix;
+					    	p[1] = 0;
+					    }
+						else {
+							draw = false;
+						}
+					}
+					else {
+						draw = false;
+					}
+				}
+				else if (pos0[1] > 0 && pos0[1] < mod_digitize_height) {
+					p[0] = pos0[0];
+					p[1] = pos0[1];
+				}
+				else if (pos0[1] < 0) {
+					// calculate intersection with upper horizontal
+				    var ix = pos0[0]+(pos0[1]/m);
+				    if (ix > 0 && ix < mod_digitize_width) {
+				    	p[0] = ix;
+				    	p[1] = 0;
+				    }
+					else {
+						draw = false;
+					}
+				}
+				else if (pos0[1] > mod_digitize_height && m > 0) {
+					// calculate intersection with lower horizontal
+				    var ix = pos0[0]+((pos0[1] - mod_digitize_height)/m);
+				    if (ix > 0 && ix < mod_digitize_width) {
+				    	p[0] = ix;
+				    	p[1] = mod_digitize_height;
+				    }
+					else {
+						draw = false;
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					draw = false;
+				}
+				// calculate q coordinates
+				if (draw == true) {
+					// q is right of the screen
+					if (pos1[0] > mod_digitize_width) {
+						// calculate intersection with right vertical of the screen
+						var iy = pos1[1] - m*(mod_digitize_width-pos1[0]);
+						if (iy > 0 && iy < mod_digitize_height) {
+							q[0] = mod_digitize_width; 
+							q[1] = iy;
+						}
+						else if (iy < 0) {
+							// calculate intersection with upper horizontal
+						    var ix = pos0[0]+(pos0[1]/m);
+						    if (ix > 0 && ix < mod_digitize_width) {
+						    	q[0] = ix;
+						    	q[1] = 0;
+						    }
+							else {
+								draw = false;
+							}
+						}
+						else if (iy > mod_digitize_height) {
+							// calculate intersection with lower horizontal
+						    var ix = pos0[0]+((pos0[1] - mod_digitize_height)/m);
+						    if (ix > 0 && ix < mod_digitize_width) {
+						    	q[0] = ix;
+						    	q[1] = mod_digitize_height;
+						    }
+							else {
+								draw = false;
+							}
+						}
+						else {
+							draw = false;
+						}
+					}
+					else if (pos1[1] > 0 && pos1[1] < mod_digitize_height) {
+						q[0] = pos1[0];
+						q[1] = pos1[1];
+					}
+					else if (pos1[1] < 0) {
+						// calculate intersection with upper horizontal
+					    var ix = pos1[0]+(pos1[1]/m);
+					    if (ix > 0 && ix < mod_digitize_width) {
+					    	q[0] = ix;
+					    	q[1] = 0;
+					    }
+						else {
+							draw = false;
+						}
+					}
+					else if (pos1[1] > mod_digitize_height) {
+						// calculate intersection with lower horizontal
+					    var ix = pos1[0]+((pos1[1]- mod_digitize_height)/m) ;
+					    if (ix > 0 && ix < mod_digitize_width) {
+					    	q[0] = ix;
+					    	q[1] = mod_digitize_height;
+					    }
+						else {
+							draw = false;
+						}
+					}
+				} 
+			}
+			else {
+				draw = false;
+			}
+		}
+		// the line is vertical
+		else {
+			// x-Coordinates remain
+			p[0] = pos0[0];
+			q[0] = pos0[0];
+			// check if line is not above or below the screen
+			if (!(pos0[1] < 0 && pos1[1] < 0) && !(pos0[1] > mod_digitize_height && pos1[1] > mod_digitize_height)) {
+				if (pos0[1] < 0) {
+					p[1] = 0;
+				}
+				else if (pos0[1] > mod_digitize_height) {
+					p[1] = mod_digitize_height;
+				}
+				else {
+					p[1] = pos0[1];
+				}
+				if (pos1[1] < 0) {
+					q[1] = 0;
+				}
+				else if (pos1[1] > mod_digitize_height) {
+					q[1] = mod_digitize_height;
+				}
+				else {
+					q[1] = pos1[1];
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				draw = false;
+			}
+		}
+		if (draw == true) {
+			var points = new Array();
+			points[0] = Math.round(q[0]);
+			points[1] = Math.round(q[1]);
+			points[2] = Math.round(p[0]);
+			points[3] = Math.round(p[1]);
+			return points;
+		}
+		else {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	//
+	// displays *all* digitized geometries
+	//	
+	function drawDashedLine(){
+		var smP = "";
+		smP += "<div class='t_img'>";
+		smP += "<img src='"+parent.mb_trans.src+"' width='"+mod_digitize_width+"' height='0'></div>";
+		smP += "<div class='t_img'>";
+		smP += "<img   src='"+parent.mb_trans.src+"' width='0' height='"+mod_digitize_height+"'></div>";
+		// *all* members will be painted
+		for(var i=0; i<D.length; i++){
+			// paint all geometries of member i 
+			for(var j=0; j<D[i]['geometry'].length; j++){
+				//
+				// paint the basepoints
+				//
+				for(var k=0; k<D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length; k++){
+					// calculate screen position from real world coordinates
+					var pos = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_digitize_target,D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k],D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k]);
+					// if this geometry is a point
+					if(D[i]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == "point"){
+						// smP += "<div class='label' style='top:"+(pos[1]-6)+"px;left:"+(pos[0])+"px;z-index:50;'>"+D[i]['label']+"</div>";
+					}
+					smP += "<div class='bp' style='top:"+(pos[1]-2)+"px;left:"+(pos[0]-2)+"px;z-index:50;'";
+					if(j==0 && D[i]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'polygon' && D[i]['geometry'][j]['complete'] == false){
+						smP += " title='to close polygon, release the polygon button on the left' ";
+					}
+					if(isOn){
+						smP += " onmouseover='parent.window.frames[\""+mod_digitize_elName+"\"].handleBasepoint(this,"+i+","+j+","+k+")' ;";
+					}
+					smP += "></div>";
+				}
+				//
+				// paint the lines between basepoints
+				//
+				for(var k = 1; k < D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length; k++){
+					var pos0 = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_digitize_target, D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k]  , D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k]);
+					var pos1 = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_digitize_target, D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k-1], D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k-1]);
+					points = calculateDashes(pos0, pos1);
+					if (points != false) {
+						smP += evaluateDashes(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], i, j, k);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		parent.writeTag(mod_digitize_target,"digitize",smP);
+		updateListOfGeometries();
+	}
+	//
+	// this function calculates the line points between start and end
+	//
+	function evaluateDashes(startX, startY, endX, endY, memberIndex, geomIndex, pointIndex){
+		var str_dashedLine = "";
+		var deltaX = endX - startX; 
+		var deltaY = endY - startY;
+		// s = distance between two linepoints
+		var s = 10;
+		var vecLength = dist(startX, startY, endX, endY);
+		var n = Math.round(vecLength/s);
+		var stepX =  deltaX/n;
+		var stepY =  deltaY/n;
+		for(var i=1; i<n; i++){
+			var x = Math.round(startX + i * stepX) - 2;
+			var y = Math.round(startY + i * stepY) - 2;
+			if(x >= 0 && x <= mod_digitize_width && y >= 0 && y <= mod_digitize_height){
+				str_dashedLine += "<div class='lp' style='top:"+y+"px;left:"+x+"px;z-index:50;' ";
+				if(isOn){
+					str_dashedLine += "onmouseover='parent.window.frames[\""+mod_digitize_elName+"\"].convertLinepointToBasepoint(this,"+memberIndex+","+geomIndex+","+pointIndex+")'>";
+				}
+				str_dashedLine += "</div>";
+			}
+		}
+		return str_dashedLine;
+	}
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// --- basepoint handling (begin) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//
+	// this function checks what to do with a basepoint that is currently under 
+	// the mouse pointer.
+	// Depending on what action is intended, other methods are invoked.
+	//
+	function handleBasepoint(Obj,memberIndex,geometryIndex,pointIndex){
+		if(!isOn){ return false; };
+		// set the global variables that will be used in deleteBasepoint etc.
+		basepointObject = Obj;
+		basepointMemberIndex = memberIndex;
+		basepointGeometryIndex = geometryIndex;
+		basepointPointIndex = pointIndex;
+		if(mod_digitizeEvent == "dragBasePoint" && activeButton == 'dragBasePoint'){
+			mod_digitize_timeout();
+ = 'move';
+			basepointObject.onmousedown = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_elName].selectBasepoint;
+		}
+		if(mod_digitizeEvent == false && D[memberIndex]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'polygon' && D[memberIndex]['geometry'][geometryIndex].complete == false){
+			basepointObject.onmousedown = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_elName].closeGeometry("Polygon");
+		}
+		if(mod_digitizeEvent == "delBasePoint" && activeButton == 'delBasePoint'){
+			mod_digitize_timeout();
+ = 'crosshair';
+			basepointObject.onmousedown = parent.window.frames[mod_digitize_elName].deleteBasepoint;
+		}
+	}
+	function deleteBasepoint(e){
+		var i = basepointMemberIndex;
+		var j = basepointGeometryIndex;
+		var k = basepointPointIndex;
+		var xCoord = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k];
+		var yCoord = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k];
+		var deleted = false;
+		while (deleted == false) {
+			var continueFor = true;
+			deleted = true;
+			//find points of other geometries with the same coordinates and delete them as well
+			for (var l = 0 ; l < D.length && continueFor == true; l ++) {
+				for (var m = 0; m < D[l]['geometry'].length && continueFor == true; m++) {
+					for (var n = 0; n < D[l]['geometry'][m]['x'].length && continueFor == true ; n++) {
+						if (D[l]['geometry'][m]['x'][n] == xCoord && D[l]['geometry'][m]['y'][n] == yCoord) {
+							deletePoint(l,m,n);
+							continueFor = false;
+							deleted = false;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} 
+		}
+	}
+	//
+	// deletes the point at the i-th member, j-th geometry, k-th point
+	//
+	function deletePoint (i,j,k) {
+		//
+		// the last point is being deleted...
+		//
+		if ( (k == 0 || (D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length - k) == 1) && D[i]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'polygon') {
+			// if the last basepoint of a polygon is being deleted,
+			// the first basepoint is now set to be the last but one as well,
+			// in order to close the polygon
+			// Shorten the array by one
+			D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length - 1;
+			D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'].length = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'].length - 1;
+			// if only one point is left (which has been stored twice), remove it as well
+			if (D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length == 1) {
+				D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length = 0;
+				D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'].length = 0;
+			}
+			// point that will be deleted is not the only point of the geometry
+			else {
+				// place a copy of the last point at index 0
+				var tmpIndex = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length - 1;
+				D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][0] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][tmpIndex];
+				D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][0] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][tmpIndex];
+			}
+		}
+		//
+		// a point that is *not* the last point of a geometry is being deleted
+		//
+		else {
+			// move basepoints behind deleted basepoints up by one... 
+			for(var z= k; z<D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length-1; z++){
+				D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][z] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][z+1];
+				D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][z] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][z+1];
+			}
+			// ...and adjust length of the array
+			D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length - 1;
+			D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'].length = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'].length - 1;
+		}
+		//
+		// if all basepoints of this geometry have been deleted...
+		//
+		if (D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length == 0) {
+			deleteGeometry(i, j);
+		}
+		else {
+			drawDashedLine();
+			//resetButtonsIfNoMembersLeft();
+		}
+	}
+	//
+	// deletes the geometry at index 'indexGeometry' of member at index 'indexmember' of D
+	//
+	function deleteGeometry (indexMember, indexGeometry) {
+		var i = indexMember;
+		var j = indexGeometry;
+		//
+		// check whether the deleted geometry is the only geometry of the member...
+		//
+		if (D[i]['geometry'].length == 1) {
+			deleteMember(i);
+		}
+		//
+		// ...if not, move other geometries one spot up
+		//
+		else {
+			var tmpLength = D[i]['geometry'].length - 1;
+			for (var z = j; z < tmpLength ; z ++) {
+				D[i]['geometry'][z] = D[i]['geometry'][z+1];
+				D[i]['element'][z] = D[i]['element'][z+1];
+			}
+			D[i]['geometry'].length -= 1;
+			drawDashedLine();
+			resetButtonsIfNoMembersLeft();
+		}
+	}
+	//
+	// deletes the member of D at index 'index''
+	//
+	function deleteMember (index) {
+		// delete geometry itself...
+		for(var z = index ; z < D.length - 1; z++){
+			D[z] = D[z+1];
+		}
+		// ... and adjust length of geometry array
+		D.length -= 1;
+		drawDashedLine();
+	}
+	//
+	// this function is invoked when the mouse is over a linepoint.
+	// When the mouse is clicked, the method insert basepoint is 
+	// called.
+	//
+	function convertLinepointToBasepoint(obj, memberIndex, geomIndex, pointIndex){
+		if(!isOn){ return false; };
+		if(mod_digitizeEvent == "setBasePoint" && activeButton == 'setBasePoint'){
+			mod_digitize_timeout();
+ = 'crosshair';
+			obj.onclick = insertBasepoint;
+			basepointObject = obj;
+			basepointMemberIndex = memberIndex;
+			basepointGeometryIndex = geomIndex;
+			basepointPointIndex = pointIndex;
+		}
+	}
+	//
+	// this function inserts a new basepoint into the geometry.
+	// the basepoint is a former linepoint.
+	//
+	function insertBasepoint(e){
+		var i = basepointMemberIndex;
+		var j = basepointGeometryIndex;
+		var k = basepointPointIndex;
+		parent.mb_getMousePos(e, mod_digitize_target);
+		var pos = parent.makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(mod_digitize_target,parent.clickX, parent.clickY);
+		for(var z = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length; z > k; z--){
+			D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][z] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][z-1];
+			D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][z] = D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][z-1];
+		}
+		D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k] = pos[0];
+		D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k] = pos[1];
+		drawDashedLine();
+	}
+	// 
+	// when a basepoint move is intended, this function is invoked when the mouse button
+	// is pressed. It stores the start coordinates in a global variable and sets
+	// the global basepointDragActive to true, so other modules know that a basepoint is
+	// currently being dragged
+	//
+	function selectBasepoint(e){
+		if(basepointDragActive == false && mod_digitizeEvent == "dragBasePoint"){
+			basepointDragActive = true;
+			storeSnappingCoordinates();
+			basepointObject.onmouseup = releaseBasepoint;
+			basepointObject.onmousemove = dragBasepoint;
+		}
+	}
+	function dist (startX, startY, endX, endY) {
+		var deltaX = endX - startX; 
+		var deltaY = endY - startY;
+		return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaY,2) + Math.pow(deltaX,2)) ;
+	}
+	//
+	// when a basepoint is being dragged and the mouse button is down,
+	// this function will track the mouse position.
+	// instead of the basepoint, a transparent object the size of the 
+	// mapframe is being displayed
+	//
+	function dragBasepoint(e){
+		if(basepointDragActive){
+			parent.mb_getMousePos(e, mod_digitize_target);
+			checkSnapped(parent.clickX, parent.clickY, 'move');
+		}
+	}
+	//
+	// checks if a geometry has identical neighbour points
+	//
+	function removeDuplicates(i, j) {
+		var length1 = D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length;
+		var continueFor = true;
+		for (var k = 2; k < length1 && continueFor == true ; k++) {
+			if (D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k] == D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k-1] && D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k] == D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k-1] ) {
+				deletePoint(i,j,k-1);
+				continueFor = false;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//
+	// when a basepoint is being dragged and the mouse button is released, 
+	// this function is invoked and the geometry will be updated
+	//
+	function releaseBasepoint(e){
+		var i = basepointMemberIndex;
+		var j = basepointGeometryIndex;
+		var k = basepointPointIndex;
+		basepointDragActive = false;
+		parent.mb_getMousePos(e, mod_digitize_target);
+		basepointDragEndX = parent.clickX;
+		basepointDragEndY = parent.clickY;
+		basepointObject.onmousedown = null;
+		var pos = parent.makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(mod_digitize_target, basepointDragEndX, basepointDragEndY);
+		if (snapped == true) {
+			cleanCanvas();
+			pos[0] = D[snappedMember]['geometry'][snappedGeometry]['x'][snappedPoint];
+			pos[1] = D[snappedMember]['geometry'][snappedGeometry]['y'][snappedPoint];
+		}
+		if ( (k == D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'].length - 1 || k == 0) && D[i]['geometry'][j]['complete'] == true && D[i]['geomtype'].toLowerCase() == 'polygon') {
+			D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][0] = pos[0];
+			D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][0] = pos[1];
+		}
+		// check if there are points in other geometries with the same coordinates
+		for (var l = 0; l < D.length ; l++) {
+			for (var m = 0 ; m < D[l]['geometry'].length ; m++) {
+				for (n = 0 ; n < D[l]['geometry'][m]['x'].length ; n++) {
+// this line would enable merging of snapped points of the same geometry 
+//					if ((l != i || m != j) && D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k] == D[l]['geometry'][m]['x'][n] && D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k] == D[l]['geometry'][m]['y'][n]) {
+					if (D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k] == D[l]['geometry'][m]['x'][n] && D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k] == D[l]['geometry'][m]['y'][n]) {
+						D[l]['geometry'][m]['x'][n] = pos[0];
+						D[l]['geometry'][m]['y'][n] = pos[1];
+						if (snapped == true) {
+							removeDuplicates(l,m);
+						}
+					}			
+				}					
+			}
+		}
+		D[i]['geometry'][j]['x'][k] = pos[0];
+		D[i]['geometry'][j]['y'][k] = pos[1];
+		if (snapped == true) {
+			removeDuplicates(i,j);
+		}
+		snapped = false;
+		drawDashedLine();
+	}
+	// --- basepoint handling (end) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// 
+	// clones a given object
+	//
+	function cloneObject (someArray) {
+		var a = someArray;
+		var z = new Array();
+		for (attr in a) {
+			var b = a[attr];
+			if (typeof(b) == "object") {
+				z[attr] = cloneObject(b);
+			}
+			else {
+				z[attr] = b;
+			}
+		}	
+		return z;
+	}
+	//
+	// clones a given geometry array
+	//
+	function cloneGeometryArray(originalArray) {
+		z = cloneObject(originalArray);
+		// add the attribute 'complete' for every geometry
+		for (var i = 0 ; i < originalArray['geometry'].length ; i ++) {
+			z['geometry'][i]['complete'] = true;
+		}
+	    return z;
+	}
+	//
+	// a given geometry object is appended to the member array
+	//
+	function addMember(newMember) {
+		var index = D.length; 
+		D[index] = new Array();
+		D[index] = cloneGeometryArray(newMember);
+		mod_digitize_go();
+		drawDashedLine();
+	}	
+	function setEvent(obj){
+		mod_digitizeEvent =;
+	}
+	function delEvent(){
+		mod_digitizeEvent = false;
+		mod_digitize_go();
+	}
+	// 
+	// displays an object
+	// (may not be essential, but useful for debugging)
+	// 
+	function displayObject (someArray) {
+		var a = someArray;
+		var str = "";
+		for (attr in a) {
+			b = a[attr];
+			if (typeof(b) == "object") {
+				str += "<br>" + attr + "<br>";
+				str += displayObject(b);
+			}
+			else {
+				str += attr + ": " + b + "<br>";
+			}
+		}	
+		return str;
+	}
+	//
+	// returns a form with the elements of a selected wfs
+	// (if the original wfs is the selected wfs, the values are set too)
+	//
+	function buildElementForm (wfsConfIndex, memberIndex) {
+		var selMember = memberIndex;
+		// if the selected wfs is not the original wfs,
+		// the form template, updating and deleting are disabled.
+		if (parseInt(D[memberIndex]['wfs_conf']) != parseInt(wfsConfIndex)) {
+			memberIndex = -1;
+		}
+		var str = "";
+		// the wfs conf needs to have a gid and a geom, otherwise saving does not work
+		var gid = false;
+		var geom = false;
+		var wfs = wfs_conf[wfsConfIndex];
+		var memEl;
+		if (parseInt(memberIndex) != -1) {
+			 memEl = D[memberIndex]['element'];
+		}
+		// search attribute 'element' in wfsConfArray
+		for (attr in wfs) {
+			if (attr == "element") {
+				str += "<form id='wfs_conf'>\n\t<table>\n";
+				b = wfs[attr];
+				// get the 'element name' of wfsConfArray['element'][i]
+				for (var i = 0 ; i < b.length ; i ++) {
+					var c = b[i];
+					var wfsElementName = c['element_name'];
+					// don't display geoms
+					if (parseInt(c['f_geom']) != 1) {
+						if (parseInt(wfs['element'][i]['f_gid']) == 1) {
+							gid = wfsElementName;
+						}
+						//
+						// display the element name and an input row for its value
+						//
+						str += "\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n";
+						str += "\t\t\t\t" + wfsElementName + "\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td colspan = 2>\n";
+						str += "\t\t\t\t<input name='" + wfsElementName + "' type='text' size=20 ";
+						// only if the selected wfs is the original wfs!
+						if (parseInt(memberIndex) != -1) {
+							//
+							// get the 'element name' of memberArray['element'][j]
+							//
+							for (var j = 0 ; j < memEl.length ; j ++) {
+								currentElementName = memEl[j]['name'];
+								//
+								// if the element is in both objects, display the value as default
+								//
+								if (currentElementName == wfsElementName) {
+									str += "value = '" + memEl[j]['val'] + "' ";
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						str += ">\n";
+						str += "\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n";
+					}
+					else {
+						geom = wfsElementName;
+					}
+				}
+				//
+				// generating buttons "save", "update", "delete"
+				//
+				// a wfs_transaction url is required.
+				if (wfs['wfs_transaction']) {
+					str += "\t\t<tr>\n";
+					// if not all buttons will be generated, the missing columns will be generated afterwards.
+					var colspan = 0;
+					if (geom) {
+						str += "\t\t\t<td><input type='button' name='saveButton' value='Save' onclick='window.opener.saveGeom("+selMember+")' /></td>\n";
+					}
+					else {
+						colspan++;
+					}
+					if (parseInt(memberIndex) != -1 && gid) {
+						if (geom) {
+							str += "\t\t\t<td><input type='button' name='updateButton' value='Update' onclick='window.opener.updateGeom("+selMember+")'/></td>\n";
+						}
+						else {
+							colspan++;
+						}
+						str += "\t\t\t<td><input type='button' name='deleteButton' value='Delete' onclick='window.opener.deleteGeom("+selMember+")'/></td>\n";
+					}
+					else {
+						colspan++;
+					}
+					if (colspan > 0 && colspan < 3) {
+						str += "\t\t\t<td colspan = " + colspan + "></td>\n";
+					}
+					str += "\t\t</tr>";
+				}
+				str += "\t</table>\n";
+//				str += "<input type='text' name='mb_geom'>";
+//				str += "<input type='text' name='mb_wfs_conf'>";
+				str += "</form>\n";
+			}
+		}
+		return str;
+	}
+	//
+	// this method opens a new window and displays the attributes in wfs_conf
+	//
+	function showWfs(index) {
+		wfsWindow = open("", "wfsattributes", "width=300, height=300, resizable, dependent=yes, scrollbars=yes");
+		wfs_conf = parent.get_complete_wfs_conf();
+		var str = "";
+		var defaultIndex = -1;
+		str += "<form id='wfs'>\n\t<select name='wfs' size='" + wfs_conf.length + "'";
+		str += " onChange='document.getElementById(\"elementForm\").innerHTML = window.opener.buildElementForm(this.value , " + index + ")'";
+		str += ">\n\t\t";
+		for (var attr in wfs_conf) {
+			str += "<option value='" + attr + "'";
+			// if the geometry is already associated with a wfs
+			if (parseInt(D[index]['wfs_conf']) == parseInt(attr)) {
+				str += " selected";
+				defaultIndex = parseInt(attr);
+			}
+			str += ">" + wfs_conf[attr]['wfs_conf_abstract'];
+			str += "</option>\n\t\t";
+		}
+		str += "</select>\n\t\t</form>\n\t";
+		str += "<div id='elementForm'>\n</div>\n";
+		wfsWindow.document.write(str);
+		wfsWindow.document.close();
+		if (defaultIndex != -1) {
+			wfsWindow.document.getElementById("elementForm").innerHTML = buildElementForm(defaultIndex, index);
+		}
+	}
+	//
+	// updates the list of geometries.
+	// this function is invoked only at the end of drawDashedLines()
+	// 
+	function updateListOfGeometries () {
+		var listOfGeom = "";
+		if (D.length > 0) {
+			listOfGeom += "<table>\n";
+		}
+		for (var i = 0 ; i < D.length; i ++) {
+			listOfGeom += "\t<tr>\n";
+			listOfGeom += "\t\t<td>\n";
+			listOfGeom += "\t\t\t<img src = '../img/button_digitize/geomInfo.png' title='WFS conf' onclick='showWfs("+i+")'>\n";
+			listOfGeom += "\t\t</td>\n";
+			listOfGeom += "\t\t<td>\n";
+			listOfGeom += "\t\t\t<img src = '../img/button_digitize/geomRemove.png' title='delete this " + D[i]['geomtype'] + "' onclick='deleteMember("+i+")'>\n";
+			listOfGeom += "\t\t</td>\n";
+			listOfGeom += "\t\t<td style = 'color:blue'>\n";
+			listOfGeom += "\t\t\t<div onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",D["+i+"])' ";
+			listOfGeom += " onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",D["+i+"])' ";
+			// if a geometry is a wfs result -> zoom to geometry
+			if (D[i]['wfs_conf'] != -1) {
+				listOfGeom += " onclick='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"click\",D["+i+"]);' ";
+			}
+			// ... a geometry has been digitized by hand -> zoom to first point (FIXME: zooming to the entire geometry would be better)
+			else{
+				listOfGeom += " onclick='parent.zoom(mod_digitize_target,\"true\", 1.0, " + D[i]['geometry'][0]['x'][0] + ", " + D[i]['geometry'][0]['y'][0] + ");' ";
+			}
+			var geomName = parent.getElementValueByName(D, i, "name"); 
+			if (!geomName) {
+				geomName = "new";
+			}
+			var suffix = " ";
+			if (D[i]['geomtype'] == "Polygon") {
+				suffix += "(Py)";
+			}
+			else if (D[i]['geomtype'] == "Line") {
+				suffix += "(Li)";
+			}
+			if (D[i]['geomtype'] == "Point") {
+				suffix += "(Pt)";
+			}
+			listOfGeom += ">" + geomName + suffix +"</div>";
+			listOfGeom += "\t\t</td>\n";
+		}
+		if (D.length > 0) {
+			listOfGeom += "</table>\n";
+		}
+		parent.writeTag(mod_digitize_elName,"listOfGeometries",listOfGeom);
+	}
+function saveGeom(m){
+	var myform = wfsWindow.document.forms[0];
+	var ind = myform.wfs.selectedIndex;
+	var wfs = myform.wfs.options[ind].value;
+	myform = wfsWindow.document.forms[1];
+	D[m]['wfs_conf'] = wfs;
+	D[m]['element'] = new Array();
+	D[m]['element']['name'] = new Array();
+	D[m]['element']['val'] = new Array();
+	var cnt = 0;	
+	for( var i=0; i<myform.length; i++){
+		if(myform.elements[i].type == 'text'){
+			D[m]['element'][cnt] = new Array();
+			D[m]['element'][cnt]['name'] =  myform.elements[i].name;
+			D[m]['element'][cnt]['val'] =  myform.elements[i].value;
+			cnt++;
+		}
+	}
+//	alert(wfs_conf[D[m]['wfs_conf']]['wfs_transaction']);
+	var myconf = wfs_conf[D[m]['wfs_conf']];
+	alert(myconf['namespaces'][0]['name'] + " : " + myconf['namespaces'][0]['location']);
+	document.sendForm.url.value = myconf['wfs_transaction'];
+	var str = '<wfs:Transaction version="1.0.0" service="WFS" ';
+	for (var q = 0 ; q < myconf['namespaces'].length ; q++) {
+		str += 'xmlns:' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] + '="' + myconf['namespaces'][q][location] + '" ';
+	}
+	str += 'xsi:schemaLocation=";typename=mapbender_user">';
+	str += '<wfs:Insert>';
+	str += '<'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'>';
+	for(var i=0; i<D[m]['element'].length; i++){
+		if(D[m]['element'][i]['val'] != ""){
+			var tmp = D[m]['element'][i]['name'];
+			str += '<' + tmp  + '>';
+			str += D[m]['element'][i]['val'];
+			str += '</' + tmp  + '>';
+		}
+	}
+	for(var j=0; j<myconf['element'].length; j++){
+		if(myconf['element'][j]['f_geom'] == 1){
+			var el_geom = myconf['element'][j]['element_name'];	
+		}
+	}
+	str += '<' + el_geom + '>';	
+//	if(dig.D[0].type == 'text'){
+//		str += '<gml:Point srsName="epsg:4326">';
+//		str += '<gml:coordinates>';
+//		str += dig.D[0].x[0] + "," + dig.D[0].y[0]; 
+//		str += '</gml:coordinates>';
+//		str += '</gml:Point>';		
+//	}
+//	if(dig.D[0].type == 'line'){
+//		str += '<gml:MultiLineString srsName="epsg:4326">';
+//		str += '<gml:lineStringMember>';
+//		str += '<gml:LineString>';		
+//		str += '<gml:coordinates>';
+//		for(var k=0; k<dig.D[0].x.length; k++){
+//			if(k>0){
+//				str += " ";	
+//			}
+//			str += dig.D[0].x[k] + "," + dig.D[0].y[k];
+//		} 
+//		str += '</gml:coordinates>';
+//		str += '</gml:LineString>';
+//		str += '</gml:lineStringMember>';
+//		str += '</gml:MultiLineString>';
+//	}
+	if(D[m]['geomtype'] == 'Polygon'){
+		str += '<gml:MultiPolygon srsName="epsg:4326">';
+		str += '<gml:polygonMember>';
+		str += '<gml:Polygon>';
+		str += '<gml:outerBoundaryIs>';
+		str += '<gml:LinearRing>';
+		str += '<gml:coordinates>';
+		for(var k=0; k<D[m]['geometry'][0]['x'].length; k++){
+			if(k>0){
+				str += " ";	
+			}
+			str += D[m]['geometry'][0]['x'][k] + "," + D[m]['geometry'][0]['y'][k];
+		} 
+		str += '</gml:coordinates>';
+		str += '</gml:LinearRing>';
+		str += '</gml:outerBoundaryIs>';
+		str += '</gml:Polygon>';
+		str += '</gml:polygonMember>';
+		str += '</gml:MultiPolygon>';
+	}
+	str += '</' + el_geom + '>';
+	str += '</'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'>';
+	str += '</wfs:Insert>';
+	str += '</wfs:Transaction>';
+	document.forms[1].filter.value = str;
+	document.forms[1].submit();
+	return false;
+function updateGeom(m){
+	var myid_value;
+	var myform = wfsWindow.document.forms[0];
+	var ind = myform.wfs.selectedIndex;
+	var wfs = myform.wfs.options[ind].value;
+	myform = wfsWindow.document.forms[1];
+	D[m]['wfs_conf'] = wfs;
+	D[m]['element'] = new Array();
+	D[m]['element']['name'] = new Array();
+	D[m]['element']['val'] = new Array();
+	var cnt = 0;	
+	for( var i=0; i<myform.length; i++){
+		if(myform.elements[i].type == 'text'){
+			D[m]['element'][cnt] = new Array();
+			D[m]['element'][cnt]['name'] =  myform.elements[i].name;
+			D[m]['element'][cnt]['val'] =  myform.elements[i].value;
+			if(D[m]['element'][cnt]['name'] == 'gid'){
+				myid_value = D[m]['element'][cnt]['val']; 
+			}
+			cnt++;
+		}
+	}
+//	alert(wfs_conf[D[m]['wfs_conf']]['wfs_transaction']);
+	var myconf = wfs_conf[D[m]['wfs_conf']];
+	document.sendForm.url.value = myconf['wfs_transaction'];
+	var str = '<wfs:Transaction version="1.0.0" service="WFS" xmlns="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:wfs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=";typename=mapbender_user" xmlns:topp="">';
+	str += '<wfs:Update typeName="'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'">';
+	for(var i=0; i<D[m]['element'].length; i++){
+		if(D[m]['element'][i]['val'] != ""){
+			str += '<wfs:Property>';
+			str += '<wfs:Name>'+D[m]['element'][i]['name']+'</wfs:Name>';
+			str += '<wfs:Value>'+D[m]['element'][i]['val']+'</wfs:Value>';
+			str += '</wfs:Property>';
+		}
+	}
+	for(var j=0; j<myconf['element'].length; j++){
+		if(myconf['element'][j]['f_geom'] == 1){
+			var el_geom = myconf['element'][j]['element_name'];	
+		}
+	}
+//	str += '<' + el_geom + '>';	
+//	if(dig.D[0].type == 'text'){
+//		str += '<gml:Point srsName="epsg:4326">';
+//		str += '<gml:coordinates>';
+//		str += dig.D[0].x[0] + "," + dig.D[0].y[0]; 
+//		str += '</gml:coordinates>';
+//		str += '</gml:Point>';		
+//	}
+//	if(dig.D[0].type == 'line'){
+//		str += '<gml:MultiLineString srsName="epsg:4326">';
+//		str += '<gml:lineStringMember>';
+//		str += '<gml:LineString>';		
+//		str += '<gml:coordinates>';
+//		for(var k=0; k<dig.D[0].x.length; k++){
+//			if(k>0){
+//				str += " ";	
+//			}
+//			str += dig.D[0].x[k] + "," + dig.D[0].y[k];
+//		} 
+//		str += '</gml:coordinates>';
+//		str += '</gml:LineString>';
+//		str += '</gml:lineStringMember>';
+//		str += '</gml:MultiLineString>';
+//	}
+	if(D[m]['geomtype'] == 'Polygon'){
+		str += '<wfs:Property>';
+		str += '<wfs:Name>' + el_geom + '</wfs:Name>';
+		str += '<wfs:Value>';
+		str += '<gml:MultiPolygon srsName="epsg:4326">';
+		str += '<gml:polygonMember>';
+		str += '<gml:Polygon>';
+		str += '<gml:outerBoundaryIs>';
+		str += '<gml:LinearRing>';
+		str += '<gml:coordinates>';
+		for(var k=0; k<D[m]['geometry'][0]['x'].length; k++){
+			if(k>0){
+				str += " ";	
+			}
+			str += D[m]['geometry'][0]['x'][k] + "," + D[m]['geometry'][0]['y'][k];
+		} 
+		str += '</gml:coordinates>';
+		str += '</gml:LinearRing>';
+		str += '</gml:outerBoundaryIs>';
+		str += '</gml:Polygon>';
+		str += '</gml:polygonMember>';
+		str += '</gml:MultiPolygon>';
+		str += '</wfs:Value>';
+		str += '</wfs:Property>';
+	}
+//	str += '</' + el_geom + '>';
+	str += '<ogc:Filter>';
+	str += '<ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>';
+	str += '<ogc:PropertyName>gid</ogc:PropertyName>';
+	str += '<ogc:Literal>'+myid_value+'</ogc:Literal>';
+	str += '</ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>';
+	str += '</ogc:Filter>';
+	str += '</wfs:Update>';
+	str += '</wfs:Transaction>';
+	document.forms[1].filter.value = str;
+	//prompt("",str);
+	document.forms[1].submit();
+	return false;
+function deleteGeom(m){
+	var myid_value;
+	var myform = wfsWindow.document.forms[0];
+	var ind = myform.wfs.selectedIndex;
+	var wfs = myform.wfs.options[ind].value;
+	myform = wfsWindow.document.forms[1];
+	D[m]['wfs_conf'] = wfs;
+	D[m]['element'] = new Array();
+	D[m]['element']['name'] = new Array();
+	D[m]['element']['val'] = new Array();
+	var cnt = 0;	
+	for( var i=0; i<myform.length; i++){
+		if(myform.elements[i].type == 'text'){
+			D[m]['element'][cnt] = new Array();
+			D[m]['element'][cnt]['name'] =  myform.elements[i].name;
+			D[m]['element'][cnt]['val'] =  myform.elements[i].value;
+			if(D[m]['element'][cnt]['name'] == 'gid'){
+				myid_value = D[m]['element'][cnt]['val']; 
+			}
+			cnt++;
+		}
+	}
+//	alert(wfs_conf[D[m]['wfs_conf']]['wfs_transaction']);
+	var myconf = wfs_conf[D[m]['wfs_conf']];
+	document.sendForm.url.value = myconf['wfs_transaction'];
+	var str = '<wfs:Transaction version="1.0.0" service="WFS" xmlns="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:wfs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=";typename=mapbender_user" xmlns:topp="">';
+	str += '<wfs:Delete typeName="'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'">';
+	for(var j=0; j<myconf['element'].length; j++){
+		if(myconf['element'][j]['f_geom'] == 1){
+			var el_geom = myconf['element'][j]['element_name'];	
+		}
+	}
+	str += '<ogc:Filter>';
+	str += '<ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>';
+	str += '<ogc:PropertyName>gid</ogc:PropertyName>';
+	str += '<ogc:Literal>'+myid_value+'</ogc:Literal>';
+	str += '</ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>';
+	str += '</ogc:Filter>';
+	str += '</wfs:Delete>';
+	str += '</wfs:Transaction>';
+	document.forms[1].filter.value = str;
+	//prompt("",str);
+	document.forms[1].submit();
+	return false;
+	</script>
+	</head>
+	<body onload="registerFunctions()">
+	<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' align = center>
+	<tr>
+		<td>
+			<form name='dig'>
+			<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='2'>
+				<tr>
+					<td>
+					<img  name='Point' onmouseover='register_button(this)' id='Point' title="Add point" src = '../img/button_digitize/text_up.png'>
+					</td>
+					<td>
+					<img  name='Line' onmouseover='register_button(this)' id='Line'  title="Add line" src = '../img/button_digitize/line_up.png'>
+					</td>
+					<td>
+					<img  name='Polygon' onmouseover='register_button(this)' id='Polygon' title="Add polygon" src = '../img/button_digitize/poly_up.png'>
+					</td>
+					<td>
+					&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					</td>
+					<td>
+					<img  name='dragBasePoint' onmouseover='register_button(this)' id='dragBasePoint' title="Move node" src = '../img/button_digitize/move_up.png'>
+					</td>
+					<td>
+					<img  name='setBasePoint' onmouseover='register_button(this)' id='setBasePoint' title="Add node" src = '../img/button_digitize/newNode_up.png'>
+					</td>
+					<td>
+					<img  name='delBasePoint' onmouseover='register_button(this)' id='delBasePoint' title="Delete node" src = '../img/button_digitize/delNode_up.png'>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+			</table>
+			</form>
+		</td>
+	</tr>
+	</table>
+	<div id = 'listOfGeometries'></div>
+	<form name='sendForm' action='../extensions/geom2wfst.php' method='POST' TARGET='_blank'>
+		<input type='hidden' name='url'>
+		<input type='hidden' name='filter'>
+	</form>
+	</body>
\ No newline at end of file

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