svn commit: r690 - trunk/mapbender/resources/db/mysql/iso/mysql_data.sql

astrid_emde at astrid_emde at
Tue Jul 25 05:44:48 EDT 2006

Author: astrid_emde
Date: 2006-07-25 09:44:48+0000
New Revision: 690


new data for version 2.4

Modified: trunk/mapbender/resources/db/mysql/iso/mysql_data.sql
--- trunk/mapbender/resources/db/mysql/iso/mysql_data.sql	(original)
+++ trunk/mapbender/resources/db/mysql/iso/mysql_data.sql	2006-07-25 09:44:48+0000
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
--- mysql data utf8
+-- mysql data iso
 -- Mapbender (Version: 2.4)
--- 2006-06-22
+-- 2006-07-25
--- TOC entry 1747 (class 0 OID 39047292)
--- Dependencies: 1229
+-- TOC entry 1756 (class 0 OID 39047292)
+-- Dependencies: 1231
 -- Data for Name: gui; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -28,8 +30,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1748 (class 0 OID 39047298)
--- Dependencies: 1230
+-- TOC entry 1757 (class 0 OID 39047298)
+-- Dependencies: 1232
 -- Data for Name: gui_element; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -75,6 +77,7 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'setBBOX', 2, 0, 'set extent for mapframe and overviewframe', 'div', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'div', 'mod_setBBOX1.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 'savewmc', 2, 0, 'save workspace as WMC', 'img', '../img/button_wmc/wmc_save.png', 'onclick=''mod_savewmc()'' onmouseover=''mod_savewmc_init(this)''
 title=''Save workspace as web map context document''', 730, 10, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', 'mod_savewmc.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'layout_linie2', 3, 0, 'layout', 'div', '', '', 1, 35, 830, 1, 1, 'background-color:#799FEB;font-size:1px;', '', 'div', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'legend', 2, 1, 'legend', 'iframe', '../javascripts/mod_legend.php?sessionID&e_id_css=legend', 'frameborder=''0''', 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 'visibility:hidden;', '', 'iframe', '', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 'scaleSelect', 2, 0, 'Scale-Selectbox', 'select', '', 'onchange=''mod_scaleSelect(this)''', 555, 25, 100, 20, 1, '', '<option value = ''''>Scale</option>
 <option value=''100''>1 : 100</option>
@@ -119,23 +122,23 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 'zoomFull', 2, 1, 'zoom to full extent button', 'img', '../img/button_gray/zoomFull_off.png', 'onclick="mod_zoomFull()" onmouseover="mod_zoomFull_init(this)"  title="Display complete map"', 320, 10, 24, 24, 2, '', '', 'img', 'mod_zoomFull.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 'zoomIn1', 2, 1, 'zoomIn button', 'img', '../img/button_gray/zoomIn2_off.png', 'onclick=''mod_zoomIn1()'' onmouseover=''mod_zoomIn1_init(this)'' title="Zoom in"', 220, 10, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', 'mod_zoomIn1.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 'zoomOut1', 2, 1, 'zoomOut button', 'img', '../img/button_gray/zoomOut2_off.png', 'onclick=''mod_zoomOut1()'' onmouseover=''mod_zoomOut1_init(this)'' title="Zoom out"', 245, 10, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', 'mod_zoomOut1.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'body', 1, 1, 'body
+(obligatory)', 'body', '', 'onload="init()"', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'background-image:url(../img/background_yellow.jpg);background-repeat:repeat-x;', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'rubber', 3, 1, 'deletes temporary (digitized) objects', 'div', '', 'title="Rubber"', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', 'div', 'mod_rubber.js', '', 'mapframe1', 'measure', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'zoomIn1', 2, 1, 'zoomIn button', 'img', '../img/button_blink_red/zoomIn2_off.png', 'onclick=''mod_zoomIn1()'' onmouseover=''mod_zoomIn1_init(this)'' title=''Zoom in''', 210, 60, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', 'mod_zoomIn1.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'closePolygon', 3, 1, 'close Polygon ', 'div', '', 'title="Close Polygon"', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', 'div', 'mod_closePolygon.js', '', 'mapframe1', 'measure', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'getArea', 3, 1, 'Calculation of area, Postgis required', 'div', '', 'title="Get Area"', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', 'div', 'mod_getArea.php', '', 'mapframe1', 'measure', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'owsproxy', 2, 1, 'secure services', 'a', '', 'href=\\"../php/mod_owsproxy_conf.php?sessionID\\"\\'' target=\\"AdminFrame\\"', 10, 910, 200, 20, 1, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'OWSPROXY', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', NULL);
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'delete_filteredGui', 2, 1, 'GUI l&ouml;schen', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteFilteredGUI.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 110, 240, 80, 20, 5, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'GUI l&ouml;schen', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_blue/logout_off.png', 'onClick="window.location.href=''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID''" border=''0'' onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_blue/logout_over.png"'' onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_blue/logout_off.png"''', 798, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'gui_owner', 2, 1, 'set owner', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_gui_owner.php?sessionID&e_id_css=gui_owner" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 830, 200, 20, NULL, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'GUI -> OWNER', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'logo', 2, 1, 'Logo', 'img', '../img/mapbender_oo.png', '', 10, 35, 129, 32, 5, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'center1', 2, 1, 'Center button', 'img', '../img/button_blue/center_off.png', 'onmouseover = "mb_regButton(''init_gui1_center'')" title="Set map center"', 308, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_center1.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'repaint', 2, 1, 'refresh a mapobject', 'img', '../img/button_blue/repaint_off.png', 'onclick=''mod_repaint()'' onmouseover=''mod_repaint_init(this)'' title="Redraw"', 358, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_repaint.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'wfs_conf', 2, 1, 'create and edit a gazetteer module', 'a', '', 'href="../php/mod_wfs_conf.php?sessionID"'' target="AdminFrame"', 10, 870, 200, 20, NULL, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'WFS CONF', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'changeEPSG', 2, 1, 'change EPSG, Postgres required, overview is targed for full extent', 'iframe', '../php/mod_changeEPSG.php?sessionID', 'scrolling="no" frameborder=''0'' ', 432, 25, 107, 24, 1, '', '', 'iframe', '', '', 'overview', '', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'resizeMapsize', 2, 1, 'dynamically resize the mapframe in relation to the browsersize', 'div', '', 'onload=''adjustDimension()''', -10, 10, 1, 1, 1, '', '', 'div', 'mod_resize_mapsize.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_africa', 'body', 1, 1, 'obligatory body', 'body', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'body', '', '', '', '', NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'layout_linie', 3, 1, 'layout', 'div', '', '', 1, 70, 830, 1, 1, 'background-color:#799FEB;font-size:1px;', '', 'div', '', '', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_australia', 'body', 1, 1, 'obligatory body', 'body', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'body', '', '', '', '', NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'layout_linie2', 3, 1, 'layout', 'div', '', '', 1, 35, 830, 1, 1, 'background-color:#799FEB;font-size:1px;', '', 'div', '', '', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_europe', 'body', 1, 1, 'obligatory body', 'body', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'body', '', '', '', '', NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'header_yellow', 2, 1, 'header', 'img', '../img/header_yellow.jpg', '', -1, -1, 833, 75, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_gdi_de', 'body', 1, 1, 'obligatory body', 'body', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'body', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_germany', 'body', 1, 1, 'obligatory body', 'body', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'body', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'setBackground', 2, 1, 'switch background-wms', 'form', '', '', 10, 218, NULL, NULL, 1, '', '<select style=''font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size:12'' name=''mod_setBackground_list'' onchange=''mod_setBackground_change(this)'' ><option value=''0''></option></select>', 'form', 'mod_setBackground.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
@@ -144,12 +147,6 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_worldwide', 'body', 1, 1, 'obligatory body', 'body', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'body', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'loadWFS', 2, 1, 'load capabilities in a gui', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_loadWFSCapabilities.php?sessionID" target="AdminFrame"', 10, 850, 200, 20, NULL, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'LOAD WFS', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_africa', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Beh&auml;lter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfl&auml;che. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuw&auml;hlen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'div', '', '', '', '', NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_australia', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Beh&auml;lter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfl&auml;che. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuw&auml;hlen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'a', '', '', '', '', NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_europe', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Beh&auml;lter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfl&auml;che. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuw&auml;hlen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'a', '', '', '', '', NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_gdi_de', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Beh&auml;lter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfl&auml;che. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuw&auml;hlen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'a', '', '', '', '', NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_germany', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Beh&auml;lter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfl&auml;che. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuw&auml;hlen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'a', '', '', '', '', NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_north_america', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Beh&auml;lter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfl&auml;che. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuw&auml;hlen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'a', '', '', '', '', NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_worldwide', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Beh&auml;lter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfl&auml;che. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=\\''javascript:history.back()\\''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuw&auml;hlen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'a', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'addWMS', 2, 1, 'add a WMS to the running application', 'img', '../img/button_blue/add_off.png', 'onclick=''mod_addWMS()''  onmouseover=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_off/,"_over");''  onmouseout=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_over/, "_off");'' title="Adding WMS"', 580, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_addWMS.php', '', 'treeGDE,mapframe1', 'loadData', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'back', 2, 1, 'History.back()', 'img', '../img/button_blue/back_off_disabled.png', 'onmouseover="mod_back_over(this)" onmouseout="mod_back_out(this)" onclick = "mod_back_set()" title="Back"', 398, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_back.php', '', 'mapframe1,overview0', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'copyright', 2, 1, 'a Copyright in the map', 'div', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'div', 'mod_copyright.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
@@ -158,8 +155,7 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'featureInfo1', 2, 0, 'FeatureInfoRequest', 'img', '../img/button_blue/query_off.png', 'onmouseover = "mb_regButton(''init_featureInfo1'')"', 140, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_featureInfo.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'featureInfoTunnel', 2, 1, 'FeatureInfoRequest with local path', 'img', '../img/button_blue/query_off.png', 'onmouseover = "mb_regButton(''init_featureInfoTunnel'')" title="Query"', 461, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_featureInfoTunnel.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'forward', 2, 1, 'History.forward()', 'img', '../img/button_blue/forward_off_disabled.png', 'onmouseover="mod_forward_over(this)" onmouseout="mod_forward_out(this)" onclick = "mod_forward_set()" title="Forward"', 423, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_forward.php', '', 'mapframe1,overview0', '', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_blue/logout_off.png', 'onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_blue/logout_over.png"''
-onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_blue/logout_off.png"'' title="Logout"', 798, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'gui_owner', 2, 1, 'GUI editieren Benutzer zuordnen', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_gui_owner.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 640, 180, 20, 10, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'GUI editieren Benutzer zuordnen', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'mapframe1', 2, 1, 'frame for a map', 'iframe', '../php/mod_map1.php?sessionID', 'scrolling="no" frameborder=''0'' ', 213, 90, 608, 467, 2, '', '', 'iframe', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'metadata', 2, 1, 'shows informations about the wms and the requests of the gui', 'img', '../img/button_blue/metadata_off.png', 'onClick="window.location.href=''javascript:mod_displayObj()''" border=''0'' 
 onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_blue/metadata_over.png"'' onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_blue/metadata_off.png"'' 
@@ -182,27 +178,34 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'zoomIn1', 2, 1, 'zoomIn button', 'img', '../img/button_blue/zoomIn2_off.png', 'onclick=''mod_zoomIn1()'' onmouseover=''mod_zoomIn1_init(this)'' title=''Zoom in''', 203, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_zoomIn1.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'zoomOut1', 2, 1, 'zoomOut button', 'img', '../img/button_blue/zoomOut2_off.png', 'onclick=''mod_zoomOut1()'' onmouseover=''mod_zoomOut1_init(this)'' title="Zoom out"', 231, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_zoomOut1.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'deleteWFS', 2, 1, 'delete WFS', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteWFS.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 890, 200, 20, NULL, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'DELETE WFS', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'gui_owner', 2, 1, 'Edit GUI assign to user', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_gui_owner.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame"  ', 10, 640, 180, 20, 10, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'Edit GUI assign to user', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'dragMapSize', 2, 1, 'drag & drop Mapsize', 'div', '', '', 81, -19, NULL, NULL, 2, 'background-color:#799FEB; font-size:1px; cursor:move; width:10; height:10;', '', 'div', 'mod_dragMapSize.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'loadwmc', 2, 1, 'load workspace from WMC', 'img', '../img/button_blue/wmc_load_off.png', 'onclick=''mod_loadwmc()'' onmouseover=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_off/,"_over");'' 
 onmouseout=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_over/, "_off");'' title="Load a web map context document"', 758, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_loadwmc.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'changePassword_button', 2, 1, 'button: change password of logged user', 'img', '../img/button_blue/change_password_off.png', 'onclick="''../php/mod_changePassword.php?sessionID'','''',''width=300, height=300, menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,resizable=yes'');" border=''0''
 onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_blue/change_password_over.png"'' onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_blue/change_password_off.png"'' title="Change password"', 668, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'measure', 2, 1, 'Measure', 'img', '../img/button_blue/measure_off.png', 'onmouseover = "mb_regButton(''init_mod_measure'')" title="Measure distance"', 513, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_measure.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'body', 1, 1, 'body (obligatory)', 'body', '', 'onload="init()"', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui', 'addWMSfromfilteredList', 2, 1, 'add a WMS to the running application from a filtered list', 'img', '../img/button_gray/add_filtered_list_off.png', 'onclick=''"../javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList.php?sessionID","printWin","width=500, height=600, left=300, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes")''  onmouseover=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_off/,"_over");''  onmouseout=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_over/, "_off");'' title="Adding WMS from filtered list"', 490, 10, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', 'mod_addWMSgeneralFunctions.js', 'treeGDE,mapframe1', 'loadData', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui', 'body', 1, 1, 'body (obligatory)', 'body', '', 'onload="init()"', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'addWMSfromList', 2, 1, 'add a WMS to the running application from a list', 'img', '../img/button_blink_red/addlist_off.png', 'onclick=''"../javascripts/mod_addWMSfromList.php?sessionID","printWin","width=500, height=600, left=300, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes")''  onmouseover=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_off/,"_over");''  onmouseout=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_over/, "_off");'' title="Adding WMS from List"', 595, 60, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', 'mod_addWMSgeneralFunctions.js', 'treeGDE,mapframe1', 'loadData', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'body', 1, 1, 'body (obligatory)', 'body', '', 'onload="init()"', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'addWMSfromfilteredList', 2, 1, 'add a WMS to the running application from a filtered list', 'img', '../img/button_blink_red/add_filtered_list_off.png', 'onclick=''"../javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList.php?sessionID","mod_addWMSfromfilteredList_win","width=500, height=600, left=300, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes")''  onmouseover=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_off/,"_over");''  onmouseout=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_over/, "_off");'' title="Adding WMS from filtered list"', 620, 60, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', 'mod_addWMSgeneralFunctions.js', 'treeGDE,mapframe1', 'loadData', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_australia', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick="window.location.href=''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID''" border=''0''onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_over.png"''onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_off.png"'' title="Logout"', 5, 5, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'mapbender', 2, 1, 'Mapbender-Logo', 'div', '', 'onclick="'''','''','''');"', 81, -19, 1, 1, 30, 'font-size : 10px;font-weight : bold;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:white;cursor:help;', '<nobr>Ma<span style="color: blue;">P</span><span style="color: red;">b</span>ender</nobr> <script language="javascript"> mb_registerSubFunctions("mod_mapbender()"); function mod_mapbender(){ document.getElementById("mapbender").style.left = parseInt(document.getElementById("mapframe1").style.left) + parseInt(document.getElementById("mapframe1").style.width) - 90; document.getElementById("mapbender") = parseInt(document.getElementById("mapframe1") + parseInt(document.getElementById("mapframe1").style.height) -1; } </script>', 'div', '', '', '', '', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_australia', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=''javascript:history.back()''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Behälter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfläche. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=''javascript:history.back()''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuwählen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'div', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui', 'showCoords_div', 2, 1, 'displays coodinates by onmouseover', 'img', '../img/button_gray/coords_off.png', 'onmouseover = "mb_regButton(''init_mod_showCoords_div'')" title="Coordinates" ', 450, 10, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', 'mod_coords_div.php', '', 'mapframe1', 'dependendDiv', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_australia', 'body', 1, 1, 'obligatory body', 'body', '', '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', 'body', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'updateWMSs', 2, 1, 'Hochgeladene aktualisieren', 'a', '', 'href="../php/mod_updateWMS.php?sessionID"'' target="AdminFrame"', 10, 80, 180, 20, 5, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'Hochgeladene aktualisieren', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_europe', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick="window.location.href=''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID''" border=''0''onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_over.png"''onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_off.png"'' title="Logout"', 5, 5, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'body', 1, 1, 'navigation', 'body', '', 'onload=''mod_adminNavigation_init()''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', 'mod_adminNavigation.js', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'updateWMSs', 2, 1, 'Update with Capabilities', 'a', '', 'href="../php/mod_updateWMS.php?sessionID"'' target="AdminFrame"', 10, 80, 180, 20, 5, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'Update Capabilities', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_europe', 'body', 1, 1, 'obligatory body', 'body', '', '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', 'body', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'editGroup', 2, 1, 'edit group', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_editGroup.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 510, 200, 20, 0, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'EDIT GROUP', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'updateWMSs', 2, 1, 'edit the elements of the gui', 'a', '', 'href="../php/mod_updateWMS.php?sessionID"'' target="AdminFrame"', 10, 70, 200, 20, NULL, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'UPDATE WMS', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_europe', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=''javascript:history.back()''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Behälter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfläche. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=''javascript:history.back()''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuwählen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'div', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'rename_copy_Gui', 2, 1, 'rename and copy gui', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_renameGUI.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 470, 200, 20, 0, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'RENAME COPY GUI', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'showLoggedUser', 2, 1, 'displays the logged admin', 'iframe', '../php/mod_showLoggedUser.php?sessionID', 'frameborder="0" scrolling=''no''', 10, 2, 200, 30, 0, '', '', 'iframe', '', '', '', '', NULL);
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_gdi_de', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick="window.location.href=''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID''" border=''0''onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_over.png"''onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_off.png"'' title="Logout"', 5, 5, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'user_filteredGroup', 2, 1, 'allocate user to groups where this admin is owner', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_user_filteredGroup.php?sessionID&e_id_css=user_filteredGroup" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 450, 200, 20, 0, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'USER -> myGROUP', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'user_filteredGui', 2, 1, 'allocate guis of this admin to user', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_user_filteredGui.php?sessionID&e_id_css=user_filteredGui" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 390, 200, 20, 0, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'USER-> myGUI', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'newGui', 2, 1, 'GUI erzeugen', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_newGui.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 240, 85, 20, 5, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none;color: #808080;', 'GUI erzeugen', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
@@ -210,6 +213,7 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'AdminFrame', 2, 1, 'Bereich f&uuml;r Administrationsmodule', 'iframe', '', 'frameborder = "0"', 200, 20, 800, 800, 0, '', '', 'iframe', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'body', 1, 1, 'Navigation', 'body', '', 'onload=''mod_adminNavigation_init()''', 0, 0, 180, 20, 0, '', '', '', 'mod_adminNavigation.js', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'newGui', 2, 1, 'create a new gui', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_newGui.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 130, 200, 20, NULL, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none;color: #808080;', 'NEW GUI', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_gdi_de', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=''javascript:history.back()''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Behälter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfläche. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=''javascript:history.back()''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuwählen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'div', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'layout_0', 3, 1, 'Hintergrund WMS Verwaltung Rahmen', 'div', '', '', 3, 35, 190, 90, 1, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #008000;background-color:red;', '', 'div', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'layout_1', 3, 1, 'Hintergrund WMS Management', 'div', '', '', 5, 37, 186, 86, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 14px; text-decoration : none; color: #000080;background-color:white;', ' WMS Verwaltung', 'div', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'layout_1a', 3, 1, 'Hintergrund WMS Zuordnung Rahmen', 'div', '', '', 3, 135, 190, 70, 1, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #008000;background-color:red;', '', 'div', '', '', '', '', NULL);
@@ -226,6 +230,7 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'AdminFrame', 2, 1, 'the frame for administration modules', 'iframe', '', 'frameborder = "0"', 200, 20, 800, 800, 0, '', '', 'iframe', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'body', 1, 1, 'navigation', 'body', '', 'onload=''mod_adminNavigation_init()''', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', 'mod_adminNavigation.js', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'newGui', 2, 1, 'Create new GUI', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_newGui.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 240, 90, 20, 5, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none;color: #808080;', 'Create new GUI', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_germany', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick="window.location.href=''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID''" border=''0''onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_over.png"''onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_off.png"'' title="Logout"', 5, 5, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'addWMSfromfilteredList', 2, 1, 'add a WMS to the running application from a filtered list', 'img', '../img/button_blue/add_filtered_list_off.png', 'onclick=''"../javascripts/mod_addWMSfromfilteredList.php?sessionID","printWin","width=500, height=600, left=300, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes")''  onmouseover=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_off/,"_over");''  onmouseout=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_over/, "_off");'' title="Adding WMS from filtered list"', 553, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', '', 'mod_addWMSgeneralFunctions.js', 'treeGDE,mapframe1', 'loadData', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'changePassword_button', 2, 1, 'button: change password of logged user', 'img', '../img/button_blink_red/change_password_off.png', 'onclick="''../php/mod_changePassword.php?sessionID'','''',''width=300, height=300, menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,resizable=yes'');" border=''0'' onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_blink_red/change_password_over.png"'' onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_blink_red/change_password_off.png"'' title="Change password"', 750, 60, 24, 24, 1, 'cursor:hand', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'measure', 2, 1, 'Measure', 'img', '../img/button_blink_red/measure_off.png', 'onmouseover = "mb_regButton(''init_mod_measure'')" title="Measure distance"', 515, 60, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', 'mod_measure.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
@@ -246,12 +251,14 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'forward', 2, 1, 'History.forward()', 'img', '../img/button_blink_red/forward_off_disabled.png', 'onmouseover="mod_forward_over(this)" onmouseout="mod_forward_out(this)" onclick = "mod_forward_set()" title="Forward"', 425, 60, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', 'mod_forward.php', '', 'mapframe1,overview', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'navFrame', 2, 1, 'navigation mapborder', 'div', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 'font-size:1px;', '<div id=''mbN'' style=''position:absolute;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:0;background-color:#B8C1C7;'' onclick=''mod_navFrame("N")''><img id=''arrow_n'' style=''position:relative;top:0;left:0'' src=''../img/arrows/arrow_n.gif'' width=''15'' height=''10''></div> <div id=''mbNE'' style=''position:absolute;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:0;background-color:#B8C1C7;'' onclick=''mod_navFrame("NE")''><img id=''arrow_ne'' style=''position:relative;top:0;left:0'' src=''../img/arrows/arrow_ne.gif'' width=''10'' height=''10''></div> <div id=''mbE'' style=''position:absolute;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:0;background-color:#B8C1C7;'' onclick=''mod_navFrame("E")''><img id=''arrow_e'' style=''position:relative;top:0;left:0'' src=''../img/arrows/arrow_e.gif'' width=''10'' height=''15''></div> <div id=''mbSE'' style=''position:absolute;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:0;background-color:#B8C1C7;'' onclick=''mod_navFrame("SE")''><img id=''arrow_se'' style=''position:relative;top:0;left:0'' src=''../img/arrows/arrow_se.gif'' width=''10'' height=''10''></div> <div id=''mbS'' style=''position:absolute;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:0;background-color:#B8C1C7;'' onclick=''mod_navFrame("S")''><img id=''arrow_s'' style=''position:relative;top:0;left:0'' src=''../img/arrows/arrow_s.gif'' width=''15'' height=''10''></div> <div id=''mbSW'' style=''position:absolute;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:0;background-color:#B8C1C7;'' onclick=''mod_navFrame("SW")''><img id=''arrow_sw'' style=''position:relative;top:0;left:0'' src=''../img/arrows/arrow_sw.gif'' width=''10'' height=''10''></div> <div id=''mbW'' style=''position:absolute;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:0;background-color:#B8C1C7;'' onclick=''mod_navFrame("W")''><img id=''arrow_w'' style=''position:relative;top:0;left:0'' src=''../img/arrows/arrow_w.gif'' width=''10'' height=''15''></div> <div id=''mbNW'' style=''position:absolute;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:0;background-color:#B8C1C7;'' onclick=''mod_navFrame("NW")''><img id=''arrow_nw'' style=''position:relative;top:0;left:0'' src=''../img/arrows/arrow_nw.gif'' width=''10'' height=''10''></div> ', 'div', 'mod_navFrame.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'pan1', 2, 1, 'pan', 'img', '../img/button_blink_red/pan_off.png', 'onmouseover = "mb_regButton(''init_mod_pan'')" title="Pan"', 260, 60, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', 'mod_pan.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_germany', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=''javascript:history.back()''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Behälter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfläche. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=''javascript:history.back()''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuwählen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'div', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'rename_copy_Gui', 2, 1, 'Rename/ copy GUI', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_renameGUI.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 320, 180, 20, 10, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'Rename / copy GUI', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'showLoggedUser', 2, 1, 'Logged User:', 'iframe', '../php/mod_showLoggedUser.php?sessionID', 'frameborder="0" scrolling=''no''', 1, 1, 200, 30, 1, 'background-color:lightgrey;', '', 'iframe', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'printPDF', 2, 1, 'start print GUI', 'img', '../img/button_blink_red/print_off.png', 'onclick=''"../print/mod_printPDF.php?target=mapframe1&sessionID&conf=printPDF_b.conf","printWin","width=180, height=200, resizable=yes ")''  onmouseover=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_off/,"_over");''  onmouseout=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_over/, "_off");'' title="Print"', 555, 60, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'zoomFull', 2, 1, 'zoom to full extent button', 'img', '../img/button_blink_red/zoomFull_off.png', 'onclick="mod_zoomFull()" onmouseover="mod_zoomFull_init(this)"  title="Display complete map"', 335, 60, 24, 24, 2, '', '', 'img', 'mod_zoomFull.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'zoomOut1', 2, 1, 'zoomOut button', 'img', '../img/button_blink_red/zoomOut2_off.png', 'onclick=''mod_zoomOut1()'' onmouseover=''mod_zoomOut1_init(this)'' title="Zoom out"', 235, 60, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', 'mod_zoomOut1.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'help1', 2, 1, 'button help', 'img', '../img/button_blink_red/help_off.png', 'onmouseover=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_off/,"_over");''  onmouseout=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_over/, "_off");'' onclick=''"","Hilfe","width=800, height=800, resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes, menubar=yes, toolbar=yes, location=yes")'' title="Help"', 790, 60, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_north_america', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=''javascript:history.back()''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Behälter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfläche. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=''javascript:history.back()''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuwählen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'div', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui', 'imprint', 2, 1, 'Information about the owner of the gui', 'iframe', '../html/tab_imprint.html', 'frameborder = "0" ', 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 'visibility:hidden;', '', 'iframe', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui', 'keyHandler', 2, 1, 'onkeydownevent (only IE)', 'div', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'div', 'mod_key.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui', 'layout_back', 3, 1, 'layout, background for buttons', 'div', '', '', 360, 10, 51, 26, 0, 'background-color:#414547;', '', 'div', '', '', '', '', NULL);
@@ -266,6 +273,7 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui', 'mapbender', 2, 1, 'Mapbender-Logo', 'div', '', 'onclick="'''','''','''');"', 81, -19, 1, 1, 30, 'font-size : 10px;font-weight : bold;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:white;cursor:help;', '<nobr>Ma<span style="color: blue;">P</span><span style="color: red;">b</span>ender</nobr> <script language="javascript"> mb_registerSubFunctions("mod_mapbender()"); function mod_mapbender(){ document.getElementById("mapbender").style.left = parseInt(document.getElementById("mapframe1").style.left) + parseInt(document.getElementById("mapframe1").style.width) - 90; document.getElementById("mapbender") = parseInt(document.getElementById("mapframe1") + parseInt(document.getElementById("mapframe1").style.height) -1; } </script>', 'div', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui', 'sandclock', 2, 1, 'displays a sand clock while waiting for requests', 'div', '', '', 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'div', 'mod_sandclock.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui', 'mapframe1', 2, 1, 'frame for a map', 'iframe', '../php/mod_map1.php?sessionID', 'scrolling="no" frameborder=''0'' ', 230, 55, 500, 450, 2, '', '', 'iframe', '', '', '', '', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_north_america', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick="window.location.href=''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID''" border=''0''onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_over.png"''onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_off.png"'' title="Logout"', 5, 5, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui', 'setBBOX', 2, 0, 'set extent for mapframe and overviewframe', 'div', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'div', 'mod_setBBOX1.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui', 'tabs', 2, 1, 'vertical tabs to handle iframes', 'div', '', '', 10, 240, 200, 20, 2, 'font-family: Arial,Helvetica;font-weight:bold;', '', 'div', 'mod_tab.php', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'addWMS', 2, 1, 'add a WMS to the running application', 'img', '../img/button_blink_red/add_off.png', 'onclick=''mod_addWMS()''  onmouseover=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_off/,"_over");''  onmouseout=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_over/, "_off");'' title="Adding WMS"', 645, 60, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', 'mod_addWMS.php', '', 'treeGDE,mapframe1', 'loadData', '');
@@ -281,6 +289,7 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'mapframe1', 2, 1, 'Frame for a map', 'iframe', '../php/mod_map1.php?sessionID', 'scrolling="no" frameborder=''0'' ', 220, 105, 625, 400, 2, '', '', 'iframe', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'keyHandler', 2, 1, 'onkeydownevent (only IE)', 'div', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'div', 'mod_key.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'layout_1', 3, 1, 'layout, background for buttons', 'div', '', '', 208, 58, 670, 28, 0, 'background-color:#FFFFFF;', '', 'div', '', '', '', '', NULL);
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_worldwide', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick="window.location.href=''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID''" border=''0''onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_over.png"''onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_off.png"'' title="Logout"', 5, 5, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'loadData', 2, 1, 'IFRAME to load data', 'iframe', '../html/mod_blank.html', 'frameborder = "0" ', 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 'visibility:visible', '', 'iframe', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'help', 2, 1, 'button help', 'img', '../img/button_gray/help_off.png', 'onmouseover = "mb_regButton(''init_help'')" title="help"', 210, 2, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', 'mod_help.php', '../extensions/wz_jsgraphics.js', '', 'jsGraphics', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'mapbender', 2, 1, 'Mapbender-Logo', 'div', '', 'onclick="'''','''','''');"', -59, 1, 1, 1, 30, 'font-size : 10px;font-weight : bold;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:white;cursor:help;', '<nobr>Ma<span style="color: blue;">P</span><span style="color: red;">b</span>ender</nobr> <script language="javascript"> mb_registerSubFunctions("mod_mapbender()"); function mod_mapbender(){ document.getElementById("mapbender").style.left = parseInt(document.getElementById("mapframe1").style.left) + parseInt(document.getElementById("mapframe1").style.width) - 90; document.getElementById("mapbender") = parseInt(document.getElementById("mapframe1") + parseInt(document.getElementById("mapframe1").style.height) -1; } </script>', 'div', '', '', '', '', NULL);
@@ -297,6 +306,7 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'setBackground_all', 2, 0, 'switch all background-wms', 'form', '', '', 157, 190, 40, 20, 1, '', '<input type=''checkbox'' onclick=''mod_setBackground_all_init(this)''> <font face="Arial, sans-serif" size="2">all</font>', 'form', 'mod_setBackground_all.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'setBBOX', 2, 0, 'set Extent for mapframe and overviewframe', 'div', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 'div', 'mod_setBBOX1.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'setScaleHint', 1, 0, 'set scaleHint for mapframes', 'div', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 'visibility:hidden;', '', 'div', 'mod_scaleHint.php', '', 'mapframe1,100,10000000', '', NULL);
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_worldwide', 'content', 2, 1, 'text', 'div', '', '', 10, 50, 500, 30, 2, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'This GUI is an OGC service catalog container and does not provide a map user interface. Please use the  (<a href=''javascript:history.back()''>back</a>) link to select another GUI form your list or log off to log on using another account (identity).<br><br>Diese GUI ist ein OGC Service Katalog Behälter (Eimer, Container, nimm was Du meinst) und beinhaltet keine Kartenoberfläche. Verwenden Sie diesen (<a href=''javascript:history.back()''>back</a>)  Verweis, um aus der Liste eine andere GUI auszuwählen oder melden Sie sich ab, um sich mit einer anderen Kennung anzumelden. ', 'div', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'treeConfGDE', 2, 0, 'configurable directory tree', 'iframe', '../php/mod_treefolderClient.php?sessionID', 'frameborder = "0" ', 0, 180, 250, 500, 0, 'visibility:visible', '', 'iframe', 'mod_treeConf.js', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'treeGDE_1', 2, 0, 'directory tree, checkbox for visible, checkbox for querylayer, no immediate refreshing, with nested layers', 'iframe', '../html/mod_sync_treefolder_1.html', 'frameborder = "0" ', 0, 180, 250, 500, 0, 'visibility:visible', '', 'iframe', '', '', '', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui1', 'wfs_gazetteer', 2, 0, 'gazetteer using wfs', 'iframe', '../php/mod_wfs_gazetteer.php?sessionID&color=255,0,255', 'frameborder = "0" ', -50, 490, 250, 300, 0, 'visibility:visible', '', 'iframe', '', '', 'mapframe1,overview', 'wfs', NULL);
@@ -349,14 +359,13 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'group_filteredUser', 2, 1, 'allocate groups to user where this admin is owner', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_group_filteredUser.php?sessionID&e_id_css=group_filteredUser" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 570, 200, 20, 0, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'GROUP -> myUSER', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'gui_filteredGroup', 2, 1, 'allocate guis to groups of this admin', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_gui_filteredGroup.php?sessionID&e_id_css=gui_filteredGroup" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 650, 200, 20, 0, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'GUI -> myGROUP', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'gui_filteredUser', 2, 1, 'allocate guis to user of this admin', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_gui_filteredUser.php?sessionID&e_id_css=gui_filteredUser" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 630, 200, 20, 0, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'GUI -> myUSER', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'delete_filteredGui', 2, 1, 'GUI l&ouml;schen', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteFilteredGUI.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 110, 240, 80, 20, 5, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'GUI l&ouml;schen', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'gui_owner', 2, 1, 'GUI editieren Benutzer/Gruppe zuordnen', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_gui_owner.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 640, 180, 20, 10, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'GUI editieren Benutzer/Gruppe zuordnen', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'gui_owner', 2, 1, 'Edit GUI assign to user/ group', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_gui_owner.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame"  ', 10, 640, 180, 20, 10, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'Edit GUI assign to user/ group', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'header_yellow', 2, 0, 'header', 'img', '../img/header_yellow.jpg', '', -1, -1, 833, 75, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'deleteGui', 2, 1, 'delete gui', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteGUI.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 150, 200, 20, 0, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'DELETE GUI', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'deleteWMS', 2, 1, 'delete wms', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteWMS.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 110, 200, 20, 0, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'DELETE WMS', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'deleteWMS', 2, 1, '!Vollst&auml;ndig l&ouml;schen!', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteWMS.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 100, 180, 20, 5, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', '!Vollst&auml;ndig l&ouml;schen!', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'deleteWMS', 2, 1, '!Delete completely!', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteWMS.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 100, 180, 20, 5, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', '!Delete completely!', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'delete_filteredGui', 2, 1, 'delete guis of this admin', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteFilteredGUI.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 790, 200, 20, 0, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'DELETE myGUI', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'layout_linie', 3, 0, 'layout', 'div', '', '', 1, 70, 830, 1, 1, 'background-color:#799FEB;font-size:1px;', '', 'div', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'editElements', 2, 1, 'edit gui elements', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_editElements.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 170, 200, 20, 0, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none;color: #808080;', 'EDIT GUI-ELEMENTS', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'editElements', 2, 1, 'Oberfl&auml;chenelemente editieren', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_editElements.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 260, 180, 20, 5, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none;color: #808080;', 'Oberfl&auml;chenelemente editieren', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'editElements', 2, 1, 'Edit GUI elements', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_editElements.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 260, 180, 20, 5, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none;color: #808080;', 'Edit GUI elements', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
@@ -374,12 +383,6 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'loadWMS', 2, 1, 'Capabilities hochladen', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_loadCapabilities.php?sessionID" target="AdminFrame"', 10, 60, 180, 20, 5, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'Capabilities hochladen', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'loadWMS', 2, 1, 'Load Capabilities', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_loadCapabilities.php?sessionID" target="AdminFrame"', 10, 60, 180, 20, 5, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'Load Capabilities', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_africa', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick=\\"window.location.href=\\''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID\\''\\" border=\\''0\\''onmouseover=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_over.png\\"\\''onmouseout=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_off.png\\"\\'' title=\\"Logout\\"', 5, 5, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_australia', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick=\\"window.location.href=\\''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID\\''\\" border=\\''0\\''onmouseover=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_over.png\\"\\''onmouseout=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_off.png\\"\\'' title=\\"Logout\\"', 10, 10, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_europe', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick=\\"window.location.href=\\''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID\\''\\" border=\\''0\\''onmouseover=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_over.png\\"\\''onmouseout=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_off.png\\"\\'' title=\\"Logout\\"', 500, 5, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_gdi_de', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick=\\"window.location.href=\\''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID\\''\\" border=\\''0\\''onmouseover=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_over.png\\"\\''onmouseout=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_off.png\\"\\'' title=\\"Logout\\"', 500, 5, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_germany', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick=\\"window.location.href=\\''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID\\''\\" border=\\''0\\''onmouseover=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_over.png\\"\\''onmouseout=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_off.png\\"\\'' title=\\"Logout\\"', 50, 5, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_north_america', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick=\\"window.location.href=\\''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID\\''\\" border=\\''0\\''onmouseover=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_over.png\\"\\''onmouseout=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_off.png\\"\\'' title=\\"Logout\\"', 50, 5, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('wms_worldwide', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick=\\"window.location.href=\\''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID\\''\\" border=\\''0\\''onmouseover=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_over.png\\"\\''onmouseout=\\''this.src=\\"../img/button_gray/logout_off.png\\"\\'' title=\\"Logout\\"', 50, 5, 24, 24, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick="window.location.href=''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID''" border=''0'' onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_over.png"'' onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_off.png"'' title="Logout"', 180, 2, 24, 24, 1, '', '', 'img', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick="window.location.href=''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID''" border=''0'' onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_over.png"'' onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_off.png"'' title="Logout"', 180, 2, 24, 24, 2, '', '', 'img', '', '', '', '', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'logout', 2, 1, 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png', 'onClick="window.location.href=''../php/mod_logout.php?sessionID''" border=''0'' onmouseover=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_over.png"'' onmouseout=''this.src="../img/button_gray/logout_off.png"'' title="Logout"', 180, 2, 24, 24, 2, '', '', 'img', '', '', '', '', '');
@@ -447,16 +450,14 @@
--- TOC entry 1749 (class 0 OID 39047306)
--- Dependencies: 1231
+-- TOC entry 1758 (class 0 OID 39047306)
+-- Dependencies: 1233
 -- Data for Name: gui_element_vars; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 'treeGDE', 'switchwms', 'true', '', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 'setSpatialRequest', 'buttonWfs_on[3]', '1', 'if this is "0", the button will not be available (default "1")
 ', 'var');
-INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'body', 'css_class_bg', 'body{background-color: #FFFDE7;}', 'to define the color of the body', 'text/css');
-INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'body', 'css_file_body', '../css/mapbender.css', 'file/css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'editGUI_WMS', 'css_file', '../css/edit_gui.css', '', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 'setSpatialRequest', 'buttonWfs_on[4]', '1', 'if this is "0", the button will not be available (default "1")
 ', 'var');
@@ -515,11 +516,13 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui', 'legend', 'showlayertitle', 'false', 'show the layer title in the legend', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui', 'legend', 'showwmstitle', 'false', 'show the wms title in the legend', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui', 'legend', 'stickylegend', 'false', 'decide wether your legend should stick on the mapframe1', 'var');
+INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 'digitize', 'closePolygon_title', 'after inserting at least three points, click the first one to close the polygon.', 'the tooltip that appears over a basepoint of a polygon.', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui', 'treeGDE', 'ficheckbox', 'false', 'checkbox for featureInfo requests', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui1', 'treeGDE', 'switchwms', 'true', 'enables/disables all layer of a wms', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin1', 'help', 'mod_help_color', '#cc33cc', 'color for highlighting', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin1', 'help', 'mod_help_text', 'click highlighted elements for help', '', 'php_var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin1', 'help', 'mod_help_thickness', '3', 'thickness of highlighting', 'var');
+INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'gui_owner', 'file css', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui1', 'body', 'css_class_bg', 'body{ background-color: #ffffff; }', 'to define the color of the body', 'text/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui1', 'body', 'css_file_body', '../css/mapbender.css', 'file/css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 'tabs', 'tab_frameHeight[5]', '250', '', 'var');
@@ -562,7 +565,6 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'filteredGui_filteredUser', 'file css', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'filteredUser_filteredGroup', 'file css', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'filteredUser_filteredGui', 'file css', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file css', 'file/css');
-INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'gui_owner', 'file css', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'showLoggedUser', 'css_file_user_logged', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file/css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'filteredGoup_filteredUser', 'css_file_filteredGroup_filterdUser', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file/css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'filteredGroup_filteredGui', 'file css', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file css', 'file/css');
@@ -570,7 +572,6 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'filteredGui_filteredUser', 'file css', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'filteredUser_filteredGroup', 'css_filteredUser_filteredGroup', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file/css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'filteredUser_filteredGui', 'file css', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file css', 'file/css');
-INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'gui_owner', 'file css', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'showLoggedUser', 'css_file_user_logged', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file/css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui', 'copyright', 'mod_copyright_text', '', 'define a copyright text which should be displayed', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_de', 'help', 'mod_help_color', '#cc33cc', 'color for highlighting', 'var');
@@ -625,9 +626,12 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'copyright', 'mod_copyright_text', '', 'define a copyright text which should be displayed', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'help', 'mod_help_color', '#cc33cc', 'color for highlighting', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'help', 'mod_help_text', 'click highlighted elements for help', '', 'php_var');
+INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'logout', 'logout_location', '', 'webside to show after logout', 'php_var');
+INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('admin2_en', 'gui_owner', 'file css', '../css/administration_alloc.css', 'file css', 'file/css');
+INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'body', 'css_class_bg', 'body{background-color: #FEF8D4;}', 'to define the color of the body', 'text/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 'digitize', 'buttonDig_on[1]', '1', 'if this is "0", the button will not be available for digitizing (default "1").', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'help', 'mod_help_thickness', '3', 'thickness of highlighting', 'var');
-INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'logout', 'logout_location', '', 'webside to show after logout', 'php_var');
+INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'body', 'css_file_body', '../css/mapbender.css', 'file/css', 'file/css');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'tabs', 'open_tab', '0', 'define which tab should be opened when a gui is opened', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'tabs', 'tab_frameHeight[0]', '200', '', 'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES ('gui2', 'tabs', 'tab_frameHeight[1]', '260', '', 'var');
@@ -794,8 +798,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1750 (class 0 OID 39047314)
--- Dependencies: 1232
+-- TOC entry 1759 (class 0 OID 39047314)
+-- Dependencies: 1234
 -- Data for Name: gui_layer; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -830,6 +834,7 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19137, 903, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1000, 50000, 12, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 19106, 901, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_africa', 14190, 778, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, '', NULL);
+INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui', 15337, 407, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_africa', 14197, 779, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_africa', 14198, 779, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_africa', 14199, 779, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1000000, 0, 2, '', NULL);
@@ -873,6 +878,7 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_australia', 10107, 634, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_australia', 10108, 634, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_australia', 10109, 634, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, '', NULL);
+INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui', 15338, 407, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_australia', 10110, 634, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_europe', 13667, 739, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_europe', 13668, 739, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, '', NULL);
@@ -2130,9 +2136,6 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_worldwide', 15008, 844, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 57, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_worldwide', 15009, 844, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 58, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_worldwide', 15010, 844, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 59, '', NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui', 15337, 407, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '', NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui', 15338, 407, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, '', NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui', 15339, 407, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui1', 15337, 407, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui1', 15338, 407, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui1', 15339, 407, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, '', NULL);
@@ -2370,6 +2373,7 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19146, 904, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 200000, 1000000, 8, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19147, 904, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 200000, 0, 9, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19148, 904, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1000000, 0, 10, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui', 15339, 407, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui2', 10179, 640, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui2', 15337, 407, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui2', 15338, 407, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, '', NULL);
@@ -2469,18 +2473,18 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 19016, 893, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 350000, 10, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 19017, 893, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 19018, 893, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1000000, 0, 12, NULL, NULL);
+INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 19107, 901, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, '2');
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19110, 902, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 25001, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19111, 902, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 25001, 0, 1, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19112, 902, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 25001, 150000, 2, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19113, 902, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 25001, 2000000, 3, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19114, 902, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 25001, 600000, 4, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 19108, 901, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, NULL, '3');
-INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 19109, 901, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, NULL, '4');
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19115, 902, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 25001, 200000, 5, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19116, 902, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 25001, 150000, 6, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19117, 902, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 25001, 250001, 7, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19118, 902, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 25001, 250001, 8, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 19107, 901, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, '2');
+INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 19108, 901, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, NULL, '3');
+INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 19109, 901, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, NULL, '4');
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19119, 902, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 25001, 100000, 9, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19120, 902, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 25001, 250001, 10, NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_layer (fkey_gui_id, fkey_layer_id, gui_layer_wms_id, gui_layer_status, gui_layer_selectable, gui_layer_visible, gui_layer_queryable, gui_layer_querylayer, gui_layer_minscale, gui_layer_maxscale, gui_layer_priority, gui_layer_style, gui_layer_wfs_featuretype) VALUES ('wms_germany', 19121, 902, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 25001, 749999, 11, NULL, NULL);
@@ -2503,8 +2507,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1751 (class 0 OID 39047326)
--- Dependencies: 1233
+-- TOC entry 1760 (class 0 OID 39047326)
+-- Dependencies: 1235
 -- Data for Name: gui_mb_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -2524,8 +2528,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1752 (class 0 OID 39047331)
--- Dependencies: 1234
+-- TOC entry 1761 (class 0 OID 39047331)
+-- Dependencies: 1236
 -- Data for Name: gui_mb_user; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -2546,8 +2550,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1753 (class 0 OID 39047337)
--- Dependencies: 1236
+-- TOC entry 1762 (class 0 OID 39047337)
+-- Dependencies: 1238
 -- Data for Name: gui_treegde; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -2564,8 +2568,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1754 (class 0 OID 39047346)
--- Dependencies: 1237
+-- TOC entry 1763 (class 0 OID 39047346)
+-- Dependencies: 1239
 -- Data for Name: gui_wfs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -2575,8 +2579,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1755 (class 0 OID 39047350)
--- Dependencies: 1238
+-- TOC entry 1764 (class 0 OID 39047350)
+-- Dependencies: 1240
 -- Data for Name: gui_wms; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -2584,6 +2588,7 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('gui', 640, 1, 'image/png', 'text/html', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_xml', 'EPSG:4326', 0);
 INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('gui1', 407, 1, 'image/png', 'text/html', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_xml', 'EPSG:4326', 1);
 INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('wms_africa', 615, 0, 'PNG', 'mime', 'INIMAGE', 'EPSG:4326', 1);
+INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('gui', 407, 3, 'image/png', 'text/html', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage', 'EPSG:4326', 1);
 INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('wms_australia', 706, 0, 'IMAGE/PNG', 'text/html', 'APPLICATION/VND.OGC.SE_INIMAGE', 'EPSG:4326', 1);
 INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('wms_australia', 634, 1, 'IMAGE/PNG', 'text/html', 'APPLICATION/VND.OGC.SE_INIMAGE', 'EPSG:26915', 1);
 INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('wms_australia', 827, 2, 'png', '', 'inimage', 'EPSG:4326', 1);
@@ -2632,7 +2637,6 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('gui2', 893, 2, 'image/png', 'text/html', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage', 'EPSG:31467', 1);
 INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('wms_germany', 893, 0, 'image/png', 'text/html', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage', 'EPSG:31467', 1);
 INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('gui', 893, 2, 'image/png', 'text/html', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage', 'EPSG:31467', 1);
-INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('gui', 407, 3, 'image/png', 'text/html', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_xml', 'EPSG:4326', 1);
 INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('gui2', 407, 3, 'image/png', 'text/html', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_xml', 'EPSG:4326', 1);
 INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('wms_gdi_de', 866, 0, 'image/png', 'text/html', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_xml', 'EPSG:31466', 1);
 INSERT INTO gui_wms (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wms_id, gui_wms_position, gui_wms_mapformat, gui_wms_featureinfoformat, gui_wms_exceptionformat, gui_wms_epsg, gui_wms_visible) VALUES ('wms_gdi_de', 867, 1, 'image/png', 'text/html', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_xml', 'EPSG:31466', 1);
@@ -2672,8 +2676,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1756 (class 0 OID 39047362)
--- Dependencies: 1240
+-- TOC entry 1765 (class 0 OID 39047362)
+-- Dependencies: 1242
 -- Data for Name: layer; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -4128,9 +4132,15 @@
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19016, 893, 10, '0', 'Postleitzahlbereichname', 'postcode areas (names)', 0, 0, 350000, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19017, 893, 11, '0', 'Staedtenamen', 'places (names)', 0, 0, 0, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19018, 893, 12, '0', 'Bundeslaendernamen', 'federal states (names)', 0, 1000000, 0, '', '');
+INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19168, 907, 0, '', 'NRW', 'NRW', 0, 0, 140316, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19125, 903, 0, '', 'Brandenburg', 'DNM 25', 0, 100, 50000, '', '');
+INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19169, 907, 1, '0', 'Raster:TK100_KMF:Farbkombination', 'Farbkombination', 1, 0, 0, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19126, 903, 1, '0', 'land', 'Landkreise und kreisfreie Städte', 0, 100, 50000, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19127, 903, 2, '0', 'ort', 'Ortschaften', 1, 1000, 50000, '', '');
+INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19106, 901, 0, '', 'germany_wfs_myedit', 'MyEdit Elements', 0, 1, 0, '', '');
+INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19107, 901, 1, '0', 'my_polygons', 'my polygons', 1, 0, 0, '', '');
+INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19108, 901, 2, '0', 'my_lines', 'my lines', 1, 0, 0, '', '');
+INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19109, 901, 3, '0', 'my_points', 'my points', 1, 0, 0, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19079, 899, 0, '', 'infoprix', 'Infoprix', 0, 0, 0, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19080, 899, 1, '0', 'Ajouter_un_Marche', 'Ajouter_un_Marche', 1, 0, 0, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19081, 899, 2, '0', 'Weltlaender', 'Etats', 0, 0, 0, '', '');
@@ -4142,10 +4152,6 @@
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19087, 899, 8, '0', 'Villes', 'Villes', 0, 0, 0, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19088, 899, 9, '0', 'Maerkte1', 'Marches', 1, 0, 0, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19089, 899, 10, '0', 'Nouveaux-Marches', 'Nouveaux-Marches', 1, 0, 0, '', '');
-INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19106, 901, 0, '', 'germany_wfs_myedit', 'MyEdit WFS', 0, 1, 0, '', '');
-INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19107, 901, 1, '0', 'my_polygons', 'my polygons', 1, 0, 0, '', '');
-INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19108, 901, 2, '0', 'my_lines', 'my lines', 1, 0, 0, '', '');
-INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19109, 901, 3, '0', 'my_points', 'my points', 1, 0, 0, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19128, 903, 3, '0', 'wald', 'Waldflächen', 0, 1000, 50000, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19129, 903, 4, '0', 'gruen', 'Grünflächen', 0, 1000, 50000, '', '');
 INSERT INTO layer (layer_id, fkey_wms_id, layer_pos, layer_parent, layer_name, layer_title, layer_queryable, layer_minscale, layer_maxscale, layer_dataurl, layer_metadataurl) VALUES (19146, 904, 8, '0', 'bstr', 'Bundesstraßen', 0, 200000, 1000000, '', '');
@@ -4173,8 +4179,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1757 (class 0 OID 39047376)
--- Dependencies: 1241
+-- TOC entry 1766 (class 0 OID 39047376)
+-- Dependencies: 1243
 -- Data for Name: layer_epsg; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -6409,6 +6415,14 @@
 INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19017, 'EPSG:4326', 6.0166700000000004, 47.399999999999999, 15, 54.899999999999999);
 INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19018, 'EPSG:4326', 5.8641699999999997, 47.274700000000003, 15.0389, 55.056699999999999);
 INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19018, 'EPSG:4326', 5.8641699999999997, 47.274700000000003, 15.0389, 55.056699999999999);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19168, 'EPSG:4326', 5.673, 49.994399999999999, 10.141999999999999, 52.769100000000002);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19168, 'EPSG:31466', 2476553, 5540279, 2779499, 5856970);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19168, 'EPSG:31462', 2476553, 5540279, 2779499, 5856970);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19168, 'EPSG:31492', 2476553, 5540279, 2779499, 5856970);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19168, 'EPSG:31467', 3261513.0499999998, 5545534.7300000004, 3577127.98, 5849530.1500000004);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19168, 'EPSG:25831', 691515.46999999997, 5541873.3499999996, 981462.09999999998, 5870966.6200000001);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19168, 'EPSG:25832', 261533.79000000001, 5543758.2400000002, 577026.19999999995, 5847631.2699999996);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19168, 'EPSG:25833', -167984.51000000001, 5580271.6100000003, 172362.07000000001, 5858091.8799999999);
 INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19079, 'EPSG:4326', 0.36599999999999999, 5.9089999999999998, 4.423, 12.911);
 INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19079, 'EPSG:4326', 0.36599999999999999, 5.9089999999999998, 4.423, 12.911);
 INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19080, 'EPSG:4326', -25000000, -25000000, 25000000, 25000000);
@@ -6493,11 +6507,19 @@
 INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19166, 'EPSG:25833', 3250120, 5690390, 3483680, 5921730);
 INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19167, 'EPSG:4326', 11.2317, 51.309899999999999, 14.765599999999999, 53.563899999999997);
 INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19167, 'EPSG:25833', 3250120, 5690390, 3483680, 5935030);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19106, 'EPSG:4326', 5.8799999999999999, 46.621299999999998, 15, 55.718699999999998);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19106, 'EPSG:4326', 5.8799999999999999, 46.621299999999998, 15, 55.718699999999998);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19107, 'EPSG:4326', -25000000, -25000000, 25000000, 25000000);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19107, 'EPSG:4326', -25000000, -25000000, 25000000, 25000000);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19108, 'EPSG:4326', -25000000, -25000000, 25000000, 25000000);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19108, 'EPSG:4326', -25000000, -25000000, 25000000, 25000000);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19109, 'EPSG:4326', -25000000, -25000000, 25000000, 25000000);
+INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) VALUES (19109, 'EPSG:4326', -25000000, -25000000, 25000000, 25000000);
--- TOC entry 1758 (class 0 OID 39047384)
--- Dependencies: 1242
+-- TOC entry 1767 (class 0 OID 39047384)
+-- Dependencies: 1244
 -- Data for Name: layer_style; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -7040,14 +7062,14 @@
 INSERT INTO layer_style (fkey_layer_id, name, title, legendurl, legendurlformat) VALUES (19089, 'default', 'default', '', 'image/png');
 INSERT INTO layer_style (fkey_layer_id, name, title, legendurl, legendurlformat) VALUES (19096, 'default', 'default', '', 'image/png');
 INSERT INTO layer_style (fkey_layer_id, name, title, legendurl, legendurlformat) VALUES (19100, 'default', 'default', '', 'image/png');
-INSERT INTO layer_style (fkey_layer_id, name, title, legendurl, legendurlformat) VALUES (19107, 'default', 'default', '', 'image/png');
-INSERT INTO layer_style (fkey_layer_id, name, title, legendurl, legendurlformat) VALUES (19108, 'default', 'default', '', 'image/png');
-INSERT INTO layer_style (fkey_layer_id, name, title, legendurl, legendurlformat) VALUES (19109, 'default', 'default', '', 'image/png');
+INSERT INTO layer_style (fkey_layer_id, name, title, legendurl, legendurlformat) VALUES (19107, 'default', 'default', '', 'image/png');
+INSERT INTO layer_style (fkey_layer_id, name, title, legendurl, legendurlformat) VALUES (19108, 'default', 'default', '', 'image/png');
+INSERT INTO layer_style (fkey_layer_id, name, title, legendurl, legendurlformat) VALUES (19109, 'default', 'default', '', 'image/png');
--- TOC entry 1759 (class 0 OID 39047391)
--- Dependencies: 1244
+-- TOC entry 1768 (class 0 OID 39047391)
+-- Dependencies: 1246
 -- Data for Name: mb_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -7055,16 +7077,24 @@
--- TOC entry 1760 (class 0 OID 39047398)
--- Dependencies: 1246
+-- TOC entry 1769 (class 0 OID 39047398)
+-- Dependencies: 1248
 -- Data for Name: mb_log; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
--- TOC entry 1761 (class 0 OID 39047407)
--- Dependencies: 1248
+-- TOC entry 1782 (class 0 OID 42299424)
+-- Dependencies: 1268
+-- Data for Name: mb_monitor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
+-- TOC entry 1770 (class 0 OID 39047407)
+-- Dependencies: 1250
 -- Data for Name: mb_user; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -7072,8 +7102,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1762 (class 0 OID 39047418)
--- Dependencies: 1249
+-- TOC entry 1771 (class 0 OID 39047418)
+-- Dependencies: 1251
 -- Data for Name: mb_user_mb_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -7081,16 +7111,16 @@
--- TOC entry 1763 (class 0 OID 39047422)
--- Dependencies: 1250
+-- TOC entry 1772 (class 0 OID 39047422)
+-- Dependencies: 1252
 -- Data for Name: mb_user_wmc; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
--- TOC entry 1764 (class 0 OID 39047431)
--- Dependencies: 1252
+-- TOC entry 1773 (class 0 OID 39047431)
+-- Dependencies: 1254
 -- Data for Name: wfs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -7105,8 +7135,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1765 (class 0 OID 39047439)
--- Dependencies: 1254
+-- TOC entry 1774 (class 0 OID 39047439)
+-- Dependencies: 1256
 -- Data for Name: wfs_conf; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -7148,8 +7178,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1766 (class 0 OID 39047451)
--- Dependencies: 1256
+-- TOC entry 1775 (class 0 OID 39047451)
+-- Dependencies: 1258
 -- Data for Name: wfs_conf_element; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -7185,8 +7215,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1767 (class 0 OID 39047463)
--- Dependencies: 1258
+-- TOC entry 1776 (class 0 OID 39047463)
+-- Dependencies: 1260
 -- Data for Name: wfs_element; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -7368,8 +7398,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1768 (class 0 OID 39047469)
--- Dependencies: 1260
+-- TOC entry 1777 (class 0 OID 39047469)
+-- Dependencies: 1262
 -- Data for Name: wfs_featuretype; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -7399,8 +7429,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1772 (class 0 OID 39047651)
--- Dependencies: 1265
+-- TOC entry 1781 (class 0 OID 39047651)
+-- Dependencies: 1267
 -- Data for Name: wfs_featuretype_namespace; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -7461,8 +7491,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1769 (class 0 OID 39047476)
--- Dependencies: 1262
+-- TOC entry 1778 (class 0 OID 39047476)
+-- Dependencies: 1264
 -- Data for Name: wms; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -7845,6 +7875,126 @@
 ', NULL, '');
+INSERT INTO wms (wms_id, wms_version, wms_title, wms_abstract, wms_getcapabilities, wms_getmap, wms_getfeatureinfo, wms_getlegendurl, wms_filter, wms_getcapabilities_doc, wms_owsproxy, wms_upload_url) VALUES (907, '1.1.0', 'NRW: TK100 Farbe', 'Nutzungsbedingungen: Sämtliche Rechte an diesem Produkt liegen beim Landesvermessungsamt NRW. Die Nutzung ist bis auf Widerruf kostenfrei. Der Nutzer muss sich vor jeder Nutzung beim Landesvermessungsamt NRW identifizieren und seine spezielle Nutzung mit Angabe des Verwendungszwecks und Umfang der Nutzung anmelden (Kontaktmöglichkeiten zum Landesvermessungsamt NRW siehe unten). Die Nutzung ist ausschließlich für Testzwecke und im Rahmen von GDI-Projekten zulässig; die Nutzung für kommerzielle Anwendungen ist ausdrücklich ausgeschlossen. Die mittelbare oder unmittelbare Weitergabe der Daten an Dritte ist auch in Verbindung mit weiteren Daten ohne ausdrückliche Genehmigung durch das Landesvermessungsamt NRW nicht zulässig. Der Nutzer ist verpflichtet, einen deutlichen Copyright-Hinweis auf das Landesvermessungsamt NRW als Dateneigentümer bei Visualisierungen jeder Art anzubringen.', '', '', '', '', NULL, '<?xml version=''1.0'' encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?> 
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+<!-- Service Metadata -->
+  <!-- The WMT-defined name for this type of service -->
+  <Name>OGC:WMS</Name>
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+  <Title>NRW: TK100 Farbe</Title>
+  <!-- Narrative description providing additional information -->
+      <Abstract>Nutzungsbedingungen: Sämtliche Rechte an diesem Produkt liegen beim Landesvermessungsamt NRW. Die Nutzung ist bis auf Widerruf kostenfrei. Der Nutzer muss sich vor jeder Nutzung beim Landesvermessungsamt NRW identifizieren und seine spezielle Nutzung mit Angabe des Verwendungszwecks und Umfang der Nutzung anmelden (Kontaktmöglichkeiten zum Landesvermessungsamt NRW siehe unten). Die Nutzung ist ausschließlich für Testzwecke und im Rahmen von GDI-Projekten zulässig; die Nutzung für kommerzielle Anwendungen ist ausdrücklich ausgeschlossen. Die mittelbare oder unmittelbare Weitergabe der Daten an Dritte ist auch in Verbindung mit weiteren Daten ohne ausdrückliche Genehmigung durch das Landesvermessungsamt NRW nicht zulässig. Der Nutzer ist verpflichtet, einen deutlichen Copyright-Hinweis auf das Landesvermessungsamt NRW als Dateneigentümer bei Visualisierungen jeder Art anzubringen.</Abstract>
+      <!-- Top-level web address of service or service provider.  See also OnlineResource
+  elements under <DCPType>. -->
+      <!-- Contact information -->
+      <ContactInformation>
+         <ContactPersonPrimary>
+            <ContactPerson>Karin Landsberg</ContactPerson>
+            <ContactOrganization>Landesvermessungsamt NRW</ContactOrganization>
+         </ContactPersonPrimary>
+         <ContactPosition>Geodatenvertrieb</ContactPosition>
+         <ContactAddress>
+            <AddressType/>
+            <Address>Muffendorfer Str. 19-21</Address>
+            <City>Bonn</City>
+            <StateOrProvince>NRW</StateOrProvince>
+            <PostCode>53177</PostCode>
+            <Country>Germany</Country>
+         </ContactAddress>
+         <ContactVoiceTelephone>49 (228) 846 9320</ContactVoiceTelephone>
+         <ContactFacsimileTelephone>49 (228) 846 9002</ContactFacsimileTelephone>
+         <ContactElectronicMailAddress>landsberg at</ContactElectronicMailAddress>
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+            <Name>Raster:TK100_KMF:Farbkombination</Name>
+            <Title>Farbkombination</Title>
+          </Layer>
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+', NULL, '');
 INSERT INTO wms (wms_id, wms_version, wms_title, wms_abstract, wms_getcapabilities, wms_getmap, wms_getfeatureinfo, wms_getlegendurl, wms_filter, wms_getcapabilities_doc, wms_owsproxy, wms_upload_url) VALUES (900, '1.1.1', 'Pendjari National Parc', 'Pendjari', '', '', '', '', NULL, '<?xml version=''1.0'' encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
 <!DOCTYPE WMT_MS_Capabilities SYSTEM ""
@@ -8264,154 +8414,6 @@
 ', NULL, '');
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-          <Post><OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=";"/></Post>
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-    <Format>application/vnd.ogc.se_blank</Format>
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-', NULL, '');
 INSERT INTO wms (wms_id, wms_version, wms_title, wms_abstract, wms_getcapabilities, wms_getmap, wms_getfeatureinfo, wms_getlegendurl, wms_filter, wms_getcapabilities_doc, wms_owsproxy, wms_upload_url) VALUES (893, '1.1.1', 'Germany', 'Germany', '', '', '', '', NULL, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
 <!DOCTYPE WMT_MS_Capabilities SYSTEM ""
@@ -8686,10 +8688,158 @@
 ', '', '');
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+<!DOCTYPE WMT_MS_Capabilities SYSTEM ""
+ [
+ <!ELEMENT VendorSpecificCapabilities EMPTY>
+ ]>  <!-- end of DOCTYPE declaration -->
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+  <Abstract>germany_wfs_places</Abstract>
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+        </HTTP>
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+      <Format>image/jpeg</Format>
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+          <Post><OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=";"/></Post>
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+    <Format>application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage</Format>
+    <Format>application/vnd.ogc.se_blank</Format>
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+    <Name>germany_wfs_myedit</Name>
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+    <SRS>epsg:31466</SRS>
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+        </Style>
+    </Layer>
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+                    minx="-2.5e+07" miny="-2.5e+07" maxx="2.5e+07" maxy="2.5e+07" />
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+          <Name>default</Name>
+          <Title>default</Title>
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+             <Format>image/png</Format>
+             <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=";version=1.1.1&amp;service=WMS&amp;request=GetLegendGraphic&amp;layer=my_lines&amp;format=image/png"/>
+          </LegendURL>
+        </Style>
+    </Layer>
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+        <Name>my_points</Name>
+        <Title>my points</Title>
+        <SRS>epsg:4326</SRS>
+        <LatLonBoundingBox minx="-2.5e+07" miny="-2.5e+07" maxx="2.5e+07" maxy="2.5e+07" />
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+                    minx="-2.5e+07" miny="-2.5e+07" maxx="2.5e+07" maxy="2.5e+07" />
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+          <Name>default</Name>
+          <Title>default</Title>
+          <LegendURL width="16" height="10">
+             <Format>image/png</Format>
+             <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=";version=1.1.1&amp;service=WMS&amp;request=GetLegendGraphic&amp;layer=my_points&amp;format=image/png"/>
+          </LegendURL>
+        </Style>
+    </Layer>
+  </Layer>
+', NULL, '');
 INSERT INTO wms (wms_id, wms_version, wms_title, wms_abstract, wms_getcapabilities, wms_getmap, wms_getfeatureinfo, wms_getlegendurl, wms_filter, wms_getcapabilities_doc, wms_owsproxy, wms_upload_url) VALUES (824, '1.1.1', 'Image Web Server', 'WMS Version 1.1.1', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '');
+INSERT INTO wms (wms_id, wms_version, wms_title, wms_abstract, wms_getcapabilities, wms_getmap, wms_getfeatureinfo, wms_getlegendurl, wms_filter, wms_getcapabilities_doc, wms_owsproxy, wms_upload_url) VALUES (250, '1.1.1', 'Demis World Map', 'Demis World Map', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '');
 INSERT INTO wms (wms_id, wms_version, wms_title, wms_abstract, wms_getcapabilities, wms_getmap, wms_getfeatureinfo, wms_getlegendurl, wms_filter, wms_getcapabilities_doc, wms_owsproxy, wms_upload_url) VALUES (86, '1.1.1', 'World Map', 'World Map in WGS84 Reference System', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '');
 INSERT INTO wms (wms_id, wms_version, wms_title, wms_abstract, wms_getcapabilities, wms_getmap, wms_getfeatureinfo, wms_getlegendurl, wms_filter, wms_getcapabilities_doc, wms_owsproxy, wms_upload_url) VALUES (101, '1.1.1', 'UMN Mapserver', 'UMN User Overview (UMN MapServer/Postgis)', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '');
-INSERT INTO wms (wms_id, wms_version, wms_title, wms_abstract, wms_getcapabilities, wms_getmap, wms_getfeatureinfo, wms_getlegendurl, wms_filter, wms_getcapabilities_doc, wms_owsproxy, wms_upload_url) VALUES (250, '1.1.1', 'Demis World Map', 'None', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '');
 INSERT INTO wms (wms_id, wms_version, wms_title, wms_abstract, wms_getcapabilities, wms_getmap, wms_getfeatureinfo, wms_getlegendurl, wms_filter, wms_getcapabilities_doc, wms_owsproxy, wms_upload_url) VALUES (328, '1.1.0', 'OSIRIS-WMS, GIS Consult GmbH', 'Web Map Service auf Basis des Smallworld GIS', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '');
 INSERT INTO wms (wms_id, wms_version, wms_title, wms_abstract, wms_getcapabilities, wms_getmap, wms_getfeatureinfo, wms_getlegendurl, wms_filter, wms_getcapabilities_doc, wms_owsproxy, wms_upload_url) VALUES (329, '1.1.0', 'Geobasisdaten Muenster', 'Geobasisdaten Muenster', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '');
 INSERT INTO wms (wms_id, wms_version, wms_title, wms_abstract, wms_getcapabilities, wms_getmap, wms_getfeatureinfo, wms_getlegendurl, wms_filter, wms_getcapabilities_doc, wms_owsproxy, wms_upload_url) VALUES (407, '1.1.1', 'Mapbender User', 'Mapbender User Overview (Mapbender User/Postgis)', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '');
@@ -10386,8 +10536,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1770 (class 0 OID 39047487)
--- Dependencies: 1263
+-- TOC entry 1779 (class 0 OID 39047487)
+-- Dependencies: 1265
 -- Data for Name: wms_format; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -10688,6 +10838,8 @@
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 INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (900, 'exception', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_blank');
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 INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (764, 'map', 'image/wbmp');
@@ -10700,6 +10852,11 @@
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+INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (907, 'map', 'image/jpeg');
+INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (907, 'map', 'image/tiff');
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+INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (907, 'featureinfo', 'text/plain');
+INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (907, 'exception', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_xml');
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 INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (767, 'map', 'image/png; mode=24bit');
@@ -10719,7 +10876,6 @@
 INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (777, 'map', 'image/wbmp');
 INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (777, 'map', 'image/tiff');
 INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (777, 'featureinfo', 'text/plain');
-INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (901, 'map', 'image/png');
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@@ -11113,6 +11269,7 @@
 INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (905, 'exception', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_xml');
 INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (905, 'exception', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage');
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+INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (901, 'map', 'image/png');
 INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (901, 'map', 'image/gif');
 INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (901, 'map', 'image/png; mode=24bit');
 INSERT INTO wms_format (fkey_wms_id, data_type, data_format) VALUES (901, 'map', 'image/jpeg');
@@ -11162,8 +11319,8 @@
--- TOC entry 1771 (class 0 OID 39047492)
--- Dependencies: 1264
+-- TOC entry 1780 (class 0 OID 39047492)
+-- Dependencies: 1266
 -- Data for Name: wms_srs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: admin
@@ -11227,8 +11384,16 @@
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 INSERT INTO wms_srs (fkey_wms_id, wms_srs) VALUES (905, 'EPSG:25833');
 INSERT INTO wms_srs (fkey_wms_id, wms_srs) VALUES (906, 'EPSG:25833');
+INSERT INTO wms_srs (fkey_wms_id, wms_srs) VALUES (907, 'EPSG:31466');
 INSERT INTO wms_srs (fkey_wms_id, wms_srs) VALUES (899, 'EPSG:4326');
 INSERT INTO wms_srs (fkey_wms_id, wms_srs) VALUES (900, 'EPSG:4326');
+INSERT INTO wms_srs (fkey_wms_id, wms_srs) VALUES (907, 'EPSG:31462');
+INSERT INTO wms_srs (fkey_wms_id, wms_srs) VALUES (907, 'EPSG:31492');
+INSERT INTO wms_srs (fkey_wms_id, wms_srs) VALUES (907, 'EPSG:31467');
+INSERT INTO wms_srs (fkey_wms_id, wms_srs) VALUES (907, 'EPSG:25831');
+INSERT INTO wms_srs (fkey_wms_id, wms_srs) VALUES (907, 'EPSG:25832');
+INSERT INTO wms_srs (fkey_wms_id, wms_srs) VALUES (907, 'EPSG:25833');
 INSERT INTO wms_srs (fkey_wms_id, wms_srs) VALUES (901, 'EPSG:31469');

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