svn commit: r636 - trunk/mapbender/http: classes javascripts php

christoph at christoph at
Wed Jun 28 10:23:01 EDT 2006

Author: christoph
Date: 2006-06-28 14:23:01+0000
New Revision: 636



-merged two functions in class_wmc: createJsObjectFromWMC and MergeJsObject, saved 100+ lines
-moved code from list_wmcs to class_wmc
-repaired ie bug

to do:
-sync problem in IE: after a load/append/merge the map request doesn't work
-after the wmc window has been closed, load/merge/append doesn't work any longer in IE (somewhere the closed window is being referenced)

Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/classes/class_wmc.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/classes/class_wmc.php	(original)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/classes/class_wmc.php	2006-06-28 14:23:01+0000
@@ -536,256 +536,66 @@
 	  //return $verbose;
-	function createJsObjFromWMC($target, $mapObj){
-		$wmc_string = "";
-		$new_wms = "";
-		$cnt_wms = -1;
-		//added_wms contains all the wms that have been added already.
-		$added_wms = array();
-		// for all layers do
-		for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->wmc_layer_title); $i++) {
-			//get wms of this layer
-			$current_wms = $this->wmc_wms_serviceURL[$i];
-			//BEGIN : check if wms has not been added before
-			if (!in_array($current_wms , $added_wms)) {
-				//gathers all the layers of the current wms (seperated by ,)
-				$layerlist = "";
-				//gathers all the querylayers of the current wms (seperated by ,)
-				$querylayerlist = "";
-				$srs_array = array();
-				// BEGIN: add this wms as it has not been added before
-				$mywms = new wms();
-		  		if(!$this->wmc_layer_title[$i] || $this->wmc_layer_title[$i] == ""){
-					echo "alert('Error: no valid capabilities-document !!');";
-					die; exit;
-				}
-				// create temporary WMS id
-				$time = explode(" ", microtime(1));
-				$id = substr(md5(substr($time[0], 2)), 0, 5); 
-				$this->wmc_wms_count ++;
-				$wmc_string .= $target . "add_wms('" .
-					$id ."','".
-					$this->wmc_wms_version[$i] ."','".
-					$this->wmc_wms_title[$i] ."','".
-					$this->wmc_layer_abstract[$i] ."','".
-					$this->wmc_wms_serviceURL[$i] ."','" .
-					$this->wmc_wms_serviceURL[$i] ."','" .
-					$this->wmc_layer_style_legendurl[$i][0] ."','','". 
-					$this->wmc_layer_format[$i][0] ."','text/html','application/vnd.ogc.se_xml','". 
-					$this->wmc_layer_srs[$i][0] ."','1');\n";
-				// END: add this wms as it has not been added before
-				// add wms to added wms
-				$added_wms[count($added_wms)] = $current_wms;
-				$cnt_wms++;
-				$cnt_layers = 0;
-				$cnt_query_layers = 0;
-				// list of all added formats in this wms
-				//BEGIN : gather all layers of this wms
-				for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($this->wmc_layer_title); $ii++) {
-					//the wms of the current layer
-					$layer_wms = $this->wmc_wms_serviceURL[$ii];
-					// BEGIN: check if the layer belongs to the current wms  
-					if ($current_wms == $layer_wms) {
-						// BEGIN: Add format to WMS
-						$z = count($this->wmc_layer_format[$ii]);
-						for($j=0;$j<$z;$j++){
-							$wmc_string .= $target . "wms_add_data_type_format('map','". $this->wmc_layer_format[$ii][$j] ."');\n";
-						}
-						// END: Add format to WMS
-						if ($cnt_layers == 0) {
-							$wmc_string .= $target . "wms_add_layer('','','". $this->wmc_wms_title[$i] ."','','0','0','0','0','','".$id."','1','1','1','0','0','0','0');\n";
-						}
-						// BEGIN: counting layers and queryable layers belonging to a certain wms
-						$cnt_layers++;
-						if ($this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii]) {
-							$cnt_query_layers++;
-							//add layer to querylayerlist
-							if (!in_array($this->wmc_layer_name[$ii], explode(",", $querylayerlist))) {
-								if ($querylayerlist == "") {$querylayerlist = $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii];} else {$querylayerlist .= "," . $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii];} 
-							}
-						} 
-						// END: counting layers and queryable layers belonging to a certain wms
-						// BEGIN: Add layer to WMS (using $new_wms_id as index)
-						$wmc_string .= $target . "wms_add_layer('0','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_name[$ii] . "','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_title[$ii]  ."','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_dataurl[$ii]
-							. "','". 
-							intval($cnt_layers) ."','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] ."','0','0','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_metadataurl[$ii]
-							."','". 
-							$id ."','1','1','". 
-							intval(!$this->wmc_layer_hidden[$ii]) ."','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] ."','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] ."','0','0');\n";
-						// END: Add layer to WMS (using $new_wms_id as index)
-						//add layer to layerlist if layer is visible
-						if (intval(!$this->wmc_layer_hidden[$ii]) && !in_array($this->wmc_layer_name[$ii], explode(",", $layerlist))) {
-							if ($layerlist == "") {$layerlist = $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii];} else {$layerlist .= "," . $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii];}
-						}
-						// BEGIN: Add epsg to layer  
-						for($j=0; $j<count($this->wmc_layer_srs[$ii]);$j++){
-							if (!in_array($this->wmc_layer_srs[$ii][$j], $srs_array)) {
-								$srs_array[count($srs_array)] = $this->wmc_layer_srs[$ii][$j]; 
-								$wmc_string .= $target . "wms_addSRS('". 
-									$this->wmc_layer_srs[$ii][$j] ."','". 
-									$this->wmc_bBox_minx ."','". 
-									$this->wmc_bBox_miny ."','". 
-									$this->wmc_bBox_maxx ."','". 
-									$this->wmc_bBox_maxy ."','". 
-									"');\n";
-							}
-						}
-						// END: Add epsg to layer 
-						// BEGIN: Add style to layer 
-						for($j=0; $j<count($this->wmc_layer_style_name[$ii]);$j++){
-							$wmc_string .= $target . "wms_addLayerStyle('".$this->wmc_layer_style_name[$ii][$j] ."','".$this->wmc_layer_style_title[$ii][$j] ."','".$j."','".$cnt_layers."', '" . $this->wmc_layer_style_legendurl[$ii][$j] . "', '" . $this->wmc_layer_style_legendurl_format[$ii][$j] . "');\n";
-						}
-						// END: Add style to layer 
-					}
-					// END: check if the layer belongs to the current wms  
-				}
-				//END : gather all layers of this wms
-				// add wms to mapObj with all layers and querylayers
-//				$wmc_string .= $target;
-//				$wmc_string .= "mb_mapObjaddWMSwithLayers('" . $mapObj . "', '" . $layerlist . "', '" . $querylayerlist . "');\n";
-			}
-			//END : check if wms has not been added before
-		}
-//		$wmc_string .= "var ind = " . $target . "getMapObjIndexByName('" . $mapObj . "');\n";
-//		$wmc_string .= $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].width = " . $this->wmc_windowWidth . ";\n";
-//		$wmc_string .= $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].height = " . $this->wmc_windowHeight . ";\n";
-//		$wmc_string .= $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].epsg = '" . $this->wmc_bBox_SRS . "';\n";
-//		$wmc_string .= $target . "mb_calculateExtent('" . $mapObj . "', " . $this->wmc_bBox_minx . ", " . $this->wmc_bBox_miny . ", " . $this->wmc_bBox_maxx . ", " . $this->wmc_bBox_maxy . ");\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "var old_mapObj = ".$target."cloneObject(".$target."mb_mapObj);\n";
-		$wmc_string .= $target . "mb_mapObj = new Array();\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "for (var i=0; i<old_mapObj.length; i++) {\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "\tif (old_mapObj[i].frameName != 'overview') {\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "\t\t" . $target . "mb_registerMapObj(old_mapObj[i].frameName, old_mapObj[i].elementName, null, " . $this->wmc_windowWidth . ", " . $this->wmc_windowHeight . ");\n"; 
-		$wmc_string .= $target . "document.getElementById(old_mapObj[i].frameName).style.width = " . $this->wmc_windowWidth . ";\n";
-		$wmc_string .= $target . "document.getElementById(old_mapObj[i].frameName).style.height = " . $this->wmc_windowHeight . ";\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "\t}\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "\telse {\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "\t\t" . $target . "mb_registerMapObj(old_mapObj[i].frameName, old_mapObj[i].elementName, 0, old_mapObj[i].width,  old_mapObj[i].width);\n"; 
-		$wmc_string .= "\t}\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "}\n";
-		return $wmc_string;
-	}
- * 
- * checks if layers of the wmc are existing in the client. If yes, they are only updated, and not loaded twice. 
- * 
- * 
- */
-	function mergeExistingJsObjWithWMC($target, $mapObj){
+	function createJsObjFromWMC($target, $mapObj, $action){
 		$wmc_string = "";
-		$wmc_string .= "var ind = " . $target . "getMapObjIndexByName('" . $mapObj . "');\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "var wms_exists = false;\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "var layer_exists = false;\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "var current_wms_index = null;\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "var current_layer_index = null;\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "var changedWmsIds = new Array();\n";
-		$wmc_string .= "var wmsAlreadyInArray = false;\n";
-		$new_wms = "";
-		$cnt_wms = -1;
-		//added_wms contains all the wms that have been added already.
-		$added_wms = array();
-		// for all layers do
-		for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->wmc_layer_title); $i++) {
-			//get wms of this layer
-			$current_wms = $this->wmc_wms_serviceURL[$i];
-			//BEGIN : check if wms has not been added before
-			if (!in_array($current_wms , $added_wms)) {
-				//gathers all the layers of the current wms (seperated by ,)
-				$layerlist = "";
-				//gathers all the querylayers of the current wms (seperated by ,)
-				$querylayerlist = "";
-				// BEGIN: check if this wms is already included in the client
-				//        if not, add wms and and add layers
-				//        if yes, check layers 
-				$wmc_string .= "wms_exists = false;\n";
-				$wmc_string .= "current_wms_index = null;\n";
-				$wmc_string .= "for (var m=0; m < " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms.length; m++) {\n";
-				$wmc_string .= "\tif ('" . $this->wmc_wms_serviceURL[$i] . "' ==  " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[m].wms_getmap) {\n";
-				$wmc_string .= "\t\twms_exists = true;\n";
-				$wmc_string .= "\t\tcurrent_wms_index = m;\n";
-//				$wmc_string .= "\t\talert('match: ' + " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[m].wms_getmap);\n";
-				$wmc_string .= "\t}\n";
-				$wmc_string .= "}\n";
-				$wmc_string .= "if (!wms_exists) {\n";
-					// END: check if this wms is already included in the client
-					// BEGIN: add this wms as it has not been added before
+		$validActions = array("load", "merge", "append");
+		if (!in_array($action, $validActions)) {
+			$wmc_string .= "alert('invalid action: ".$action."');";			
+		}
+		else {
+			$wmc_string .= "var index = " . $target . "getMapObjIndexByName('" . $mapObj . "');\n";
+			if ($action == "load") {
+				$wmc_string .= "while(" . $target . "mb_mapObj[index].wms.length > 0){" . $target . "mb_mapObjremoveWMS(index,0);}";
+				$wmc_string .= $target . "deleteWmsObject();\n";
+			}
+			if ($action == "merge") {
+				$wmc_string .= "var ind = " . $target . "getMapObjIndexByName('" . $mapObj . "');\n";
+				$wmc_string .= "var wms_exists = false;\n";
+				$wmc_string .= "var layer_exists = false;\n";
+				$wmc_string .= "var current_wms_index = null;\n";
+				$wmc_string .= "var current_layer_index = null;\n";
+				$wmc_string .= "var changedWmsIds = new Array();\n";
+				$wmc_string .= "var wmsAlreadyInArray = false;\n";
+			}
+			$new_wms = "";
+			$cnt_wms = -1;
+			$added_wms = array();
+			for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->wmc_layer_title); $i++) {
+				$current_wms = $this->wmc_wms_serviceURL[$i];
+				if (!in_array($current_wms , $added_wms)) {
+					$layerlist = "";
+					$querylayerlist = "";
+					$srs_array = array();
+					if ($action == "merge") {
+						$wmc_string .= "wms_exists = false;\n";
+						$wmc_string .= "current_wms_index = null;\n";
+						$wmc_string .= "for (var m=0; m < " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms.length; m++) {\n";
+						$wmc_string .= "\tif ('" . $this->wmc_wms_serviceURL[$i] . "' ==  " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[m].wms_getmap) {\n";
+						$wmc_string .= "\t\twms_exists = true;\n";
+						$wmc_string .= "\t\tcurrent_wms_index = m;\n";
+						$wmc_string .= "\t}\n";
+						$wmc_string .= "}\n";
+						$wmc_string .= "if (!wms_exists) {\n";
+					}				
 					$mywms = new wms();
 			  		if(!$this->wmc_layer_title[$i] || $this->wmc_layer_title[$i] == ""){
 						echo "alert('Error: no valid capabilities-document !!');\n";
 						die; exit;
 					// create temporary WMS id
 					$time = explode(" ", microtime(1));
 					$id = substr(md5(substr($time[0], 2)), 0, 5); 
 					$this->wmc_wms_count ++;
-					$wmc_string .= "\tchangedWmsIds[changedWmsIds.length] = '" . $id . "';\n";
+					if ($action == "merge") {
+						$wmc_string .= "\tchangedWmsIds[changedWmsIds.length] = '" . $id . "';\n";
+					}
 					$wmc_string .= "\t" . $target . "add_wms('" .
 						$id ."','".
 						$this->wmc_wms_version[$i] ."','".
@@ -796,175 +606,159 @@
 						$this->wmc_layer_style_legendurl[$i][0] ."','','". 
 						$this->wmc_layer_format[$i][0] ."','text/html','application/vnd.ogc.se_xml','". 
 						$this->wmc_layer_srs[$i][0] ."','1');\n";
-					// END: add this wms as it has not been added before
-					// add wms to added wms
 					$added_wms[count($added_wms)] = $current_wms;
 					$cnt_layers = 0;
 					$cnt_query_layers = 0;
+					if ($action == "merge") {
+						$wmc_string .= "}\n";
+					}
-				$wmc_string .= "}\n";
-				//BEGIN : gather all layers of this wms
-				for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($this->wmc_layer_title); $ii++) {
-					//the wms of the current layer
-					$layer_wms = $this->wmc_wms_serviceURL[$ii];
-					// BEGIN: check if the layer belongs to the current wms  
-					if ($current_wms == $layer_wms) {
-						// BEGIN: Add format to WMS
-						$z = count($this->wmc_layer_format[$ii]);
-						for($j=0;$j<$z;$j++){
-							$wmc_string .= $target . "wms_add_data_type_format('map','". $this->wmc_layer_format[$ii][$j] ."');\n";
-						}
-						// END: Add format to WMS
-						if ($cnt_layers == 0) {
-							$wmc_string .= "if (!wms_exists) {\n"; 
-							$wmc_string .= "\t" . $target . "wms_add_layer('','','". $this->wmc_wms_title[$i] ."','','0','0','0','0','','".$id."','1','1','1','0','0','0','0');\n";
-							$wmc_string .= "}\n"; 
-						}
-						// BEGIN: counting layers and queryable layers belonging to a certain wms
-						$cnt_layers++;
-						if ($this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii]) {
-							$cnt_query_layers++;
-							//add layer to querylayerlist
-							if (!in_array($this->wmc_layer_name[$ii], explode(",",$querylayerlist))) {
-								if ($querylayerlist == "") {$querylayerlist = $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii];} else {$querylayerlist .= "," . $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii];} 
+					for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($this->wmc_layer_title); $ii++) {
+						$layer_wms = $this->wmc_wms_serviceURL[$ii];
+						if ($current_wms == $layer_wms) {
+							$z = count($this->wmc_layer_format[$ii]);
+							for($j=0;$j<$z;$j++){
+								$wmc_string .= $target . "wms_add_data_type_format('map','". $this->wmc_layer_format[$ii][$j] ."');\n";
+							if ($cnt_layers == 0) {
+								if ($action == "merge") {
+									$wmc_string .= "if (!wms_exists) {\n\t";
+								} 
+								$wmc_string .= $target . "wms_add_layer('','','". $this->wmc_wms_title[$i] ."','','0','0','0','0','','".$id."','1','1','1','0','0','0','0');\n";
+								if ($action == "merge") {
+									$wmc_string .= "}\n";
+								} 
+							}
+							$cnt_layers++;
+							if ($this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii]) {
+								$cnt_query_layers++;
+								if (!in_array($this->wmc_layer_name[$ii], explode(",",$querylayerlist))) {
+									if ($querylayerlist == "") {$querylayerlist = $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii];} else {$querylayerlist .= "," . $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii];} 
+								}
+							} 
-						} 
-						// END: counting layers and queryable layers belonging to a certain wms
-						$wmc_string .= "if (!wms_exists) {\n"; 
-						// BEGIN: Add layer to WMS (using $new_wms_id as index)
-						$wmc_string .= "\t" . $target . "wms_add_layer('0','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_name[$ii] . "','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_title[$ii]  ."','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_dataurl[$ii]
-							. "','". 
-							intval($cnt_layers) ."','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] ."','0','0','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_metadataurl[$ii]
-							."','". 
-							$id ."','1','1','". 
-							intval(!$this->wmc_layer_hidden[$ii]) ."','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] ."','". 
-							$this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] ."','0','0');\n";
-						// END: Add layer to WMS (using $new_wms_id as index)
-						$wmc_string .= "}\n"; 
-						// in this case, check if the current (PHP) wmc layer exists within the (JS) wms at current_wms_index 
-						$wmc_string .= "else {\n";
-						// check if this layer already exists in this wms
-						$wmc_string .= "\tlayer_exists = false;\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\tcurrent_layer_index = null;\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\tfor (var m=0; m < " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer.length; m++) {\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\tif ('" . $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii] . "' ==  " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer[m].layer_name) {\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\tlayer_exists = true;\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\tcurrent_layer_index = m;\n";
-//						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\talert('match: ' + " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer[m].layer_name);\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t}\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t}\n"; 
-						$wmc_string .= "\tif (!layer_exists) {\n";
-						// do nothing (later: add this layer to current wms)							
-						$wmc_string .= "\t}\n"; 
-						$wmc_string .= "\telse {\n";
-						// check if the visibility or the queryability are different to the existing layer
-						// FIXME: this 'if' may not work
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\tif (" . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer[current_layer_index].gui_layer_visible != '" . intval(!$this->wmc_layer_hidden[$ii]) . "'";
-						$wmc_string .= " || " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer[current_layer_index].gui_layer_querylayer != '" . $this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] . "') {\n";
-						// if yes, update the visibility and queryability..
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t" . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer[current_layer_index].gui_layer_visible = " . intval(!$this->wmc_layer_hidden[$ii]) . ";\n"; 
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t" . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer[current_layer_index].gui_layer_querylayer = " . $this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] . ";\n"; 
-						// ... and check if current wms is in array of wmses that need restating...
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\twmsAlreadyInArray = false;\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\tfor (var z=0; z<changedWmsIds.length; z++) {\n";
-						// FIXME: this 'if' may not work
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t\tif (changedWmsIds[z] == " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].wms_id) {\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t\t\twmsAlreadyInArray = true;\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t\t}\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t}\n";
-						//...if the layers of the current wms need restating, add them to the array
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\tif (wmsAlreadyInArray == false) {\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t\tchangedWmsIds[changedWmsIds.length] = " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].wms_id;\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t}\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t\t}\n";
-						$wmc_string .= "\t}\n"; 
-						$wmc_string .= "}\n"; 
-						//add layer to layerlist if layer is visible
-						if (intval(!$this->wmc_layer_hidden[$ii]) && !in_array($this->wmc_layer_name[$ii], explode(",",$layerlist))) {
-							if ($layerlist == "") {$layerlist = $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii];} else {$layerlist .= "," . $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii];}
-						}
-						// BEGIN: Add epsg to layer 
-						for($j=0; $j<count($this->wmc_layer_srs[$ii]);$j++){
-							$wmc_string .= $target . "wms_addSRS('". 
-								$this->wmc_layer_srs[$ii][$j] ."','". 
-								$this->wmc_bBox_minx ."','". 
-								$this->wmc_bBox_miny ."','". 
-								$this->wmc_bBox_maxx ."','". 
-								$this->wmc_bBox_maxy ."','". 
-								"');\n";
-						}
-						// END: Add epsg to layer 
-						// BEGIN: Add style to layer 
-						for($j=0; $j<count($this->wmc_layer_style_name[$ii]);$j++){
-							$wmc_string .= $target . "wms_addLayerStyle('".$this->wmc_layer_style_name[$ii][$j] ."','".$this->wmc_layer_style_title[$ii][$j] ."','".$j."','".$cnt_layers."', '" . $this->wmc_layer_style_legendurl[$ii][$j] . "', '" . $this->wmc_layer_style_legendurl_format[$ii][$j] . "');\n";
+							if ($action == "merge") {
+								$wmc_string .= "if (!wms_exists) {\n";
+							} 
+							$wmc_string .= "\t" . $target . "wms_add_layer('0','". 
+								$this->wmc_layer_name[$ii] . "','". 
+								$this->wmc_layer_title[$ii]  ."','". 
+								$this->wmc_layer_dataurl[$ii]
+								. "','". 
+								intval($cnt_layers) ."','". 
+								$this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] ."','0','0','". 
+								$this->wmc_layer_metadataurl[$ii]
+								."','". 
+								$id ."','1','1','". 
+								intval(!$this->wmc_layer_hidden[$ii]) ."','". 
+								$this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] ."','". 
+								$this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] ."','0','0');\n";
+							if ($action == "merge") {
+								$wmc_string .= "}\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "else {\n";
+								// check if this layer already exists in this wms
+								$wmc_string .= "\tlayer_exists = false;\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\tcurrent_layer_index = null;\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\tfor (var m=0; m < " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer.length; m++) {\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\tif ('" . $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii] . "' ==  " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer[m].layer_name) {\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\tlayer_exists = true;\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\tcurrent_layer_index = m;\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t}\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t}\n"; 
+								$wmc_string .= "\tif (!layer_exists) {\n";
+								// do nothing (later: add this layer to current wms)							
+								$wmc_string .= "\t}\n"; 
+								$wmc_string .= "\telse {\n";
+								// check if the visibility or the queryability are different to the existing layer
+								// FIXME: this 'if' may not work
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\tif (" . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer[current_layer_index].gui_layer_visible != '" . intval(!$this->wmc_layer_hidden[$ii]) . "'";
+								$wmc_string .= " || " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer[current_layer_index].gui_layer_querylayer != '" . $this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] . "') {\n";
+								// if yes, update the visibility and queryability..
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t" . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer[current_layer_index].gui_layer_visible = " . intval(!$this->wmc_layer_hidden[$ii]) . ";\n"; 
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t" . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].objLayer[current_layer_index].gui_layer_querylayer = " . $this->wmc_layer_queryable[$ii] . ";\n"; 
+								// ... and check if current wms is in array of wmses that need restating...
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\twmsAlreadyInArray = false;\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\tfor (var z=0; z<changedWmsIds.length; z++) {\n";
+								// FIXME: this 'if' may not work
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t\tif (changedWmsIds[z] == " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].wms_id) {\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t\t\twmsAlreadyInArray = true;\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t\t}\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t}\n";
+								//...if the layers of the current wms need restating, add them to the array
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\tif (wmsAlreadyInArray == false) {\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t\tchangedWmsIds[changedWmsIds.length] = " . $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].wms[current_wms_index].wms_id;\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t\t}\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t\t}\n";
+								$wmc_string .= "\t}\n"; 
+								$wmc_string .= "}\n"; 
+							} 
+							if (intval(!$this->wmc_layer_hidden[$ii]) && !in_array($this->wmc_layer_name[$ii], explode(",",$layerlist))) {
+								if ($layerlist == "") {$layerlist = $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii];} else {$layerlist .= "," . $this->wmc_layer_name[$ii];}
+							}
+							for($j=0; $j<count($this->wmc_layer_srs[$ii]);$j++){
+								if (!in_array($this->wmc_layer_srs[$ii][$j], $srs_array)) {
+									$srs_array[count($srs_array)] = $this->wmc_layer_srs[$ii][$j]; 
+									$wmc_string .= $target . "wms_addSRS('". 
+										$this->wmc_layer_srs[$ii][$j] ."','". 
+										$this->wmc_bBox_minx ."','". 
+										$this->wmc_bBox_miny ."','". 
+										$this->wmc_bBox_maxx ."','". 
+										$this->wmc_bBox_maxy ."','". 
+										"');\n";
+								}
+							}
+							for($j=0; $j<count($this->wmc_layer_style_name[$ii]);$j++){
+								$wmc_string .= $target . "wms_addLayerStyle('".$this->wmc_layer_style_name[$ii][$j] ."','".$this->wmc_layer_style_title[$ii][$j] ."','".$j."','".$cnt_layers."', '" . $this->wmc_layer_style_legendurl[$ii][$j] . "', '" . $this->wmc_layer_style_legendurl_format[$ii][$j] . "');\n";
+							}
-						// END: Add style to layer 
-					// END: check if the layer belongs to the current wms  
+					// add wms to mapObj with all layers and querylayers
+					if ($action == "merge") {
+						$wmc_string .= "if (!wms_exists) {\n";
+					} 
+					$wmc_string .= $target. "mb_mapObjaddWMSwithLayers('" . $mapObj . "', '" . $layerlist . "', '" . $querylayerlist . "');\n";
+					if ($action == "merge") {
+						$wmc_string .= "}\n";
+						$wmc_string .= "else {\n";
+						$wmc_string .= $target. "mb_mapObj[ind].layers[current_wms_index] = \"" . $layerlist . "\";\n";
+						$wmc_string .= $target. "mb_mapObj[ind].querylayers[current_wms_index] = \"" . $querylayerlist . "\";\n";
+						$wmc_string .= "}\n";
+					}
-				//END : gather all layers of this wms
-				// add wms to mapObj with all layers and querylayers
-				$wmc_string .= "if (!wms_exists) {\n"; 
-				$wmc_string .= $target. "mb_mapObjaddWMSwithLayers('" . $mapObj . "', '" . $layerlist . "', '" . $querylayerlist . "');\n";
-				$wmc_string .= "}\n";
-				// if the wms already exists, the layerlist and the querylayerlist of the mapObj have to be updated
-				$wmc_string .= "else {\n";
-				$wmc_string .= $target. "mb_mapObj[ind].layers[current_wms_index] = \"" . $layerlist . "\";\n";
-				$wmc_string .= $target. "mb_mapObj[ind].querylayers[current_wms_index] = \"" . $querylayerlist . "\";\n";
-				$wmc_string .= "}\n";
-			//END : check if wms has not been added before
+			$wmc_string .= "var old_mapObj = ".$target."cloneObject(".$target."mb_mapObj);\n";
+			$wmc_string .= $target . "mb_mapObj = new Array();\n";
+			$wmc_string .= "for (var i=0; i<old_mapObj.length; i++) {\n";
+			$wmc_string .= "\tif (old_mapObj[i].frameName != 'overview') {\n";
+			$wmc_string .= "\t\t" . $target . "mb_registerMapObj(old_mapObj[i].frameName, old_mapObj[i].elementName, null, " . $this->wmc_windowWidth . ", " . $this->wmc_windowHeight . ");\n"; 
+			$wmc_string .= "\t\t" . $target . "document.getElementById(old_mapObj[i].frameName).style.width = " . $this->wmc_windowWidth . ";\n";
+			$wmc_string .= "\t\t" . $target . "document.getElementById(old_mapObj[i].frameName).style.height = " . $this->wmc_windowHeight . ";\n";
+			$wmc_string .= "\t}\n";
+			$wmc_string .= "\telse {\n";
+			$wmc_string .= "\t\t" . $target . "mb_registerMapObj(old_mapObj[i].frameName, old_mapObj[i].elementName, 0, old_mapObj[i].width,  old_mapObj[i].width);\n"; 
+			$wmc_string .= "\t}\n";
+			$wmc_string .= "}\n";
+			$wmc_string .= $target . "mb_execloadWmsSubFunctions();\n";
+			$wmc_string .= $target . "setMapRequest('" . $mapObj . "');\n";
-		$wmc_string .= $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].width = " . $this->wmc_windowWidth . ";\n";
-		$wmc_string .= $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].height = " . $this->wmc_windowHeight . ";\n";
-		$wmc_string .= $target . "mb_mapObj[ind].epsg = '" . $this->wmc_bBox_SRS . "';\n";
-		$wmc_string .= $target . "mb_calculateExtent('" . $mapObj . "', " . $this->wmc_bBox_minx . ", " . $this->wmc_bBox_miny . ", " . $this->wmc_bBox_maxx . ", " . $this->wmc_bBox_maxy . ");\n";
 		return $wmc_string;
 	function char_encode($s){
 		if(CHARSET == 'UTF-8'){
 			$s = utf8_encode($s);	
@@ -973,47 +767,4 @@
 // end class
-#$my_wmc = new wmc();
-//missing: createWmcStringFromJsObj
-//gets wmc from db and creates a PHP object
-//creates a JS object from a PHP object
-//print("mb_restateLayers('" . $frameName . "');\n");
-//print("mb_repaint('" . $frameName . "'," . $my_wmc->wmc_bBox_minx . ",". $my_wmc->wmc_bBox_maxx . ",". $my_wmc->wmc_bBox_miny . ",". $my_wmc->wmc_bBox_maxy . ");\n");
-$mywms = new wms();
-$mywms = new wms();
-$mywms = new wms();

Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_initWmc.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_initWmc.php	(original)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_initWmc.php	2006-06-28 14:23:01+0000
@@ -30,12 +30,7 @@
 			echo "wmc_id = '".$_SESSION['mb_myWmc']."';";
 			$wmc = new wmc();
-			$js .= "deleteWmsObject();\n";
-			$js .= $wmc->createJsObjFromWMC("", $e_target[0]);
-			$js .= "var index = getMapObjIndexByName('" . $e_target[0] . "');\n";
-			$js .= "document.getElementById('".$e_target[0]."').style.width = mb_mapObj[index].width;\n";
-			$js .= "document.getElementById('".$e_target[0]."').style.height = mb_mapObj[index].height;\n";
-			$js .= "mb_execloadWmsSubFunctions();\n";
+			$js .= $wmc->createJsObjFromWMC("", $e_target[0], "load");
 		else {
 			$js .= "alert('".$adm->getUserNameByUserId($_SESSION["mb_user_id"])." is not allowed to access WMC ".$_SESSION['mb_myWmc'].". Default GUI will be loaded instead.');"; 

Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_loadwmc.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_loadwmc.php	(original)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_loadwmc.php	2006-06-28 14:23:01+0000
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 function mod_loadwmc(obj){
 	windowWmc ="../php/mb_listWMCs.php?<?php echo SID;?>","displayWmc","width=500, dependent=yes");
-	windowWmc.focus();
+	//windowWmc.focus();
 function mod_loadwmc_init(obj){
 	//document.getElementById("loadwmc").src = mod_zoom1_img_over.src;

Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/php/mb_listWMCs.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/php/mb_listWMCs.php	(original)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/php/mb_listWMCs.php	2006-06-28 14:23:01+0000
@@ -131,38 +131,19 @@
 	$target = explode(",", $e_target);
 	$wmc = new wmc();
-	if ($_GET["action"] == "append") {
-		$js = $wmc->createJsObjFromWMC("window.opener.", trim($target[1]));
-	}
-	elseif ($_GET["action"] == "merge") {
-		$js = $wmc->mergeExistingJsObjWithWMC("window.opener.", trim($target[1]));
-	}
-	elseif ($_GET["action"] == "load") {
-		$js = "var index = window.opener.getMapObjIndexByName('" . trim($target[1]) . "');\n";
-		$js .= "while(window.opener.mb_mapObj[index].wms.length > 0){window.opener.mb_mapObjremoveWMS(index,0);}";
-		$js .= "window.opener.deleteWmsObject();\n";
-		$js .= $wmc->createJsObjFromWMC("window.opener.", trim($target[1]));
+	if ($_GET["action"] == "append" || $_GET["action"] == "merge" || $_GET["action"] == "load") {
+		$js = $wmc->createJsObjFromWMC("window.opener.", trim($target[1]), $_GET["action"]);
 	// display all JavaScript statements as debugging text
 	//echo $js;
 	echo "<script language='javascript'>";
 	if($cnt > 1){ echo "alert('addWMS: ID not unique!');\n";}
-	echo "var mod_addWMS_data = '".$e_require."';\n";
-	echo "var mod_addWMS_target1 = '".trim($target[0])."';\n";
-	echo "var mod_addWMS_target2 = '".trim($target[1])."';\n";
 	echo $js;
-	// adjust the size of the navFrame
-	echo "window.opener.document.getElementById(mod_addWMS_target2).style.width = window.opener.mb_mapObj[ind].width;\n";
-	echo "window.opener.document.getElementById(mod_addWMS_target2).style.height = window.opener.mb_mapObj[ind].height;\n";
-	// execute functions that need to be run after a wms update
-	echo "window.opener.mb_execloadWmsSubFunctions();\n";
-	// alert: wmc has been loaded
 	$title = $wmc->getTitle();
 	if ($title) {$title = "'" . $title . "' ";}
 	echo "alert(\"WMC " . $title . ": " . $_GET["action"] . " successful.\");\n";
-	// reload the map
-	echo "window.opener.setMapRequest(mod_addWMS_target2);\n";
-	// close the 'load wmc' window
 	echo "window.close();";
 	echo "</script>";

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