[Mapbender-commits] r1240 - trunk/mapbender/resources/db/postgresql/iso

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Fri Mar 23 04:46:13 EDT 2007

Author: christoph
Date: 2007-03-23 04:46:12 -0400 (Fri, 23 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 1240

fixed Umlaut trouble (thanks to Ronald Woita for the patch)

Modified: trunk/mapbender/resources/db/postgresql/iso/pgsql_data.sql
--- trunk/mapbender/resources/db/postgresql/iso/pgsql_data.sql	2007-03-22 15:00:59 UTC (rev 1239)
+++ trunk/mapbender/resources/db/postgresql/iso/pgsql_data.sql	2007-03-23 08:46:12 UTC (rev 1240)
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 'CreateTreeGDE', 2, 1, 'Ordnerbaum konfigurieren', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/nestedSets.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 516, 200, 20, 5, '', 'Ordnerbaum konfigurieren', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 'EditWMSMetadata', 2, 1, 'edit the metadata of wms', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_editWMS_Metadata.php?show_wms_list=true&sessionID" target="AdminFrame"', 10, 275, 200, 20, 5, '', 'WMS Metadaten', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 'body', 1, 1, 'Navigation', 'body', '', 'onload=''mod_adminNavigation_init()''', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', 'mod_adminNavigation.js', '', '', '', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 'deleteWFS', 2, 1, 'WFS löschen', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteWFS.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 393, 200, 20, 5, '', 'WFS löschen', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 'deleteWMS', 2, 1, '!Vollständig löschen!', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteWMS.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 100, 200, 20, 5, '', 'WMS löschen!', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
-INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 'delete_filteredGui', 2, 1, 'GUI löschen', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteFilteredGUI.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 471, 200, 20, 5, '', 'GUI löschen', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 'deleteWFS', 2, 1, 'WFS löschen', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteWFS.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 393, 200, 20, 5, '', 'WFS löschen', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 'deleteWMS', 2, 1, '!Vollständig löschen!', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteWMS.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 100, 200, 20, 5, '', 'WMS löschen!', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 'delete_filteredGui', 2, 1, 'GUI löschen', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteFilteredGUI.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 471, 200, 20, 5, '', 'GUI löschen', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 'editElements', 2, 1, 'Oberflächenelemente editieren', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_editElements.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 491, 200, 25, 5, '', 'GUI editieren', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'treeGDE', 2, 1, 'dircetory structure, checkbox for visible, checkbox for querylayer', 'iframe', '../html/mod_sync_treefolder.php?sessionID&e_id_css=treeGDE', 'frameborder = "0" ', 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 'visibility:hidden;', '', 'iframe', '', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 'editGUI_WMS', 2, 1, 'WMS GUI Einstellungen', 'a', '', 'href="../php/mod_editGuiWms.php?sessionID"'' target="AdminFrame"', 10, 218, 200, 20, 5, '', 'WMS Einstellungen ändern', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'zoomOut1', 2, 1, 'zoomOut button', 'img', '../img/button_blue/zoomOut2_off.png', 'onclick=''mod_zoomOut1()'' onmouseover=''mod_zoomOut1_init(this)'' title="Zoom out"', 231, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_zoomOut1.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', 'http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/ZoomOut');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin1', 'deleteWFS', 2, 1, 'delete WFS', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_deleteWFS.php?sessionID" target = "AdminFrame" ', 10, 890, 200, 20, NULL, 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;', 'DELETE WFS', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', 'http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/DeleteWMS');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 'orphanWMS', 2, 1, 'display orphaned WMS', 'a', '', 'href = "../php/mod_orphanWMS.php?sessionID" 
-target = "AdminFrame"', 10, 120, 200, 20, 5, '', 'WMS ohne Zuordung löschen', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
+target = "AdminFrame"', 10, 120, 200, 20, 5, '', 'WMS ohne Zuordung löschen', 'a', '', '', '', 'AdminFrame', '');
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'dragMapSize', 2, 1, 'drag & drop Mapsize', 'div', '', '', 81, -19, NULL, NULL, 2, 'background-color:#799FEB; font-size:1px; cursor:move; width:10; height:10;', '', 'div', 'mod_dragMapSize.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', NULL);
 INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('gui2', 'loadwmc', 2, 1, 'load workspace from WMC', 'img', '../img/button_blue/wmc_load_off.png', 'onclick=''mod_loadwmc()'' onmouseover=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_off/,"_over");'' 
 onmouseout=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_over/, "_off");'' title="Load a web map context document"', 758, 40, 28, 28, 3, 'filter:Chroma(color=#C2CBCF);', '', '', 'mod_loadwmc.php', '', 'mapframe1', '', 'http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/LoadWMC');

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