[Mapbender-commits] r2857 - branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Mon Aug 18 10:42:03 EDT 2008

Author: nimix
Date: 2008-08-18 10:41:54 -0400 (Mon, 18 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 2857


Deleted: branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts/point.js
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts/point.js	2008-08-18 14:39:35 UTC (rev 2856)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts/point.js	2008-08-18 14:41:54 UTC (rev 2857)
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-* $Id$
-* COPYRIGHT: (C) 2001 by ccgis. This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-* License (>=v2). Read the file gpl.txt that comes with Mapbender for details. 
- * @class A class representing a two-dimensional point.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param {Float} x x value of the {@link Point}
- * @param {Float} y y value of the {@link Point}
- */
- function Point(x, y, z){
- 	/**
- 	 * x value of the {@link Point}
- 	 *
-	 * @type Float
-	 */
-//	this.x = parseFloat(x);
-	this.x = x;
- 	/**
- 	 * y value of the {@link Point}
-	 *
-	 * @type Float
-	 */
-//	this.y = parseFloat(y);
-	this.y = y;
-	this.z = z;
- * computes the distance between a {@link Point} p and this {@link Point}
- *
- * @param {Point} p the distance between this {@link Point} and the {@link Point} p is computed.
- * @return {Float} the distance between the two {@link Point} objects.
- */
-Point.prototype.dist = function(p){
-	return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.y-p.y,2) + Math.pow(this.x-p.x,2)) ;
- * checks if the coordinates of this {@link Point} match the coordinates of a {@link Point} p
- *
- * @param {Point} p 
- * @return {Boolean} true if the two points are equal; elso false
- */
-Point.prototype.equals = function(p){
-	if (this.x == p.x && this.y == p.y) {return true;}
-	return false;
- * subtracts a {@link Point} p from this {@link Point}
- *
- * @param {Point} p 
- * @return a new {@link Point} with the difference of the two points
- */
-Point.prototype.minus = function(p){
-	return new Point(this.x-p.x, this.y-p.y);
- * adds this {@link Point} to a {@link Point} p
- *
- * @param {Point} p 
- * @return a new {@link Point} with the sum of the two points
- */
-Point.prototype.plus = function(p){
-	return new Point(this.x+p.x, this.y+p.y);
- * divides this {@link Point} by a scalar c
- *
- * @param {Float} c divisor
- * @return a new {@link Point} divided by c
- */
-Point.prototype.dividedBy = function(c){
-	if (c !== 0) {
-		return new Point(this.x/c, this.y/c);
-	}
-	var e = new Mb_exception("Point.dividedBy: Division by zero");
-	return false;
- * multiplies this {@link Point} by a scalar c
- *
- * @param {Float} c factor
- * @return a new {@link Point} multiplied by c
- */
-Point.prototype.times = function(c){
-	return new Point(this.x*c, this.y*c);
- * rounds the coordinates to numOfDigits digits
- *
- * @param numOfDigits the coordinate will be rounded to numOfDigits digits
- * @return a new {@link Point} rounded to numOfDigits digits
- * @type Point
- */
-Point.prototype.round = function(numOfDigits){
-	return new Point(roundToDigits(this.x, numOfDigits), roundToDigits(this.y, numOfDigits));
- * @returns a {String} representation of this Point
- * @type String
- */
-Point.prototype.toString = function(){
-	if (typeof(this.z == "undefined")) {
-		return "[" + this.x + ", " + this.y + "]";
-	}
-	else {
-		return "[" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ", " + this.z + "]";
-	}
-// possible improvement: point has flag: map OR real. additional functions: toReal, toMap
- * @ignore
- */
-function mapToReal(frameName, aPoint){
-	var v;
-	if (typeof(mb_mapObj) == 'object') {
-		v = makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(frameName, aPoint.x, aPoint.y);
-	}
-	else {
-		if (typeof(parent.mb_mapObj) == 'object') {
-			v = parent.makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(frameName, aPoint.x, aPoint.y);
-		}
-		else {
-			alert('where am i?');
-		}
-	}
-	return new Point(v[0], v[1]);
- * @ignore
- */
-function realToMap(frameName, aPoint) {
-	var v;
-	if (typeof(mb_mapObj) == 'object') {
-		v = makeRealWorld2mapPos(frameName, aPoint.x, aPoint.y);
-	}
-	else if (typeof(parent.mb_mapObj) == 'object') {
-		v = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(frameName, aPoint.x, aPoint.y);
-	}
-	else {
-		var e = new Mb_exception('Point.realToMap:where am i?');
-	}
-	return new Point(v[0], v[1]);
- * @ignore
- */
-function mb_calcExtent(frameName, min, max) {
-	var ind;
-	if (typeof(mb_mapObj) == 'object') {
-		ind = getMapObjIndexByName(frameName);
-	}
-	else if (typeof(parent.mb_mapObj) == 'object') {
-		ind = parent.getMapObjIndexByName(frameName);
-	}
-	else {
-		var e = new Mb_exception('Point.mb_calcExtent: function getMapObjIndexByName not found');
-	}
-	var extent = max.minus(min);
-	var center = extent.dividedBy(2).plus(min);
-	var relation_px_x = mb_mapObj[ind].width / mb_mapObj[ind].height;
-	var relation_px_y = mb_mapObj[ind].height / mb_mapObj[ind].width;
-	var relation_bbox_x = extent.x / extent.y;     
-	var new_min;
-	var new_max;
-	if(relation_bbox_x <= relation_px_x){                
-		new_min = new Point(center.x - relation_px_x * extent.y / 2, min.y);
-		new_max = new Point(center.x + relation_px_x * extent.y / 2, max.y);
-	}
-	else if(relation_bbox_x > relation_px_x){                
-		new_min = new Point(min.x, center.y - relation_px_y * extent.x / 2);
-		new_max = new Point(max.x, center.y + relation_px_y * extent.x / 2);
-	}
-	mb_mapObj[ind].extent = new_min.x +","+ new_min.y +","+ new_max.x  +","+ new_max.y;
- * @ignore
- */
-function roundToDigits(aFloat, numberOfDigits) {
-	return Math.round(aFloat*Math.pow(10, parseInt(numberOfDigits, 10)))/Math.pow(10, parseInt(numberOfDigits, 10));

Modified: branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts/popup.js
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts/popup.js	2008-08-18 14:39:35 UTC (rev 2856)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts/popup.js	2008-08-18 14:41:54 UTC (rev 2857)
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-	var id="popup"+String(create_pos);
+	this.id="popup"+String(++popup_top);
 	//Set defaults
 	defaults = {

Deleted: branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts/style.js
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts/style.js	2008-08-18 14:39:35 UTC (rev 2856)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts/style.js	2008-08-18 14:41:54 UTC (rev 2857)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * creates a style tag in the head of the document.
- *
- */
-var StyleTag = function() {
-	/**
-	 * Creates the style tag in the head of the document. Something like a constructor. 
-	 *
-	 */
-	var createStyleTag = function() {
-		// TODO: Internet Explorer routine seems a little buggy
-		if (top.ie) {
-			// create a Style Sheet object (IE only)
-			//styleSheetObj=document.createStyleSheet();
-			// get the DOM node of the style sheet object, set the type
-			//styleObj=styleSheetObj.owningElement || styleSheetObj.ownerNode;
-			//styleObj.setAttribute("type","text/css");
-			// alternative way for IE: take existing styleSheet with index 0 instead of creating a new one
-			styleSheetObj=document.styleSheets[0];
-		}
-		else {
-			// create the style node, set the style
-			styleObj=document.createElement("style");
-			styleObj.setAttribute("type","text/css");
-			// append the node to the head
-			document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(styleObj);
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Adds a class className with the CSS in cssString
-	 */
-	this.addClass = function(className,cssString) {
-		// TODO: Internet Explorer routine seems a little buggy
-		if (top.ie) {
-			//add new style declaration to chosen styleSheet 
-			var cssRules = cssString.split(";");
-			for (i=0; i<cssRules.length-1; i++){
-				styleSheetObj.addRule("."+className,cssRules[i]);
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			// insert the content via createTextNode
-			styleObj.appendChild(document.createTextNode("."+className+"{\n\t"+cssString+"\n}\n"));				
-		}
-	};
-	var styleObj;
-	var styleSheetObj; //IE only...
-	createStyleTag();
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts/wms.js (from rev 2653, trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/wms.js)
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts/wms.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/javascripts/wms.js	2008-08-18 14:41:54 UTC (rev 2857)
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+ * $Id: map_obj.js 2413 2008-04-23 16:21:04Z christoph $
+ * COPYRIGHT: (C) 2001 by ccgis. This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+ * License (>=v2). Read the file gpl.txt that comes with Mapbender for details. 
+ */
+//global variables
+var wms = [];
+var wms_layer_count = 0;
+ * global function to add wms to the wms-object
+ * 
+ * @param {String} wms_id the unique id of the wms 
+ * @param {String} wms_version the version assumed from capabilities
+ * @param {String} wms_title the title of the wms
+ * @param {String} wms_abstract the abstract of the wms
+ * @param {String} wms_getmap the url for map requests
+ * @param {String} wms_getfeatureinfo the url for featureInof requests
+ * @param {String} wms_getlegendurl the url for legend requests
+ * @param {String} wms_filter a filter (deprecated)
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_mapformat the image-format in the actual gui
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_featureinfoformat the current format for featureInfos
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_exceptionformat the exceptionformat for map requests
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_epsg the current srs
+ * @param {Integer} gui_wms_visible the visibility of this service
+ * @param {Integer} gui_wms_opacity the initial display opacity in percent
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_sldurl url to an actual sld
+ */
+function add_wms(
+			wms_id,
+			wms_version,
+			wms_title,
+			wms_abstract,
+			wms_getmap,
+			wms_getfeatureinfo,
+			wms_getlegendurl,
+			wms_filter,
+			gui_wms_mapformat,
+			gui_wms_featureinfoformat,
+			gui_wms_exceptionformat,
+			gui_wms_epsg,
+			gui_wms_visible,
+			gui_wms_opacity,
+			gui_wms_sldurl){
+					wms[wms.length] = new wms_const( 
+					wms_id,
+					wms_version,
+					wms_title,
+					wms_abstract,
+					wms_getmap,
+					wms_getfeatureinfo,
+					wms_getlegendurl,
+					wms_filter,
+					gui_wms_mapformat,
+					gui_wms_featureinfoformat,
+					gui_wms_exceptionformat,
+					gui_wms_epsg,
+					parseInt(gui_wms_visible, 10),
+					parseInt(gui_wms_opacity),
+					parseInt(gui_wms_opacity),
+					gui_wms_sldurl);
+					wms_layer[wms.length - 1] = [];
+ * @class A class representing the wms
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String} wms_id the unique id of the wms 
+ * @param {String} wms_version the version assumed from capabilities
+ * @param {String} wms_title the title of the wms
+ * @param {String} wms_abstract the abstract of the wms
+ * @param {String} wms_getmap the url for map requests
+ * @param {String} wms_getfeatureinfo the url for featureInof requests
+ * @param {String} wms_getlegendurl the url for legend requests
+ * @param {String} wms_filter a filter (deprecated)
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_mapformat the image-format in the actual gui
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_featureinfoformat the current format for featureInfos
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_exceptionformat the exceptionformat for map requests
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_epsg the current srs
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_visible the visibility of this service
+ * @param {Integer} gui_wms_opacity the initial display opacity in percent
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_sldurl url to an actual sld
+ * 
+ */
+function wms_const(  
+			wms_id,
+			wms_version,
+			wms_title,
+			wms_abstract,
+			wms_getmap,
+			wms_getfeatureinfo,
+		    wms_getlegendurl,
+			wms_filter,
+			gui_wms_mapformat,
+			gui_wms_featureinfoformat,
+			gui_wms_exceptionformat,
+			gui_wms_epsg,
+			gui_wms_visible,
+			gui_wms_opacity,
+			gui_wms_sldurl){
+	if (!wms_id) {
+		var id_ok = false;
+		while (id_ok === false) {
+			wms_id = "a"+Math.round(10000*Math.random());
+			id_ok = true;
+			for (var i=0; i < wms.length && id_ok === true; i++) {
+				if (wms_id == wms[i].wms_id) { 
+					id_ok = false;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	this.wms_id = wms_id;
+	this.wms_version = wms_version;
+	this.wms_title = wms_title;
+	this.wms_abstract = wms_abstract;
+	this.wms_getmap = wms_getmap;
+	this.wms_getfeatureinfo = wms_getfeatureinfo;
+	this.wms_getlegendurl = wms_getlegendurl;
+	this.wms_filter = wms_filter;
+	this.data_type = [];
+	this.data_format = [];
+	this.objLayer = [];
+	this.gui_wms_mapformat = gui_wms_mapformat;
+	this.gui_wms_featureinfoformat = gui_wms_featureinfoformat;
+	this.gui_wms_exceptionformat = gui_wms_exceptionformat;
+	this.gui_wms_epsg = gui_wms_epsg;
+	this.gui_wms_visible = gui_wms_visible;
+	this.gui_epsg = [];
+	this.gui_minx = [];
+	this.gui_miny = [];
+	this.gui_maxx = [];
+	this.gui_maxy = [];
+	// opacity version 
+	this.gui_wms_mapopacity = gui_wms_opacity/100;
+	// sld version
+	this.gui_wms_sldurl = gui_wms_sldurl;      
+ * rephrases the mapRequest
+ *
+ * @param {Object} mapObj the mapbender mapObject of the wms  
+ * @return mapRequest, i.e. onlineresource + params
+ * @type String
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getMapRequest = function(mapObj){	
+	//check visible layers first
+	var layers = this.getLayers(mapObj);
+	if(!layers){
+		return false;
+	}
+	var rq = this.wms_getmap;
+	rq += mb_getConjunctionCharacter(this.wms_getmap);
+	if(this.wms_version === "1.0.0"){
+		rq += "WMTVER=" + this.wms_version + "&REQUEST=map";
+	}
+	else{
+		rq += "VERSION=" + this.wms_version + "&REQUEST=getMap&SERVICE=WMS";
+	}
+	rq += "&LAYERS=" + layers.join(",");
+	rq += "&WIDTH=" + mapObj.getWidth();
+	rq += "&HEIGHT=" + mapObj.getHeight();
+	rq += "&SRS=" + mapObj.getSRS();
+	rq += "&BBOX=" + mapObj.getExtent();
+	rq += "&STYLES=" + this.getLayerstyles(mapObj).join(",");
+	rq += "&FORMAT=" + this.gui_wms_mapformat;
+	rq += "&EXCEPTIONS=" + this.gui_wms_exceptionformat;
+	//Todo: error occurs:
+	//var throwNotice = new Mb_notice("getMapRequest: " + rq);
+	//window.console.log("getMapRequest: " + rq);
+	return rq;
+ * rephrases the featureInfoRequest
+ *
+ * @param {Object} mapObj the mapbender mapObject of the wms  
+ * @param {Point} clickPoint map-click position {@link Point}
+ * @return featureInfoRequest, onlineresource + params
+ * @type string
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getFeatureInfoRequest = function(mapObj, clickPoint){	
+	//check layers and querylayers first 
+	var layers = this.getLayers(mapObj);
+	var querylayers = this.getQuerylayers(mapObj);
+	if(!layers || !querylayers){
+		return false;
+	}
+	var rq = this.wms_getfeatureinfo;
+	rq += mb_getConjunctionCharacter(this.wms_getfeatureinfo);
+	if(this.wms_version === "1.0.0"){
+		rq += "WMTVER=" + this.wms_version + "&REQUEST=feature_info";
+	}
+	else{
+		rq += "VERSION=" + this.wms_version + "&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&SERVICE=WMS";
+	}
+	rq += "&LAYERS=" + layers.join(",");
+	rq += "&QUERY_LAYERS=" + querylayers.join(",");
+	rq += "&WIDTH=" + mapObj.getWidth();
+	rq += "&HEIGHT=" + mapObj.getHeight();
+	rq += "&SRS=" + mapObj.getSRS();
+	rq += "&BBOX=" + mapObj.getExtent();
+	rq += "&STYLES=" + this.getLayerstyles(mapObj).join(",");
+	rq += "&FORMAT=" + this.gui_wms_mapformat;
+	rq += "&INFO_FORMAT=" + this.gui_wms_featureinfoformat;
+	rq += "&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml";
+	rq += "&X=" + clickPoint.x;
+	rq += "&Y=" + clickPoint.y;
+	//console.log(rq);
+	return rq;
+ * sets Opacity of WMS
+ * 
+ * @param {Integer} new opacity percentage value
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity){
+	//calc new opacity
+	this.gui_wms_mapopacity = parseInt(opacity)/100;
+	if(this.gui_wms_mapopacity>1||isNaN(this.gui_wms_mapopacity))
+		this.gui_wms_mapopacity=1;
+	if(this.gui_wms_mapopacity<0)
+		this.gui_wms_mapopacity=0;
+	if (this.gui_wms_visible > 0) {
+		//get div id
+		var divId = null;
+		for (var i=0; i < wms.length; i++) {
+			if (this.wms_id == wms[i].wms_id) { 
+				var divId = 'div_'+i;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(!divId)
+			return;	
+		//TODO: check if mapframe1 is the right mapframe
+		wmsImage = parent.mapframe1.document.getElementById(divId);
+		if (wmsImage != null) {
+			wmsImage.style.opacity = this.gui_wms_mapopacity;
+			wmsImage.style.MozOpacity = this.gui_wms_mapopacity;
+			wmsImage.style.KhtmlOpacity = this.gui_wms_mapopacity;
+			wmsImage.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + this.gui_wms_mapopacity*100 + ")";
+		}
+	}
+ * get all visible layers
+ *
+ * @return array of layernames 
+ * @type string[]
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getLayers = function(mapObj){
+	try {
+		//visibility of the wms
+		var wmsIsVisible = (this.gui_wms_visible > 0);
+		if(!wmsIsVisible){
+			return false;
+		}
+		visibleLayers = [];
+		for(var i=0; i< this.objLayer.length; i++){
+			var isVisible = (this.objLayer[i].gui_layer_visible === 1);
+			var hasNoChildren = (!this.objLayer[i].has_childs);
+			if (isVisible && hasNoChildren){
+				if(this.objLayer[i].checkScale(mapObj)){
+					//console.log("checkLayer: " + this.objLayer[i].layer_name);
+					visibleLayers.push(this.objLayer[i].layer_name);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(visibleLayers.length === 0){
+			return false;
+		}
+		return visibleLayers;
+	}
+	catch (e) {
+		alert(e);
+	}
+ * get the actual style of all visible layers
+ *
+ * @return commaseparated list of actual layerstyles
+ * @type string
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getLayerstyles = function(mapObj){
+	var layers = this.getLayers(mapObj);
+	var layerstyles = '';
+	var styles = [];
+	if(layers){
+		for(i = 0; i < layers.length; i++){
+			var style = this.getCurrentStyleByLayerName(layers[i]);
+			if(!style){
+				style = '';
+			}
+			styles.push(style);
+		}
+		return styles;
+	}
+	return false;
+ * check if layer is parentLayer
+ *
+ * @param layername
+ * @return the parent value of the given layer
+ * @type integer
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.checkLayerParentByLayerName = function(layername){
+	for(var i=0; i< this.objLayer.length; i++){
+		if(this.objLayer[i].layer_name == layername){
+			return this.objLayer[i].layer_parent;
+		}
+	}
+ * get the title of the current layer
+ *
+ * @param layername
+ * @return the title of the given layer
+ * @type string
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getTitleByLayerName = function(layername){
+	for(var i=0; i< this.objLayer.length; i++){
+		if(this.objLayer[i].layer_name == layername){
+			return this.objLayer[i].layer_title;
+		}
+	}
+ * get the current style of the layer
+ *
+ * @param layername
+ * @return the stylename of the given layer
+ * @type string
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getCurrentStyleByLayerName = function(layername){
+	for(var i=0; i< this.objLayer.length; i++){
+		if(this.objLayer[i].layer_name == layername){
+			if(this.objLayer[i].gui_layer_style === '' || this.objLayer[i].gui_layer_style === null){
+				return false;
+			}
+			else{
+				return this.objLayer[i].gui_layer_style;	
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * get the legendurl of the gui layer style
+ *
+ * @param stylename
+ * @return the legendurl of the given style
+ * @type string
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getLegendUrlByGuiLayerStyle = function(layername,guiLayerStyle){
+	for(var i=0; i< this.objLayer.length; i++){
+		if(this.objLayer[i].layer_name == layername){
+			if(this.objLayer[i].layer_style.length === 0){
+				return false;
+			}
+			for(var k=0; k< this.objLayer[i].layer_style.length; k++){
+				if(this.objLayer[i].layer_style[k].name == guiLayerStyle){
+					var legendUrl = this.objLayer[i].layer_style[k].legendurl;
+					if (this.gui_wms_sldurl !== "") {
+					 		legendUrl += "&SLD="+escape(this.gui_wms_sldurl);
+					}				
+					if(legendUrl !=='' && legendUrl !== null && typeof(legendUrl) != 'undefined'){
+						return legendUrl;
+					}
+					else {
+						return false;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+ * get all querylayers
+ *
+ * @return array of layernames
+ * @type string[]
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getQuerylayers = function(){
+	queryLayers = [];
+	for(var i=0; i< this.objLayer.length; i++){
+		if(this.objLayer[i].gui_layer_querylayer === 1 && ! this.objLayer[i].has_childs ){
+			queryLayers.push(this.objLayer[i].layer_name);
+		}
+	}
+	if(queryLayers.length === 0){
+		return false;
+	}
+	return queryLayers;
+ * get a layer Object by layer_pos
+ * 
+ * @param int payer_pos layer_pos of layer you want to get
+ * @return object layer
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getLayerByLayerPos = function(layer_pos){
+	for(var i=0;i<this.objLayer.length;i++){
+		if(this.objLayer[i].layer_pos == layer_pos) {
+			return this.objLayer[i];
+		}
+	}
+	return null;
+ * get the state of sublayers from a specified layer
+ * 
+ * @param int layer_id of the parent layer
+ * @param String type "visible" or "querylayer"
+ * @return int -1 if state differs else the state
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getSublayerState = function(layer_id, type){
+	var i;
+	var state=-1,value;
+	for(i = 0; i < this.objLayer.length; i++){
+		if(this.objLayer[i].layer_id==layer_id) {
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	//go throught sublayers
+	for(var j = i+1; j < this.objLayer.length; j++){
+		if(this.objLayer[i].parent_layer == this.objLayer[j].parent_layer) {
+			break;
+		}
+		if(type == "visible") {
+			value = this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_visible;
+		}
+		else if(type == "querylayer") {
+			value = this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_querylayer;
+		}
+		if(state == -1) {
+			state = value;
+		}
+		if(state != value) {
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	return state;
+ * handle change of visibility / quaryability of a layer
+ * 
+ * @param string layer_name of layer to handle
+ * @param string type of change ("visible" or "querylayer")
+ * @param int value of the change
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.handleLayer = function(layer_name, type, value){
+	var i;
+	for(i = 0; i < this.objLayer.length; i++){
+		if(this.objLayer[i].layer_name==layer_name) {
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	//Set visibility/queryability of Layer and Sublayers
+	for(var j = i; j < this.objLayer.length; j++){
+		if (i != j && this.objLayer[i].layer_parent >= this.objLayer[j].layer_parent) {
+			break;
+		}
+		if(type == "visible") {
+			this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_visible = parseInt(value, 10);
+		}
+		else if(type=="querylayer") {
+			this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_querylayer = parseInt(value, 10);
+		}
+	}
+	//Update visibility/queryability of parent layer
+	var parentLayer = this.getLayerByLayerPos(this.objLayer[i].layer_parent);
+	if(parentLayer){
+		var state = this.getSublayerState(parentLayer.layer_id, type);
+		if(state!=-1){
+			if(type == "visible") {
+				this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_visible = state;
+			}
+			else if(type=="querylayer") {
+				this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_querylayer = state;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * move a layer (with his sublayers) up or down
+ * 
+ * @param int layerId layer_id of layer to move
+ * @param boolean moveUp true to move up or false to move down
+ * @return boolean success
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.moveLayer = function(layerId, moveUp){
+	var iLayer=-1;
+	var i;
+	//find layer to move
+	for(i=0;i<this.objLayer.length;i++){
+		if(this.objLayer[i].layer_id==layerId){
+			iLayer=i;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if(iLayer==-1) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	var upperLayer = -1;
+	var lowerLayer = -1;
+	//find layer to swap position with
+	var parentLayer = this.objLayer[iLayer].layer_parent;	
+	if(moveUp){
+		lowerLayer = iLayer;
+		//find previous layer on same level
+		for(i=iLayer-1;i>0;i--){
+			if(parentLayer == this.objLayer[i].layer_parent){
+				upperLayer = i;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(upperLayer == -1){
+			//alert("The Layer you selected is already on top of parent Layer/WMS");
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	else{
+		upperLayer = iLayer;
+		//find next layer on same level
+		for(i=iLayer+1;i<this.objLayer.length;i++){
+			if(parentLayer == this.objLayer[i].layer_parent){
+				lowerLayer = i;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(lowerLayer == -1){
+			//alert("The Layer you selected is already on bottom of parent Layer/WMS");
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	//calc number of layers to move down
+	var layersDown = lowerLayer - upperLayer;
+	//get number of layers to move up
+	for(i=lowerLayer+1; i<this.objLayer.length; i++){
+		if(parentLayer == this.objLayer[i].layer_parent){
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	var layersUp = i - lowerLayer;
+	//do moving
+	var temp = [];
+	for(i=0;i<layersDown+layersUp;i++){
+		temp[temp.length]=this.objLayer[upperLayer+i];
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<layersUp;i++){
+		this.objLayer[upperLayer+i]=temp[i+layersDown];
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<layersDown;i++){
+		this.objLayer[upperLayer+layersUp+i]=temp[i];
+	}
+	return true;
+function wms_add_data_type_format(datatype,dataformat){
+	var insertDataFormat = true;
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < wms[wms.length-1].data_type.length ; i ++) {
+		if (wms[wms.length-1].data_type[i] == datatype && wms[wms.length-1].data_format[i] == dataformat) {
+			insertDataFormat = false;
+		}
+	}
+	if (insertDataFormat === true) {
+		wms[wms.length-1].data_type[wms[wms.length-1].data_type.length] = datatype;
+		wms[wms.length-1].data_format[wms[wms.length-1].data_format.length] = dataformat;
+	}
+function wms_addSRS(epsg,minx,miny,maxx,maxy){
+	wms[wms.length-1].gui_epsg[wms[wms.length-1].gui_epsg.length] = epsg;
+	wms[wms.length-1].gui_minx[wms[wms.length-1].gui_minx.length] = minx;
+	wms[wms.length-1].gui_miny[wms[wms.length-1].gui_miny.length] = miny;
+	wms[wms.length-1].gui_maxx[wms[wms.length-1].gui_maxx.length] = maxx;
+	wms[wms.length-1].gui_maxy[wms[wms.length-1].gui_maxy.length] = maxy;
+function wms_addLayerStyle(styleName, styleTitle, count, layerCount, styleLegendUrl, styleLegendUrlFormat){
+	var currentLayer = wms[wms.length-1].objLayer[layerCount]; 
+	if (currentLayer) {
+		currentLayer.layer_style[count] = {};
+		currentLayer.layer_style[count].name = styleName;
+		currentLayer.layer_style[count].title = styleTitle;
+		currentLayer.layer_style[count].legendurl = styleLegendUrl;
+		currentLayer.layer_style[count].legendurlformat = styleLegendUrlFormat;
+	}
+//TODO: add layerstyle handling....
+function wms_add_layer(
+			layer_parent,
+			layer_uid,
+			layer_name,
+			layer_title,
+			layer_dataurl_href,
+			layer_pos,
+			layer_queryable,
+			layer_minscale,
+			layer_maxscale,
+			layer_metadataurl,
+			gui_layer_wms_id,
+			gui_layer_status,
+			gui_layer_style,
+			gui_layer_selectable,
+			gui_layer_visible,
+			gui_layer_queryable,
+			gui_layer_querylayer,
+			gui_layer_minscale,
+			gui_layer_maxscale,
+			gui_layer_wfs_featuretype){
+	wms[wms.length-1].objLayer[wms[wms.length-1].objLayer.length] = new wms_layer(
+											layer_parent,
+											layer_uid,
+											layer_name,
+											layer_title,
+											layer_dataurl_href,
+											layer_pos,
+											layer_queryable,
+											layer_minscale,
+											layer_maxscale,
+											layer_metadataurl,
+											gui_layer_wms_id,
+											gui_layer_status,
+											gui_layer_style,
+											parseInt(gui_layer_selectable, 10),
+											parseInt(gui_layer_visible, 10),
+											parseInt(gui_layer_queryable, 10),
+											parseInt(gui_layer_querylayer, 10),
+											parseInt(gui_layer_minscale, 10),
+											parseInt(gui_layer_maxscale, 10),
+											gui_layer_wfs_featuretype );
+	var parentLayer = wms[wms.length-1].getLayerByLayerPos(parseInt(layer_parent, 10));
+	if(parentLayer) {
+		parentLayer.has_childs = true;
+	}
+function layer_addEpsg(epsg,minx,miny,maxx,maxy){
+	var j = wms[wms.length-1].objLayer.length-1;
+	var k = wms[wms.length-1].objLayer[j].layer_epsg.length;
+	var currentLayer = wms[wms.length-1].objLayer[j];
+	currentLayer.layer_epsg[k]={};
+	currentLayer.layer_epsg[k].epsg = epsg;
+	currentLayer.layer_epsg[k].minx = minx;
+	currentLayer.layer_epsg[k].miny = miny;
+	currentLayer.layer_epsg[k].maxx = maxx;
+	currentLayer.layer_epsg[k].maxy = maxy;
+function wms_layer(
+			layer_parent,
+			wms_layer_uid,
+			layer_name,
+			layer_title,
+			layer_dataurl_href,
+			layer_pos,
+			layer_queryable,
+			layer_minscale,
+			layer_maxscale,
+			layer_metadataurl,
+			gui_layer_wms_id,
+			gui_layer_status,
+			gui_layer_style,
+			gui_layer_selectable,
+			gui_layer_visible,
+			gui_layer_queryable,
+			gui_layer_querylayer,
+			gui_layer_minscale,
+			gui_layer_maxscale,
+			gui_layer_wfs_featuretype){
+	this.layer_id = wms_layer_count;
+	this.layer_uid = wms_layer_uid;
+	this.layer_parent = layer_parent;
+	this.layer_name = layer_name;
+	this.layer_title = layer_title;
+	this.layer_dataurl_href = layer_dataurl_href;
+	this.layer_pos = layer_pos;
+	this.layer_queryable = layer_queryable;
+	this.layer_minscale = layer_minscale;
+	this.layer_maxscale = layer_maxscale;
+	this.layer_metadataurl = layer_metadataurl;
+	this.layer_epsg = [];
+	this.gui_layer_wms_id = gui_layer_wms_id;
+	this.gui_layer_status = gui_layer_status;
+	this.gui_layer_selectable = gui_layer_selectable;
+	this.gui_layer_visible = gui_layer_visible;
+	this.gui_layer_queryable = gui_layer_queryable;
+	this.gui_layer_querylayer = gui_layer_querylayer;
+	this.gui_layer_minscale = gui_layer_minscale;
+	this.gui_layer_maxscale = gui_layer_maxscale;
+	this.gui_layer_style = gui_layer_style;
+	this.gui_layer_wfs_featuretype = gui_layer_wfs_featuretype;
+	this.gui_layer_style = null;
+	this.has_childs = false;
+	this.layer_style = [];
+	wms_layer_count++;
+ * check the scale of the layer
+ *
+ * @param Object mapObj the mapbender mapObject of the layer
+ * @return boolean if the layer is in scale or not
+ * @type boolean
+ */
+wms_layer.prototype.checkScale = function(mapObj){
+	var minScale = parseInt(this.gui_layer_minscale, 10);
+	var maxScale = parseInt(this.gui_layer_maxscale, 10);
+	var currentScale = parseInt(mapObj.getScale(), 10);
+	if(minScale === 0 && maxScale === 0){
+		return true;
+	}
+	if(minScale > currentScale || (maxScale !== 0 && maxScale < currentScale)) {
+		return false;
+	}	
+	return true;
+ * set visibility of the layer
+ * @param boolean visible visibility on/off
+ */
+wms_layer.prototype.setVisible = function(visible){
+	this.gui_layer_visible = parseInt(visible, 10);
+	//console.log("setVisible(%i) for Layer %s",visible, this.layer_name);
+ * set queryability of the layer
+ * @param boolean queryable queryability on/off
+ */
+wms_layer.prototype.setQueryable = function(queryable){
+	this.gui_layer_querylayer = parseInt(queryable, 10);
+	//console.log("setQueryable(%i) for Layer %s",queryable, this.layer_name);
\ No newline at end of file

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