[Mapbender-commits] r2869 - in branches/nimix_dev: . http/frames http/html http/print http/tools resources/db/mysql resources/db/update

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Mon Aug 18 12:10:50 EDT 2008

Author: nimix
Date: 2008-08-18 12:10:50 -0400 (Mon, 18 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 2869


Modified: branches/nimix_dev/http/frames/index.php
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/frames/index.php	2008-08-18 16:07:47 UTC (rev 2868)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/frames/index.php	2008-08-18 16:10:50 UTC (rev 2869)
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 $_SESSION["mb_user_gui"] = $gui_id;
@@ -30,6 +29,7 @@
 if (!in_array($gui_id, $_SESSION["mb_user_guis"])) {
 	$e = new mb_exception("mb_validateSession.php: User: " . $_SESSION["mb_user_id"] . " not allowed to access GUI " . $gui_id);
+	session_write_close();
 	header("Location: ".LOGIN);
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@
 $currentApplication = new gui($gui_id);
 echo $currentApplication->toHtml();
-echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='../javascripts/map.php?".$urlParameters."&mb_myBBOX=".$_REQUEST["mb_myBBOX"]."'></script>";
+$mapPhpParameters = $urlParameters."&mb_myBBOX=".$_REQUEST["mb_myBBOX"];
+echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='../javascripts/map.php?".$mapPhpParameters."'></script>";
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/nimix_dev/http/frames/login.php
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/frames/login.php	2008-08-18 16:07:47 UTC (rev 2868)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/frames/login.php	2008-08-18 16:10:50 UTC (rev 2869)
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
 $name = $_REQUEST["name"];
 $password = $_REQUEST["password"];
-$loginMax = MAXLOGIN;
 if(!isset($name) || $name == ''){
   echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";
@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@
-		if($row["mb_user_login_count"] < $loginMax){
+		if($row["mb_user_login_count"] <= MAXLOGIN){
 			$sql_del_cnt =  "UPDATE mb_user SET mb_user_login_count = 0 WHERE mb_user_id = $1";
 			$v = array($_SESSION['mb_user_id']);
 			$t = array("i");
@@ -133,11 +132,17 @@
 			#only one gui is provided
 			if(count($arrayGUIs) == 1){
+				if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {
+					$myURL = "Location: https://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."/index.php?".strip_tags (SID)."&gui_id=".$arrayGUIs[0];
+				}
+				else {
 				$myURL = "Location: http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."/index.php?".strip_tags (SID)."&gui_id=".$arrayGUIs[0];            
+				}
 				# params for the initial call
 					$myURL .= "&mb_myBBOX=".$_REQUEST["mb_myBBOX"];
+				session_write_close();
 				header ($myURL);
@@ -153,7 +158,12 @@
 		$v = array($name);
 		$t = array('s');
+		if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {
+			header ("Location: https://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."/login.php?name=".$name);
+		}
+		else {
 		header ("Location: http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."/login.php?name=".$name);
+		}

Modified: branches/nimix_dev/http/html/mod_treefolder2.php
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/html/mod_treefolder2.php	2008-08-18 16:07:47 UTC (rev 2868)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/html/mod_treefolder2.php	2008-08-18 16:10:50 UTC (rev 2869)
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 $gui_id = $_SESSION["mb_user_gui"];
@@ -47,9 +47,20 @@
    $e_target = db_result($res,0,"e_target");   
    echo "mod_treeGDE_map = '".$e_target."';";   
 echo "</script>";
 <SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
+var msgObj = {};
+msgObj.tooltipHandleWms = '<?php echo _mb("(De)activate this service");?>';
+msgObj.tooltipLayerVisible = '<?php echo _mb("Toggles the visibility of this service");?>';
+msgObj.tooltipLayerQuerylayer = '<?php echo _mb("Toggles the queryability of this service");?>';
+msgObj.tooltipLayerContextMenu = '<?php echo _mb("Opens the layer context menu");?>';
+msgObj.tooltipWmsContextMenu = '<?php echo _mb("Opens the WMS context menu");?>';
+msgObj.tooltipRemoveWms = '<?php echo _mb("Removes the selected WMS");?>';
+msgObj.tooltipMoveSelectionUp = '<?php echo _mb("Moves the selection up");?>';
+msgObj.tooltipMoveSelectionDown = '<?php echo _mb("Moves the selection down");?>';
 var jst_container = "document.getElementById('treeContainer')";
 var jst_image_folder = imagedir;
 var jst_display_root = false;
@@ -517,7 +528,7 @@
-								if(switchwms=='true')controls='<INPUT type="checkbox" checked onclick="handleSelectedWMS(\''+arrNodes[0][0]+'|'+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_id+'\');" />';
+								if(switchwms=='true')controls='<INPUT type="checkbox" title="' + msgObj.tooltipHandleWms + '" checked onclick="handleSelectedWMS(\''+arrNodes[0][0]+'|'+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_id+'\');" />';
 								if(wmsbuttons == 'true'&&metadatalink == 'true')controls+='<a href="'+'javascript:openwindow(\''+ defaultMetadataUrl + '&id='+temp.layer_uid+'\');'+'"><img src="'+imagedir+'/info.png" /></a>';
 								addNode(arrNodes[0][0],[parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_id,[temp.layer_title,((metadatalink=='true'&&wmsbuttons != 'true')?('javascript:openwindow(\"'+ defaultMetadataUrl + '&id='+temp.layer_uid+'\");'):"javascript:select("+i+","+ii+","+iii+");"),,,temp.layer_title,eval(c_menu),controls,[i,ii,iii]]],false,false,reverse=="true");
 								parentObj = arrNodes[0][0]+"|"+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_id;              
@@ -552,8 +563,8 @@
-									controls='<input type="checkbox" '+(temp.layer_name==""?'style="display:none;" ':"")+((temp.gui_layer_visible=='1')?'checked ':'')+(temp.gui_layer_selectable!='1'?'disabled ':'')+"onclick=\"handleSelectedLayer('"+mod_treeGDE_map+"','"+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_id+"','"+temp.layer_name+"','visible',this.checked?1:0);handleSelection('"+parentObj+parentLayer+"|"+temp.layer_id+"', 0);updateParent('"+parentObj+parentLayer+"');"+((ficheckbox == 'false')?"handleSelectedLayer('"+mod_treeGDE_map+"','"+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_id+"','"+temp.layer_name+"','querylayer',this.checked?1:0)":"")+"\" />";
-									if(ficheckbox == 'true')controls+='<input type="checkbox" '+(temp.gui_layer_querylayer=='1'?'checked ':'')+(temp.gui_layer_queryable!='1'?'disabled ':'')+"onclick=\"handleSelectedLayer('"+mod_treeGDE_map+"','"+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_id+"','"+temp.layer_name+"','querylayer',this.checked?1:0);handleSelection('"+parentObj+parentLayer+"|"+temp.layer_id+"', 1)\" />";
+									controls='<input type="checkbox"  title="' + msgObj.tooltipLayerVisible + '"'+(temp.layer_name==""?'style="display:none;" ':"")+((temp.gui_layer_visible=='1')?'checked ':'')+(temp.gui_layer_selectable!='1'?'disabled ':'')+"onclick=\"handleSelectedLayer('"+mod_treeGDE_map+"','"+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_id+"','"+temp.layer_name+"','visible',this.checked?1:0);handleSelection('"+parentObj+parentLayer+"|"+temp.layer_id+"');updateParent('"+parentObj+parentLayer+"');"+((ficheckbox == 'false')?"handleSelectedLayer('"+mod_treeGDE_map+"','"+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_id+"','"+temp.layer_name+"','querylayer',this.checked?1:0)":"")+"\" />";
+									if(ficheckbox == 'true')controls+='<input type="checkbox" title="' + msgObj.tooltipLayerQuerylayer + '" '+(temp.gui_layer_querylayer=='1'?'checked ':'')+(temp.gui_layer_queryable!='1'?'disabled ':'')+"onclick=\"handleSelectedLayer('"+mod_treeGDE_map+"','"+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_id+"','"+temp.layer_name+"','querylayer',this.checked?1:0);checkChildren('"+parentObj+parentLayer+"|"+temp.layer_id+"', 1, this.checked?1:0)\" />";
 									if(wmsbuttons == 'true'&&metadatalink == 'true')controls+='<a href="'+'javascript:openwindow(\''+ defaultMetadataUrl + '&id='+temp.layer_uid+'\');'+'"><img src="'+imagedir+'/info.png" /></a>';
 									addNode(parentObj + parentLayer, [temp.layer_id,[temp.layer_title,((metadatalink=='true'&&wmsbuttons != 'true')?('javascript:openwindow(\"'+ defaultMetadataUrl + '&id='+temp.layer_uid+'\");'):"javascript:select("+i+","+ii+","+iii+");"),,((c_menu!='[]'&&temp.layer_name!="")?'menu.png':null),temp.layer_title,eval(c_menu),controls,[i,ii,iii]]],false,false,reverse=="true");
@@ -601,9 +612,9 @@
 <SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
-	document.writeln('<a href="javascript:move_up()"><img src="'+imagedir+'/move_up.png" alt="move up" style="position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;"/></a>'); 
-	document.writeln('<a href="javascript:move_down()"><img src="'+imagedir+'/move_down.png" alt="move down" style="position:relative;top:0px;left:-3px"/></a>'); 
-	document.writeln('<a href="javascript:remove_wms()"><img src="'+imagedir+'/delete_wms.png" alt="remove wms" style="position:relative;top:0px;left:-6px"/></a>'); 
+	document.writeln('<a href="javascript:move_up()"><img title="'+msgObj.tooltipMoveSelectionUp+'" src="'+imagedir+'/move_up.png" alt="move up" style="position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;"/></a>'); 
+	document.writeln('<a href="javascript:move_down()"><img title="'+msgObj.tooltipMoveSelectionDown+'" src="'+imagedir+'/move_down.png" alt="move down" style="position:relative;top:0px;left:-3px"/></a>'); 
+	document.writeln('<a href="javascript:remove_wms()"><img title="'+msgObj.tooltipRemoveWms+'" src="'+imagedir+'/delete_wms.png" alt="remove wms" style="position:relative;top:0px;left:-6px"/></a>'); 

Modified: branches/nimix_dev/http/print/mod_printPDF.php
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/print/mod_printPDF.php	2008-08-18 16:07:47 UTC (rev 2868)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/print/mod_printPDF.php	2008-08-18 16:10:50 UTC (rev 2869)
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@
 			map_height = <?php echo $a0l_map_height; ?>;
 		var pos = pt.makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(target, map_width , map_height);
+		var prevscale= pt.mb_getScale(target);
 		pt.mb_mapObj[ind].extent = coord[0] + "," + pos[1] + "," + pos[0] + "," +  coord[3];
 		pt.mb_mapObj[ind].width = Math.round(map_width);
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@
 		pt.window.frames[target].document.getElementById("maps").style.height = Math.round(map_height);
-		pt.mb_repaintScale(target, null, null, pt.mb_getScale(target));
+		pt.mb_repaintScale(target, null, null, prevscale);
       	document.form1.map_url.value = '';
 		for(var i=0; i<pt.mb_mapObj[ind].wms.length; i++){
 			if(pt.mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].gui_wms_visible > 0){

Modified: branches/nimix_dev/http/print/mod_printPDF_pdf.php
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/print/mod_printPDF_pdf.php	2008-08-18 16:07:47 UTC (rev 2868)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/print/mod_printPDF_pdf.php	2008-08-18 16:10:50 UTC (rev 2869)
@@ -17,11 +17,7 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../php/mb_validateSession.php");
-ini_set('error_reporting', 'E_ALL & ~ E_NOTICE');
 include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../classes/class.ezpdf.php");
 include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../classes/class_stripRequest.php");
@@ -30,7 +26,6 @@
 include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../print/".$_REQUEST["conf"]);
 include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../classes/class_SaveLegend.php");
 include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../print/print_functions.php");
 if($log == true){
 	include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../classes/class_log.php");
@@ -157,75 +152,77 @@
 $coord = mb_split(",",$map_extent);
-// analyse overview url and draw rectangle with position
-$o_url = new stripRequest($overview_url);
-$overview_width = round($o_url->get("width"));
-$overview_height = round($o_url->get("height"));
-	$o_url->set('width',(intval($o_url->get('width'))*4));
-	$o_url->set('height',(intval($o_url->get('height'))*4));
-	if(in_array($o_url->get('map'),$highqualitymapfiles)){	
-			$o_url->set('map',preg_replace("/\.map/","_4.map",$o_url->get('map')));		
-			$overview_url = $o_url->url;	
+if($overview === true){
+	// analyse overview url and draw rectangle with position
+	$o_url = new stripRequest($overview_url);
+	$overview_width = round($o_url->get("width"));
+	$overview_height = round($o_url->get("height"));
+	if($factor>1){
+		$o_url->set('width',(intval($o_url->get('width'))*4));
+		$o_url->set('height',(intval($o_url->get('height'))*4));
+		if(in_array($o_url->get('map'),$highqualitymapfiles)){	
+				$o_url->set('map',preg_replace("/\.map/","_4.map",$o_url->get('map')));		
+				$overview_url = $o_url->url;	
+		}
+	if($matching == true){
+		$overview_url = preg_replace($pattern,$replacement,$overview_url);  
+	}
+	if ($size == "A4" && $format == "portrait"){
+		$overview_left = $a4p_overviewOffset_left;
+		$overview_bottom =$a4p_overviewOffset_bottom;
+	}elseif ($size == "A4" && $format == "landscape"){
+		$overview_left = $a4l_overviewOffset_left;
+		$overview_bottom =$a4l_overviewOffset_bottom;
+	}elseif ($size == "A3" && $format == "portrait"){
+		$overview_left = $a3p_overviewOffset_left;
+		$overview_bottom =$a3p_overviewOffset_bottom;
+	}elseif ($size == "A3" && $format == "landscape"){
+		$overview_left = $a3l_overviewOffset_left;
+		$overview_bottom = $a3l_overviewOffset_bottom;
+	}elseif ($size == "A2" && $format == "portrait"){
+		$overview_left = $a2p_overviewOffset_left;
+		$overview_bottom =$a2p_overviewOffset_bottom;
+	}elseif ($size == "A2" && $format == "landscape"){
+		$overview_left = $a2l_overviewOffset_left;
+		$overview_bottom = $a2l_overviewOffset_bottom;
+	}elseif ($size == "A1" && $format == "portrait"){
+		$overview_left = $a1p_overviewOffset_left;
+		$overview_bottom =$a1p_overviewOffset_bottom;
+	}elseif ($size == "A1" && $format == "landscape"){
+		$overview_left = $a1l_overviewOffset_left;
+		$overview_bottom = $a1l_overviewOffset_bottom;
+	}elseif ($size == "A0" && $format == "portrait"){
+		$overview_left = $a0p_overviewOffset_left;
+		$overview_bottom =$a0p_overviewOffset_bottom;
+	}elseif ($size == "A0" && $format == "landscape"){
+		$overview_left = $a0l_overviewOffset_left;
+		$overview_bottom = $a0l_overviewOffset_bottom;
+	}
+	$o_extent = $o_url->get("BBOX");
+	$array_overview_url[0] = $overview_url;
+	if($log == true){
+		$l = new log("printPDF_overview",$array_overview_url);
+	}
+	/*
+	$o_new = new stripRequest($overview_url);
+	$o_new->set('width',50);
+	$o_new->set('height',50);
+	//$o->set('BBOX',$overview_extent);
+	$o_url_new =$o_new->url;
+	$array_overview[0] = $overview_url;
+	$array_overview[1] = $o_url;
+	*/
-if($matching == true){
-	$overview_url = preg_replace($pattern,$replacement,$overview_url);  
-if ($size == "A4" && $format == "portrait"){
-	$overview_left = $a4p_overviewOffset_left;
-	$overview_bottom =$a4p_overviewOffset_bottom;
-}elseif ($size == "A4" && $format == "landscape"){
-	$overview_left = $a4l_overviewOffset_left;
-	$overview_bottom =$a4l_overviewOffset_bottom;
-}elseif ($size == "A3" && $format == "portrait"){
-	$overview_left = $a3p_overviewOffset_left;
-	$overview_bottom =$a3p_overviewOffset_bottom;
-}elseif ($size == "A3" && $format == "landscape"){
-	$overview_left = $a3l_overviewOffset_left;
-	$overview_bottom = $a3l_overviewOffset_bottom;
-}elseif ($size == "A2" && $format == "portrait"){
-	$overview_left = $a2p_overviewOffset_left;
-	$overview_bottom =$a2p_overviewOffset_bottom;
-}elseif ($size == "A2" && $format == "landscape"){
-	$overview_left = $a2l_overviewOffset_left;
-	$overview_bottom = $a2l_overviewOffset_bottom;
-}elseif ($size == "A1" && $format == "portrait"){
-	$overview_left = $a1p_overviewOffset_left;
-	$overview_bottom =$a1p_overviewOffset_bottom;
-}elseif ($size == "A1" && $format == "landscape"){
-	$overview_left = $a1l_overviewOffset_left;
-	$overview_bottom = $a1l_overviewOffset_bottom;
-}elseif ($size == "A0" && $format == "portrait"){
-	$overview_left = $a0p_overviewOffset_left;
-	$overview_bottom =$a0p_overviewOffset_bottom;
-}elseif ($size == "A0" && $format == "landscape"){
-	$overview_left = $a0l_overviewOffset_left;
-	$overview_bottom = $a0l_overviewOffset_bottom;
-$o_extent = $o_url->get("BBOX");
-$array_overview_url[0] = $overview_url;
-if($log == true){
-	$l = new log("printPDF_overview",$array_overview_url);
-$o_new = new stripRequest($overview_url);
-$o_url_new =$o_new->url;
-$array_overview[0] = $overview_url;
-$array_overview[1] = $o_url;
  * north arrow
 if($size == "A4" && $format == "portrait"){

Modified: branches/nimix_dev/http/print/printPDF.conf
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/print/printPDF.conf	2008-08-18 16:07:47 UTC (rev 2868)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/print/printPDF.conf	2008-08-18 16:10:50 UTC (rev 2869)
@@ -1,385 +1,384 @@
-# filename for temporary imagefiles
-$filename = TMPDIR."/map_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
-$download = true;
-$downloadFile = TMPDIR."/map_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".pdf";
-$downloadText = _("Download: Map as PDF...");
-*run print as iframe or window
-$type = 'iframe';
-* Legend
-$label_legend = _('print legend');
-$legendFilename = TMPDIR."/legend_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
-$legendFilenameUserPolygon = TMPDIR."/legend_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
-$legendText = _("Legend");
-$legendFooter = _("powered by Mapbender");
-$legendImage = "./img/mapbender_logo.png";
-$legendImage_width = 90;
-$legendImage_height = 13;
-# log requests, class 'class_log.php' required
-$log = false;
-# delete images:
-$unlink = true;
-# labeling
-	$new_comment1 = utf8_decode($_REQUEST["comment1"]);
-	$new_comment2 = utf8_decode($_REQUEST["comment2"]);
-	$new_comment1 = $_REQUEST["comment1"];
-	$new_comment2 = $_REQUEST["comment2"];
-$text1 = _("Print preview");
-$text2 = "- Mapbender -";
-$text3 = "";
-$text4 = _("Scale 1:"). " ".$_REQUEST["map_scale"];
-$text5 = _("Date:") . " ".date("d.m.Y",strtotime("now"));
-$text6 = _("Notes:");
-$text7 = "";
-$text8 = $new_comment1;
-$text9 = $new_comment2;
-$text10 = "";
-$text11 = _("This copy has been automatically generated and is thus not valid without signature.");
-$text12 = _("This copy is protected by law (Par. 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW). It can be duplicaedted, modified, published or be passed to third parties only in agreement with");
-$text13 = _("the publisher, except duplicates and modifications aimed at internal use of government agencies or private use.");
-$text14 = _("This copy is protected,");
-$text15 = _("ask me!!!!");
-$text16 = _("or the publisher");
-$text17 = _("or use is internally.");
-* Labeling for buttons, textfields ...
-$label_format = _("Format:");
-$label_format_a4 = "A4";
-$label_format_a3 = "A3";
-$label_format_a2 = "A2";
-$label_format_a1 = "A1";
-$label_format_a0 = "A0";
-$label_orientation = _("Orientation:");
-$label_portrait = _("portrait");
-$label_landscape = _("landscape");
-$label_72dpi = sprintf(_("Quality: %d dpi"), 72);
-$label_288dpi = sprintf(_("Quality: %d dpi"), 288);
-$label_comment = _("Comment (max. 30)");
-$comment_length = 30;
-$label_button = _('print');
-* default
-* url string matching and replacement
-$matching = false;
-$pattern =  "/192\.168\.2\.113/";
-$replacement = "";
-* high quality printing 288dpi
-* highquality mapfiles will be supplemented with "_4"
-* example: germany.map -> germany_4.map
-$highquality = true;
-$highqualitymapfiles = array(
-	"/data/umn/germany/germany_demo.map",
-	"/data/umn/mapbender_user/mapbender_user.map"
-# Dots per cm (72 dpi):
-# 28.346456692913385826771653543307 
-$DPC = 28.35;
-# available formats:
-$a4 = true;
-$a3 = true;
-$a2 = true;
-$a1 = false;
-$a0 = false;
-# dimensions of the map:
-# A4 portrait
-$a4p_mapOffset_left = 3.3 * $DPC;
-$a4p_mapOffset_bottom = 3 * $DPC;
-$a4p_map_width = 15.7 * $DPC; 
-$a4p_map_height = 22 * $DPC; 
-$a4p_page_width = 21 * $DPC;
-$a4p_page_height = 29.7 * $DPC;
-$a4p_header_height = 2.6 * $DPC;
-$a4p_footer_height = 1.12 * $DPC;
-# A4 landscape
-$a4l_mapOffset_left = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a4l_mapOffset_bottom = 1.8 * $DPC;
-$a4l_map_width = 25.2 * $DPC;
-$a4l_map_height = 16.4 * $DPC; 
-$a4l_page_width = 29.7 * $DPC;
-$a4l_page_height = 21 * $DPC;   
-$a4l_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
-$a4l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# A3 protrait
-$a3p_mapOffset_left = 3.3 * $DPC;
-$a3p_mapOffset_bottom = 3 * $DPC;
-$a3p_map_width = 24.1 * $DPC;
-$a3p_map_height = 36.7 * $DPC;
-$a3p_page_width = 29.7 * $DPC;
-$a3p_page_height = 42 * $DPC;
-$a3p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a3p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# A3 landscape        
-$a3l_mapOffset_left = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a3l_mapOffset_bottom = 1.8 * $DPC;
-$a3l_map_width = 37.4 * $DPC;
-$a3l_map_height = 25.4 * $DPC; 
-$a3l_page_width = 42 * $DPC;
-$a3l_page_height = 29.7 * $DPC;
-$a3l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a3l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# a2 protrait
-$a2p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
-$a2p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a2p_map_width = 37.3 * $DPC;
-$a2p_map_height = 54.8 * $DPC;
-$a2p_page_width = 42 * $DPC;
-$a2p_page_height = 59.4 * $DPC;
-$a2p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a2p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# a2 landscape        
-$a2l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
-$a2l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a2l_map_width = 54.1 * $DPC;
-$a2l_map_height = 37.3 * $DPC; 
-$a2l_page_width = 59.4 * $DPC;
-$a2l_page_height = 42 * $DPC;
-$a2l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a2l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# a1 portrait
-$a1p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
-$a1p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a1p_map_width = 54.5 * $DPC;
-$a1p_map_height = 79.5 * $DPC;
-$a1p_page_width = 59.4 * $DPC;
-$a1p_page_height = 84 * $DPC;
-$a1p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a1p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# a1 landscape        
-$a1l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
-$a1l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a1l_map_width = 79.5 * $DPC;
-$a1l_map_height = 55.5 * $DPC; 
-$a1l_page_width = 84 * $DPC;
-$a1l_page_height = 59.4 * $DPC;
-$a1l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a1l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# a0 portrait
-$a0p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
-$a0p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a0p_map_width = 79 * $DPC;
-$a0p_map_height = 115 * $DPC;
-$a0p_page_width = 84 * $DPC;
-$a0p_page_height = 118.8 * $DPC;
-$a0p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a0p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# a0 landscape        
-$a0l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
-$a0l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a0l_map_width = 113 * $DPC;
-$a0l_map_height = 80.5 * $DPC; 
-$a0l_page_width = 118.8 * $DPC;
-$a0l_page_height = 84 * $DPC;
-$a0l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a0l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-* Overview
-$overview = true;
-$a4p_overviewOffset_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left;
-$a4p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a4l_overviewOffset_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left;
-$a4l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a3p_overviewOffset_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left;
-$a3p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a3l_overviewOffset_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left;
-$a3l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a2p_overviewOffset_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left;
-$a2p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a2l_overviewOffset_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left;
-$a2l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a1p_overviewOffset_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left;
-$a1p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a1l_overviewOffset_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left;
-$a1l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a0p_overviewOffset_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left;
-$a0p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a0l_overviewOffset_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left;
-$a0l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom;
-* Northarrow
-$northarrow = true;
-$northarrowImage = "./img/northarrow.png";
-$a4p_northarrow_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + 160;
-$a4p_northarrow_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom +2 ;
-$a4l_northarrow_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + 5;
-$a4l_northarrow_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom + $a4l_map_height - 40;
-$a3p_northarrow_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left +5;
-$a3p_northarrow_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + $a3p_map_height - 80;
-$a3l_northarrow_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left + 5;
-$a3l_northarrow_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom + $a3l_map_height - 40;
-$a2p_northarrow_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left +5;
-$a2p_northarrow_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + $a2p_map_height - 80;
-$a2l_northarrow_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left + 5;
-$a2l_northarrow_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom + $a2l_map_height - 80;
-$a1p_northarrow_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left +5;
-$a1p_northarrow_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + $a1p_map_height - 80;
-$a1l_northarrow_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left + 5;
-$a1l_northarrow_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom + $a1l_map_height - 160;
-$a0p_northarrow_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left +5;
-$a0p_northarrow_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + $a0p_map_height - 80;
-$a0l_northarrow_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left + 5;
-$a0l_northarrow_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom + $a0l_map_height - 160;
-$northarrowImage_width = 15; 
-$northarrowImage_height = 35; 
-* special image for the map-page
-$special = true;
-$specialImage = "../img/mapbender_oo.png";
-$a4p_special_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + $a4p_map_width - 50 ;
-$a4p_special_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom + $a4p_map_height + 80; 
-$a4l_special_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + $a4l_map_width - $a4l_header_width + 0.8 * $DPC + 10 ;
-$a4l_special_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom + 54; 
-$a3p_special_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left + $a3p_map_width - $a3p_header_width ;
-$a3p_special_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + 30; 
-$a3l_special_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left + $a3l_map_width - $a3l_header_width + 0.8 * $DPC + 10;
-$a3l_special_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom + 60; 
-$a2p_special_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left + $a2p_map_width - $a2p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
-$a2p_special_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
-$a2l_special_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left + $a2l_map_width - $a2l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
-$a2l_special_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
-$a1p_special_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left + $a1p_map_width - $a1p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
-$a1p_special_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
-$a1l_special_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left + $a1l_map_width - $a1l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
-$a1l_special_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
-$a0p_special_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left + $a0p_map_width - $a0p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
-$a0p_special_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
-$a0l_special_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left + $a0l_map_width - $a0l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
-$a0l_special_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
-$specialImage_width = 65; 
-$specialImage_height = 15;  
-* dynamic scalebar
-$scalebar = true;
-$units = "Meter";
-$a4p_scalebar_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + 2 * $a4p_map_width/3;
-$a4p_scalebar_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom  + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a4l_scalebar_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + $a4l_map_width/4 ;
-$a4l_scalebar_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a3p_scalebar_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left  + $a3p_map_width/4 ;
-$a3p_scalebar_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a3l_scalebar_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left  + $a3l_map_width/4 ;
-$a3l_scalebar_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a2p_scalebar_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left  + $a2p_map_width/4 ;
-$a2p_scalebar_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a2l_scalebar_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left  + $a2l_map_width/4 ;
-$a2l_scalebar_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a1p_scalebar_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left  + $a1p_map_width/4 ;
-$a1p_scalebar_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a1l_scalebar_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left  + $a1l_map_width/4 ;
-$a1l_scalebar_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a0p_scalebar_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left  + $a0p_map_width/4 ;
-$a0p_scalebar_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a0l_scalebar_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left  + $a0l_map_width/4 ;
-$a0l_scalebar_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$scalebar_width = 3 * $DPC;
-$scalebar_height = 0.18 * $DPC;
+$admin = new administration();
+# filename for temporary imagefiles
+$filename = TMPDIR."/map_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
+$download = true;
+$downloadFile = TMPDIR."/map_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".pdf";
+$downloadText = _mb("Download: Map as PDF...");
+*run print as iframe or window
+$type = 'iframe';
+* Legend
+$label_legend = _mb('print legend');
+$legendFilename = TMPDIR."/legend_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
+$legendFilenameUserPolygon = TMPDIR."/legend_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
+$legendText = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Legend"));
+$legendFooter = $admin->char_decode(_mb("powered by Mapbender"));
+$legendImage = "./img/mapbender_logo.png";
+$legendImage_width = 90;
+$legendImage_height = 13;
+# log requests, class 'class_log.php' required
+$log = false;
+# delete images:
+$unlink = true;
+# labeling
+$new_comment1 = $admin->char_decode($_REQUEST["comment1"]);
+$new_comment2 = $admin->char_decode($_REQUEST["comment2"]);
+$text1 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Print preview"));
+$text2 = "- Mapbender -";
+$text3 = "";
+$text4 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Scale 1:")). " ".$_REQUEST["map_scale"];
+$text5 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Date:")) . " ".date("d.m.Y",strtotime("now"));
+$text6 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Notes:"));
+$text7 = "";
+$text8 = $new_comment1;
+$text9 = $new_comment2;
+$text10 = "";
+$text11 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("This copy has been automatically generated and is thus not valid without signature."));
+$text12 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("This copy is protected by law (Par. 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW). It can be duplicaedted, modified, published or be passed to third parties only in agreement with"));
+$text13 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("the publisher, except duplicates and modifications aimed at internal use of government agencies or private use."));
+$text14 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("This copy is protected,"));
+$text15 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("ask me!!!!"));
+$text16 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("or the publisher"));
+$text17 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("or use is internally."));
+* Labeling for buttons, textfields ...
+$label_format = _mb("Format");
+$label_format_a4 = "A4";
+$label_format_a3 = "A3";
+$label_format_a2 = "A2";
+$label_format_a1 = "A1";
+$label_format_a0 = "A0";
+$label_orientation = _mb("Orientation");
+$label_portrait = _mb("portrait");
+$label_landscape = _mb("landscape");
+$label_quality = _mb("Quality");
+$label_72dpi = "72 dpi";
+$label_288dpi = "288 dpi";
+$label_comment1 = _mb("Comment 1:");
+$label_comment2 = _mb("Comment 2:");
+$comment1_length = 30;
+$comment2_length = 30;
+$label_button = _mb("print");
+* default
+* url string matching and replacement
+$matching = false;
+$pattern =  "/192\.168\.2\.113/";
+$replacement = "";
+* high quality printing 288dpi
+* highquality mapfiles will be supplemented with "_4"
+* example: germany.map -> germany_4.map
+$highquality = true;
+$highqualitymapfiles = array(
+	"/data/umn/germany/germany_demo.map",
+	"/data/umn/mapbender_user/mapbender_user.map"
+# Dots per cm (72 dpi):
+# 28.346456692913385826771653543307 
+$DPC = 28.35;
+# available formats:
+$a4 = true;
+$a3 = true;
+$a2 = true;
+$a1 = false;
+$a0 = false;
+# dimensions of the map:
+# A4 portrait
+$a4p_mapOffset_left = 3.3 * $DPC;
+$a4p_mapOffset_bottom = 3 * $DPC;
+$a4p_map_width = 15.7 * $DPC; 
+$a4p_map_height = 22 * $DPC; 
+$a4p_page_width = 21 * $DPC;
+$a4p_page_height = 29.7 * $DPC;
+$a4p_header_height = 2.6 * $DPC;
+$a4p_footer_height = 1.12 * $DPC;
+# A4 landscape
+$a4l_mapOffset_left = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a4l_mapOffset_bottom = 1.8 * $DPC;
+$a4l_map_width = 25.2 * $DPC;
+$a4l_map_height = 16.4 * $DPC; 
+$a4l_page_width = 29.7 * $DPC;
+$a4l_page_height = 21 * $DPC;   
+$a4l_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
+$a4l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# A3 protrait
+$a3p_mapOffset_left = 3.3 * $DPC;
+$a3p_mapOffset_bottom = 3 * $DPC;
+$a3p_map_width = 24.1 * $DPC;
+$a3p_map_height = 36.7 * $DPC;
+$a3p_page_width = 29.7 * $DPC;
+$a3p_page_height = 42 * $DPC;
+$a3p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a3p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# A3 landscape        
+$a3l_mapOffset_left = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a3l_mapOffset_bottom = 1.8 * $DPC;
+$a3l_map_width = 37.4 * $DPC;
+$a3l_map_height = 25.4 * $DPC; 
+$a3l_page_width = 42 * $DPC;
+$a3l_page_height = 29.7 * $DPC;
+$a3l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a3l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a2 protrait
+$a2p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a2p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a2p_map_width = 37.3 * $DPC;
+$a2p_map_height = 54.8 * $DPC;
+$a2p_page_width = 42 * $DPC;
+$a2p_page_height = 59.4 * $DPC;
+$a2p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a2p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a2 landscape        
+$a2l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a2l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a2l_map_width = 54.1 * $DPC;
+$a2l_map_height = 37.3 * $DPC; 
+$a2l_page_width = 59.4 * $DPC;
+$a2l_page_height = 42 * $DPC;
+$a2l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a2l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a1 portrait
+$a1p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a1p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a1p_map_width = 54.5 * $DPC;
+$a1p_map_height = 79.5 * $DPC;
+$a1p_page_width = 59.4 * $DPC;
+$a1p_page_height = 84 * $DPC;
+$a1p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a1p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a1 landscape        
+$a1l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a1l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a1l_map_width = 79.5 * $DPC;
+$a1l_map_height = 55.5 * $DPC; 
+$a1l_page_width = 84 * $DPC;
+$a1l_page_height = 59.4 * $DPC;
+$a1l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a1l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a0 portrait
+$a0p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a0p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a0p_map_width = 79 * $DPC;
+$a0p_map_height = 115 * $DPC;
+$a0p_page_width = 84 * $DPC;
+$a0p_page_height = 118.8 * $DPC;
+$a0p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a0p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a0 landscape        
+$a0l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a0l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a0l_map_width = 113 * $DPC;
+$a0l_map_height = 80.5 * $DPC; 
+$a0l_page_width = 118.8 * $DPC;
+$a0l_page_height = 84 * $DPC;
+$a0l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a0l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+* Overview
+$overview = true;
+$a4p_overviewOffset_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left;
+$a4p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a4l_overviewOffset_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left;
+$a4l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a3p_overviewOffset_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left;
+$a3p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a3l_overviewOffset_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left;
+$a3l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a2p_overviewOffset_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left;
+$a2p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a2l_overviewOffset_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left;
+$a2l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a1p_overviewOffset_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left;
+$a1p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a1l_overviewOffset_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left;
+$a1l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a0p_overviewOffset_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left;
+$a0p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a0l_overviewOffset_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left;
+$a0l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom;
+* Northarrow
+$northarrow = true;
+$northarrowImage = "./img/northarrow.png";
+$a4p_northarrow_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + 160;
+$a4p_northarrow_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom +2 ;
+$a4l_northarrow_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a4l_northarrow_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom + $a4l_map_height - 40;
+$a3p_northarrow_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left +5;
+$a3p_northarrow_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + $a3p_map_height - 80;
+$a3l_northarrow_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a3l_northarrow_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom + $a3l_map_height - 40;
+$a2p_northarrow_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left +5;
+$a2p_northarrow_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + $a2p_map_height - 80;
+$a2l_northarrow_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a2l_northarrow_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom + $a2l_map_height - 80;
+$a1p_northarrow_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left +5;
+$a1p_northarrow_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + $a1p_map_height - 80;
+$a1l_northarrow_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a1l_northarrow_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom + $a1l_map_height - 160;
+$a0p_northarrow_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left +5;
+$a0p_northarrow_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + $a0p_map_height - 80;
+$a0l_northarrow_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a0l_northarrow_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom + $a0l_map_height - 160;
+$northarrowImage_width = 15; 
+$northarrowImage_height = 35; 
+* special image for the map-page
+$special = true;
+$specialImage = "../img/mapbender_oo.png";
+$a4p_special_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + $a4p_map_width - 50 ;
+$a4p_special_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom + $a4p_map_height + 80; 
+$a4l_special_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + $a4l_map_width - $a4l_header_width + 0.8 * $DPC + 10 ;
+$a4l_special_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom + 54; 
+$a3p_special_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left + $a3p_map_width - $a3p_header_width ;
+$a3p_special_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + 30; 
+$a3l_special_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left + $a3l_map_width - $a3l_header_width + 0.8 * $DPC + 10;
+$a3l_special_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom + 60; 
+$a2p_special_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left + $a2p_map_width - $a2p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
+$a2p_special_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
+$a2l_special_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left + $a2l_map_width - $a2l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
+$a2l_special_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
+$a1p_special_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left + $a1p_map_width - $a1p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
+$a1p_special_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
+$a1l_special_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left + $a1l_map_width - $a1l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
+$a1l_special_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
+$a0p_special_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left + $a0p_map_width - $a0p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
+$a0p_special_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
+$a0l_special_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left + $a0l_map_width - $a0l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
+$a0l_special_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
+$specialImage_width = 65; 
+$specialImage_height = 15;  
+* dynamic scalebar
+$scalebar = true;
+$units = "Meter";
+$a4p_scalebar_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + 2 * $a4p_map_width/3;
+$a4p_scalebar_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom  + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a4l_scalebar_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + $a4l_map_width/4 ;
+$a4l_scalebar_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a3p_scalebar_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left  + $a3p_map_width/4 ;
+$a3p_scalebar_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a3l_scalebar_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left  + $a3l_map_width/4 ;
+$a3l_scalebar_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a2p_scalebar_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left  + $a2p_map_width/4 ;
+$a2p_scalebar_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a2l_scalebar_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left  + $a2l_map_width/4 ;
+$a2l_scalebar_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a1p_scalebar_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left  + $a1p_map_width/4 ;
+$a1p_scalebar_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a1l_scalebar_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left  + $a1l_map_width/4 ;
+$a1l_scalebar_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a0p_scalebar_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left  + $a0p_map_width/4 ;
+$a0p_scalebar_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a0l_scalebar_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left  + $a0l_map_width/4 ;
+$a0l_scalebar_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$scalebar_width = 3 * $DPC;
+$scalebar_height = 0.18 * $DPC;

Modified: branches/nimix_dev/http/print/printPDF_b.conf
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/print/printPDF_b.conf	2008-08-18 16:07:47 UTC (rev 2868)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/print/printPDF_b.conf	2008-08-18 16:10:50 UTC (rev 2869)
@@ -1,385 +1,383 @@
-# filename for temporary imagefiles
-$filename = TMPDIR."/map_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
-$download = true;
-$downloadFile = TMPDIR."/map_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".pdf";
-$downloadText = "Download: Karte als PDF...";
-*run print as iframe or window
-$type = 'window';
-* Legend
-$label_legend = 'print legend';
-$legendFilename = TMPDIR."/legend_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
-$legendFilenameUserPolygon = TMPDIR."/legend_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
-$legendText = "Legende";
-$legendFooter = "powered by Mapbender";
-$legendImage = "./img/mapbender_logo.png";
-$legendImage_width = 90;
-$legendImage_height = 13;
-# log requests, class 'class_log.php' required
-$log = false;
-# delete images:
-$unlink = true;
-# labeling
-	$new_comment1 = utf8_decode($_REQUEST["comment1"]);
-	$new_comment2 = utf8_decode($_REQUEST["comment2"]);
-	$new_comment1 = $_REQUEST["comment1"];
-	$new_comment2 = $_REQUEST["comment2"];
-$text1 = "Druckansicht";
-$text2 = "- Mapbender -";
-$text3 = "";
-$text4 = "Maßstab 1 : " . $_REQUEST["map_scale"];
-$text5 = "Datum: " . date("d.m.Y",strtotime("now"));;
-$text6 = "Notizen:";
-$text7 = "";
-$text8 = $new_comment1;
-$text9 = $new_comment2;
-$text10 = "";
-$text11 = "Der Auszug ist maschinell erzeugt, er ist ohne Unterschrift gültig.";
-$text12 = "Dieser Auszug ist gesetzlich geschützt (§ 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW). Vervielfältigungen, Umarbeitungen, Veröffentlichungen oder die Weitergabe an Dritte nur mit Zustimmung des";
-$text13 = "Herausgebers, ausgenommen Vervielfältigungen und Umarbeitungen zur innerdienstlichen Verwendung bei Behörden oder zum eigenen Gebrauch.";
-$text14 = "Dieser Auszug ist gesetzlich geschützt (§ 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW). Vervielfältigungen,";
-$text15 = "Umarbeitungen, Veröffentlichungen oder die Weitergabe an Dritte nur mit Zustimmung";
-$text16 = "des Herausgebers, ausgenommen Vervielfältigungen und Umarbeitungen zur inner-";
-$text17 = "dienstlichen Verwendung bei Behörden oder zum eigenen Gebrauch.";
-* Labeling for buttons, textfields ...
-$label_format = "Format:";
-$label_format_a4 = "A4";
-$label_format_a3 = "A3";
-$label_format_a2 = "A2";
-$label_format_a1 = "A1";
-$label_format_a0 = "A0";
-$label_orientation = "Orientation: ";
-$label_portrait = "portrait";
-$label_landscape = "landscape";
-$label_72dpi = "Quality: 72 dpi";
-$label_288dpi = "Quality: 288 dpi";
-$label_comment = "Comment (max. 30)";
-$comment_length = 30;
-$label_button = 'print';
-* default
-* url string matching and replacement
-$matching = false;
-$pattern =  "/192\.168\.2\.113/";
-$replacement = "";
-* high quality printing 288dpi
-* highquality mapfiles will be supplemented with "_4"
-* example: germany.map -> germany_4.map
-$highquality = true;
-$highqualitymapfiles = array(
-	"/data/umn/germany/germany_demo.map",
-	"/data/umn/mapbender_user/mapbender_user.map"
-# Dots per cm (72 dpi):
-# 28.346456692913385826771653543307 
-$DPC = 28.35;
-# available formats:
-$a4 = true;
-$a3 = true;
-$a2 = true;
-$a1 = true;
-$a0 = true;
-# dimensions of the map:
-# A4 portrait
-$a4p_mapOffset_left = 3.3 * $DPC;
-$a4p_mapOffset_bottom = 3 * $DPC;
-$a4p_map_width = 15.7 * $DPC; 
-$a4p_map_height = 22 * $DPC; 
-$a4p_page_width = 21 * $DPC;
-$a4p_page_height = 29.7 * $DPC;
-$a4p_header_height = 2.6 * $DPC;
-$a4p_footer_height = 1.12 * $DPC;
-# A4 landscape
-$a4l_mapOffset_left = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a4l_mapOffset_bottom = 1.8 * $DPC;
-$a4l_map_width = 25.2 * $DPC;
-$a4l_map_height = 16.4 * $DPC; 
-$a4l_page_width = 29.7 * $DPC;
-$a4l_page_height = 21 * $DPC;   
-$a4l_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
-$a4l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# A3 protrait
-$a3p_mapOffset_left = 3.3 * $DPC;
-$a3p_mapOffset_bottom = 3 * $DPC;
-$a3p_map_width = 24.1 * $DPC;
-$a3p_map_height = 36.7 * $DPC;
-$a3p_page_width = 29.7 * $DPC;
-$a3p_page_height = 42 * $DPC;
-$a3p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a3p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# A3 landscape        
-$a3l_mapOffset_left = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a3l_mapOffset_bottom = 1.8 * $DPC;
-$a3l_map_width = 37.4 * $DPC;
-$a3l_map_height = 25.4 * $DPC; 
-$a3l_page_width = 42 * $DPC;
-$a3l_page_height = 29.7 * $DPC;
-$a3l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a3l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# a2 protrait
-$a2p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
-$a2p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a2p_map_width = 37.3 * $DPC;
-$a2p_map_height = 54.8 * $DPC;
-$a2p_page_width = 42 * $DPC;
-$a2p_page_height = 59.4 * $DPC;
-$a2p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a2p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# a2 landscape        
-$a2l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
-$a2l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a2l_map_width = 54.1 * $DPC;
-$a2l_map_height = 37.3 * $DPC; 
-$a2l_page_width = 59.4 * $DPC;
-$a2l_page_height = 42 * $DPC;
-$a2l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a2l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# a1 portrait
-$a1p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
-$a1p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a1p_map_width = 54.5 * $DPC;
-$a1p_map_height = 79.5 * $DPC;
-$a1p_page_width = 59.4 * $DPC;
-$a1p_page_height = 84 * $DPC;
-$a1p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a1p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# a1 landscape        
-$a1l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
-$a1l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a1l_map_width = 79.5 * $DPC;
-$a1l_map_height = 55.5 * $DPC; 
-$a1l_page_width = 84 * $DPC;
-$a1l_page_height = 59.4 * $DPC;
-$a1l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a1l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# a0 portrait
-$a0p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
-$a0p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a0p_map_width = 79 * $DPC;
-$a0p_map_height = 115 * $DPC;
-$a0p_page_width = 84 * $DPC;
-$a0p_page_height = 118.8 * $DPC;
-$a0p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a0p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-# a0 landscape        
-$a0l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
-$a0l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
-$a0l_map_width = 113 * $DPC;
-$a0l_map_height = 80.5 * $DPC; 
-$a0l_page_width = 118.8 * $DPC;
-$a0l_page_height = 84 * $DPC;
-$a0l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
-$a0l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
-* Overview
-$overview = true;
-$a4p_overviewOffset_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left;
-$a4p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a4l_overviewOffset_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left;
-$a4l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a3p_overviewOffset_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left;
-$a3p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a3l_overviewOffset_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left;
-$a3l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a2p_overviewOffset_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left;
-$a2p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a2l_overviewOffset_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left;
-$a2l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a1p_overviewOffset_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left;
-$a1p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a1l_overviewOffset_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left;
-$a1l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a0p_overviewOffset_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left;
-$a0p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom;
-$a0l_overviewOffset_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left;
-$a0l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom;
-* Northarrow
-$northarrow = true;
-$northarrowImage = "./img/northarrow.png";
-$a4p_northarrow_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + 160;
-$a4p_northarrow_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom +2 ;
-$a4l_northarrow_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + 5;
-$a4l_northarrow_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom + $a4l_map_height - 40;
-$a3p_northarrow_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left +5;
-$a3p_northarrow_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + $a3p_map_height - 80;
-$a3l_northarrow_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left + 5;
-$a3l_northarrow_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom + $a3l_map_height - 40;
-$a2p_northarrow_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left +5;
-$a2p_northarrow_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + $a2p_map_height - 80;
-$a2l_northarrow_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left + 5;
-$a2l_northarrow_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom + $a2l_map_height - 80;
-$a1p_northarrow_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left +5;
-$a1p_northarrow_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + $a1p_map_height - 80;
-$a1l_northarrow_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left + 5;
-$a1l_northarrow_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom + $a1l_map_height - 160;
-$a0p_northarrow_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left +5;
-$a0p_northarrow_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + $a0p_map_height - 80;
-$a0l_northarrow_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left + 5;
-$a0l_northarrow_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom + $a0l_map_height - 160;
-$northarrowImage_width = 15; 
-$northarrowImage_height = 35; 
-* special image for the map-page
-$special = true;
-$specialImage = "../img/mapbender_oo.png";
-$a4p_special_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + $a4p_map_width - 50 ;
-$a4p_special_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom + $a4p_map_height + 80; 
-$a4l_special_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + $a4l_map_width - $a4l_header_width + 0.8 * $DPC + 10 ;
-$a4l_special_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom + 54; 
-$a3p_special_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left + $a3p_map_width - $a3p_header_width ;
-$a3p_special_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + 30; 
-$a3l_special_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left + $a3l_map_width - $a3l_header_width + 0.8 * $DPC + 10;
-$a3l_special_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom + 60; 
-$a2p_special_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left + $a2p_map_width - $a2p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
-$a2p_special_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
-$a2l_special_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left + $a2l_map_width - $a2l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
-$a2l_special_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
-$a1p_special_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left + $a1p_map_width - $a1p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
-$a1p_special_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
-$a1l_special_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left + $a1l_map_width - $a1l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
-$a1l_special_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
-$a0p_special_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left + $a0p_map_width - $a0p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
-$a0p_special_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
-$a0l_special_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left + $a0l_map_width - $a0l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
-$a0l_special_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
-$specialImage_width = 65; 
-$specialImage_height = 15;  
-* dynamic scalebar
-$scalebar = true;
-$units = "Meter";
-$a4p_scalebar_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + 2 * $a4p_map_width/3;
-$a4p_scalebar_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom  + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a4l_scalebar_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + $a4l_map_width/4 ;
-$a4l_scalebar_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a3p_scalebar_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left  + $a3p_map_width/4 ;
-$a3p_scalebar_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a3l_scalebar_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left  + $a3l_map_width/4 ;
-$a3l_scalebar_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a2p_scalebar_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left  + $a2p_map_width/4 ;
-$a2p_scalebar_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a2l_scalebar_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left  + $a2l_map_width/4 ;
-$a2l_scalebar_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a1p_scalebar_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left  + $a1p_map_width/4 ;
-$a1p_scalebar_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a1l_scalebar_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left  + $a1l_map_width/4 ;
-$a1l_scalebar_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a0p_scalebar_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left  + $a0p_map_width/4 ;
-$a0p_scalebar_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$a0l_scalebar_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left  + $a0l_map_width/4 ;
-$a0l_scalebar_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
-$scalebar_width = 3 * $DPC;
-$scalebar_height = 0.18 * $DPC;
+$admin = new administration();
+# filename for temporary imagefiles
+$filename = TMPDIR."/map_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
+$download = true;
+$downloadFile = TMPDIR."/map_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".pdf";
+$downloadText = _mb("Download: Map as PDF...");
+*run print as iframe or window
+$type = 'window';
+* Legend
+$label_legend = _mb('Print legend');
+$legendFilename = TMPDIR."/legend_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
+$legendFilenameUserPolygon = TMPDIR."/legend_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
+$legendText = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Legend"));
+$legendFooter = $admin->char_decode(_mb("powered by Mapbender"));
+$legendImage = "./img/mapbender_logo.png";
+$legendImage_width = 90;
+$legendImage_height = 13;
+# log requests, class 'class_log.php' required
+$log = false;
+# delete images:
+$unlink = true;
+# labeling
+$new_comment1 = $admin->char_decode($_REQUEST["comment1"]);
+$new_comment2 = $admin->char_decode($_REQUEST["comment2"]);
+$text1 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Print preview"));
+$text2 = "- Mapbender -";
+$text3 = "";
+$text4 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Scale 1:")). " ".$_REQUEST["map_scale"];
+$text5 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Date:")) . " ".date("d.m.Y",strtotime("now"));
+$text6 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Notes:"));
+$text7 = "";
+$text8 = $new_comment1;
+$text9 = $new_comment2;
+$text10 = "";
+$text11 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("This copy has been automatically generated and is thus not valid without signature."));
+$text12 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("This copy is protected by law (Par. 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW). It can be duplicaedted, modified, published or be passed to third parties only in agreement with"));
+$text13 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("the publisher, except duplicates and modifications aimed at internal use of government agencies or private use."));
+$text14 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("This copy is protected,"));
+$text15 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("ask me!!!!"));
+$text16 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("or the publisher"));
+$text17 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("or use is internally."));
+* Labeling for buttons, textfields ...
+$label_format = _mb("Format");
+$label_format_a4 = "A4";
+$label_format_a3 = "A3";
+$label_format_a2 = "A2";
+$label_format_a1 = "A1";
+$label_format_a0 = "A0";
+$label_orientation = _mb("Orientation");
+$label_portrait = _mb("portrait");
+$label_landscape = _mb("landscape");
+$label_72dpi = sprintf(_mb("Quality: %d dpi"), 72);
+$label_288dpi = sprintf(_mb("Quality: %d dpi"), 288);
+$label_comment1 = "Comment 1";
+$label_comment2 = "Comment 2";
+$comment1_length = 30;
+$comment2_length = 30;
+$label_button = _mb("print");
+* default
+* url string matching and replacement
+$matching = false;
+$pattern =  "/192\.168\.2\.113/";
+$replacement = "";
+* high quality printing 288dpi
+* highquality mapfiles will be supplemented with "_4"
+* example: germany.map -> germany_4.map
+$highquality = true;
+$highqualitymapfiles = array(
+	"/data/umn/germany/germany_demo.map",
+	"/data/umn/mapbender_user/mapbender_user.map"
+# Dots per cm (72 dpi):
+# 28.346456692913385826771653543307 
+$DPC = 28.35;
+# available formats:
+$a4 = true;
+$a3 = true;
+$a2 = true;
+$a1 = false;
+$a0 = false;
+# dimensions of the map:
+# A4 portrait
+$a4p_mapOffset_left = 3.3 * $DPC;
+$a4p_mapOffset_bottom = 3 * $DPC;
+$a4p_map_width = 15.7 * $DPC; 
+$a4p_map_height = 22 * $DPC; 
+$a4p_page_width = 21 * $DPC;
+$a4p_page_height = 29.7 * $DPC;
+$a4p_header_height = 2.6 * $DPC;
+$a4p_footer_height = 1.12 * $DPC;
+# A4 landscape
+$a4l_mapOffset_left = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a4l_mapOffset_bottom = 1.8 * $DPC;
+$a4l_map_width = 25.2 * $DPC;
+$a4l_map_height = 16.4 * $DPC; 
+$a4l_page_width = 29.7 * $DPC;
+$a4l_page_height = 21 * $DPC;   
+$a4l_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
+$a4l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# A3 protrait
+$a3p_mapOffset_left = 3.3 * $DPC;
+$a3p_mapOffset_bottom = 3 * $DPC;
+$a3p_map_width = 24.1 * $DPC;
+$a3p_map_height = 36.7 * $DPC;
+$a3p_page_width = 29.7 * $DPC;
+$a3p_page_height = 42 * $DPC;
+$a3p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a3p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# A3 landscape        
+$a3l_mapOffset_left = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a3l_mapOffset_bottom = 1.8 * $DPC;
+$a3l_map_width = 37.4 * $DPC;
+$a3l_map_height = 25.4 * $DPC; 
+$a3l_page_width = 42 * $DPC;
+$a3l_page_height = 29.7 * $DPC;
+$a3l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a3l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a2 protrait
+$a2p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a2p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a2p_map_width = 37.3 * $DPC;
+$a2p_map_height = 54.8 * $DPC;
+$a2p_page_width = 42 * $DPC;
+$a2p_page_height = 59.4 * $DPC;
+$a2p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a2p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a2 landscape        
+$a2l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a2l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a2l_map_width = 54.1 * $DPC;
+$a2l_map_height = 37.3 * $DPC; 
+$a2l_page_width = 59.4 * $DPC;
+$a2l_page_height = 42 * $DPC;
+$a2l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a2l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a1 portrait
+$a1p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a1p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a1p_map_width = 54.5 * $DPC;
+$a1p_map_height = 79.5 * $DPC;
+$a1p_page_width = 59.4 * $DPC;
+$a1p_page_height = 84 * $DPC;
+$a1p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a1p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a1 landscape        
+$a1l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a1l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a1l_map_width = 79.5 * $DPC;
+$a1l_map_height = 55.5 * $DPC; 
+$a1l_page_width = 84 * $DPC;
+$a1l_page_height = 59.4 * $DPC;
+$a1l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a1l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a0 portrait
+$a0p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a0p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a0p_map_width = 79 * $DPC;
+$a0p_map_height = 115 * $DPC;
+$a0p_page_width = 84 * $DPC;
+$a0p_page_height = 118.8 * $DPC;
+$a0p_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a0p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a0 landscape        
+$a0l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a0l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a0l_map_width = 113 * $DPC;
+$a0l_map_height = 80.5 * $DPC; 
+$a0l_page_width = 118.8 * $DPC;
+$a0l_page_height = 84 * $DPC;
+$a0l_header_width =  8.5 * $DPC;
+$a0l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+* Overview
+$overview = true;
+$a4p_overviewOffset_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left;
+$a4p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a4l_overviewOffset_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left;
+$a4l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a3p_overviewOffset_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left;
+$a3p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a3l_overviewOffset_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left;
+$a3l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a2p_overviewOffset_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left;
+$a2p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a2l_overviewOffset_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left;
+$a2l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a1p_overviewOffset_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left;
+$a1p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a1l_overviewOffset_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left;
+$a1l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a0p_overviewOffset_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left;
+$a0p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a0l_overviewOffset_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left;
+$a0l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom;
+* Northarrow
+$northarrow = true;
+$northarrowImage = "./img/northarrow.png";
+$a4p_northarrow_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + 160;
+$a4p_northarrow_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom +2 ;
+$a4l_northarrow_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a4l_northarrow_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom + $a4l_map_height - 40;
+$a3p_northarrow_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left +5;
+$a3p_northarrow_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + $a3p_map_height - 80;
+$a3l_northarrow_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a3l_northarrow_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom + $a3l_map_height - 40;
+$a2p_northarrow_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left +5;
+$a2p_northarrow_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + $a2p_map_height - 80;
+$a2l_northarrow_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a2l_northarrow_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom + $a2l_map_height - 80;
+$a1p_northarrow_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left +5;
+$a1p_northarrow_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + $a1p_map_height - 80;
+$a1l_northarrow_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a1l_northarrow_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom + $a1l_map_height - 160;
+$a0p_northarrow_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left +5;
+$a0p_northarrow_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + $a0p_map_height - 80;
+$a0l_northarrow_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a0l_northarrow_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom + $a0l_map_height - 160;
+$northarrowImage_width = 15; 
+$northarrowImage_height = 35; 
+* special image for the map-page
+$special = true;
+$specialImage = "../img/mapbender_oo.png";
+$a4p_special_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + $a4p_map_width - 50 ;
+$a4p_special_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom + $a4p_map_height + 80; 
+$a4l_special_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + $a4l_map_width - $a4l_header_width + 0.8 * $DPC + 10 ;
+$a4l_special_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom + 54; 
+$a3p_special_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left + $a3p_map_width - $a3p_header_width ;
+$a3p_special_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + 30; 
+$a3l_special_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left + $a3l_map_width - $a3l_header_width + 0.8 * $DPC + 10;
+$a3l_special_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom + 60; 
+$a2p_special_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left + $a2p_map_width - $a2p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
+$a2p_special_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
+$a2l_special_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left + $a2l_map_width - $a2l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
+$a2l_special_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
+$a1p_special_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left + $a1p_map_width - $a1p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
+$a1p_special_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
+$a1l_special_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left + $a1l_map_width - $a1l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
+$a1l_special_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
+$a0p_special_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left + $a0p_map_width - $a0p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
+$a0p_special_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
+$a0l_special_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left + $a0l_map_width - $a0l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
+$a0l_special_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom + 110; 
+$specialImage_width = 65; 
+$specialImage_height = 15;  
+* dynamic scalebar
+$scalebar = true;
+$units = "Meter";
+$a4p_scalebar_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + 2 * $a4p_map_width/3;
+$a4p_scalebar_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom  + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a4l_scalebar_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + $a4l_map_width/4 ;
+$a4l_scalebar_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a3p_scalebar_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left  + $a3p_map_width/4 ;
+$a3p_scalebar_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a3l_scalebar_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left  + $a3l_map_width/4 ;
+$a3l_scalebar_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a2p_scalebar_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left  + $a2p_map_width/4 ;
+$a2p_scalebar_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a2l_scalebar_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left  + $a2l_map_width/4 ;
+$a2l_scalebar_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a1p_scalebar_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left  + $a1p_map_width/4 ;
+$a1p_scalebar_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a1l_scalebar_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left  + $a1l_map_width/4 ;
+$a1l_scalebar_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a0p_scalebar_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left  + $a0p_map_width/4 ;
+$a0p_scalebar_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a0l_scalebar_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left  + $a0l_map_width/4 ;
+$a0l_scalebar_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom +  + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$scalebar_width = 3 * $DPC;
+$scalebar_height = 0.18 * $DPC;

Modified: branches/nimix_dev/http/print/print_functions.php
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/print/print_functions.php	2008-08-18 16:07:47 UTC (rev 2868)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/print/print_functions.php	2008-08-18 16:10:50 UTC (rev 2869)
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ * $Id$
+ * 
  * converts the coordinates created via the JavaScript
  * functions in 'mod_measure.php' into an array which 
  * then holds both X- ans Y-values for each point in
@@ -217,12 +219,12 @@
     $thePolyArr = makePolyFromCoord($theFullArr);
 	if (isClosedPolygon($theFullArr)) {
-	  $nr_of_points = count($theFullArr);
 		$isClosed = TRUE;
-	} else {
-	  $nr_of_points = count($theFullArr) - 1;
+	} 
+	else {
 		$isClosed = FALSE;
+	$nr_of_points = count($theFullArr);
 	// is fill option set?
 	// wenn der erste und letzte punkt nicht �bereinstimmen,

Property changes on: branches/nimix_dev/http/print/print_functions.php
Name: svn:keywords
   + HeadURL Id LastChangedBy LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision

Modified: branches/nimix_dev/http/tools/mapbender_setup.php
--- branches/nimix_dev/http/tools/mapbender_setup.php	2008-08-18 16:07:47 UTC (rev 2868)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/http/tools/mapbender_setup.php	2008-08-18 16:10:50 UTC (rev 2869)
@@ -21,9 +21,7 @@
  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
@@ -290,4 +288,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/nimix_dev/last_merged.txt
--- branches/nimix_dev/last_merged.txt	2008-08-18 16:07:47 UTC (rev 2868)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/last_merged.txt	2008-08-18 16:10:50 UTC (rev 2869)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-trunk: 2584
\ No newline at end of file
+trunk: 2864
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: branches/nimix_dev/resources/db/mysql/mysql_gettext.sql (from rev 2864, trunk/mapbender/resources/db/mysql/mysql_gettext.sql)
--- branches/nimix_dev/resources/db/mysql/mysql_gettext.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/resources/db/mysql/mysql_gettext.sql	2008-08-18 16:10:50 UTC (rev 2869)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+CREATE FUNCTION gettext(locale_arg text, querystring text) RETURNS text READS SQL DATA
+DECLARE result text;
+SELECT msgstr INTO result FROM translations WHERE locale = locale_arg AND msgid = querystring;
+RETURN querystring;
+RETURN result;

Modified: branches/nimix_dev/resources/db/update/update_2.6.sql
--- branches/nimix_dev/resources/db/update/update_2.6.sql	2008-08-18 16:07:47 UTC (rev 2868)
+++ branches/nimix_dev/resources/db/update/update_2.6.sql	2008-08-18 16:10:50 UTC (rev 2869)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-UPDATE gui_element SET e_mb_mod = 'map_obj.js,map.js,wms.js,wfs_obj.js,initWms.php' WHERE e_id = 'mapframe1'
+UPDATE gui_element SET e_mb_mod = 'map_obj.js,map.js,wms.js,wfs_obj.js,initWms.php' WHERE e_id = 'mapframe1';
 --new fields for wfs_conf
 ALTER TABLE wfs_conf_element ADD COLUMN f_detailpos int4 DEFAULT 0;
@@ -14,3 +14,22 @@
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars(fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES('gui_digitize', 'gazetteerWFS', 'showResultInPopup', '1', 'if value is 1 search results will be displayed in popup, otherwise in gazetteer div' ,'var');
 INSERT INTO gui_element_vars(fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES('gui_digitize', 'gazetteerWFS', 'wfs_spatial_request_conf_filename', 'wfs_additional_spatial_search.conf', 'location and name of the WFS configuration file for spatialRequest' ,'php_var');
+--add style class to element var text css of element digitize in gui_digitize
+UPDATE gui_element_vars SET var_value = 'body{
+ font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+ font-size : 12px;
+ color: #ff00ff;
+ background-color: #ffffff;
+ margin-top: 0px;
+ margin-left: 0px;
+ }
+ .button{
+ height: 18px;
+ width: 32px;
+ }
+ .searchResults{
+	color:#000000;
+	font-size:10px;
+' WHERE fkey_gui_id= 'gui_digitize' AND fkey_e_id='digitize' AND var_name='text css';
\ No newline at end of file

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