[Mapbender-commits] r3266 - trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Mon Dec 1 10:25:27 EST 2008

Author: christoph
Date: 2008-12-01 10:25:26 -0500 (Mon, 01 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 3266


Deleted: trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/wfs.js
--- trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/wfs.js	2008-11-28 15:06:18 UTC (rev 3265)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/wfs.js	2008-12-01 15:25:26 UTC (rev 3266)
@@ -1,532 +0,0 @@
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// --- usemap (begin) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function mod_usemap(wfs_name) {
-	if (wfs_name == "") {
-		usemap = "";
-	}
-	var ind = getMapObjIndexByName(mb_wfs_target);
-	var myImg = window.frames[mb_wfs_target].document.getElementById("um_img").style; 
-	myImg.width = mb_mapObj[ind].width;
-	myImg.height = mb_mapObj[ind].height;
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.count() ; i ++) {
-		if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).wfs_conf == wfs_name || wfs_name == "") {
-			if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).geomType == geomType.polygon) {
-				usemap += mod_usemap_polygon(i);
-			}
-			else if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).geomType == geomType.point) {
-				usemap += mod_usemap_circle(i);
-			}
-			else if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).geomType == geomType.line) {
-				usemap += mod_usemap_line(i);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	writeUsemap(usemap);
-function mod_usemap_circle(ind){
-	var str = "";
-	var coord = "";
-	var title = "";
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.count(); i++) {
-		if (i>0) title += "&#10;";
-		title += mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getName(i) + ": " + mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getValue(i);
-	}
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).count() ; i ++) {
-		var p = mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind, i, 0);
-		var pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_target,p);
-		coord += pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
-		str += "<AREA title='"+title+"' onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
-		str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' shape='circle'  coords='";
-		str += coord + ", " + mod_usemap_radius + "' href='#'>";
-	}
-	return str;
-function mod_usemap_line_calculate (aGeometry, j, orientation, cnt) {
-	var coord = "";
-	var p1 = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],aGeometry.get(j));
-	var p2 = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],aGeometry.get(j+orientation));
-	var vec = p2.minus(p1);
-	if (vec.x != 0 || vec.y != 0) {
-		var n_vec;
-		if (vec.x != 0) {
-			if (vec.x > 0) n_vec = new Point((-vec.y)/vec.x, -1);
-			else n_vec = new Point(vec.y/vec.x, 1);
-		}
-		else {
-			if (vec.y > 0) n_vec = new Point(1,0);
-			else n_vec = new Point(-1,0);
-		}
-		n_vec = n_vec.times(mod_usemap_line_tolerance).dividedBy(n_vec.dist(new Point(0,0)))
-		lp = new Point(p1.x + n_vec.x, p1.y - n_vec.y);
-		if (cnt > 0) coord += ", ";
-		coord += parseInt(lp.x) + ", " + parseInt(lp.y);
-		coord += ", " + parseInt(lp.x+vec.x) + ", " + parseInt(lp.y+vec.y);
-	}
-	return coord;
-function mod_usemap_line(ind){
-	var str = "";
-	var title = "";
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.count(); i++) {
-		if (i>0) title += "&#10;";
-		title += mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getName(i) + ": " + mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getValue(i);
-	}
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).count() ; i ++) {
-		var coord = "";
-		var cnt = 0;
-		for (var j = 0 ; j < mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i).count() - 1  ; j ++) {
-			var result = mod_usemap_line_calculate(mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i), j, 1, cnt);
-			if (result != "") {
-				coord += result;
-				cnt++;
-			}
-		}
-		for (var j = (mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i).count() - 1) ; j > 0 ; j--) {
-			var result = mod_usemap_line_calculate(mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i), j, -1, cnt);
-			if (result != "") {
-				coord += result;
-				cnt++;
-			}
-		}
-		if (coord != "") {
-			str += "<AREA title='"+title+"'";
-			str += "onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
-			str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
-			str += "shape='poly'  coords='";
-			str += coord + "' href='#'>";
-		}
-		else {
-			//display circle
-			var pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind,i,0));
-			coord += pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
-			str += "<AREA title='"+title+"' onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch["+ind+"])' ";
-			str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' shape='circle'  coords='";
-			str += coord + ", " + mod_usemap_radius + "' href='#'>";
-		}
-	}
-	return str;
-function mod_usemap_polygon(ind){
-	var str = "";
-	var coord = "";
-	var title = "";
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.count(); i++) {
-		if (i>0) title += "&#10;";
-		title += mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getName(i) + ": " + mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getValue(i);
-	}
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).count() ; i ++) {
-		var pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind, i, 0));
-		coord += pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
-		for (var j = 1 ; j < mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i).count() ; j ++) {
-			pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind, i, j));
-			coord += ", " + pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
-		}
-		str += "<AREA title='"+title+"' onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
-		str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' shape='poly'  coords='";
-		str += coord + "' href='#'>";
-	}
-	return str;
-function writeUsemap(str) {
-	writeTag(mb_wfs_targets[0], 'um', str);
-// --- usemap (end) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-var highlight_tag_id = "wfs_highlight_tag";
-var mb_wfs_fetched = [];
-var mb_wfs_target = "mapframe1";
-var mb_wfs_objwin = null;
-var mb_wfs_objwin_left = 800;
-var mb_wfs_objwin_top = 200;
-var mb_wfs_objwin_width = 200;
-var mb_wfs_objwin_height = 200;
-var mb_wfs_targets = new Array("mapframe1","overview");
-var mb_wfs_fillColor = "#ff0000";
-var usemap = "";
-var mod_usemap_radius = 10;
-var mod_usemap_line_tolerance = 5;
-var useCheckboxForHighlighting = false;
-var mb_wfs_fetch = new GeometryArray();
-var highlight;
-try {if(generalHighlightZIndex){}}catch(e) {generalHighlightZIndex = 90;}
-try {if(generalHighlightLineWidth){}}catch(e) {generalHighlightLineWidth = 2;}
-try {if(useUsemap){}}catch(e) {useUsemap = 0;}
-function initHighlight() {
-	var styleObj = {"position":"absolute", "top":"0px", "left":"0px", "z-index":generalHighlightZIndex};
-	highlight = new Highlight(mb_wfs_targets, highlight_tag_id, styleObj, generalHighlightLineWidth);
-try {if(displayWfsResultList){}}catch(e) {displayWfsResultList = 0;};
-if (displayWfsResultList == 1) {
-	//mb_registerWfsReadSubFunctions(function(geom){mb_wfs_listMember(geom)});
-if (parseInt(useUsemap) == 1) {
-	mb_registerSubFunctions('mod_usemap("")');
-if (useCheckboxForHighlighting) {
-	eventInit.register(function() {
-		mb_registerSubFunctions('highlight.paint()');
-	});
-if (useExtentIsSet()) {
-	mb_registerSubFunctions("mb_setwfsrequest_extent()");
-function mb_setwfsrequest_extent() {
-	if (useExtentIsSet()) {
-		var ind = getMapObjIndexByName(mb_wfs_targets[0]);
-		var pos_a = makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(mb_wfs_targets[0],0,0);
-		var pos_b = makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_mapObj[ind].width,mb_mapObj[ind].height);
-		var x = [];
-		var y = [];
-		x[0] = pos_a[0];
-		x[1] = pos_b[0];
-		y[0] = pos_a[1];
-		y[1] = pos_b[1];
-		mb_setwfsrequest(mb_wfs_targets[0],'rectangle',x,y);
-	}
-function mb_wfs_listMember(geomArray){
-	mb_wfs_fetch.union(geomArray);
-	var wfs_conf = get_complete_wfs_conf();
-	var str = "<table>";
-	for(var i=0; i<mb_wfs_fetch.count(); i++){
-		var t = wfs_conf[mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).wfs_conf];
-		for(var j=0; j<t['element'].length; j++){
-			if(t['element'][j]['f_show'] > 0){
-				var k = mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).e.getElementIndexByName(t['element'][j]['element_name']);
-				//alert(k);
-				if(k != -1){
-					str += "<tr><td>";
-					if (useCheckboxForHighlighting) {
-						str += "<input type=checkbox id=highlightCheckbox" + i + " onChange='highlightGeometry(" + i + ")'></td><td>";
-					}
-					str += "<div";
-					if (!useCheckboxForHighlighting) {
-						str += " onmouseover='mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",mb_wfs_fetch.get("+i+"))' ";
-						str += " onmouseout='mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",mb_wfs_fetch.get("+i+"))' ";
-					}
-					str += " onclick='mb_wfs_perform(\"click\",mb_wfs_fetch.get("+i+"))' ";
-					str += ">" + mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).e.getValue(k)+ "</div></td></tr>";
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	str += "</table>";
-	mb_wfs_objwin.innerHTML = str;
-//	if (parseInt(useUsemap) == 1) mod_usemap(wfs_name);
-function mb_wfs_reset(){
-	mb_wfs_fetch = new parent.GeometryArray();
-	usemap = "";
-	if(mb_wfs_objwin == null){
-		var iframe=document.createElement('div');
-		iframe.setAttribute("style","position:absolute;left:"+mb_wfs_objwin_left+"px;top:"+mb_wfs_objwin_top+"px;width:"+mb_wfs_objwin_width+"px;height:"+mb_wfs_objwin_height+"px");
-		mb_wfs_objwin = document.body.appendChild(iframe);
-		mb_wfs_objwin.id = "mb_wfs_objwin";
-		mb_wfs_objwin.name = "mb_wfs_objwin";
-		mb_wfs_objwin.style.position = 'absolute';
-		mb_wfs_objwin.style.left = mb_wfs_objwin_left+"px";
-		mb_wfs_objwin.style.top = mb_wfs_objwin_top+"px";
-		mb_wfs_objwin.style.width = mb_wfs_objwin_width+"px";
-		mb_wfs_objwin.style.height = mb_wfs_objwin_height+"px";
-	}
-	for(var i=0; i<mb_wfsreq; i++){
-		if(document.getElementById("mb_wfs_win_"+mb_wfsreq)){
-			document.removeChild("mb_wfs_win_"+mb_wfsreq);
-		}
-	}
-	mb_wfsreq = 0;
-	return true;
-function get_complete_wfs_conf() {
-	var wfs_conf = window.frames["wfs_conf"].get_wfs_conf();
-	return wfs_conf;
-function highlightGeometry(i) {
-	var id = "highlightCheckbox"+i;
-	if (document.getElementById(id).checked) {
-		highlight.add(mb_wfs_fetch.get(i), '#00ff00');
-		highlight.paint();
-	}
-	else {
-		highlight.del(mb_wfs_fetch.get(i), '#00ff00');
-		highlight.paint();
-	}
-function mb_wfs_perform(type,m){
-	var wfs_conf = window.frames["wfs_conf"].get_wfs_conf();
-	if(type=='over') {
-		highlight.add(m, '#ff0000');
-		highlight.paint();
-	}
-	else if (type == 'out') {
-		highlight.del(m, '#ff0000');
-		highlight.paint();
-	}
-	else
-		if (type == 'click') {
-			var tmp = m.getBBox();
-			if (m.geomType == geomType.point) {
-				var b = 1;
-			}
-			else {
-				var b = 0;
-			}
-			if (typeof(m.wfs_conf) != "undefined") {
-				b = parseFloat(wfs_conf[m.wfs_conf]['g_buffer']);
-			}
-			var buffer = new Point(b, b);
-			var bbox_ll = tmp[0].minus(buffer);
-			var bbox_ru = tmp[1].plus(buffer);
-			mb_calcExtent(mb_wfs_targets[0], bbox_ll, bbox_ru);
-			highlight.del(m, '#ff0000');
-			zoom(mb_wfs_targets[0], 'true', 1.0);
-			highlight.add(m, '#ff0000');
-			highlight.paint();
-		}
-function get_wfs_str(myconf, d, m, type, fid) {
-	var featureTypeArray = myconf['featuretype_name'].split(':')
-	var featureNS = featureTypeArray[0];
-	var str = '<wfs:Transaction version="1.0.0" service="WFS" ';
-	var ns_gml = false;	var ns_ogc = false;	var ns_xsi = false;	var ns_wfs = false;	var ns_featureNS = false;
-	for (var q = 0 ; q < myconf['namespaces'].length ; q++) {
-		if (myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] == "gml"){
-			 ns_gml = true;
-			 str += 'xmlns:' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] + '="' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['location'] + '" ';
-		} else if (myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] == "ogc") {
-			ns_ogc = true;
-			str += 'xmlns:' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] + '="' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['location'] + '" ';
-		} else if (myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] == "xsi") {
-			ns_xsi = true;
-			str += 'xmlns:' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] + '="' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['location'] + '" ';
-		} else if (myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] == "wfs") {
-			ns_wfs = true;
-			str += 'xmlns:' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] + '="' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['location'] + '" ';
-		} else if (myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] == featureNS) {
-			ns_featureNS = true;
-			str += 'xmlns:' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] + '="' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['location'] + '" '
-			strForSchemaLocation = myconf['namespaces'][q]['location'];
-		}
-	}
-	if (ns_gml == false) str += 'xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" ';
-	if (ns_ogc == false) str += 'xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" ';
-	if (ns_xsi == false) str += 'xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ';
-	if (ns_featureNS == false) str += 'xmlns:"+featureNS+"="http://www.someserver.com/"+featureNS+"" ';
-	if (ns_wfs == false) str += 'xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs" ';
-	str += 'xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs';
-	str += ' http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/1.0.0/WFS-transaction.xsd';
-	str += ' ' + strForSchemaLocation;
-	str += ' '+ myconf['wfs_describefeaturetype'];
-	//str += mb_getConjunctionCharacter(myconf['wfs_describefeaturetype']);
-	//str += 'typename=' + myconf['featuretype_name'];
-	str += '">';
-	//
-	// ---------------------------------------- SAVE -------------------------------------------------
-	//
-	if (type == "save") {
-		str += '<wfs:Insert><'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'>';
-		for(var i=0; i<d.get(m).e.count(); i++){
-			if(d.get(m).e.getValue(i) != "" && d.get(m).e.getName(i) != "fid"){
-				var tmp = d.get(m).e.getName(i);
-				str += '<' + tmp  + '>' + d.get(m).e.getValue(i) + '</' + tmp  + '>';
-			}
-		}
-		for(var j=0; j<myconf['element'].length; j++){
-			if(myconf['element'][j]['f_geom'] == 1){
-				var el_geom = myconf['element'][j]['element_name'];
-			}
-		}
-		str += '<' + el_geom + '>';
-		if(d.get(m).geomType == geomType.point){
-			str += '<gml:Point srsName="' + myconf['featuretype_srs'] + '">';
-			str += '<gml:coordinates>';
-			str += d.getPoint(m,0,0).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,0,0).y;
-			str += '</gml:coordinates>';
-			str += '</gml:Point>';
-		}
-		if(d.get(m).geomType == geomType.line){
-			str += '<gml:MultiLineString srsName="' + myconf['featuretype_srs'] + '">';
-			str += '<gml:lineStringMember><gml:LineString><gml:coordinates>';
-			for(var k=0; k<d.getGeometry(m,0).count(); k++){
-				if(k>0)	str += " ";
-				str += d.getPoint(m,0,k).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,0,k).y;
-			}
-			str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:LineString></gml:lineStringMember>';
-			str += '</gml:MultiLineString>';
-		}
-		if(d.get(m).geomType == geomType.polygon){
-			str += '<gml:MultiPolygon srsName="' + myconf['featuretype_srs'] + '">';
-			for (var k = 0; k < d.get(m).count(); k++) {
-				str += '<gml:polygonMember><gml:Polygon><gml:outerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>';
-				for(var l = 0; l < d.getGeometry(m, k).count(); l++){
-					if (l > 0) {
-						str += " ";
-					}	
-					str += d.getPoint(m,k,l).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,k,l).y;
-				}
-				str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:LinearRing></gml:outerBoundaryIs>';
-				if (d.getGeometry(m, k).innerRings) {
-					for(var ii = 0; ii < d.getGeometry(m, k).innerRings.count(); ii++){
-						str += '<gml:innerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>';
-						for(var l = 0; l < d.getGeometry(m, k).innerRings.get(ii).count(); l++){
-							if (l > 0) {
-								str += " ";
-							}	
-							str += d.getPoint(m,k,ii,l).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,k,ii,l).y;
-						}
-						str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:LinearRing></gml:innerBoundaryIs>';
-					}
-				}
-				str += '</gml:Polygon></gml:polygonMember>';
-			}
-			str += '</gml:MultiPolygon>';
-		}
-		str += '</' + el_geom + '></'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'></wfs:Insert>';
-	}
-	//
-	// --------------------------------------- UPDATE ------------------------------------------------
-	//
-	else if (type == "update") {
-		str += '<wfs:Update typeName="'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'">';
-		for(var i=0; i<d.get(m).e.count(); i++){
-			if(d.get(m).e.getValue(i) != "" && d.get(m).e.getName(i) != "fid"){
-				str += '<wfs:Property>';
-				str += '<wfs:Name>'+d.get(m).e.getName(i)+'</wfs:Name>';
-				str += '<wfs:Value>'+d.get(m).e.getValue(i)+'</wfs:Value>';
-				str += '</wfs:Property>';
-			}
-		}
-		for(var j=0; j<myconf['element'].length; j++){
-			if(myconf['element'][j]['f_geom'] == 1){
-				var el_geom = myconf['element'][j]['element_name'];
-			}
-		}
-		str += '<wfs:Property><wfs:Name>' + el_geom + '</wfs:Name><wfs:Value>';
-		if(d.get(m).geomType == geomType.point){
-			str += '<gml:Point srsName="' + myconf['featuretype_srs'] + '"><gml:coordinates>';
-			str += d.getPoint(m,0,0).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,0,0).y;
-			str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>';
-		}
-		if(d.get(m).geomType == geomType.line){
-			str += '<gml:MultiLineString srsName="' + myconf['featuretype_srs'] + '">';
-			str += '<gml:lineStringMember><gml:LineString><gml:coordinates>';
-			for(var k=0; k<d.getGeometry(m,0).count(); k++){
-				if(k>0)	str += " ";
-				str += d.getPoint(m,0,k).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,0,k).y;
-			}
-			str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:LineString></gml:lineStringMember>';
-			str += '</gml:MultiLineString>';
-		}
-		if(d.get(m).geomType == geomType.polygon){
-			str += '<gml:MultiPolygon srsName="' + myconf['featuretype_srs'] + '">';
-			for (var l = 0; l < d.get(m).count(); l++) {
-				str += '<gml:polygonMember><gml:Polygon><gml:outerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>';
-				for(var k=0; k<d.getGeometry(m,l).count(); k++){
-					if(k>0)	str += " ";
-					str += d.getPoint(m,l,k).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,l,k).y;
-				}
-				str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:LinearRing></gml:outerBoundaryIs>';
-				if (d.getGeometry(m, l).innerRings) {
-					for(var ii = 0; ii < d.getGeometry(m, l).innerRings.count(); ii++){
-						str += '<gml:innerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>';
-						for(var p = 0; p < d.getGeometry(m, l).innerRings.get(ii).count(); p++){
-							if (p > 0) {
-								str += " ";
-							}	
-							str += d.getPoint(m,l,ii,p).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,l,ii,p).y;
-						}
-						str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:LinearRing></gml:innerBoundaryIs>';
-					}
-				}
-				str += '</gml:Polygon></gml:polygonMember>';
-			}
-		}
-		str += '</gml:MultiPolygon>';
-		str += '</wfs:Value></wfs:Property>';
-		str += '<ogc:Filter><ogc:FeatureId fid="'+fid+'"/></ogc:Filter>';
-		str += '</wfs:Update>';
-	}
-	//
-	// --------------------------------------- DELETE ------------------------------------------------
-	//
-	else if (type == "delete") {
-		str += '<wfs:Delete typeName="'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'">';
-		for(var j=0; j<myconf['element'].length; j++){
-			if(myconf['element'][j]['f_geom'] == 1){
-				var el_geom = myconf['element'][j]['element_name'];
-			}
-		}
-		str += '<ogc:Filter><ogc:FeatureId fid="'+fid+'"/></ogc:Filter>';
-		str += '</wfs:Delete>';
-	}
-	str += '</wfs:Transaction>';
-	return str;

Added: trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/wfs.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/wfs.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/wfs.php	2008-12-01 15:25:26 UTC (rev 3266)
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+# $Id$
+# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS 
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../php/mb_validateSession.php");
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --- usemap (begin) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function mod_usemap(wfs_name) {
+	if (wfs_name == "") {
+		usemap = "";
+	}
+	var ind = getMapObjIndexByName(mb_wfs_targets[0]);
+	var myImg = window.frames[mb_wfs_targets[0]].document.getElementById("um_img").style; 
+	myImg.width = mb_mapObj[ind].width;
+	myImg.height = mb_mapObj[ind].height;
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.count() ; i ++) {
+		if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).wfs_conf == wfs_name || wfs_name == "") {
+			if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).geomType == geomType.polygon) {
+				usemap += mod_usemap_polygon(i);
+			}
+			else if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).geomType == geomType.point) {
+				usemap += mod_usemap_circle(i);
+			}
+			else if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).geomType == geomType.line) {
+				usemap += mod_usemap_line(i);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	writeUsemap(usemap);
+function mod_usemap_circle(ind){
+	var str = "";
+	var coord = "";
+	var title = "";
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.count(); i++) {
+		if (i>0) title += "&#10;";
+		title += mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getName(i) + ": " + mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getValue(i);
+	}
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).count() ; i ++) {
+		var p = mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind, i, 0);
+		var pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],p);
+		coord += pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
+		str += "<AREA title='"+title+"' onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
+		str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' shape='circle'  coords='";
+		str += coord + ", " + mod_usemap_radius + "' href='#'>";
+	}
+	return str;
+function mod_usemap_line_calculate (aGeometry, j, orientation, cnt) {
+	var coord = "";
+	var p1 = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],aGeometry.get(j));
+	var p2 = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],aGeometry.get(j+orientation));
+	var vec = p2.minus(p1);
+	if (vec.x != 0 || vec.y != 0) {
+		var n_vec;
+		if (vec.x != 0) {
+			if (vec.x > 0) n_vec = new Point((-vec.y)/vec.x, -1);
+			else n_vec = new Point(vec.y/vec.x, 1);
+		}
+		else {
+			if (vec.y > 0) n_vec = new Point(1,0);
+			else n_vec = new Point(-1,0);
+		}
+		n_vec = n_vec.times(mod_usemap_line_tolerance).dividedBy(n_vec.dist(new Point(0,0)))
+		lp = new Point(p1.x + n_vec.x, p1.y - n_vec.y);
+		if (cnt > 0) coord += ", ";
+		coord += parseInt(lp.x) + ", " + parseInt(lp.y);
+		coord += ", " + parseInt(lp.x+vec.x) + ", " + parseInt(lp.y+vec.y);
+	}
+	return coord;
+function mod_usemap_line(ind){
+	var str = "";
+	var title = "";
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.count(); i++) {
+		if (i>0) title += "&#10;";
+		title += mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getName(i) + ": " + mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getValue(i);
+	}
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).count() ; i ++) {
+		var coord = "";
+		var cnt = 0;
+		for (var j = 0 ; j < mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i).count() - 1  ; j ++) {
+			var result = mod_usemap_line_calculate(mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i), j, 1, cnt);
+			if (result != "") {
+				coord += result;
+				cnt++;
+			}
+		}
+		for (var j = (mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i).count() - 1) ; j > 0 ; j--) {
+			var result = mod_usemap_line_calculate(mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i), j, -1, cnt);
+			if (result != "") {
+				coord += result;
+				cnt++;
+			}
+		}
+		if (coord != "") {
+			str += "<AREA title='"+title+"'";
+			str += "onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
+			str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
+			str += "shape='poly'  coords='";
+			str += coord + "' href='#'>";
+		}
+		else {
+			//display circle
+			var pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind,i,0));
+			coord += pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
+			str += "<AREA title='"+title+"' onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch["+ind+"])' ";
+			str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' shape='circle'  coords='";
+			str += coord + ", " + mod_usemap_radius + "' href='#'>";
+		}
+	}
+	return str;
+function mod_usemap_polygon(ind){
+	var str = "";
+	var coord = "";
+	var title = "";
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.count(); i++) {
+		if (i>0) title += "&#10;";
+		title += mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getName(i) + ": " + mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getValue(i);
+	}
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).count() ; i ++) {
+		var pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind, i, 0));
+		coord += pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
+		for (var j = 1 ; j < mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i).count() ; j ++) {
+			pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind, i, j));
+			coord += ", " + pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
+		}
+		str += "<AREA title='"+title+"' onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
+		str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' shape='poly'  coords='";
+		str += coord + "' href='#'>";
+	}
+	return str;
+function writeUsemap(str) {
+	writeTag(mb_wfs_targets[0], 'um', str);
+// --- usemap (end) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+var highlight_tag_id = "wfs_highlight_tag";
+var mb_wfs_fetched = [];
+var mb_wfs_objwin = null;
+var mb_wfs_objwin_left = 800;
+var mb_wfs_objwin_top = 200;
+var mb_wfs_objwin_width = 200;
+var mb_wfs_objwin_height = 200;
+var mb_wfs_targetString = "<?php echo implode(",", $e_target); ?>";
+var mb_wfs_targets = mb_wfs_targetString.split(",");
+var mb_wfs_fillColor = "#ff0000";
+var usemap = "";
+var mod_usemap_radius = 10;
+var mod_usemap_line_tolerance = 5;
+var useCheckboxForHighlighting = false;
+var mb_wfs_fetch = new GeometryArray();
+var highlight;
+try {if(generalHighlightZIndex){}}catch(e) {generalHighlightZIndex = 90;}
+try {if(generalHighlightLineWidth){}}catch(e) {generalHighlightLineWidth = 2;}
+try {if(useUsemap){}}catch(e) {useUsemap = 0;}
+function initHighlight() {
+	var styleObj = {"position":"absolute", "top":"0px", "left":"0px", "z-index":generalHighlightZIndex};
+	highlight = new Highlight(mb_wfs_targets, highlight_tag_id, styleObj, generalHighlightLineWidth);
+try {if(displayWfsResultList){}}catch(e) {displayWfsResultList = 0;};
+if (displayWfsResultList == 1) {
+	//mb_registerWfsReadSubFunctions(function(geom){mb_wfs_listMember(geom)});
+if (parseInt(useUsemap) == 1) {
+	mb_registerSubFunctions('mod_usemap("")');
+if (useCheckboxForHighlighting) {
+	eventInit.register(function() {
+		mb_registerSubFunctions('highlight.paint()');
+	});
+if (useExtentIsSet()) {
+	mb_registerSubFunctions("mb_setwfsrequest_extent()");
+function mb_setwfsrequest_extent() {
+	if (useExtentIsSet()) {
+		var ind = getMapObjIndexByName(mb_wfs_targets[0]);
+		var pos_a = makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(mb_wfs_targets[0],0,0);
+		var pos_b = makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_mapObj[ind].width,mb_mapObj[ind].height);
+		var x = [];
+		var y = [];
+		x[0] = pos_a[0];
+		x[1] = pos_b[0];
+		y[0] = pos_a[1];
+		y[1] = pos_b[1];
+		mb_setwfsrequest(mb_wfs_targets[0],'rectangle',x,y);
+	}
+function mb_wfs_listMember(geomArray){
+	mb_wfs_fetch.union(geomArray);
+	var wfs_conf = get_complete_wfs_conf();
+	var str = "<table>";
+	for(var i=0; i<mb_wfs_fetch.count(); i++){
+		var t = wfs_conf[mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).wfs_conf];
+		for(var j=0; j<t['element'].length; j++){
+			if(t['element'][j]['f_show'] > 0){
+				var k = mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).e.getElementIndexByName(t['element'][j]['element_name']);
+				//alert(k);
+				if(k != -1){
+					str += "<tr><td>";
+					if (useCheckboxForHighlighting) {
+						str += "<input type=checkbox id=highlightCheckbox" + i + " onChange='highlightGeometry(" + i + ")'></td><td>";
+					}
+					str += "<div";
+					if (!useCheckboxForHighlighting) {
+						str += " onmouseover='mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",mb_wfs_fetch.get("+i+"))' ";
+						str += " onmouseout='mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",mb_wfs_fetch.get("+i+"))' ";
+					}
+					str += " onclick='mb_wfs_perform(\"click\",mb_wfs_fetch.get("+i+"))' ";
+					str += ">" + mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).e.getValue(k)+ "</div></td></tr>";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	str += "</table>";
+	mb_wfs_objwin.innerHTML = str;
+//	if (parseInt(useUsemap) == 1) mod_usemap(wfs_name);
+function mb_wfs_reset(){
+	mb_wfs_fetch = new parent.GeometryArray();
+	usemap = "";
+	if(mb_wfs_objwin == null){
+		var iframe=document.createElement('div');
+		iframe.setAttribute("style","position:absolute;left:"+mb_wfs_objwin_left+"px;top:"+mb_wfs_objwin_top+"px;width:"+mb_wfs_objwin_width+"px;height:"+mb_wfs_objwin_height+"px");
+		mb_wfs_objwin = document.body.appendChild(iframe);
+		mb_wfs_objwin.id = "mb_wfs_objwin";
+		mb_wfs_objwin.name = "mb_wfs_objwin";
+		mb_wfs_objwin.style.position = 'absolute';
+		mb_wfs_objwin.style.left = mb_wfs_objwin_left+"px";
+		mb_wfs_objwin.style.top = mb_wfs_objwin_top+"px";
+		mb_wfs_objwin.style.width = mb_wfs_objwin_width+"px";
+		mb_wfs_objwin.style.height = mb_wfs_objwin_height+"px";
+	}
+	for(var i=0; i<mb_wfsreq; i++){
+		if(document.getElementById("mb_wfs_win_"+mb_wfsreq)){
+			document.removeChild("mb_wfs_win_"+mb_wfsreq);
+		}
+	}
+	mb_wfsreq = 0;
+	return true;
+function get_complete_wfs_conf() {
+	var wfs_conf = window.frames["wfs_conf"].get_wfs_conf();
+	return wfs_conf;
+function highlightGeometry(i) {
+	var id = "highlightCheckbox"+i;
+	if (document.getElementById(id).checked) {
+		highlight.add(mb_wfs_fetch.get(i), '#00ff00');
+		highlight.paint();
+	}
+	else {
+		highlight.del(mb_wfs_fetch.get(i), '#00ff00');
+		highlight.paint();
+	}
+function mb_wfs_perform(type,m){
+	var wfs_conf = window.frames["wfs_conf"].get_wfs_conf();
+	if(type=='over') {
+		highlight.add(m, '#ff0000');
+		highlight.paint();
+	}
+	else if (type == 'out') {
+		highlight.del(m, '#ff0000');
+		highlight.paint();
+	}
+	else
+		if (type == 'click') {
+			var tmp = m.getBBox();
+			if (m.geomType == geomType.point) {
+				var b = 1;
+			}
+			else {
+				var b = 0;
+			}
+			if (typeof(m.wfs_conf) != "undefined") {
+				b = parseFloat(wfs_conf[m.wfs_conf]['g_buffer']);
+			}
+			var buffer = new Point(b, b);
+			var bbox_ll = tmp[0].minus(buffer);
+			var bbox_ru = tmp[1].plus(buffer);
+			mb_calcExtent(mb_wfs_targets[0], bbox_ll, bbox_ru);
+			highlight.del(m, '#ff0000');
+			zoom(mb_wfs_targets[0], 'true', 1.0);
+			highlight.add(m, '#ff0000');
+			highlight.paint();
+		}
+function get_wfs_str(myconf, d, m, type, fid) {
+	var featureTypeArray = myconf['featuretype_name'].split(':')
+	var featureNS = featureTypeArray[0];
+	var str = '<wfs:Transaction version="1.0.0" service="WFS" ';
+	var ns_gml = false;	var ns_ogc = false;	var ns_xsi = false;	var ns_wfs = false;	var ns_featureNS = false;
+	for (var q = 0 ; q < myconf['namespaces'].length ; q++) {
+		if (myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] == "gml"){
+			 ns_gml = true;
+			 str += 'xmlns:' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] + '="' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['location'] + '" ';
+		} else if (myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] == "ogc") {
+			ns_ogc = true;
+			str += 'xmlns:' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] + '="' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['location'] + '" ';
+		} else if (myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] == "xsi") {
+			ns_xsi = true;
+			str += 'xmlns:' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] + '="' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['location'] + '" ';
+		} else if (myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] == "wfs") {
+			ns_wfs = true;
+			str += 'xmlns:' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] + '="' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['location'] + '" ';
+		} else if (myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] == featureNS) {
+			ns_featureNS = true;
+			str += 'xmlns:' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['name'] + '="' + myconf['namespaces'][q]['location'] + '" '
+			strForSchemaLocation = myconf['namespaces'][q]['location'];
+		}
+	}
+	if (ns_gml == false) str += 'xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" ';
+	if (ns_ogc == false) str += 'xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" ';
+	if (ns_xsi == false) str += 'xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ';
+	if (ns_featureNS == false) str += 'xmlns:"+featureNS+"="http://www.someserver.com/"+featureNS+"" ';
+	if (ns_wfs == false) str += 'xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs" ';
+	str += 'xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs';
+	str += ' http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/1.0.0/WFS-transaction.xsd';
+	str += ' ' + strForSchemaLocation;
+	str += ' '+ myconf['wfs_describefeaturetype'];
+	//str += mb_getConjunctionCharacter(myconf['wfs_describefeaturetype']);
+	//str += 'typename=' + myconf['featuretype_name'];
+	str += '">';
+	//
+	// ---------------------------------------- SAVE -------------------------------------------------
+	//
+	if (type == "save") {
+		str += '<wfs:Insert><'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'>';
+		for(var i=0; i<d.get(m).e.count(); i++){
+			if(d.get(m).e.getValue(i) != "" && d.get(m).e.getName(i) != "fid"){
+				var tmp = d.get(m).e.getName(i);
+				str += '<' + tmp  + '>' + d.get(m).e.getValue(i) + '</' + tmp  + '>';
+			}
+		}
+		for(var j=0; j<myconf['element'].length; j++){
+			if(myconf['element'][j]['f_geom'] == 1){
+				var el_geom = myconf['element'][j]['element_name'];
+			}
+		}
+		str += '<' + el_geom + '>';
+		if(d.get(m).geomType == geomType.point){
+			str += '<gml:Point srsName="' + myconf['featuretype_srs'] + '">';
+			str += '<gml:coordinates>';
+			str += d.getPoint(m,0,0).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,0,0).y;
+			str += '</gml:coordinates>';
+			str += '</gml:Point>';
+		}
+		if(d.get(m).geomType == geomType.line){
+			str += '<gml:MultiLineString srsName="' + myconf['featuretype_srs'] + '">';
+			str += '<gml:lineStringMember><gml:LineString><gml:coordinates>';
+			for(var k=0; k<d.getGeometry(m,0).count(); k++){
+				if(k>0)	str += " ";
+				str += d.getPoint(m,0,k).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,0,k).y;
+			}
+			str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:LineString></gml:lineStringMember>';
+			str += '</gml:MultiLineString>';
+		}
+		if(d.get(m).geomType == geomType.polygon){
+			str += '<gml:MultiPolygon srsName="' + myconf['featuretype_srs'] + '">';
+			for (var k = 0; k < d.get(m).count(); k++) {
+				str += '<gml:polygonMember><gml:Polygon><gml:outerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>';
+				for(var l = 0; l < d.getGeometry(m, k).count(); l++){
+					if (l > 0) {
+						str += " ";
+					}	
+					str += d.getPoint(m,k,l).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,k,l).y;
+				}
+				str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:LinearRing></gml:outerBoundaryIs>';
+				if (d.getGeometry(m, k).innerRings) {
+					for(var ii = 0; ii < d.getGeometry(m, k).innerRings.count(); ii++){
+						str += '<gml:innerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>';
+						for(var l = 0; l < d.getGeometry(m, k).innerRings.get(ii).count(); l++){
+							if (l > 0) {
+								str += " ";
+							}	
+							str += d.getPoint(m,k,ii,l).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,k,ii,l).y;
+						}
+						str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:LinearRing></gml:innerBoundaryIs>';
+					}
+				}
+				str += '</gml:Polygon></gml:polygonMember>';
+			}
+			str += '</gml:MultiPolygon>';
+		}
+		str += '</' + el_geom + '></'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'></wfs:Insert>';
+	}
+	//
+	// --------------------------------------- UPDATE ------------------------------------------------
+	//
+	else if (type == "update") {
+		str += '<wfs:Update typeName="'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'">';
+		for(var i=0; i<d.get(m).e.count(); i++){
+			if(d.get(m).e.getValue(i) != "" && d.get(m).e.getName(i) != "fid"){
+				str += '<wfs:Property>';
+				str += '<wfs:Name>'+d.get(m).e.getName(i)+'</wfs:Name>';
+				str += '<wfs:Value>'+d.get(m).e.getValue(i)+'</wfs:Value>';
+				str += '</wfs:Property>';
+			}
+		}
+		for(var j=0; j<myconf['element'].length; j++){
+			if(myconf['element'][j]['f_geom'] == 1){
+				var el_geom = myconf['element'][j]['element_name'];
+			}
+		}
+		str += '<wfs:Property><wfs:Name>' + el_geom + '</wfs:Name><wfs:Value>';
+		if(d.get(m).geomType == geomType.point){
+			str += '<gml:Point srsName="' + myconf['featuretype_srs'] + '"><gml:coordinates>';
+			str += d.getPoint(m,0,0).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,0,0).y;
+			str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>';
+		}
+		if(d.get(m).geomType == geomType.line){
+			str += '<gml:MultiLineString srsName="' + myconf['featuretype_srs'] + '">';
+			str += '<gml:lineStringMember><gml:LineString><gml:coordinates>';
+			for(var k=0; k<d.getGeometry(m,0).count(); k++){
+				if(k>0)	str += " ";
+				str += d.getPoint(m,0,k).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,0,k).y;
+			}
+			str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:LineString></gml:lineStringMember>';
+			str += '</gml:MultiLineString>';
+		}
+		if(d.get(m).geomType == geomType.polygon){
+			str += '<gml:MultiPolygon srsName="' + myconf['featuretype_srs'] + '">';
+			for (var l = 0; l < d.get(m).count(); l++) {
+				str += '<gml:polygonMember><gml:Polygon><gml:outerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>';
+				for(var k=0; k<d.getGeometry(m,l).count(); k++){
+					if(k>0)	str += " ";
+					str += d.getPoint(m,l,k).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,l,k).y;
+				}
+				str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:LinearRing></gml:outerBoundaryIs>';
+				if (d.getGeometry(m, l).innerRings) {
+					for(var ii = 0; ii < d.getGeometry(m, l).innerRings.count(); ii++){
+						str += '<gml:innerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>';
+						for(var p = 0; p < d.getGeometry(m, l).innerRings.get(ii).count(); p++){
+							if (p > 0) {
+								str += " ";
+							}	
+							str += d.getPoint(m,l,ii,p).x + "," + d.getPoint(m,l,ii,p).y;
+						}
+						str += '</gml:coordinates></gml:LinearRing></gml:innerBoundaryIs>';
+					}
+				}
+				str += '</gml:Polygon></gml:polygonMember>';
+			}
+		}
+		str += '</gml:MultiPolygon>';
+		str += '</wfs:Value></wfs:Property>';
+		str += '<ogc:Filter><ogc:FeatureId fid="'+fid+'"/></ogc:Filter>';
+		str += '</wfs:Update>';
+	}
+	//
+	// --------------------------------------- DELETE ------------------------------------------------
+	//
+	else if (type == "delete") {
+		str += '<wfs:Delete typeName="'+ myconf['featuretype_name']+'">';
+		for(var j=0; j<myconf['element'].length; j++){
+			if(myconf['element'][j]['f_geom'] == 1){
+				var el_geom = myconf['element'][j]['element_name'];
+			}
+		}
+		str += '<ogc:Filter><ogc:FeatureId fid="'+fid+'"/></ogc:Filter>';
+		str += '</wfs:Delete>';
+	}
+	str += '</wfs:Transaction>';
+	return str;

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