[Mapbender-commits] r3363 -
svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Fri Dec 19 08:59:07 EST 2008
Author: christoph
Date: 2008-12-19 08:59:07 -0500 (Fri, 19 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 3363
Deleted: branches/2.5/resources/db/mysql/iso/update/update_2.4.5_to_2.5_mysql_ISO-8859-1.sql
--- branches/2.5/resources/db/mysql/iso/update/update_2.4.5_to_2.5_mysql_ISO-8859-1.sql 2008-12-19 13:54:09 UTC (rev 3362)
+++ branches/2.5/resources/db/mysql/iso/update/update_2.4.5_to_2.5_mysql_ISO-8859-1.sql 2008-12-19 13:59:07 UTC (rev 3363)
@@ -1,521 +0,0 @@
--- database changes in version 2.5
--- notice language plpgsql has to be installed
-INSERT INTO gui_mb_group (fkey_gui_id, fkey_mb_group_id, mb_group_type) VALUES ('admin_de_services', 20, '');
-INSERT INTO gui_mb_group (fkey_gui_id, fkey_mb_group_id, mb_group_type) VALUES ('admin_en_services', 20, '');
--- table mb_monitort: new columns for mb_monitor
-ALTER TABLE mb_monitor ADD COLUMN image int(11);
-ALTER TABLE mb_monitor ADD COLUMN map_url varchar(2048);
--- WFS database handling
--- enhancement of the datadase structure concerning WFS metadata (same solution like for WMS)
-ALTER table wfs add wfs_getcapabilities_doc text;
-ALTER table wfs add wfs_upload_url varchar(255);
-ALTER table wfs add fees varchar(255);
-ALTER table wfs add accessconstraints text;
-ALTER table wfs add individualname varchar(255);
-ALTER table wfs add positionname varchar(255);
-ALTER table wfs add providername varchar(255);
-ALTER table wfs add city varchar(255);
-ALTER table wfs add deliverypoint varchar(255);
-ALTER table wfs add administrativearea varchar(255);
-ALTER table wfs add postalcode varchar(255);
-ALTER table wfs add voice varchar(255);
-ALTER table wfs add facsimile varchar(255);
-ALTER table wfs add electronicmailaddress varchar(255);
-ALTER table wfs add wfs_mb_getcapabilities_doc text;
-ALTER table wfs add wfs_owner int(11);
-ALTER table wfs add wfs_timestamp int(11);
-ALTER table wfs add country varchar(255);
-ALTER TABLE wfs MODIFY wfs_title varchar(255) NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE wfs MODIFY wfs_getcapabilities NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE wfs ALTER COLUMN wfs_getcapabilities SET DEFAULT '';
-alter table wfs_featuretype add column featuretype_searchable integer default 1;
-alter table wfs_featuretype add column featuretype_abstract character varying(50);
--- grant root access to default wfs
-UPDATE wfs SET wfs_owner = 1;
--- new table gui_wfs_conf
-CREATE TABLE gui_wfs_conf (
- fkey_gui_id character varying(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- fkey_wfs_conf_id integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
-ALTER TABLE gui_wfs_conf
- ADD CONSTRAINT pk_fkey_wfs_conf_id PRIMARY KEY (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wfs_conf_id);
-ALTER TABLE gui_wfs_conf
-ALTER TABLE gui_wfs_conf
- ADD CONSTRAINT gui_wfs_conf_ibfk_2 FOREIGN KEY (fkey_wfs_conf_id) REFERENCES wfs_conf(wfs_conf_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE;
--- insert wfs confs into gui digitize
-INSERT INTO gui_wfs_conf (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wfs_conf_id) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 1);
-INSERT INTO gui_wfs_conf (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wfs_conf_id) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 3);
-INSERT INTO gui_wfs_conf (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wfs_conf_id) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 4);
-INSERT INTO gui_wfs_conf (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wfs_conf_id) VALUES ('gui_digitize', 2);
--- new table wfs_featuretype_keyword:
-CREATE TABLE wfs_featuretype_keyword (
- fkey_featuretype_id integer NOT NULL,
- fkey_keyword_id integer NOT NULL
-ALTER TABLE wfs_featuretype_keyword
- ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_keyword_id_fkey_featuretype_id FOREIGN KEY (fkey_keyword_id) REFERENCES keyword(keyword_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE;
-ALTER TABLE wfs_featuretype_keyword
- ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_featuretype_id_fkey_keyword_id FOREIGN KEY (fkey_featuretype_id) REFERENCES wfs_featuretype(featuretype_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE;
--- new table layer_load_count
-CREATE TABLE layer_load_count (
- fkey_layer_id int4,
- load_count int8
--- table wfs_conf
-ALTER TABLE wfs_conf add COLUMN wfs_conf_description text;
-ALTER TABLE `wfs_conf`
- ADD CONSTRAINT wfs_conf_ibfk_2 FOREIGN KEY (fkey_featuretype_id) REFERENCES wfs_featuretype(featuretype_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE;
--- table wfs_conf_element: change in WFS configuration: access to geometries may now be restricted
-ALTER TABLE wfs_conf_element ADD COLUMN f_show_detail int4;
-ALTER TABLE wfs_conf_element ADD COLUMN f_operator VARCHAR(50);
--- table gui_element: new column for translation
--- ALTER TABLE gui_element ADD COLUMN e_title VARCHAR(255) NULL;
-INSERT INTO gui_element(fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES('admin1','WFS',2,1,'edit wfs settings','a','','href = "../javascripts/mod_wfs_client.html" target="AdminFrame"',10,1005,250,20,NULL ,'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; text-decoration : none; color: #808080;','EDIT WFS','a','','','','AdminFrame','');
--- new table layer_load_count
-CREATE TABLE layer_load_count (
- fkey_layer_id int(11),
- load_count int(11)
--- new table translation: new table for translations
- CREATE TABLE translations
- (
- trs_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- locale varchar(8),
- msgid varchar(512),
- msgstr varchar(512),
- PRIMARY KEY (trs_id)
- );
- CREATE INDEX msgid_idx ON translations(msgid);
--- new function gettext for easy translations
--- function has to be translated
--- new entries for table translations
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Pan', 'Ausschnitt verschieben');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Display complete map', 'gesamte Karte anzeigen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Zoom in', 'In die Karte hineinzoomen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Zoom out', 'Aus der Karte herauszoomen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Back', 'Zurück');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Forward', 'Nach vorne');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Coordinates', 'Koordinaten anzeigen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Zoom by rectangle', 'Ausschnitt wählen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Redraw', 'Neu laden oder Tastatur: Leertaste');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Query', 'Datenabfrage');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Logout', 'Abmelden');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'WMS preferences', 'WMS Einstellungen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Adding WMS from filtered list', 'WMS von gefilteter Liste hinzufügen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Set map center', 'Kartenmittelpunkt setzen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Help', 'Hilfe');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Show WMS infos', 'Anzeige von WMS Informationen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Save workspace as web map context document', 'Ansicht als Web Map Context Dokument speichern');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Resize Mapsize', 'Bildschirmgröße anpassen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Rubber', 'Skizze löschen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Get Area', 'Fläche berechnen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Close Polygon', 'Polygon schliessen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Move back to your GUI list', 'Zurück zur GUI Liste');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Legend', 'Legende');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Print', 'Druck');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Imprint', 'Impressum');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Maps', 'Karten');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Search', 'Suche');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Meetingpoint', 'Treffpunkt');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Metadatasearch', 'Metadatensuche');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Adding WMS', 'WMS hinzufügen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Adding WMS from List', 'WMS aus Liste hinzufügen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Info', 'Info');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Change Projection', 'Projektion ändern');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Copyright', 'Copyright');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Digitize', 'Digitalisierung');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Overview', 'Übersichtskarte');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Drag Mapsize', 'Karte vergrößern');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Mapframe', 'Kartenfenster');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Navigation Frame', 'Navigationsfenster');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Scale Select', 'Auswahl des Maßstabes');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Scale Text', 'Maßstab per Texteingabe');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Scalebar', 'Maßstabsleiste');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Set Background', 'Hintegrundkarte auswählen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Zoom to Coordinates', 'Zu den Koordinaten zoomen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Change Password', 'Passwort ändern');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de', 'Load a web map context document', 'laden eines Web Map Context Dokumentes');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('de ', 'Logo', 'Logo');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Pan', 'Премести областта');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Display complete map', 'Покажи цялата карта');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Zoom in', 'Покажи картата в по-едър мащаб');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Zoom out', 'Покажи картата в по-дребен мащаб');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Back', 'Назад');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Forward', 'Напред');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Coordinates', 'Координати');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Zoom by rectangle', 'Увеличи картата в избраната област');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Redraw', 'Пречертай или от клавиатурата: празен интервал');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Query', 'Зявка към данните');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Logout', 'Изход на потребител');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'WMS preferences', 'WMS настройки');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Adding WMS from filtered list', 'Добави WMS от избран списък');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Set map center', 'Постави център на карта');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Help', 'Помощ');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Show WMS infos', 'Покажи WMS информация');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Save workspace as web map context document', 'Запази работния документ като Web Map Context документ');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Resize Mapsize', 'Напасни големината на картата');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Rubber', 'Изтрий');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Get Area', 'Изчисли площ');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Close Polygon', 'Затвори полигон');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Move back to your GUI list', 'Назад към списъка с интерфейси (GUI)');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Legend', 'Легенда');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Print', 'Печат');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Imprint', 'Авторско каре');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Maps', 'Карти');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Search', 'Търсене');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Meetingpoint', 'Място на среща');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Metadatasearch', 'Търсене по метаданни');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Adding WMS', 'Добави WMS');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Adding WMS from List', 'Добави WMS от списък');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Info', 'Информация');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Change Projection', 'Промени проекция');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Copyright', 'Авторско право');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Digitize', 'Дигитализиране');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Overview','Обзорна карта');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Drag Mapsize', 'Промени размера на картата');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Mapframe', 'Рамка на картата');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Navigation Frame', 'Навигационна рамка');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Scale Select', 'Избор на мащаб');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Scale Text', 'Въведи мащаб');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Scalebar', 'Мащабна скала');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Set Background', 'Избери фоново изображение');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Zoom to Coordinates', 'Покажи картата около посочените координати');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Change Password', 'Промени парола');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Load a web map context document', 'Зареди Web Map Context документ');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Logo', 'Фирмен знак');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('bg', 'Measure distance', 'Измери разстояние');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Pan', 'Μετακίνηση');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Display complete map', 'Επίδειξη Πλήρους Χάρτη');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Zoom in', 'Zoom In');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Zoom out', 'Zoom Out');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Back', 'Πίσω');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Forward', 'Πρόσθια');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Coordinates', 'Συντεταγμένες');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Zoom by rectangle', 'Ζουμ από ορθογώνιο');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Redraw', 'Απόσυρση');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Query', 'Μέτρηση Εμβαδού');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Logout', 'Αποσύνδεση');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'WMS preferences', 'Αλλάξτε τη διάταξη των WMS');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Adding WMS from filtered list', 'Πρόσθεση WMS από το φιλτραρισμένο κατάλογο');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Set map center', 'Το καθορισμένο Κέντρο Χαρτών');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Help', 'Βοήθεια');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Save workspace as web map context document', 'Ansicht als Web Map Context Dokument speichern');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Rubber', 'Το λάστιχο- Τρίφτης');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Close Polygon', 'Το Κλειστό Πολύγωνο');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ( 'gr', 'Move back to your GUI list', 'Παρουσίαση του GUI Καταλόγου');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Print', 'Εκτύπωση');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Maps', ' Χάρτες');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Adding WMS', 'Πρόσθεση WMS');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Adding WMS from List', 'Πρόσθεση WMS από τον κατάλογο');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Copyright', 'Copyright');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Navigation Frame', 'Navigationsfenster');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Load a web map context document', 'laden eines Web Map Context Dokumentes');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Measure distance', 'Μέτρηση Απόστασης');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Meetingpoint', 'Σημείο Συνάντησης');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Info', 'Πληροφορίες');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Digitize', 'Ψηφιοποίηση');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Change Projection', 'Αλλαγή Προβολής');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Set Background', 'Επιλογή Φόντου');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Overview', 'Προεπισκόπιση');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Change Password', 'Αλλαγή Συνθηματικού');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Scalebar', 'Κανόνας Κλίμακας');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr ', 'Logo', 'Λογότυπο');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Zoom to Coordinates', 'Εστίαση σε Συντεταγμένες');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Scale Text', 'Κείμενο Κλίμακας');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Show WMS infos', 'Προβολή WMS πληροφοριών');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Legend', 'Λεζάντα');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Search', 'Αναζήτηση');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Resize Mapsize', 'Αλλαγή Μεγέθους Χάρτη');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Drag Mapsize', 'Αλλαγή Μεγέθους Χάρτη με Ολίσθηση');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Mapframe', 'Πλαίσιο Χάρτη');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Get Area', 'Προβολή Περιοχής');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Imprint', 'Αποτύπωση');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Scale Select', 'Επιλογή Κλίμακας');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('gr', 'Metadatasearch', 'Αναζήτηση στα Metadata');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Pan', 'Selectie verschuiven');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Display complete map', 'Hele kaart tonen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Zoom in', 'Inzoomen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Zoom out', 'Uitzoomen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Back', 'Terug');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Forward', 'Voorwaarts');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Coordinates', 'Koordinaten tonen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Zoom by rectangle', 'Zoom rechthoek-selectie');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Redraw', 'Opfrissen of toetsenbord : spatiebalk');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Query', 'Data opvragen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Logout', 'Afmelden');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'WMS preferences', 'WMS instellingen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Adding WMS from filtered list', 'WMS van gefilterte lijst toevoegen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Set map center', 'Kaartmiddelpunt aangeven');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Help', 'Help');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Show WMS infos', 'Tonen van WMS Informatie');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Save workspace as web map context document', 'zicht als Web map context dokument bewaren');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Resize Mapsize', 'beeldschermgrote aanpassen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Rubber', 'schets verwerpen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Get Area', 'oppervlakte berekenen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Close Polygon', 'Polygoon sluiten');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Move back to your GUI list', 'Terug naar GUI lijst');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Legend', 'Legende');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Print', 'Drukken');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Imprint', 'Impressum');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Maps', 'Kaarten');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Search', 'Zoek');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Meetingpoint', 'Trefpunt');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Metadatasearch', 'Zoeken naar Metadata');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Adding WMS', 'WMS toevoegen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Adding WMS from List', 'WMS uit lijst toevoegen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Info', 'Informatie');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Change Projection', 'Projektie veranderen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Copyright', 'Copyright');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Digitize', 'Digitaliseren');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Overview', 'overzichtskaart');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Drag Mapsize', 'Kaart vergroten');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Mapframe', 'Kaartvenster');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Navigation Frame', 'Navigeervenster');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Scale Select', 'Schaal selecteren');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Scale Text', 'Schaal via tekstingave');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Scalebar', 'Schaalbalk');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Set Background', 'Achtergrond selecteren');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Zoom to Coordinates', 'Naar koordinaten zoomen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Change Password', 'Paswoord wijzigen');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Load a web map context document', 'Laad een Web Map Context Dokument');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Logo', 'Logo');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('nl', 'Measure distance', 'Meet afstand');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Pan', 'Sposta dettaglio');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Display complete map', 'Mostra tutta la mappa');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Zoom in', 'Ingrandisci');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Zoom out', 'Riduci');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Back', 'Indietro');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Forward', 'Avanti');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Coordinates', 'Mostra coordinate');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Zoom by rectangle', 'Seleziona dettaglio');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Redraw', 'Ridisegna oppure, da tastiera: spazio');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Query', 'Interroga');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Logout', 'Logout');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'WMS preferences', 'Impostazioni WMS');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Adding WMS from filtered list', 'Aggiungi un WMS da una lista filtrata');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Set map center', 'Fissa il centro della mappa');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Help', 'Aiuto');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Show WMS infos', 'Mostra informazioni sul WMS');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Save workspace as web map context document', 'Salva vista come documento di Web Map Context');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Resize Mapsize', 'Adatta la dimensione della mappa');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Rubber', 'Cancella bozza');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Get Area', 'Calcola area');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Close Polygon', 'Chiudi poligono');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Move back to your GUI list', 'Torna alla lista delle GUI');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Legend', 'Legenda');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Print', 'Stampa');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Imprint', 'Colophon');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Maps', 'Mappe');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Search', 'Cerca');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Meetingpoint', 'Punti di incontro');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Metadatasearch', 'Ricerca metadati');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Adding WMS', 'Aggiungi WMS');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Adding WMS from List', 'Aggiungi WMS da lista');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Info', 'Info');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Change Projection', 'Cambia proiezione');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Copyright', 'Copyright');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Digitize', 'Digitalizza');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Overview', 'Mappa di insieme');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Drag Mapsize', 'Cambia dimensione mappa');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Mapframe', 'Quadro della mappa');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Navigation Frame', 'Quadro di navigazione');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Scale Select', 'Scelta della scala');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Scale Text', 'Scala dei testi');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Scalebar', 'Scala di riferimento');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Set Background', 'Seleziona mappa di sfondo');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Zoom to Coordinates', 'Ingrandisci alle coordinate');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Change Password', 'Cambia password');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Load a web map context document', 'Carica un documento Web Map Context');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Logo', 'Logo');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('it', 'Measure distance', 'Misura distanza');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Pan', 'Desplazamiento');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Display complete map', 'Desplazamiento');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Zoom in', 'Zoom +');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Zoom out', 'Zoom -');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Back', 'Zoom previo');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Forward', 'Zoom siguiente');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Coordinates', 'Mostrar coordenadas');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Zoom by rectangle', 'Zoom rectángulo');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Redraw', 'Refrescar');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Query', 'Busqueda de datos');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Logout', 'Terminar');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'WMS preferences', 'Ajuste WMS');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Adding WMS from filtered list', 'Anadir WMS desde lista filtrada');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Set map center', 'Centrar');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Help', 'Ayuda');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Show WMS infos', 'Mostrar información sobre WMS');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Save workspace as web map context document', 'Guardar vista como fichero Web Map Context');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Resize Mapsize', 'Modificar el tamano de mapa');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Rubber', 'Borrar');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Get Area', 'Calcular area');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Close Polygon', 'Cerrar polígono');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Move back to your GUI list', 'Volver a la lista WMS');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Legend', 'Leyenda');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Print', 'Imprimir');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Imprint', 'Aviso legal');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Maps', 'Mapas');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Search', 'Busqueda');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Meetingpoint', 'Lugar de reunión');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Metadatasearch', 'Búsqueda de datos meta');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Adding WMS', 'Añadir WMS');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Adding WMS from List', 'Añadir WMS desde lista');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Info', 'Informacion');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Change Projection', 'Cambiar projecto');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Copyright', 'Copyright');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Digitize', 'Digitalización');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Overview', 'Mapa de visión general');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Drag Mapsize', 'Ampilar vista de mapa');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Mapframe', 'Ventana de mapa');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Navigation Frame', 'Ventana de navigacion');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Scale Select', 'Selecionar escala');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Scale Text', 'Teclar escala');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Scalebar', 'Fraja de escala');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Set Background', 'Poner el fondo');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Zoom to Coordinates', 'Zoom en coordenadas');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Change Password', 'Cambiar clave');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Load a web map context document', 'Cargar un documento de Web Map Context');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Logo', 'Logo');
-INSERT INTO translations (locale, msgid, msgstr) VALUES ('es', 'Measure distance', 'Medir distancias');
--- new table gui_kml
-CREATE TABLE gui_kml (
- kml_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- fkey_mb_user_id int(11) NOT NULL,
- fkey_gui_id varchar(50) NOT NULL,
- kml_doc text NOT NULL,
- kml_name varchar(64),
- kml_description text,
- kml_timestamp int(11) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (kml_id)
-ALTER TABLE gui_kml
-ADD CONSTRAINT gui_kml_fkey_mb_user_id FOREIGN KEY (fkey_mb_user_id)
-ALTER TABLE gui_kml
-ADD CONSTRAINT gui_kml_id_fkey_gui_id FOREIGN KEY (fkey_gui_id)
--- new SLD table
-CREATE TABLE sld_user_layer (
- sld_user_layer_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- fkey_mb_user_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- fkey_layer_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- fkey_gui_id varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- sld_xml text,
- use_sld tinyint(1) default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (sld_user_layer_id)
-) TYPE=InnoDB;
--- constraints for new table sld_user_layer
-ALTER TABLE sld_user_layer ADD CONSTRAINT sld_user_layer_ibfk1 FOREIGN KEY (fkey_mb_user_id) REFERENCES mb_user (mb_user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- add sld related columns
-ALTER TABLE gui_wms ADD COLUMN gui_wms_sldurl varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE wms ADD COLUMN wms_supportsld boolean NULL;
-ALTER TABLE wms ADD COLUMN wms_userlayer boolean NULL;
-ALTER TABLE wms ADD COLUMN wms_userstyle boolean NULL;
-ALTER TABLE wms ADD COLUMN wms_remotewfs boolean NULL;
--- opacity handeling
-ALTER TABLE gui_wms ADD COLUMN gui_wms_opacity INT DEFAULT 100;
-UPDATE gui_element SET e_mb_mod = 'mod_addWMSgeneralFunctions.js' WHERE e_id = 'addWMS';
-ALTER TABLE gui_element MODIFY e_js_file character varying(255);
-ALTER TABLE gui_element MODIFY e_mb_mod character varying(255);
-ALTER TABLE wms MODIFY fees text;
-ALTER TABLE wms CHANGE COLUMN wms_mb_getcapabilies_doc wms_mb_getcapabilities_doc text;
\ No newline at end of file
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