[Mapbender-commits] r2037 - in branches/2.5/http: html javascripts

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Tue Jan 29 07:46:00 EST 2008

Author: christoph
Date: 2008-01-29 07:46:00 -0500 (Tue, 29 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 2037


Deleted: branches/2.5/http/html/mod_treefolder_auge.php
--- branches/2.5/http/html/mod_treefolder_auge.php	2008-01-29 12:44:23 UTC (rev 2036)
+++ branches/2.5/http/html/mod_treefolder_auge.php	2008-01-29 12:46:00 UTC (rev 2037)
@@ -1,787 +0,0 @@
-$con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW);
-$gui_id = $_SESSION["mb_user_gui"];
-$eye_on = '../img/eye_on.gif';
-$eye_off = '../img/eye_off.gif';
-$info_on = '../img/info_on.gif';
-$info_off ='../img/info_off.gif';
-$no_info ='../img/no_info.gif';
-<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Cosmo Create 1.0.3">
-echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.CHARSET.'">';	
-<TITLE>Treefolder Eyes</TITLE>
- include '../include/dyn_css.php';
-<script language='JavaScript'>
-function pop_up(name)
-	window.open(name,"METADATEN","width=310,height=400,left=0,top=0");
-echo "<script language='JavaScript'>";
-   import_request_variables("PG");
-   require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../../conf/mapbender.conf");
-   $con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW);
-   db_select_db(DB,$con);
-   $sql = "SELECT e_target FROM gui_element WHERE e_id = '".$_REQUEST['e_id_css']."' AND fkey_gui_id = '".$_SESSION["mb_user_gui"]."'";
-   $res = db_query($sql);
-   $e_target = db_result($res,0,"e_target");
-   echo "mod_treeGDE_map = '".$e_target."';";   
-echo "</script>";
-$sql = "select var_name,var_value from gui_element_vars where fkey_gui_id='".$_SESSION["mb_user_gui"]."' and fkey_e_id='".$_REQUEST['e_id_css']."' and var_type = 'img';";
-   $res = db_query($sql);
-$img["folder_off"] ='../img/tree/folder_off_new.gif';
-$img["folder_on"] ='../img/tree/folder_on_new.gif';
-while($row = db_fetch_array($res))
-$img[$row['var_name']] = $row['var_value'];
-  <SCRIPT language="JavaScript1.2">
-  <!--  
-  /*
-   * sitemap.js 1.31 05/02/2000
-   *  - Opera 5
-   *
-   * sitemap.js 1.3 27/11/2000
-   *  - Netscape 6
-   *
-   * sitemap.js 1.2 20/05/2000
-   *  - split array tree into arrays for each element old tree
-   *  - no mory type flag, an folder is an entry which has sons
-   *  - a folder can have an link
-   *  - while initing an default layers is shown 
-   *
-   * sitemap.js 1.1 20/10/1999
-   *  - showTree only updates and init layers new which have been really changed
-   *  - add deep to knot entry
-   *  - substitute knotDeep[ id ] w/ tree[ id2treeIndex[ id ] ].deep
-   *  - add alignment to img and a &nbsp; at the beginning of eyery line
-   *  - add a fake img for bookmarks on top panel
-   *
-   * sitemap.js 1.02 14/10/1999
-   *  - fix bug in initStyles
-   *
-   * sitemap.js 1.01 06/10/1999
-   *  - fix bug in knotDeep for Netscape 4.00-4.0.5
-   *
-   * sitemap.js 1.0 20/09/1999
-   *
-   * Javascript function for displaying hierarchic directory structures with
-   * the ability to collapse and expand directories.
-   *
-   * Copyright (c) 1999 Polzin GmbH, Duesseldorf. All Rights Reserved.
-   * Author: Lutz Eymers <ixtab at polzin.com>
-   * Download: http://www.polzin.com/inet/fset_inet.phtml?w=goodies
-   *
-   * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
-   * and its documentation for any purposes and without fee
-   * is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice
-   * appears in all copies. 
-   *
-   * Of course, this software is provided "as is" without express or implied
-   * warranty of any kind.
-   *
-   */
-  parent.mb_registerSubFunctions("window.frames['treeGDE'].mod_treeGDE()");
-function mod_treeGDE(){
-  /**/
-	var ind = parent.getMapObjIndexByName(mod_treeGDE_map);
-	//if(ind == false){ alert("error, no mapobject specified");}
-	for(var i=0; i<document.getElementsByTagName("input").length; i++){
-		//wms_title,layer_shortname,{visible | querylayer}
-		var myID = document.getElementsByTagName("input")[i].id;
-		var arrayID = document.getElementsByTagName("input")[i].id.split("###");
-		//var ind = parent.getMapObjIndexByName(mod_treeGDE_map);
-		var wms_ind = parent.getWMSIndexByTitle(mod_treeGDE_map,arrayID[0]);
-		if(arrayID[2] == "visible"){
-			var arrayLayer = parent.mb_mapObj[ind].layers[wms_ind].split(",");
-			var isOn = false;
-			for(var ii=0; ii<arrayLayer.length; ii++){
-				if(arrayID[1] == arrayLayer[ii]){isOn = true;}
-			}
-			if(isOn == true){ document.getElementById(myID).checked = true;}
-			if(isOn == false){ document.getElementById(myID).checked = false;}
-		}
-		if(arrayID[2] == "querylayer"){
-			//nothing to do at this time
-		}
-	}
-    /*consider scalhints*/
-	for(var i=0; i<parent.mb_mapObj.length; i++){
-		var scale = parseInt(parent.mb_getScale(mod_treeGDE_map));
-		if(parent.mb_mapObj[i].frameName == mod_treeGDE_map){ 
-			for(var ii=0; ii<parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms.length; ii++){
-				for(var iii=1; iii<parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer.length; iii++){
-					if(document.getElementById(parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_title+"_"+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer[iii].layer_name)){
-						if(scale < parseInt(parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer[iii].gui_layer_minscale) && parseInt(parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer[iii].gui_layer_minscale) != 0){                    
-							document.getElementById(parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_title+"_"+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer[iii].layer_name).style.color = '#999999';                
-						}
-						else if(scale > parseInt(parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer[iii].gui_layer_maxscale) && parseInt(parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer[iii].gui_layer_maxscale) != 0){
-							document.getElementById(parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_title+"_"+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer[iii].layer_name).style.color = '#999999';
-						}
-						else{
-							document.getElementById(parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_title+"_"+parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer[iii].layer_name).style.color = '#000000';
-						}
-					}                   
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-  window.onError=null;
-  var idx=0
-  var treeId = new Array();
-  var treeP_id = new Array();
-  var treeIsOn = new Array();
-  var treeTyp = new Array();
-  var treeName = new Array();
-  var treeUrl = new Array();
-  var treeWasOn = new Array();
-  var treeDeep = new Array();
-  var treeLastY = new Array();
-  var treeIsShown = new Array();
-  var treeSelectable = new Array();
-  var treeVisible = new Array();
-  var treeQueryable = new Array();
-  var treeQuerylayer = new Array();
-  var treeWMS = new Array();
-  var treeShortname = new Array();
-  function Note( id,p_id,name,url,selectable,visible,queryable,querylayer,wms,shortname) {
-    treeId[ idx ] = id
-    treeP_id[ idx ] = p_id
-    treeIsOn[ idx ] = false
-    treeTyp[ idx ] = 'f'
-    treeName[ idx ] = name
-    treeUrl[ idx ] = url 
-    treeWasOn[ idx ] = false
-    treeDeep[ idx ] = 0
-    treeLastY[ idx ] = 0
-    treeIsShown[ idx ] = false
-    treeSelectable[ idx ] = selectable
-    treeVisible[ idx ] = visible
-    treeQueryable[ idx ] = queryable
-    treeQuerylayer[ idx ] = querylayer
-    treeWMS[ idx ] = wms
-    treeShortname[ idx ] = shortname
-    idx++
-  }
-  function initDiv ( )
-  {
-    if ( isDOM || isDomIE )
-    {
-      divPrefix='<DIV CLASS="sitemap" style="position:absolute; left:0; top:0; visibility:hidden;" ID="sitemap'
-      divInfo='<DIV CLASS="sitemap" style="position:absolute; visibility:visible" ID="sitemap'
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      divPrefix='<DIV CLASS="sitemap" ID="sitemap'
-      divInfo='<DIV CLASS="sitemap" ID="sitemap'
-    }
-    //document.writeln( divInfo +  'info">Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Es werden die Eintr&auml;ge aus<BR>&nbsp;<BR>der Datenbank initialisiert.</DIV> ' );
-    for ( var i=1; i<idx; i++ )
-    {
-      // linked Name ? 
-      if ( treeUrl[i] != '' ){
-      	if(treeVisible[i] != 1){ 
-        linkedName = '<a href="#" onclick="changevalue('+ i +')"><input type=hidden id="treeWMS['+i+']" value=0><img name="bild'+ i +'" id="test" border=0 src="'+images[1]+'" alt="'+images_text[1]+'"></A>';
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	linkedName = '<a href="#" onclick="changevalue('+ i +')"><input type=hidden id="treeWMS['+i+']" value=1><img name="bild'+ i +'" id="test" border=0  src="'+images[2]+'" alt="'+images_text[2]+'"></A>';
-	}
-        //linkedName += "<input id='"+treeWMS[i]+"###"+treeShortname[i]+"###visible' type='checkbox' ";
-         //if(treeVisible[i] == '1'){ linkedName += "checked ";}
-         //if(treeSelectable[i] != '1'){ linkedName += "disabled ";}
-        //linkedName += "onClick = 'if(this.checked){parent.handleSelectedLayer(\""+mod_treeGDE_map+"\",\""+treeWMS[i]+"\",\""+treeShortname[i]+"\",\"visible\",1);parent.setSingleMapRequest(\""+mod_treeGDE_map+"\",\""+treeWMS[i]+"\");}";
-        //linkedName += "else{parent.handleSelectedLayer(\""+mod_treeGDE_map+"\",\""+treeWMS[i]+"\",\""+treeShortname[i]+"\",\"visible\",0);parent.setSingleMapRequest(\""+mod_treeGDE_map+"\",\""+treeWMS[i]+"\");}'";
-        //linkedName += '>';
-        //no checkbox for the query
-        <?php
-            if(isset($_REQUEST["noquerycheckbox"])){
-	            $nocheck = $_REQUEST["noquerycheckbox"];
-            }
-            else{
-	            $nocheck = false;
-            }
-            echo "var noquerycheck  = ".$nocheck.";";
-         ?>
-        ///evudb/images/mapbender/button_gray/query_off.gif
-        ///evudb/images/mapbender/button_gray/query_on.gif
-        if (noquerycheck==false || noquerycheck==0){
-            if(treeQuerylayer[i] == '1' && treeVisible[i] == 1){
-            	//Info aktiv
-            	//alert('info aktiv');
-            	linkedName += '&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="changeinfo('+ i +')"><input type=hidden id="'+treeWMS[i]+'###'+treeShortname[i]+'###querylayer" value=1><img name="query'+ i +'" id="query'+i+'" border=0  src="'+qimages[2]+'" alt="'+qimages_text[2]+'"></A>';
-            }
-            else
-            {
-            	//alert(treeQueryable[i] + ' ' + treeShortname[i]);
-            	if(treeQueryable[i] == '1')
-			{
-				//Info verfügbar
-				if (treeVisible[i] ==1)
-				{
-					// Info aktivierbar
-					linkedName += '&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="changeinfo('+ i +')"><input type=hidden id="'+treeWMS[i]+'###'+treeShortname[i]+'###querylayer" value=0><img name="query'+ i +'" id="query'+i+'" border=0  src="'+qimages[1]+'" alt="'+qimages_text[1]+'"></A>';	
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// Info nicht aktivierbar
-					linkedName += '&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="changeinfo('+ i +')"><input type=hidden id="'+treeWMS[i]+'###'+treeShortname[i]+'###querylayer" value=0><img name="query'+ i +'" id="query'+i+'" border=0  src="'+qimages[3]+'" alt="'+qimages_text[3]+'"></A>';
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				//Info nicht verfügbar verfügbar --> kein Image
-					//linkedName += '&nbsp;<input type=hidden id="'+treeWMS[i]+'###'+treeShortname[i]+'###querylayer" value=-1><img name="query'+ i +'" id="query'+i+'" border=0  src="<?php echo $no_info;?>" alt="keine Informationen verfügbar">';	
-			}
-            }
-            //linkedName += "<input id='"+treeWMS[i]+"###"+treeShortname[i]+"###querylayer' type='checkbox' ";
-            //if(treeQuerylayer[i] == '1' && treeVisible[i] == 1){ linkedName += "checked ";}
-            //if(treeQueryable[i] != '1' || treeVisible[i] != 1){ linkedName += "disabled ";}
-            //linkedName += "onClick = 'if(this.checked){parent.handleSelectedLayer(\""+mod_treeGDE_map+"\",\""+treeWMS[i]+"\",\""+treeShortname[i]+"\",\"querylayer\",1);}";
-            //linkedName += "else{parent.handleSelectedLayer(\""+mod_treeGDE_map+"\",\""+treeWMS[i]+"\",\""+treeShortname[i]+"\",\"querylayer\",0);}'";
-            //linkedName += '>';
-        }
-       //no legendlink for the layername
-       <?php
-            if(isset($_REQUEST["nolink"])){
-	            $nolegendlink = $_REQUEST["nolink"];
-            }
-            else{
-	            $nolegendlink = false;
-            }
-            echo "var nolink  = ".$nolegendlink.";";
-       ?>
-        //linkedName += '<A id="'+treeWMS[i]+'_'+treeShortname[i]+'"  HREF="' + treeUrl[i] + '" TARGET="' + defaultTarget + '"><IMG SRC="../img/tree/1w.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="3">' + treeName[i] + '</A>';
-        linkedName += '<A id="'+treeWMS[i]+'_'+treeShortname[i];
-        if (nolink==0 || nolink==false){
-           linkedName += '"  HREF="' + treeUrl[i];
-        }
-        linkedName +='" TARGET="' + defaultTarget + '"><IMG SRC="../img/tree/1w.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="3">' + treeName[i] + '</A>';
-      }  
-      else
-        linkedName =  '<IMG SRC="../img/tree/1w.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="3">' + treeName[i]
-      // don't link folder icon if node has no sons
-      if ( i == idx-1 || treeP_id[i+1] != treeId[i] ) {
-        if ( treeDeep[ i ] == 0 )
-          folderImg = '<IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" SRC="../img/tree/file_empty.gif" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="1" HSPACE="0">'
-        else
-          folderImg = ''
-      } else {
-        folderImg = '<A  HREF="javascript:sitemapClick(' + treeId[i] + ')"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" SRC="<?php echo $img["folder_off"];?>" BORDER="0" NAME="folder' + treeId[i] + '" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="30" HSPACE="0"></A>'
-      }
-      // which type of file icon should be displayed?
-      if ( treeP_id[i] != 0 )
-      {
-        if ( lastEntryInFolder( treeId[i] ) )
-          fileImg = '<IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" SRC="../img/tree/file_last.gif" BORDER="0" NAME="file'
-            + treeId[i] + '" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="30" HSPACE="0">'  
-        else    
-          fileImg = '<IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" SRC="../img/tree/file.gif" BORDER="0" NAME="file'
-            + treeId[i] + '" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="30" HSPACE="0">'  
-      }
-      else
-        fileImg = ''
-      // traverse parents up to root and show vertical lines if parent 
-      // is not the last entry on this layer
-      verticales = ''
-      for( var act_id=treeId[i] ; treeDeep[ id2treeIndex[ act_id ] ] > 1;  )
-      {  
-        act_id = treeP_id[ id2treeIndex[ act_id ]]
-        if ( lastEntryInFolder( act_id ) )
-        {
-          verticales = '<IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" SRC="../img/tree/file_empty.gif" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="30" HSPACE="0">' + verticales
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          verticales = '<IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" SRC="../img/tree/file_vert.gif" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="30" HSPACE="0">' + verticales
-        }
-      }
-      document.writeln( divPrefix + treeId[i] + '"><NOBR>&nbsp;' + verticales + fileImg + folderImg + linkedName + '</NOBR></DIV>'
-      )  
-    }
-  }
-	var i = 1 ;
-	images = new Array;
-	qimages = new Array;
-	images_text = new Array;
-	qimages_text = new Array;
-	images[1] = '<?php echo $eye_off;?>';
-	images[2] = '<?php echo $eye_on;?>';
-	qimages[1] = '<?php echo $info_off;?>';
-	qimages[2] = '<?php echo $info_on;?>';
-	qimages[3] = '<?php echo $no_info;?>';
-	images_text[1] = 'klicken Sie hier um den Layer zu aktivieren';
-	images_text[2] = 'klicken Sie hier um den Layer zu deaktivieren';
-	qimages_text[1] = 'klicken Sie hier um die Informationen zu aktivieren';
-	qimages_text[2] = 'klicken Sie hier um die Informationen zu deaktivieren';
-	qimages_text[3] = 'Informationen momentan nicht verfügbar';
-	function changevalue(id){
-		var info = document.getElementById('query'+ id) ;
-		var layer = document.getElementById('bild' + id) ;
-		var wert = document.getElementById('treeWMS['+id+']');
-		var query = document.getElementById(treeWMS[id]+'###'+treeShortname[id]+'###querylayer');
-		//alert(wert.value);
-		if(wert.value == 1){ //war sichtbar
-			// Layer war sichtbar --> deaktivieren
-			layer.src = images[1];
-			layer.alt = images_text[1];
-			//if(treeQuerylayer[id] == 1){
-			//Infobutton aendern, wenn Info abfragbar
-			if(treeQueryable[id] == '1')
-			{
-				info.src = qimages[3];
-				info.alt = qimages_text[3];
-				// Info deaktivieren
-				query.value = 0 ; // Ausschalten der Abfrage wenn nicht sichtbar
-				query.checked = false;
-				query.disabled = true;
-				parent.handleSelectedLayer(mod_treeGDE_map,treeWMS[id],treeShortname[id],'querylayer',0); // Info disabled
-			}
-			wert.value=0;
-			//alert(wert.value);
-			// Anzeige des Layers deaktivieren
-			parent.handleSelectedLayer(mod_treeGDE_map,treeWMS[id],treeShortname[id],'visible',0);
-			parent.setSingleMapRequest(mod_treeGDE_map,treeWMS[id]);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// Layer war nicht sichtbar --> aktivieren
-			layer.src = images[2];
-			layer.alt = images_text[2]
-			wert.value=1;
-			//alert(wert.value);
-			// Anzeige des Layers aktivieren
-			parent.handleSelectedLayer(mod_treeGDE_map,treeWMS[id],treeShortname[id],'visible',1);
-			parent.setSingleMapRequest(mod_treeGDE_map,treeWMS[id]);
-			// evtl. Info aktivieren und Button aendern
-			if(treeQueryable[id] == '1')
-			{
-				if (treeQuerylayer[id] == 1)
-				{
-					//Info aktivieren
-					info.src = qimages[2];	
-					info.alt = qimages_text[2];
-					parent.handleSelectedLayer(mod_treeGDE_map,treeWMS[id],treeShortname[id],'querylayer',1);
-					query.value = 1;
-					query.disabled = false;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					//Info aktivierbar
-					info.src = qimages[1];	
-					info.alt = qimages_text[1];
-					query.value = 0;
-					query.disabled = false;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	function changeinfo(id)
-	{
-		var info = document.getElementById('query'+ id) ;
-		var wert = document.getElementById('treeWMS['+id+']');
-		var query = document.getElementById(treeWMS[id]+'###'+treeShortname[id]+'###querylayer');
-			//"'+treeWMS[i]+'###'+treeShortname[i]+'###querylayer"
-			// alert(query.value);
-			//alert(layer.src == '../img/orangeball.gif');
-				//alert(wert.value);
-		if(query.value == 1)
-		{ //war sichtbar
-			// Info war aktiviert --> deaktivieren
-			info.src = qimages[1];
-			info.alt = qimages_text[1];
-			parent.handleSelectedLayer(mod_treeGDE_map,treeWMS[id],treeShortname[id],'querylayer',0);
-			query.value = 0 ; // Ausschalten der Abfrage wenn nicht sichtbar
-			//query.checked = false; //<--wozu?
-			query.disabled = true;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// Info war deaktiviert --> aktivieren
-			if(wert.value == 1)
-			{
-				info.src = qimages[2];
-				info.alt = qimages_text[2];
-				query.value=1;
-				//alert(wert.value);
-				parent.handleSelectedLayer(mod_treeGDE_map,treeWMS[id],treeShortname[id],'querylayer',1);
-				//if(treeQuerylayer[id] == 1){	
-				//query.checked = false; //<--wozu?
-				query.disabled = false;
-				//}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-  function initStyles ( )
-  {
-    document.writeln( '<STYLE TYPE="text/css">' + "\n" + '<!--' )
-    for ( var i=1,y=y0; i<idx; i++ )
-    {  
-      document.writeln( '#sitemap' + treeId[i] + ' {POSITION: absolute; VISIBILITY: hidden;}' )
-      if ( treeIsOn[ id2treeIndex[ treeP_id[i] ] ] )
-        y += deltaY
-    }
-    document.writeln( '#sitemapinfo {POSITION: absolute; VISIBILITY: visible;}' )
-    document.writeln( '//-->' + "\n" + '</STYLE>' )
-  }
-  function sitemapClick( id )
-  {
-    var i = id2treeIndex[ id ]
-    if ( treeIsOn[ i ] )
-    // close directory
-    {
-      // mark node as invisible
-      treeIsOn[ i ]=false
-      // mark all sons as invisible
-      actDeep = treeDeep[ i ]
-      for( var j=i+1; j<idx && treeDeep[j] > actDeep; j++ )
-      {
-        treeWasOn[ j ] = treeIsOn[ j ]
-        treeIsOn[ j ]=false
-      }
-      gif_off( id )
-    }
-    else
-    // open directory
-    { 
-      treeIsOn[ i ]=true
-      // remember and restore old status
-      actDeep = treeDeep[ i ]
-      for( var j=i+1; j<idx && treeDeep[j] > actDeep; j++ )
-      {
-        treeIsOn[ j ] = treeWasOn[ j ]
-      }
-      gif_on( id )
-    }
-    showTree()
-  }
-  function knotDeep( id )
-  {
-    var deep=0
-    while ( true )
-      if ( treeP_id[ id2treeIndex[id] ] == 0 )
-        return deep
-      else
-      {
-        ++deep
-        id = treeP_id[ id2treeIndex[id] ]
-      }
-    return deep  
-  }
-  function initTree( id )
-  {
-    treeIsOn[ id2treeIndex[id] ] = true
-    if ( treeTyp[ id2treeIndex[id] ] != 'b' )
-      gif_on( id ) 
-    while ( treeP_id[ id2treeIndex[id] ] != 0 )
-    {
-      id = treeP_id[ id2treeIndex[id] ]
-      treeIsOn[ id2treeIndex[id] ] = true
-      if ( treeTyp[ id2treeIndex[id] ] != 'b' )
-        gif_on( id ) 
-    }
-  }
-  function lastEntryInFolder( id )
-  {
-    var i = id2treeIndex[id]
-    if ( i == idx-1 )
-      return true
-    if ( treeTyp[i] == 'b' )
-    {
-      if ( treeP_id[i+1] != treeP_id[i] )
-        return true
-      else 
-        return false
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      var actDeep = treeDeep[i]
-      for( var j=i+1; j<idx && treeDeep[j] > actDeep ; j++ )
-      ;
-      if ( j<idx && treeDeep[j] == actDeep )
-        return false
-      else
-        return true
-    }
-  }
-  function showTree()
-  {
-    for( var i=1, y=y0, x=x0; i<idx; i++ )
-    {
-      if ( treeIsOn[ id2treeIndex[ treeP_id[i] ] ] )
-      {
-        // show current node
-        if ( !(y == treeLastY[i] && treeIsShown[i] ) )
-        {
-          showLayer( "sitemap"+ treeId[i] ) 
-          setyLayer( "sitemap"+ treeId[i], y )
-          treeIsShown[i] = true
-        } 
-        treeLastY[i] = y
-        y += deltaY
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // hide current node and all sons
-        if ( treeIsShown[ i ] )
-        {
-          hideLayer( "sitemap"+ treeId[i] ) 
-          treeIsShown[i] = false
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  function initIndex() {
-    for( var i=0; i<idx; i++ )
-      id2treeIndex[ treeId[i] ] = i
-  }
-  function gif_name (name, width, height) {
-    this.on = new Image (width, height);
-    this.on.src = '<?echo $img["folder_on"];?>';
-    this.off = new Image (width, height);
-    this.off.src = '<?echo $img["folder_off"]?>';
-  }
-  function load_gif (name, width, height) {
-    gif_name [name] = new gif_name (name,width,height);
-  }
-  function load_all () {
-    load_gif ('folder',30,16)
-    file_last = new Image( 30,16 )
-    file_last.src = "../img/tree/file_last.gif"
-    file_middle = new Image( 30,16 )
-    file_middle.src = "../img/tree/file.gif"
-    file_vert = new Image( 30,16 )
-    file_vert.src = "../img/tree/file_vert.gif"
-    file_empty = new Image( 30,16 )
-    file_empty = "../img/tree/file_empty.gif"
-  }
-  function gif_on ( id ) {
-    eval("document['folder" + id + "'].src = gif_name['folder'].on.src")
-  }
-  function gif_off ( id ) {
-    eval("document['folder" + id + "'].src = gif_name['folder'].off.src")
-  }
-  // global configuration
-  var deltaX = 30
-  var deltaY = 16
-  var x0 = 5
-  var y0 = 5
-  var defaultTarget = 'examplemain'
-  var browserName = navigator.appName;
-  var browserVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
-  var isIE = false;
-  var isNN = false;
-  var isDOM = false;
-  var isDomIE = false;
-  var isDomNN = false;
-  var layerok = false;
-  var isIE = browserName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet Explorer" )==-1?false:true;
-  var isNN = browserName.indexOf("Netscape")==-1?false:true;
-  var isOpera = browserName.indexOf("Opera")==-1?false:true;
-  var isDOM = document.getElementById?true:false;
-  var isDomNN = document.layers?true:false;
-  var isDomIE = document.all?true:false;
-  if ( isNN && browserVersion>=4 ) layerok=true;
-  if ( isIE && browserVersion>=4 ) layerok=true;
-  if ( isOpera && browserVersion>=5 ) layerok=true;
-  function hideLayer(layerName) {
-    if (isDOM)
-      document.getElementById(layerName).style.visibility="hidden"
-    else if (isDomIE)
-      document.all[layerName].style.visibility="hidden";
-    else if (isDomNN) 
-      document.layers[layerName].visibility="hidden";
-  }
-  function showLayer(layerName) {
-    if (isDOM)
-      document.getElementById(layerName).style.visibility="visible"
-    else if (isDomIE)
-      document.all[layerName].style.visibility="visible";
-    else if (isDomNN)
-      document.layers[layerName].visibility="visible";
-  }
-  function setyLayer(layerName, y) {
-    if (isDOM)
-      document.getElementById(layerName).style.top=y
-    else if (isDomIE)
-      document.all[layerName].style.top=y;
-    else if (isDomNN)
-      document.layers[layerName].top=y;
-  }
-  var id2treeIndex = new Array()
-  // the structure is easy to understand with a simple example
-  // p_id is the id of the parent
-  // E0                                      ( id=0,p_id=-1 )
-  //          E11                            ( id=1,p_id=0)
-  //                     E111                ( id=2,p_id=1 )
-  //                     E112                ( id=3,p_id=1 )
-  //          E12                            ( id=4,p_id=0 )
-  //                     E121                ( id=5,p_id=4 ) 
-  //          E13                            ( id=6,p_id=0 ) 
-  //                     E131                ( id=7,p_id=6 ) 
-  //                                 E1311   ( id=8,p_id=7 ) 
-  //                     E132                ( id=9,p_id=6 ) 
-  // this is a multinary tree structure which is easy to
-  // populate with database data :)
-function initArray(){
-	var parentObj = 0;
-	if(parent.mb_mapObj.length == 0){ window.setTimeout("initArray()",100); }    
-	else if(parent.mb_mapObj.length > 0){
-		Note(0,-1,'','');
-		for(var i=0; i<parent.mb_mapObj.length; i++){
-			if(parent.mb_mapObj[i].frameName == mod_treeGDE_map){ 
-				for(var ii=0; ii<parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms.length; ii++){
-					if(parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].gui_wms_visible == '1'){
-						for(var iii=0; iii<parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer.length; iii++){          
-							var temp = parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer[iii];     
-							if(parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer[iii].layer_parent == ""){                    
-								//alert((parseInt(temp.layer_id)+1) + " , " +0 + " , " +temp.layer_title + " , " +'');
-								Note((parseInt(temp.layer_id)+1),0,temp.layer_title,'','','','','');
-								parentObj = temp.layer_id+1;                  
-							}
-							if(parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].objLayer[iii].layer_parent == "0"){
-								if(temp.gui_layer_selectable == '1' || temp.gui_layer_queryable == '1'){
-									Note((parseInt(temp.layer_id)+1),parentObj,temp.layer_title,'../metadata/metadata.php?wms_id='+parseInt(parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_id)+'&gui_layer_wms_id='+temp.gui_layer_wms_id+'&layer_name='+temp.layer_name,temp.gui_layer_selectable,temp.gui_layer_visible,temp.gui_layer_queryable,temp.gui_layer_querylayer,parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_title,temp.layer_name);
-								      //Note((parseInt(temp.layer_id)+1),parentObj,temp.layer_title,'dasdf',temp.gui_layer_selectable,temp.gui_layer_visible,temp.gui_layer_queryable,temp.gui_layer_querylayer,parent.mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].wms_title,temp.layer_name);
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		//Note(22,1,'willi','adfasd');
-		treeTyp[0] = 'f'
-		treeIsOn[0] = true
-		treeWasOn[0] = true
-	}       
-  function initArray_()
-  {
-    Note(0,-1,'','')	  
-    Note(1,0,'Tutorials','')	  	  
-    Note(8,1,'HTML','')
-    Note(10,8,'SelfHtml','http://www.teamone.de/selfaktuell/') 
-	  Note(9,1,'willi','')
-    Note(100,9,'SelfHtml','http://www.teamone.de/selfaktuell/')       
-	  Note(3,1,'JavaScript','')
-    Note(4,3, 'Netscape Guide 1.3','http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/js/client/jsguide/index.htm')
-    Note(7,3, 'Introduction to Javascript','http://rummelplatz.uni-mannheim.de/~skoch/js/script.htm')	  
-    Note(12,1, 'Perl','')
-    Note(14,12, 'Perl Tutorial','http://www.awu.id.ethz.ch/~didi/perl/perl_start.html')
-    Note(13,1,'SQL','')
-    Note(15,13, 'Introduction to SQL','http://w3.one.net/~jhoffman/sqltut.htm')
-	  Note(111,1, 'Introduction to SQL','http://w3.one.net/~jhoffman/sqltut.htm')
-    Note(2,0, 'Reference Manuals','')
-    Note(11,2, 'HTML Version 3.2 Referenz','http://www.cls-online.de/htmlref/index.htm')
-    Note(6,2,'Netscape Reference 1.3','http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/js/client/jsref/index.htm')
-    Note(17,2,'PHP Manual','http://www.php.net/manual/html/')	  
-    treeTyp[0] = 'f'
-    treeIsOn[0] = true
-    treeWasOn[0] = true
-  }
-  var idx=0
-  initArray()
-  initIndex()
-  load_all()
-  for( i=1; i<idx; i++ )
-  {
-    treeDeep[i] = knotDeep( treeId[i] )
-    if ( treeDeep[i] == 0 )
-      treeIsShown[i] = true
-  }
-  if ( isDomNN )
-    initStyles();
-  //-->  
-  </SCRIPT>
-<BODY VLINK="#000000" ALINK="#000000" LINK="#000000" BGCOLOR="#ffffff" TEXT="#000000"
- onLoad="if (layerok) showTree();mod_treeGDE();"
-<SCRIPT language="JavaScript1.2">
-  initDiv()
-  //hideLayer("sitemapinfo")

Deleted: branches/2.5/http/javascripts/mod_measure4326.php
--- branches/2.5/http/javascripts/mod_measure4326.php	2008-01-29 12:44:23 UTC (rev 2036)
+++ branches/2.5/http/javascripts/mod_measure4326.php	2008-01-29 12:46:00 UTC (rev 2037)
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/mod_measure.php
-# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS 
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../conf/mapbender.conf");
-$gui_id = $_REQUEST["gui_id"];
-$con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW);
-$sql = "SELECT e_src, e_target FROM gui_element WHERE e_id = 'measure' AND fkey_gui_id = $1";
-$v = array($gui_id);
-$t = array('s');
-$res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t);
-$cnt = 0;
-while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ 
-	$e_src = $row["e_src"];
-	$e_target = $row["e_target"];
-	$cnt++;
-if($cnt > 1){
-	echo "alert('measure: ID not unique!');";
-echo "var mod_measure_target = '".$e_target."';";
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../extensions/jquery.js");
-$e_id_css = "measure";
-include '../include/dyn_js.php';
-var mod_measure_color1 = "white";
-var mod_measure_color2 = "black";
-var mod_measure_font = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
-var mod_measure_fontsize = "9px";
-var mod_measure_basepoint = "#8a2be2";
-var mod_measure_linepoint = "#ff00ff";
-var mod_measure_bg = "";
-var mod_measure_pgsql = true;
-var mod_measure_win = null;
-var mod_measure_elName = "measure";
-var mod_measure_frameName = "";
-var mod_measure_epsg;
-var mod_measure_width;
-var mod_measure_height;
-var dist = false;
-var mod_measure_RX = new Array();
-var mod_measure_RY = new Array();
-var mod_measure_Dist = new Array();
-var mod_measure_TotalDist = new Array();
-var mod_measureSubFunctions = new Array();
-var mod_measure_img_on = new Image(); mod_measure_img_on.src = "<?php  echo preg_replace("/_off/","_on",$e_src);  ?>";
-var mod_measure_img_off = new Image(); mod_measure_img_off.src = "<?php  echo $e_src;  ?>";
-var mod_measure_img_over = new Image(); mod_measure_img_over.src = "<?php  echo preg_replace("/_off/","_over",$e_src);  ?>";
-function init_mod_measure(ind){
-	mb_button[ind] = document.getElementById(mod_measure_elName);
-	mb_button[ind].img_over = mod_measure_img_over.src;
-	mb_button[ind].img_on = mod_measure_img_on.src;
-	mb_button[ind].img_off = mod_measure_img_off.src;
-	mb_button[ind].status = 0;
-	mb_button[ind].elName = mod_measure_elName;
-	mb_button[ind].fName = mod_measure_frameName;
-	mb_button[ind].go = new Function ("mod_measure_go()");
-	mb_button[ind].stop = new Function ("mod_measure_disable()");
-	var ind = getMapObjIndexByName(mod_measure_target);
-	mod_measure_width = mb_mapObj[ind].width;
-	mod_measure_height = mb_mapObj[ind].height;
-	mod_measure_epsg = mb_mapObj[ind].epsg;
-	mb_registerSubFunctions("drawDashedLine()");
-	mb_registerPanSubElement("measuring");
-function register_measureSubFunctions(stringFunction){
-	mod_measureSubFunctions[mod_measureSubFunctions.length] = stringFunction;
-function mod_measure_go(){
-	var el = window.frames[mod_measure_target].document;
-	el.onmousedown = mod_measure_start;
-	//el.onmousemove = mod_measure_run;
-	var measureSub = "";
-	for(var i=0; i<mod_measureSubFunctions.length; i++){
-		measureSub += eval(mod_measureSubFunctions[i]);
-	}   
-	writeTag(mod_measure_target,"measure_sub",measureSub);
-function mod_measure_disable(){
-	var el = window.frames[mod_measure_target].document; 
-	el.onmousedown = null;
-	el.onmousemove = null;
-	writeTag(mod_measure_target,"measure_display","");
-	writeTag(mod_measure_target,"measure_sub","");
-function mod_measure_timeout(){
-	var el = window.frames[mod_measure_target].document; 
-	el.onmousedown = null;
-	el.ondblclick = null;
-	el.onmousemove = null;
-function mod_measure_disableTimeout(){
-	var el = window.frames[mod_measure_target].document;
-	el.onmousedown = mod_measure_start;
-	//el.onmousemove = mod_measure_run;
-function use_dist() {
-    if(dist != false){
-        mod_measure_Dist[mod_measure_Dist.length] = dist;
-		var totalDist = mod_measure_TotalDist[mod_measure_TotalDist.length-1] + dist;
-       	mod_measure_TotalDist[mod_measure_TotalDist.length] = Math.round(totalDist * 100)/100;
-      } 
-      drawDashedLine(); 
-      dist = false;
-function mod_measure_start(e){
-	mb_getMousePos(e,mod_measure_target);
-	var realWorldPos = my_makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(mod_measure_target,clickX,clickY);
-	mod_measure_RX[mod_measure_RX.length] = realWorldPos[0];
-	mod_measure_RY[mod_measure_RY.length] = realWorldPos[1];
-     if(mod_measure_RX.length > 1){
-     convert_coords(mod_measure_RX[mod_measure_RX.length-2],mod_measure_RY[mod_measure_RY.length-2],mod_measure_RX[mod_measure_RX.length-1],mod_measure_RY[mod_measure_RY.length-1],inputEPSG);         
-	}
-	else{
-		mod_measure_Dist[mod_measure_Dist.length] = 0;
-		mod_measure_TotalDist[mod_measure_TotalDist.length] = 0;
-        drawDashedLine();
-	}
-function drawDashedLine(){
-	var str_mPoints = "<div style='position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px' ><img src='"+mb_trans.src+"' width='"+mod_measure_width+"' height='0'></div>";
-	str_mPoints += "<div style='position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px' ><img src='"+mb_trans.src+"' width='0' height='"+mod_measure_height+"'></div>";
-	for(var i=0; i<mod_measure_RX.length; i++){
-		var pos = makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_measure_target,mod_measure_RX[i],mod_measure_RY[i]);
-		str_mPoints += "<div style='font-size:1px;position:absolute;top:"+(pos[1]-2)+"px;left:"+(pos[0]-2)+"px;width:4px;height:4px;background-color:"+mod_measure_basepoint+"'></div>";
-		if(i>0){
-			str_mPoints += "<div  style='font-family:"+mod_measure_font+";font-size:"+mod_measure_fontsize+";color:"+mod_measure_color1+";";
-			if(mod_measure_bg != ""){
-				str_mPoints += "background-color:"+mod_measure_bg+";";
-			}
-			str_mPoints += "position:absolute;top:"+(pos[1] + 3)+"px;left:"+(pos[0]+3)+"px;z-index:20'>"+mod_measure_TotalDist[i]+"</div>";
-			str_mPoints += "<div  style='font-family:"+mod_measure_font+";font-size:"+mod_measure_fontsize+";color:"+mod_measure_color2+";position:absolute;top:"+(pos[1] + 4)+"px;left:"+(pos[0]+4)+"px;z-index:21'>"+mod_measure_TotalDist[i]+"</div>";
-		}
-	}
-	if(mod_measure_RX.length>1){
-		for(var k=1; k<mod_measure_RX.length; k++){
-			var pos0 = makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_measure_target,mod_measure_RX[k], mod_measure_RY[k]);
-			var pos1 = makeRealWorld2mapPos(mod_measure_target,mod_measure_RX[k-1], mod_measure_RY[k-1]);
-			str_mPoints += evaluateDashes(pos1[0],pos1[1],pos0[0],pos0[1],k);
-		}
-	}
-	writeTag(mod_measure_target,"measuring",str_mPoints);
-function evaluateDashes(x1,y1,x2,y2,count){
-	var str_dashedLine = "";
-	var s = 10;
-	var d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((y1-y2),2) + Math.pow((x1-x2),2)) ;
-	var n = Math.round(d/s);
-	var s_x =  (x2 - x1)/n;
-	var s_y =  (y2 - y1)/n;
-	for(var i=1; i<n; i++){
-		var x = Math.round(x1 + i * s_x)-2;
-		var y = Math.round(y1 + i * s_y)-2;
-		if(x >= 0 && x <= mod_measure_width && y >= 0 && y <= mod_measure_height){
-			str_dashedLine += "<div style='font-size:1px;position:absolute;top:"+y+"px;left:"+x+"px;width:4px;height:4px;background-color:"+mod_measure_linepoint+"'></div>";
-		}
-	}
-	str_dashedLine += "<div style='font-family:"+mod_measure_font+";font-size:"+mod_measure_fontsize+";color:"+mod_measure_color1+";";
-	if(mod_measure_bg != ""){
-		str_dashedLine += "background-color:"+mod_measure_bg+";";
-	}   
-	str_dashedLine += "position:absolute;top:"+(Math.round(y1 + (y2-y1)/2 +3))+"px;left:"+(Math.round(x1 + (x2-x1)/2 +3))+"px'>"+mod_measure_Dist[count]+"</div>";
-	str_dashedLine += "<div style='font-family:"+mod_measure_font+";font-size:"+mod_measure_fontsize+";color:"+mod_measure_color2+";position:absolute;top:"+(Math.round(y1 + (y2-y1)/2 + 4))+"px;left:"+(Math.round(x1 + (x2-x1)/2+4))+"px'>"+mod_measure_Dist[count]+"</div>";
-	return str_dashedLine;
-function mod_measure_close(){
-	if(mod_measure_RX.length < 3 || (mod_measure_RX[mod_measure_RX.length-1] == mod_measure_RX[0] && mod_measure_RY[mod_measure_RY.length-1] == mod_measure_RY[0])){return;}
-	mod_measure_RX[mod_measure_RX.length] = mod_measure_RX[0];
-	mod_measure_RY[mod_measure_RY.length] = mod_measure_RY[0];
-	if(mod_measure_RX.length > 1){
-		// circumference
-        convert_coords(mod_measure_RX[mod_measure_RX.length-2],mod_measure_RY[mod_measure_RY.length-2],mod_measure_RX[mod_measure_RX.length-1],mod_measure_RY[mod_measure_RY.length-1],inputEPSG);   
-	}
-	else{
-		mod_measure_Dist[mod_measure_Dist.length] = 0;
-		mod_measure_TotalDist[mod_measure_TotalDist.length] = 0;
-        drawDashedLine();
-	}
-function mod_measure_delete(){
-	mod_measure_RX = new Array();
-	mod_measure_RY = new Array();
-    mod_measure_Dist = new Array();
-	mod_measure_TotalDist = new Array();
-    dist = false;
-    writeTag(mod_measure_target,"measuring","");
-	writeTag(mod_measure_target,"measure_display","");
-function my_makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(frameName, myClickX, myClickY) {
-	var ind = getMapObjIndexByName(frameName);
-	var width = parseInt(mb_mapObj[ind].width);
-	var height = parseInt(mb_mapObj[ind].height);
-	var arrayBBox = mb_mapObj[ind].extent.split(",");
-	var minX = parseFloat(arrayBBox[0]);
-	var minY = parseFloat(arrayBBox[1]);
-	var maxX = parseFloat(arrayBBox[2]);
-	var maxY = parseFloat(arrayBBox[3]);
-	var xtentx = maxX - minX;
-	var xtenty =  maxY - minY;
-	var posX = parseFloat(minX + (myClickX / width) * xtentx);
-	var posY = parseFloat(maxY - (myClickY / height) * xtenty);
-	return new Array(posX, posY);
-function convert_coords(x1,y1,x2,y2,inputEPSG){
-      $.post(
-    	// zielurl
-        '../javascripts/transform_coordinatesWGS84.php',
-        // parameter fuer diese datei
-        {
-        	'x1'      : x1,
-            'y1'      : y1,
-			'x2'      : x2,
-			'y2'      : y2,  
-            'inputEPSG' :  inputEPSG      
-        },
-        // callback function
-        function(xml){
-            dist = Math.round(parseFloat(xml));   
-            use_dist();   
-        }
-     );
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: branches/2.5/http/javascripts/transform_coordinatesWGS84.php
--- branches/2.5/http/javascripts/transform_coordinatesWGS84.php	2008-01-29 12:44:23 UTC (rev 2036)
+++ branches/2.5/http/javascripts/transform_coordinatesWGS84.php	2008-01-29 12:46:00 UTC (rev 2037)
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/mod_measure.php
-# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS 
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../conf/mapbender.conf");
-$DBSERVER = '';
-$OWNER = "admin";
-$PW = "&see5Toxu?";  
-$con = pg_connect('host=' . $DBSERVER . ' user=' . $OWNER . ' password=' . $PW . ' dbname=merlin');
-$sql_pointA = "SELECT X(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".$_POST['x1']." ".$_POST['y1'].")',4326),".$_POST['inputEPSG'].")) as minx, Y(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".$_POST['x1']." ".$_POST['y1'].")',4326),".$_POST['inputEPSG'].")) as miny;";
-$resA = db_query($sql_pointA);
-$recA = pg_fetch_array($resA);
-$sql_pointB = "SELECT X(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".$_POST['x2']." ".$_POST['y2'].")',4326),".$_POST['inputEPSG'].")) as maxx, Y(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".$_POST['x2']." ".$_POST['y2'].")',4326),".$_POST['inputEPSG'].")) as maxy;";
-$resB = db_query($sql_pointB);
-$recB = pg_fetch_array($resB);
-$sql_dist = "SELECT distance('POINT(".$recA['minx']." ".$recA['miny']. ")','POINT(" . $recB['maxx']." ". $recB['maxy'].")') as dist;";
-$res_dist = db_query($sql_dist);
-$rec_dist = pg_fetch_array($res_dist);
-echo $rec_dist['dist'];
-#echo $recA['minx']. "," . $recA['miny'] . "," . $recB['maxx']. "," . $recB['maxy']. "," .$rec_dist['dist'];

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