[Mapbender-commits] r3060 - branches/2.5/http/javascripts

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Tue Sep 30 09:30:39 EDT 2008

Author: christoph
Date: 2008-09-30 09:30:38 -0400 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 3060

moved to a single file

Modified: branches/2.5/http/javascripts/wfs.js
--- branches/2.5/http/javascripts/wfs.js	2008-09-30 12:20:06 UTC (rev 3059)
+++ branches/2.5/http/javascripts/wfs.js	2008-09-30 13:30:38 UTC (rev 3060)
@@ -1,33 +1,166 @@
-#$Header: /cvsroot/mapbender/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_wfs_spatialRequest.php,v 1.4 2006/03/08 15:26:26 c_baudson Exp $
-# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --- usemap (begin) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../php/mb_validateSession.php");
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../conf/mapbender.conf");
-$con = db_connect(DBSERVER,OWNER,PW);
+function mod_usemap(wfs_name) {
+	if (wfs_name == "") {
+		usemap = "";
+	}
+	var ind = getMapObjIndexByName(mb_wfs_target);
+	var myImg = window.frames[mb_wfs_target].document.getElementById("um_img").style; 
+	myImg.width = mb_mapObj[ind].width;
+	myImg.height = mb_mapObj[ind].height;
-$e_id_css = "wfs";
-include '../include/dyn_js.php';
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/wfs_usemap.js");
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.count() ; i ++) {
+		if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).wfs_conf == wfs_name || wfs_name == "") {
+			if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).geomType == geomType.polygon) {
+				usemap += mod_usemap_polygon(i);
+			}
+			else if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).geomType == geomType.point) {
+				usemap += mod_usemap_circle(i);
+			}
+			else if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).geomType == geomType.line) {
+				usemap += mod_usemap_line(i);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	writeUsemap(usemap);
+function mod_usemap_circle(ind){
+	var str = "";
+	var coord = "";
+	var title = "";
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.count(); i++) {
+		if (i>0) title += "&#10;";
+		title += mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getName(i) + ": " + mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getValue(i);
+	}
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).count() ; i ++) {
+		var p = mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind, i, 0);
+		var pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_target,p);
+		coord += pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
+		str += "<AREA title='"+title+"' onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
+		str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' shape='circle'  coords='";
+		str += coord + ", " + mod_usemap_radius + "' href='#'>";
+	}
+	return str;
+function mod_usemap_line_calculate (aGeometry, j, orientation, cnt) {
+	var coord = "";
+	var p1 = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],aGeometry.get(j));
+	var p2 = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],aGeometry.get(j+orientation));
+	var vec = p2.minus(p1);
+	if (vec.x != 0 || vec.y != 0) {
+		var n_vec;
+		if (vec.x != 0) {
+			if (vec.x > 0) n_vec = new Point((-vec.y)/vec.x, -1);
+			else n_vec = new Point(vec.y/vec.x, 1);
+		}
+		else {
+			if (vec.y > 0) n_vec = new Point(1,0);
+			else n_vec = new Point(-1,0);
+		}
+		n_vec = n_vec.times(mod_usemap_line_tolerance).dividedBy(n_vec.dist(new Point(0,0)))
+		lp = new Point(p1.x + n_vec.x, p1.y - n_vec.y);
+		if (cnt > 0) coord += ", ";
+		coord += parseInt(lp.x) + ", " + parseInt(lp.y);
+		coord += ", " + parseInt(lp.x+vec.x) + ", " + parseInt(lp.y+vec.y);
+	}
+	return coord;
+function mod_usemap_line(ind){
+	var str = "";
+	var title = "";
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.count(); i++) {
+		if (i>0) title += "&#10;";
+		title += mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getName(i) + ": " + mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getValue(i);
+	}
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).count() ; i ++) {
+		var coord = "";
+		var cnt = 0;
+		for (var j = 0 ; j < mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i).count() - 1  ; j ++) {
+			var result = mod_usemap_line_calculate(mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i), j, 1, cnt);
+			if (result != "") {
+				coord += result;
+				cnt++;
+			}
+		}
+		for (var j = (mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i).count() - 1) ; j > 0 ; j--) {
+			var result = mod_usemap_line_calculate(mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i), j, -1, cnt);
+			if (result != "") {
+				coord += result;
+				cnt++;
+			}
+		}
+		if (coord != "") {
+			str += "<AREA title='"+title+"'";
+			str += "onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
+			str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
+			str += "shape='poly'  coords='";
+			str += coord + "' href='#'>";
+		}
+		else {
+			//display circle
+			var pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind,i,0));
+			coord += pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
+			str += "<AREA title='"+title+"' onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch["+ind+"])' ";
+			str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' shape='circle'  coords='";
+			str += coord + ", " + mod_usemap_radius + "' href='#'>";
+		}
+	}
+	return str;
+function mod_usemap_polygon(ind){
+	var str = "";
+	var coord = "";
+	var title = "";
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.count(); i++) {
+		if (i>0) title += "&#10;";
+		title += mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getName(i) + ": " + mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getValue(i);
+	}
+	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).count() ; i ++) {
+		var pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind, i, 0));
+		coord += pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
+		for (var j = 1 ; j < mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i).count() ; j ++) {
+			pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind, i, j));
+			coord += ", " + pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
+		}
+		str += "<AREA title='"+title+"' onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
+		str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' shape='poly'  coords='";
+		str += coord + "' href='#'>";
+	}
+	return str;
+function writeUsemap(str) {
+	writeTag(mb_wfs_targets[0], 'um', str);
+// --- usemap (end) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 var highlight_tag_id = "wfs_highlight_tag";
 var mb_wfs_fetched = [];

Deleted: branches/2.5/http/javascripts/wfs_usemap.js
--- branches/2.5/http/javascripts/wfs_usemap.js	2008-09-30 12:20:06 UTC (rev 3059)
+++ branches/2.5/http/javascripts/wfs_usemap.js	2008-09-30 13:30:38 UTC (rev 3060)
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-* $Id$
-* COPYRIGHT: (C) 2001 by ccgis. This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-* License (>=v2). Read the file gpl.txt that comes with Mapbender for details. 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// --- usemap (begin) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function mod_usemap(wfs_name) {
-	if (wfs_name == "") {
-		usemap = "";
-	}
-	var ind = getMapObjIndexByName(mb_wfs_target);
-	var myImg = window.frames[mb_wfs_target].document.getElementById("um_img").style; 
-	myImg.width = mb_mapObj[ind].width;
-	myImg.height = mb_mapObj[ind].height;
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.count() ; i ++) {
-		if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).wfs_conf == wfs_name || wfs_name == "") {
-			if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).geomType == geomType.polygon) {
-				usemap += mod_usemap_polygon(i);
-			}
-			else if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).geomType == geomType.point) {
-				usemap += mod_usemap_circle(i);
-			}
-			else if (mb_wfs_fetch.get(i).geomType == geomType.line) {
-				usemap += mod_usemap_line(i);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	writeUsemap(usemap);
-function mod_usemap_circle(ind){
-	var str = "";
-	var coord = "";
-	var title = "";
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.count(); i++) {
-		if (i>0) title += "&#10;";
-		title += mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getName(i) + ": " + mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getValue(i);
-	}
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).count() ; i ++) {
-		var p = mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind, i, 0);
-		var pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_target,p);
-		coord += pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
-		str += "<AREA title='"+title+"' onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
-		str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' shape='circle'  coords='";
-		str += coord + ", " + mod_usemap_radius + "' href='#'>";
-	}
-	return str;
-function mod_usemap_line_calculate (aGeometry, j, orientation, cnt) {
-	var coord = "";
-	var p1 = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],aGeometry.get(j));
-	var p2 = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],aGeometry.get(j+orientation));
-	var vec = p2.minus(p1);
-	if (vec.x != 0 || vec.y != 0) {
-		var n_vec;
-		if (vec.x != 0) {
-			if (vec.x > 0) n_vec = new Point((-vec.y)/vec.x, -1);
-			else n_vec = new Point(vec.y/vec.x, 1);
-		}
-		else {
-			if (vec.y > 0) n_vec = new Point(1,0);
-			else n_vec = new Point(-1,0);
-		}
-		n_vec = n_vec.times(mod_usemap_line_tolerance).dividedBy(n_vec.dist(new Point(0,0)))
-		lp = new Point(p1.x + n_vec.x, p1.y - n_vec.y);
-		if (cnt > 0) coord += ", ";
-		coord += parseInt(lp.x) + ", " + parseInt(lp.y);
-		coord += ", " + parseInt(lp.x+vec.x) + ", " + parseInt(lp.y+vec.y);
-	}
-	return coord;
-function mod_usemap_line(ind){
-	var str = "";
-	var title = "";
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.count(); i++) {
-		if (i>0) title += "&#10;";
-		title += mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getName(i) + ": " + mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getValue(i);
-	}
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).count() ; i ++) {
-		var coord = "";
-		var cnt = 0;
-		for (var j = 0 ; j < mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i).count() - 1  ; j ++) {
-			var result = mod_usemap_line_calculate(mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i), j, 1, cnt);
-			if (result != "") {
-				coord += result;
-				cnt++;
-			}
-		}
-		for (var j = (mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i).count() - 1) ; j > 0 ; j--) {
-			var result = mod_usemap_line_calculate(mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i), j, -1, cnt);
-			if (result != "") {
-				coord += result;
-				cnt++;
-			}
-		}
-		if (coord != "") {
-			str += "<AREA title='"+title+"'";
-			str += "onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
-			str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
-			str += "shape='poly'  coords='";
-			str += coord + "' href='#'>";
-		}
-		else {
-			//display circle
-			var pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind,i,0));
-			coord += pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
-			str += "<AREA title='"+title+"' onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch["+ind+"])' ";
-			str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' shape='circle'  coords='";
-			str += coord + ", " + mod_usemap_radius + "' href='#'>";
-		}
-	}
-	return str;
-function mod_usemap_polygon(ind){
-	var str = "";
-	var coord = "";
-	var title = "";
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.count(); i++) {
-		if (i>0) title += "&#10;";
-		title += mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getName(i) + ": " + mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).e.getValue(i);
-	}
-	for (var i = 0 ; i < mb_wfs_fetch.get(ind).count() ; i ++) {
-		var pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind, i, 0));
-		coord += pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
-		for (var j = 1 ; j < mb_wfs_fetch.getGeometry(ind,i).count() ; j ++) {
-			pos = realToMap(mb_wfs_targets[0],mb_wfs_fetch.getPoint(ind, i, j));
-			coord += ", " + pos.x + ", " + pos.y;
-		}
-		str += "<AREA title='"+title+"' onmouseover='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"over\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' ";
-		str += "onmouseout='parent.mb_wfs_perform(\"out\",parent.mb_wfs_fetch.get("+ind+"))' shape='poly'  coords='";
-		str += coord + "' href='#'>";
-	}
-	return str;
-function writeUsemap(str) {
-	writeTag(mb_wfs_targets[0], 'um', str);
-// --- usemap (end) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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