[Mapbender-commits] r4497 - in branches/print_dev/http: classes print print/classes

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Wed Aug 5 11:07:30 EDT 2009

Author: mschulz
Date: 2009-08-05 11:07:30 -0400 (Wed, 05 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 4497

added print rotation - caution: needs php-imagick installed

Added: branches/print_dev/http/classes/class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate.php
--- branches/print_dev/http/classes/class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/print_dev/http/classes/class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate.php	2009-08-05 15:07:30 UTC (rev 4497)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# $Id: class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate.php 2684 2008-07-22 07:26:19Z christoph $
+# http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate.php
+# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+* class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate
+* @version 1.0.0
+* get/post '___' separated maprequests
+class weldMaps2PNG_rotate extends weldMaps2PNG{
+    function weldMaps2PNG_rotate($urls,$filename, $angle){
+        if(!$urls || $urls == ""){
+            $e = new mb_exception("weldMaps2PNG_rotate: no maprequests delivered");
+        }
+        $url = explode("___", $urls);
+        $obj1 = new stripRequest($url[0]);
+        $width = $obj1->get("width");
+        $height = $obj1->get("height");
+        //calculate rotated dimensions
+        $neededWidth = round(abs(sin(deg2rad($angle))*$height)+abs(cos(deg2rad($angle))*$width));
+        $neededHeight = round(abs(sin(deg2rad($angle))*$width)+abs(cos(deg2rad($angle))*$height));
+        //modify requests
+        for($i=0; $i<count($url); $i++){
+            $obj = new stripRequest($url[$i]);
+            $obj->set("width", $neededWidth);
+            $obj->set("height", $neededHeight);
+            $map_extent = $obj->get("BBOX");
+            $coord = split(",",$map_extent);
+            $coord = $this->enlargeExtent($coord, $width, $height, $neededWidth, $neededHeight);
+            $obj->set("BBOX", implode(",", $coord));
+            $url[$i] = $obj->url;
+        }
+        //get image
+        $urls = implode("___", $url);
+        $this->weldMaps2PNG($urls, $filename);
+        //rotate image
+        $imagick = new Imagick();
+        $imagick->readImage($filename);
+        $imagick->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel(), $angle);
+        //get the new dimensions
+        $imgWidth = $imagick->getImageWidth();
+        $imgHeight = $imagick->getImageHeight();
+        //crop empty areas
+        $imagick->cropImage($width, $height, ($imgWidth-$width)/2, ($imgHeight-$height)/2);
+        //write modified image
+        $imagick->writeImage();
+        $image = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
+        imagepng($image,$filename);
+    }
+    function enlargeExtent($coordArray, $oldWidth, $oldHeight, $newWidth, $newHeight){
+         $extentx = ($coordArray[2] - $coordArray[0]);
+         $extenty = ($coordArray[3] - $coordArray[1]);
+         $coordArray[0]+=($extentx/$oldWidth)*($oldWidth-$newWidth)/2;
+         $coordArray[2]+=($extentx/$oldWidth)*($newWidth-$oldWidth)/2;
+         $coordArray[1]+=($extenty/$oldHeight)*($oldHeight-$newHeight)/2;
+         $coordArray[3]+=($extenty/$oldHeight)*($newHeight-$oldHeight)/2;
+        return $coordArray;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/print_dev/http/classes/class_weldOverview2PNG_rotate.php
--- branches/print_dev/http/classes/class_weldOverview2PNG_rotate.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/print_dev/http/classes/class_weldOverview2PNG_rotate.php	2009-08-05 15:07:30 UTC (rev 4497)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# $Id: class_weldOverview2PNG.php 1584 2007-08-06 07:56:11Z christoph $
+# $Header: /cvsroot/mapbender/mapbender/http/classes/class_weldOverview2PNG.php,v 1.3 2006/02/22 11:56:22 astrid_emde Exp $
+# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS 
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+* class_weldOverview2PNG
+* @version 1.0.0
+* get/post '___' separated maprequests
+class weldOverview2PNG_rotate{
+	function weldOverview2PNG_rotate($url_overview,$url_extent,$filename, $rotatedExtent){
+		if(!$url_overview || $url_overview == ""){
+			$e = new mb_exception("weldOverview2PNG: no maprequests delivered");
+		}
+		$url = $url_overview;
+		$obj1 = new stripRequest($url);
+		$width = $obj1->get("width");
+		$height = $obj1->get("height");
+		/*
+		$e = new mb_exception("--------overview-----------------");
+		$e = new mb_exception("-----width ".$width." / height: ".$height."--------------------");
+		$e = new mb_exception("url_overview: ".$url_overview);
+		$e = new mb_exception("url_extent: ".$url_extent);
+		*/	
+		$image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
+		$white = ImageColorAllocate($image,255,255, 255); 
+		ImageFilledRectangle($image,0,0,$width,$height,$white); 
+		//overview
+		$obj = new stripRequest($url_overview);
+		$xurl_overview = $obj->setPNG();
+		$xurl_overview = $obj->encodeGET();
+		$img = $this->loadpng($xurl_overview);		
+		if($img != false){
+			imagecopy($image, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
+		}
+		else{
+			$e = new mb_exception("weldMaps2PNG: unable to load image: " . $url_overview);
+		}
+		// rectangle - position of the map in the overview
+		$objx = new stripRequest($url_extent);
+		$ex_width = $objx->get("width");
+		$ex_height = $objx->get("height");
+		$extent = explode(",",$objx->get("BBOX"));
+		$p1 = $this->makeRealWorld2mapPos($url_overview, round($rotatedExtent[0][0]), round($rotatedExtent[0][1]));
+		$p2 = $this->makeRealWorld2mapPos($url_overview, round($rotatedExtent[1][0]), round($rotatedExtent[1][1]));
+		$p3 = $this->makeRealWorld2mapPos($url_overview, round($rotatedExtent[2][0]), round($rotatedExtent[2][1]));
+		$p4 = $this->makeRealWorld2mapPos($url_overview, round($rotatedExtent[3][0]), round($rotatedExtent[3][1]));
+		/*
+		$e = new mb_exception("ex_width: " .$ex_width);
+		$e = new mb_exception("ex_height: " . $ex_height);
+		$e = new mb_exception("bbox:".$extent[0]."--".$extent[1]."--".$extent[2]."--------".$extent[3]);
+		$e = new mb_exception("ll: " . $lowerleft[0]." / ".$lowerleft[1]);
+		$e = new mb_exception("ur: " . $upperright[0]." / ".$upperright[1]);
+		*/
+		$red = ImageColorAllocate($image,255,0,0); 
+		imageline ( $image, $p1[0], $p1[1], $p2[0], $p2[1], $red);
+		imageline ( $image, $p2[0], $p2[1], $p3[0], $p3[1], $red);
+		imageline ( $image, $p3[0], $p3[1], $p4[0], $p4[1], $red);
+		imageline ( $image, $p4[0], $p4[1], $p1[0], $p1[1], $red);
+		// black frame - size of the overview
+		$black = ImageColorAllocate($image,0,0,0); 
+		imageline ( $image, 0, 0, $width-1, 0, $black);
+		imageline ( $image, $width-1, 0, $width-1, $height-1, $black);
+		imageline ( $image, $width-1, $height-1, 0, $height-1, $black);
+		imageline ( $image, 0, $height-1, 0, 0, $black);
+		imagepng($image,$filename);
+		imagedestroy($image); 
+	}
+	function loadpng ($imgurl) {
+		$obj = new stripRequest($imgurl);
+		$x = new connector($imgurl);
+		$f = $obj->get("format");
+		$im = @imagecreatefromstring($x->file);
+		if(!$im){
+			$im = false;
+			$e = new mb_exception("weldOverview2PNG: unable to load image: ".$imgurl);
+		}  
+		return $im;
+	}
+	function makeRealWorld2mapPos($url, $rw_posx, $rw_posy){
+	   	$obj = new stripRequest($url);
+		$width = $obj->get("width");
+		$height = $obj->get("height");
+		#$e = new mb_exception("weld_url: ".$url);
+		#$e = new mb_exception("w: ".$width."height".$height);
+	   $arrayBBox = explode(",",$obj->get("BBOX"));
+	   $minX = $arrayBBox[0];
+	   $minY = $arrayBBox[1];
+	   $maxX = $arrayBBox[2];
+	   $maxY = $arrayBBox[3];
+	#$e = new mb_exception("------- minx: ".$minX." miny:".$minY." maxx:".$maxX." maxy:".$maxY."----------");
+	   $xtentx = $maxX - $minX ; 
+	   $xtenty = $maxY - $minY ;  
+	   $pixPos_x = round((($rw_posx - $minX)/$xtentx)*$width);
+	   $pixPos_y = round((($maxY - $rw_posy)/$xtenty)*$height);
+	   $pixPos = array($pixPos_x, $pixPos_y);
+	   return $pixPos;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/print_dev/http/print/classes/mbImageDecorator.php
--- branches/print_dev/http/print/classes/mbImageDecorator.php	2009-08-05 14:33:12 UTC (rev 4496)
+++ branches/print_dev/http/print/classes/mbImageDecorator.php	2009-08-05 15:07:30 UTC (rev 4497)
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 	protected $pageElementType = "image";
 	protected $elementId;
-	protected $rotationAngle = 200;
-	protected $overrideMembersFromRequest = array("rotationAngle");
+	protected $angle = 0;
+	protected $overrideMembersFromRequest = array("angle");
 	public function __construct($pdfObj, $elementId, $mapConf, $controls) {
 		parent::__construct($pdfObj, $mapConf, $controls);
@@ -18,30 +18,35 @@
 		/* returns an array of (request key, member id) arrays */ 
 		$idsFromRequest = $this->getPageElementLink($this->elementId);
 		foreach ($idsFromRequest as $requestKey => $memberId) {
-			$e = new mb_notice("mbImageDecorator: checking overrides: ".$requestKey.$memberId);
+			$e = new mb_notice("mbOverviewDecorator: checking overrides: ".$requestKey.$memberId);
 		foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) {
-			$e = new mb_notice("mbImageDecorator: checking Request: ".$k."=".$v);
+			$e = new mb_notice("mbOverviewDecorator: checking Request: ".$k."=".$v);
 		foreach ($this->overrideMembersFromRequest as $overrideMemberFromRequest) {
+			/* take the value of the config in every case */
+			$this->{$overrideMemberFromRequest} = $this->conf->{$overrideMemberFromRequest};
 			foreach ($idsFromRequest as $requestKey => $memberId) {
-				$e = new mb_notice("mbImageDecorator: before override: set ".$memberId." to ".$requestKey);
+				$e = new mb_notice("mbOverviewDecorator: before override: set ".$memberId." to ".$requestKey);
 				if ($overrideMemberFromRequest==$memberId && isset($_REQUEST[$requestKey]) && $_REQUEST[$requestKey] != "") { 
 					$this->{$overrideMemberFromRequest} = $_REQUEST[$requestKey];
-					$e = new mb_notice("mbImageDecorator: override from Request: ".$overrideMemberFromRequest." to ".$this->{$overrideMemberFromRequest});
+					$e = new mb_notice("mbOverviewDecorator: override from Request: ".$overrideMemberFromRequest." to ".$this->{$overrideMemberFromRequest});
+				/* this else branch is not necessary anymore 
 				else {
 					$this->{$overrideMemberFromRequest} = $this->conf->{$memberId};
-					$e = new mb_notice("mbImageDecorator: using conf: ".$overrideMemberFromRequest." to ".$this->conf->{$memberId});
-				}	
+					$e = new mb_notice("mbOverviewDecorator: override from conf: ".$overrideMemberFromRequest." to ".$this->conf->{$memberId});
+				}
+				*/	
 	public function decorate() {
 		#Image($file,$x,$y,$w=0,$h=0,$type='',$link='', $isMask=false, $maskImg=0, $angle=0)
-		$this->pdf->objPdf->Image($this->conf->filename, $this->conf->x_ul, $this->conf->y_ul, $this->conf->width, $this->conf->height,'','',false,0,5,$this->rotationAngle);
+		$this->pdf->objPdf->Image($this->conf->filename, $this->conf->x_ul, $this->conf->y_ul, $this->conf->width, $this->conf->height,'','',false,0,5,-1*$this->angle);

Modified: branches/print_dev/http/print/classes/mbMapDecorator.php
--- branches/print_dev/http/print/classes/mbMapDecorator.php	2009-08-05 14:33:12 UTC (rev 4496)
+++ branches/print_dev/http/print/classes/mbMapDecorator.php	2009-08-05 15:07:30 UTC (rev 4497)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 class mbMapDecorator extends mbTemplatePdfDecorator {
@@ -10,8 +11,9 @@
 	protected $elementId;
 	protected $filename;
 	/* a decorator should declare which parameters could be overwritten through the request object */
-	protected $overrideMembersFromRequest = array("res_dpi");
+	protected $overrideMembersFromRequest = array("res_dpi","angle");
 	protected $res_dpi;
+	protected $angle = 0;
 	public function __construct($pdfObj, $elementId, $mapConf, $controls) {
 		parent::__construct($pdfObj, $mapConf, $controls);
@@ -40,11 +42,12 @@
 					$this->{$overrideMemberFromRequest} = $_REQUEST[$requestKey];
 					$e = new mb_notice("mbMapDecorator: override from Request: ".$overrideMemberFromRequest." to ".$this->{$overrideMemberFromRequest});
-				/* this else branch is not necessary anymore */
+				/* this else branch is not necessary anymore 
 				else {
 					$this->{$overrideMemberFromRequest} = $this->conf->{$memberId};
 					$e = new mb_notice("mbMapDecorator: override from conf: ".$overrideMemberFromRequest." to ".$this->conf->{$memberId});
+				*/
@@ -72,7 +75,11 @@
 			$array_urls[$i] = $m->url;
-		$i = new weldMaps2PNG(implode("___",$array_urls), $this->filename);
+		if ($this->angle != 0) {
+			$i = new weldMaps2PNG_rotate(implode("___",$array_urls), $this->filename, $this->angle);
+		} else {
+			$i = new weldMaps2PNG(implode("___",$array_urls), $this->filename);
+		}
 		$this->pdf->objPdf->Image($this->filename, $this->conf->x_ul, $this->conf->y_ul, $width, $height,'png');
 		/* show coordinates ... */

Modified: branches/print_dev/http/print/classes/mbOverviewDecorator.php
--- branches/print_dev/http/print/classes/mbOverviewDecorator.php	2009-08-05 14:33:12 UTC (rev 4496)
+++ branches/print_dev/http/print/classes/mbOverviewDecorator.php	2009-08-05 15:07:30 UTC (rev 4497)
@@ -2,12 +2,16 @@
 class mbOverviewDecorator extends mbTemplatePdfDecorator {
 	protected $pageElementType = "overview";
 	protected $elementId;
 	protected $filename;
+	protected $overrideMembersFromRequest = array("angle");
+	protected $angle = 0;
 	public function __construct($pdfObj, $elementId, $mapConf, $controls) {
 		parent::__construct($pdfObj, $mapConf, $controls);
@@ -17,7 +21,33 @@
-	public function override() {}
+	public function override() {
+		$idsFromRequest = $this->getPageElementLink($this->elementId);
+		foreach ($idsFromRequest as $requestKey => $memberId) {
+			$e = new mb_notice("mbOverviewDecorator: checking overrides: ".$requestKey.$memberId);
+		}
+		foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) {
+			$e = new mb_notice("mbOverviewDecorator: checking Request: ".$k."=".$v);
+		}
+		foreach ($this->overrideMembersFromRequest as $overrideMemberFromRequest) {
+			/* take the value of the config in every case */
+			$this->{$overrideMemberFromRequest} = $this->conf->{$overrideMemberFromRequest};
+			foreach ($idsFromRequest as $requestKey => $memberId) {
+				$e = new mb_notice("mbOverviewDecorator: before override: set ".$memberId." to ".$requestKey);
+				if ($overrideMemberFromRequest==$memberId && isset($_REQUEST[$requestKey]) && $_REQUEST[$requestKey] != "") { 
+					$this->{$overrideMemberFromRequest} = $_REQUEST[$requestKey];
+					$e = new mb_notice("mbOverviewDecorator: override from Request: ".$overrideMemberFromRequest." to ".$this->{$overrideMemberFromRequest});
+				}
+				/* this else branch is not necessary anymore 
+				else {
+					$this->{$overrideMemberFromRequest} = $this->conf->{$memberId};
+					$e = new mb_notice("mbOverviewDecorator: override from conf: ".$overrideMemberFromRequest." to ".$this->conf->{$memberId});
+				}
+				*/	
+			}	
+		}
+	}
 	public function decorate() {
 		$overview_url = $_REQUEST["overview_url"];
@@ -34,10 +64,68 @@
 		$array_urls = explode("___", $urls);
 		$myURL = new stripRequest($array_urls[0]);
 		$myURL->set('bbox', $this->pdf->getMapExtent());
+		$rotatedExtent = $this->rotatePoints(explode(",",$this->pdf->getMapExtent()), intval($angle));
-		$i = new weldOverview2PNG($overview_url, $myURL->url, $this->filename);
+		if ($this->angle != 0) {
+			$i = new weldOverview2PNG_rotate($overview_url, $myURL->url, $this->filename, $rotatedExtent);
+		} else {
+			$i = new weldOverview2PNG($overview_url, $myURL->url, $this->filename);
+		}		
 		$this->pdf->objPdf->Image($this->filename, $this->conf->x_ul, $this->conf->y_ul, $width, $height, 'png');
+	protected function rotate($point, $center, $angle) {
+		if ($angle === 0) {
+			return $point;
+		}
+		// first, calculate point around 0
+		// then rotate
+		// then add center vector again
+		$pNew = array(
+			$point[0] - $center[0],
+			$point[1] - $center[1]
+		);
+		$angle = deg2rad(-$angle);
+		return array(
+			($pNew[0] * cos($angle) + $pNew[1] * sin($angle)) + $center[0],
+			($pNew[0] * -sin($angle) + $pNew[1] * cos($angle)) + $center[1]
+		);
+	}
+	protected function rotatePoints($coordArray, $angle) {
+		$center = array(
+			($coordArray[2] + $coordArray[0]) / 2,
+			($coordArray[3] + $coordArray[1]) / 2,
+		);
+		$p1 = array(
+			$coordArray[0],
+			$coordArray[1]
+		);
+		$p2 = array(
+			$coordArray[2],
+			$coordArray[1]
+		);
+		$p3 = array(
+			$coordArray[2],
+			$coordArray[3]
+		);
+		$p4 = array(
+			$coordArray[0],
+			$coordArray[3]
+		);
+		$newCoordArray = array(
+			$this->rotate($p1, $center, $angle),
+			$this->rotate($p2, $center, $angle),
+			$this->rotate($p3, $center, $angle),
+			$this->rotate($p4, $center, $angle)
+		);
+		return $newCoordArray;
+	}	

Modified: branches/print_dev/http/print/testConfigTemplate.json
--- branches/print_dev/http/print/testConfigTemplate.json	2009-08-05 14:33:12 UTC (rev 4496)
+++ branches/print_dev/http/print/testConfigTemplate.json	2009-08-05 15:07:30 UTC (rev 4497)
@@ -47,7 +47,10 @@
     		"id" : "angle",
     		"type" : "hidden",
     		"pageElementsLink" : {
-    			"nordpfeil" : "rotation"
+    			"nordpfeil" : "angle",
+    			"karte" : "angle",
+    			"minikarte" : "angle"
@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@
 	    		"y_ul" : 35.2,
 	    		"width" : 8,
 	    		"height" : 18,
-	    		"rotation" : 0,
+	    		"angle" : 0,
 				"filename" : "./img/northarrow.png"

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