[Mapbender-commits] r4001 - in branches/dynamic_printframe_dev: .
classes javascripts php print_dynamic print_dynamic/img
svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Thu Jun 4 09:50:53 EDT 2009
Author: christoph
Date: 2009-06-04 09:50:53 -0400 (Thu, 04 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 4001
Added: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/classes/class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate.php
--- branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/classes/class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate.php (rev 0)
+++ branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/classes/class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate.php 2009-06-04 13:50:53 UTC (rev 4001)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# $Id: class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate.php 2684 2008-07-22 07:26:19Z christoph $
+# http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate.php
+# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+* class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate
+* @version 1.0.0
+* get/post '___' separated maprequests
+class weldMaps2PNG_rotate extends weldMaps2PNG{
+ function weldMaps2PNG_rotate($urls,$filename, $angle){
+ if(!$urls || $urls == ""){
+ $e = new mb_exception("weldMaps2PNG_rotate: no maprequests delivered");
+ }
+ $url = explode("___", $urls);
+ $obj1 = new stripRequest($url[0]);
+ $width = $obj1->get("width");
+ $height = $obj1->get("height");
+ //calculate rotated dimensions
+ $neededWidth = round(abs(sin(deg2rad($angle))*$height)+abs(cos(deg2rad($angle))*$width));
+ $neededHeight = round(abs(sin(deg2rad($angle))*$width)+abs(cos(deg2rad($angle))*$height));
+ //modify requests
+ for($i=0; $i<count($url); $i++){
+ $obj = new stripRequest($url[$i]);
+ $obj->set("width", $neededWidth);
+ $obj->set("height", $neededHeight);
+ $map_extent = $obj->get("BBOX");
+ $coord = split(",",$map_extent);
+ $coord = $this->enlargeExtent($coord, $width, $height, $neededWidth, $neededHeight);
+ $obj->set("BBOX", implode(",", $coord));
+ $url[$i] = $obj->url;
+ }
+ //get image
+ $urls = implode("___", $url);
+ $this->weldMaps2PNG($urls, $filename);
+ //rotate image
+ $imagick = new Imagick();
+ $imagick->readImage($filename);
+ $imagick->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel(), $angle);
+ //get the new dimensions
+ $imgWidth = $imagick->getImageWidth();
+ $imgHeight = $imagick->getImageHeight();
+ //crop empty areas
+ $imagick->cropImage($width, $height, ($imgWidth-$width)/2, ($imgHeight-$height)/2);
+ //write modified image
+ $imagick->writeImage();
+ $image = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
+ imagepng($image,$filename);
+ }
+ function enlargeExtent($coordArray, $oldWidth, $oldHeight, $newWidth, $newHeight){
+ $extentx = ($coordArray[2] - $coordArray[0]);
+ $extenty = ($coordArray[3] - $coordArray[1]);
+ $coordArray[0]+=($extentx/$oldWidth)*($oldWidth-$newWidth)/2;
+ $coordArray[2]+=($extentx/$oldWidth)*($newWidth-$oldWidth)/2;
+ $coordArray[1]+=($extenty/$oldHeight)*($oldHeight-$newHeight)/2;
+ $coordArray[3]+=($extenty/$oldHeight)*($newHeight-$oldHeight)/2;
+ return $coordArray;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/classes/class_weldOverview2PNG_rotate.php
--- branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/classes/class_weldOverview2PNG_rotate.php (rev 0)
+++ branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/classes/class_weldOverview2PNG_rotate.php 2009-06-04 13:50:53 UTC (rev 4001)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# $Id: class_weldOverview2PNG.php 1584 2007-08-06 07:56:11Z christoph $
+# $Header: /cvsroot/mapbender/mapbender/http/classes/class_weldOverview2PNG.php,v 1.3 2006/02/22 11:56:22 astrid_emde Exp $
+# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+* class_weldOverview2PNG
+* @version 1.0.0
+* get/post '___' separated maprequests
+class weldOverview2PNG_rotate{
+ function weldOverview2PNG_rotate($url_overview,$url_extent,$filename, $rotatedExtent){
+ if(!$url_overview || $url_overview == ""){
+ $e = new mb_exception("weldOverview2PNG: no maprequests delivered");
+ }
+ $url = $url_overview;
+ $obj1 = new stripRequest($url);
+ $width = $obj1->get("width");
+ $height = $obj1->get("height");
+ /*
+ $e = new mb_exception("--------overview-----------------");
+ $e = new mb_exception("-----width ".$width." / height: ".$height."--------------------");
+ $e = new mb_exception("url_overview: ".$url_overview);
+ $e = new mb_exception("url_extent: ".$url_extent);
+ */
+ $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
+ $white = ImageColorAllocate($image,255,255, 255);
+ ImageFilledRectangle($image,0,0,$width,$height,$white);
+ //overview
+ $obj = new stripRequest($url_overview);
+ $xurl_overview = $obj->setPNG();
+ $xurl_overview = $obj->encodeGET();
+ $img = $this->loadpng($xurl_overview);
+ if($img != false){
+ imagecopy($image, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
+ }
+ else{
+ $e = new mb_exception("weldMaps2PNG: unable to load image: " . $url_overview);
+ }
+ // rectangle - position of the map in the overview
+ $objx = new stripRequest($url_extent);
+ $ex_width = $objx->get("width");
+ $ex_height = $objx->get("height");
+ $extent = explode(",",$objx->get("BBOX"));
+ $p1 = $this->makeRealWorld2mapPos($url_overview, round($rotatedExtent[0][0]), round($rotatedExtent[0][1]));
+ $p2 = $this->makeRealWorld2mapPos($url_overview, round($rotatedExtent[1][0]), round($rotatedExtent[1][1]));
+ $p3 = $this->makeRealWorld2mapPos($url_overview, round($rotatedExtent[2][0]), round($rotatedExtent[2][1]));
+ $p4 = $this->makeRealWorld2mapPos($url_overview, round($rotatedExtent[3][0]), round($rotatedExtent[3][1]));
+ /*
+ $e = new mb_exception("ex_width: " .$ex_width);
+ $e = new mb_exception("ex_height: " . $ex_height);
+ $e = new mb_exception("bbox:".$extent[0]."--".$extent[1]."--".$extent[2]."--------".$extent[3]);
+ $e = new mb_exception("ll: " . $lowerleft[0]." / ".$lowerleft[1]);
+ $e = new mb_exception("ur: " . $upperright[0]." / ".$upperright[1]);
+ */
+ $red = ImageColorAllocate($image,255,0,0);
+ imageline ( $image, $p1[0], $p1[1], $p2[0], $p2[1], $red);
+ imageline ( $image, $p2[0], $p2[1], $p3[0], $p3[1], $red);
+ imageline ( $image, $p3[0], $p3[1], $p4[0], $p4[1], $red);
+ imageline ( $image, $p4[0], $p4[1], $p1[0], $p1[1], $red);
+ // black frame - size of the overview
+ $black = ImageColorAllocate($image,0,0,0);
+ imageline ( $image, 0, 0, $width-1, 0, $black);
+ imageline ( $image, $width-1, 0, $width-1, $height-1, $black);
+ imageline ( $image, $width-1, $height-1, 0, $height-1, $black);
+ imageline ( $image, 0, $height-1, 0, 0, $black);
+ imagepng($image,$filename);
+ imagedestroy($image);
+ }
+ function loadpng ($imgurl) {
+ $obj = new stripRequest($imgurl);
+ $x = new connector($imgurl);
+ $f = $obj->get("format");
+ $im = @imagecreatefromstring($x->file);
+ if(!$im){
+ $im = false;
+ $e = new mb_exception("weldOverview2PNG: unable to load image: ".$imgurl);
+ }
+ return $im;
+ }
+ function makeRealWorld2mapPos($url, $rw_posx, $rw_posy){
+ $obj = new stripRequest($url);
+ $width = $obj->get("width");
+ $height = $obj->get("height");
+ #$e = new mb_exception("weld_url: ".$url);
+ #$e = new mb_exception("w: ".$width."height".$height);
+ $arrayBBox = explode(",",$obj->get("BBOX"));
+ $minX = $arrayBBox[0];
+ $minY = $arrayBBox[1];
+ $maxX = $arrayBBox[2];
+ $maxY = $arrayBBox[3];
+ #$e = new mb_exception("------- minx: ".$minX." miny:".$minY." maxx:".$maxX." maxy:".$maxY."----------");
+ $xtentx = $maxX - $minX ;
+ $xtenty = $maxY - $minY ;
+ $pixPos_x = round((($rw_posx - $minX)/$xtentx)*$width);
+ $pixPos_y = round((($maxY - $rw_posy)/$xtenty)*$height);
+ $pixPos = array($pixPos_x, $pixPos_y);
+ return $pixPos;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/javascripts/map_obj.js
--- branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/javascripts/map_obj.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/javascripts/map_obj.js 2009-06-04 13:50:53 UTC (rev 4001)
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+* $Id: map_obj.js 3237 2008-11-12 15:09:33Z christoph $
+* COPYRIGHT: (C) 2001 by ccgis. This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+* License (>=v2). Read the file gpl.txt that comes with Mapbender for details.
+//global variables
+var wms = [];
+var wms_layer_count = 0;
+ * global function to add wms to the wms-object
+ *
+ * @param {String} wms_id the unique id of the wms
+ * @param {String} wms_version the version assumed from capabilities
+ * @param {String} wms_title the title of the wms
+ * @param {String} wms_abstract the abstract of the wms
+ * @param {String} wms_getmap the url for map requests
+ * @param {String} wms_getfeatureinfo the url for featureInof requests
+ * @param {String} wms_getlegendurl the url for legend requests
+ * @param {String} wms_filter a filter (deprecated)
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_mapformat the image-format in the actual gui
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_featureinfoformat the current format for featureInfos
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_exceptionformat the exceptionformat for map requests
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_epsg the current srs
+ * @param {Integer} gui_wms_visible the visibility of this service
+ * @param {Integer} gui_wms_opacity the initial display opacity in percent
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_sldurl url to an actual sld
+ */
+function add_wms(
+ wms_id,
+ wms_version,
+ wms_title,
+ wms_abstract,
+ wms_getmap,
+ wms_getfeatureinfo,
+ wms_getlegendurl,
+ wms_filter,
+ gui_wms_mapformat,
+ gui_wms_featureinfoformat,
+ gui_wms_exceptionformat,
+ gui_wms_epsg,
+ gui_wms_visible,
+ gui_wms_opacity,
+ gui_wms_sldurl){
+ wms[wms.length] = new wms_const(
+ wms_id,
+ wms_version,
+ wms_title,
+ wms_abstract,
+ wms_getmap,
+ wms_getfeatureinfo,
+ wms_getlegendurl,
+ wms_filter,
+ gui_wms_mapformat,
+ gui_wms_featureinfoformat,
+ gui_wms_exceptionformat,
+ gui_wms_epsg,
+ parseInt(gui_wms_visible, 10),
+ parseInt(gui_wms_opacity),
+ gui_wms_sldurl);
+ wms_layer[wms.length - 1] = [];
+ * @class A class representing the wms
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String} wms_id the unique id of the wms
+ * @param {String} wms_version the version assumed from capabilities
+ * @param {String} wms_title the title of the wms
+ * @param {String} wms_abstract the abstract of the wms
+ * @param {String} wms_getmap the url for map requests
+ * @param {String} wms_getfeatureinfo the url for featureInof requests
+ * @param {String} wms_getlegendurl the url for legend requests
+ * @param {String} wms_filter a filter (deprecated)
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_mapformat the image-format in the actual gui
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_featureinfoformat the current format for featureInfos
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_exceptionformat the exceptionformat for map requests
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_epsg the current srs
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_visible the visibility of this service
+ * @param {Integer} gui_wms_opacity the initial display opacity in percent
+ * @param {String} gui_wms_sldurl url to an actual sld
+ *
+ */
+function wms_const(
+ wms_id,
+ wms_version,
+ wms_title,
+ wms_abstract,
+ wms_getmap,
+ wms_getfeatureinfo,
+ wms_getlegendurl,
+ wms_filter,
+ gui_wms_mapformat,
+ gui_wms_featureinfoformat,
+ gui_wms_exceptionformat,
+ gui_wms_epsg,
+ gui_wms_visible,
+ gui_wms_opacity,
+ gui_wms_sldurl){
+ if (!wms_id) {
+ var id_ok = false;
+ while (id_ok === false) {
+ wms_id = "a"+Math.round(10000*Math.random());
+ id_ok = true;
+ for (var i=0; i < wms.length && id_ok === true; i++) {
+ if (wms_id == wms[i].wms_id) {
+ id_ok = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.wms_id = wms_id;
+ this.wms_version = wms_version;
+ this.wms_title = wms_title;
+ this.wms_abstract = wms_abstract;
+ this.wms_getmap = wms_getmap;
+ this.wms_getfeatureinfo = wms_getfeatureinfo;
+ this.wms_getlegendurl = wms_getlegendurl;
+ this.wms_filter = wms_filter;
+ this.data_type = [];
+ this.data_format = [];
+ this.objLayer = [];
+ this.gui_wms_mapformat = gui_wms_mapformat;
+ this.gui_wms_featureinfoformat = gui_wms_featureinfoformat;
+ this.gui_wms_exceptionformat = gui_wms_exceptionformat;
+ this.gui_wms_epsg = gui_wms_epsg;
+ this.gui_wms_visible = gui_wms_visible;
+ this.gui_epsg = [];
+ this.gui_minx = [];
+ this.gui_miny = [];
+ this.gui_maxx = [];
+ this.gui_maxy = [];
+ // opacity version
+ this.gui_wms_mapopacity = gui_wms_opacity/100;
+ // sld version
+ this.gui_wms_sldurl = gui_wms_sldurl;
+ * rephrases the mapRequest
+ *
+ * @param {Object} mapObj the mapbender mapObject of the wms
+ * @return mapRequest, i.e. onlineresource + params
+ * @type String
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getMapRequest = function(mapObj){
+ //check visible layers first
+ var layers = this.getLayers(mapObj);
+ if(!layers){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var rq = this.wms_getmap;
+ rq += mb_getConjunctionCharacter(this.wms_getmap);
+ if(this.wms_version === "1.0.0"){
+ rq += "WMTVER=" + this.wms_version + "&REQUEST=map";
+ }
+ else{
+ rq += "VERSION=" + this.wms_version + "&REQUEST=getMap&SERVICE=WMS";
+ }
+ rq += "&LAYERS=" + layers.join(",");
+ rq += "&WIDTH=" + mapObj.getWidth();
+ rq += "&HEIGHT=" + mapObj.getHeight();
+ rq += "&SRS=" + mapObj.getSRS();
+ rq += "&BBOX=" + mapObj.getExtent();
+ rq += "&STYLES=" + this.getLayerstyles(mapObj).join(",");
+ rq += "&FORMAT=" + this.gui_wms_mapformat;
+ rq += "&EXCEPTIONS=" + this.gui_wms_exceptionformat;
+ //Todo: error occurs:
+ //var throwNotice = new Mb_notice("getMapRequest: " + rq);
+ //window.console.log("getMapRequest: " + rq);
+ return rq;
+ * rephrases the featureInfoRequest
+ *
+ * @param {Object} mapObj the mapbender mapObject of the wms
+ * @param {Point} clickPoint map-click position {@link Point}
+ * @return featureInfoRequest, onlineresource + params
+ * @type string
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getFeatureInfoRequest = function(mapObj, clickPoint){
+ //check layers and querylayers first
+ var layers = this.getLayers(mapObj);
+ var querylayers = this.getQuerylayers(mapObj);
+ if(!layers || !querylayers){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var rq = this.wms_getfeatureinfo;
+ rq += mb_getConjunctionCharacter(this.wms_getfeatureinfo);
+ if(this.wms_version === "1.0.0"){
+ rq += "WMTVER=" + this.wms_version + "&REQUEST=feature_info";
+ }
+ else{
+ rq += "VERSION=" + this.wms_version + "&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&SERVICE=WMS";
+ }
+ rq += "&LAYERS=" + layers.join(",");
+ if(mb_feature_count > 0){
+ rq += "&FEATURE_COUNT="+mb_feature_count;
+ }
+ rq += "&QUERY_LAYERS=" + querylayers.join(",");
+ rq += "&WIDTH=" + mapObj.getWidth();
+ rq += "&HEIGHT=" + mapObj.getHeight();
+ rq += "&SRS=" + mapObj.getSRS();
+ rq += "&BBOX=" + mapObj.getExtent();
+ rq += "&STYLES=" + this.getLayerstyles(mapObj).join(",");
+ rq += "&FORMAT=" + this.gui_wms_mapformat;
+ rq += "&INFO_FORMAT=" + this.gui_wms_featureinfoformat;
+ rq += "&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml";
+ rq += "&X=" + clickPoint.x;
+ rq += "&Y=" + clickPoint.y;
+ //console.log(rq);
+ return rq;
+ * sets Opacity of WMS
+ *
+ * @param {Integer} new opacity percentage value
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity){
+ //calc new opacity
+ this.gui_wms_mapopacity = parseInt(opacity)/100;
+ if(this.gui_wms_mapopacity>1||isNaN(this.gui_wms_mapopacity))
+ this.gui_wms_mapopacity=1;
+ if(this.gui_wms_mapopacity<0)
+ this.gui_wms_mapopacity=0;
+ if (this.gui_wms_visible > 0) {
+ //get div id
+ var divId = null;
+ for (var i=0; i < wms.length; i++) {
+ if (this.wms_id == wms[i].wms_id) {
+ var divId = 'div_'+i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!divId)
+ return;
+ //TODO: check if mapframe1 is the right mapframe
+ wmsImage = parent.mapframe1.document.getElementById(divId);
+ if (wmsImage != null) {
+ wmsImage.style.opacity = this.gui_wms_mapopacity;
+ wmsImage.style.MozOpacity = this.gui_wms_mapopacity;
+ wmsImage.style.KhtmlOpacity = this.gui_wms_mapopacity;
+ wmsImage.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + this.gui_wms_mapopacity*100 + ")";
+ }
+ }
+ * get all visible layers
+ *
+ * @return array of layernames
+ * @type string[]
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getLayers = function(mapObj){
+ try {
+ //visibility of the wms
+ var wmsIsVisible = (this.gui_wms_visible > 0);
+ if(!wmsIsVisible){
+ return false;
+ }
+ visibleLayers = [];
+ for(var i=0; i< this.objLayer.length; i++){
+ var isVisible = (this.objLayer[i].gui_layer_visible === 1);
+ var hasNoChildren = (!this.objLayer[i].has_childs);
+ if (isVisible && hasNoChildren){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].checkScale(mapObj)){
+ //console.log("checkLayer: " + this.objLayer[i].layer_name);
+ visibleLayers.push(this.objLayer[i].layer_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(visibleLayers.length === 0){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return visibleLayers;
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ alert(e);
+ }
+ * get the actual style of all visible layers
+ *
+ * @return commaseparated list of actual layerstyles
+ * @type string
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getLayerstyles = function(mapObj){
+ var layers = this.getLayers(mapObj);
+ var layerstyles = '';
+ var styles = [];
+ if(layers){
+ for(i = 0; i < layers.length; i++){
+ var style = this.getCurrentStyleByLayerName(layers[i]);
+ if(!style){
+ style = '';
+ }
+ styles.push(style);
+ }
+ return styles;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * check if layer is parentLayer
+ *
+ * @param layername
+ * @return the parent value of the given layer
+ * @type integer
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.checkLayerParentByLayerName = function(layername){
+ for(var i=0; i< this.objLayer.length; i++){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].layer_name == layername){
+ return this.objLayer[i].layer_parent;
+ }
+ }
+ * get the title of the current layer
+ *
+ * @param layername
+ * @return the title of the given layer
+ * @type string
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getTitleByLayerName = function(layername){
+ for(var i=0; i< this.objLayer.length; i++){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].layer_name == layername){
+ return this.objLayer[i].layer_title;
+ }
+ }
+ * get the current style of the layer
+ *
+ * @param layername
+ * @return the stylename of the given layer
+ * @type string
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getCurrentStyleByLayerName = function(layername){
+ for(var i=0; i< this.objLayer.length; i++){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].layer_name == layername){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].gui_layer_style === '' || this.objLayer[i].gui_layer_style === null){
+ return false;
+ }
+ else{
+ return this.objLayer[i].gui_layer_style;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * get the legendurl of the gui layer style
+ *
+ * @param stylename
+ * @return the legendurl of the given style
+ * @type string
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getLegendUrlByGuiLayerStyle = function(layername,guiLayerStyle){
+ for(var i=0; i< this.objLayer.length; i++){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].layer_name == layername){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].layer_style.length === 0){
+ return false;
+ }
+ for(var k=0; k< this.objLayer[i].layer_style.length; k++){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].layer_style[k].name == guiLayerStyle){
+ var legendUrl = this.objLayer[i].layer_style[k].legendurl;
+ if (this.gui_wms_sldurl !== "") {
+ legendUrl += "&SLD="+escape(this.gui_wms_sldurl);
+ }
+ if(legendUrl !=='' && legendUrl !== null && typeof(legendUrl) != 'undefined'){
+ return legendUrl;
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ * get all querylayers
+ *
+ * @return array of layernames
+ * @type string[]
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getQuerylayers = function(mapObj){
+ queryLayers = [];
+ for(var i=0; i< this.objLayer.length; i++){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].gui_layer_querylayer === 1 && ! this.objLayer[i].has_childs ){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].checkScale(mapObj)){
+ queryLayers.push(this.objLayer[i].layer_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(queryLayers.length === 0){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return queryLayers;
+ * get a layer Object by layer_pos
+ *
+ * @param int payer_pos layer_pos of layer you want to get
+ * @return object layer
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getLayerByLayerPos = function(layer_pos){
+ for(var i=0;i<this.objLayer.length;i++){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].layer_pos == layer_pos) {
+ return this.objLayer[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ * get the state of sublayers from a specified layer
+ *
+ * @param int layer_id of the parent layer
+ * @param String type "visible" or "querylayer"
+ * @return int -1 if state differs else the state
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.getSublayerState = function(layer_id, type){
+ var i;
+ var state=-1,value;
+ for(i = 0; i < this.objLayer.length; i++){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].layer_id==layer_id) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //go throught sublayers
+ for(var j = i+1; j < this.objLayer.length; j++){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].parent_layer == this.objLayer[j].parent_layer) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(type == "visible") {
+ value = this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_visible;
+ }
+ else if(type == "querylayer") {
+ value = this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_querylayer;
+ }
+ if(state == -1) {
+ state = value;
+ }
+ if(state != value) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return state;
+ * handle change of visibility / quaryability of a layer
+ *
+ * @param string layer_name of layer to handle
+ * @param string type of change ("visible" or "querylayer")
+ * @param int value of the change
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.handleLayer = function(layer_name, type, value){
+ var i;
+ for(i = 0; i < this.objLayer.length; i++){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].layer_name==layer_name) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //Set visibility/queryability of Layer and Sublayers
+ for(var j = i; j < this.objLayer.length; j++){
+ if (i != j && this.objLayer[i].layer_parent >= this.objLayer[j].layer_parent) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(type == "visible") {
+ this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_visible = parseInt(value, 10);
+ }
+ else if(type=="querylayer" && this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_queryable) {
+ this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_querylayer = parseInt(value, 10);
+ }
+ }
+ //Update visibility/queryability of parent layer
+ var parentLayer = this.getLayerByLayerPos(this.objLayer[i].layer_parent);
+ if(parentLayer){
+ var state = this.getSublayerState(parentLayer.layer_id, type);
+ if(state!=-1){
+ if(type == "visible") {
+ this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_visible = state;
+ }
+ else if(type=="querylayer" && this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_queryable) {
+ this.objLayer[j].gui_layer_querylayer = state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * move a layer (with his sublayers) up or down
+ *
+ * @param int layerId layer_id of layer to move
+ * @param boolean moveUp true to move up or false to move down
+ * @return boolean success
+ */
+wms_const.prototype.moveLayer = function(layerId, moveUp){
+ var iLayer=-1;
+ var i;
+ //find layer to move
+ for(i=0;i<this.objLayer.length;i++){
+ if(this.objLayer[i].layer_id==layerId){
+ iLayer=i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(iLayer==-1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var upperLayer = -1;
+ var lowerLayer = -1;
+ //find layer to swap position with
+ var parentLayer = this.objLayer[iLayer].layer_parent;
+ if(moveUp){
+ lowerLayer = iLayer;
+ //find previous layer on same level
+ for(i=iLayer-1;i>0;i--){
+ if(parentLayer == this.objLayer[i].layer_parent){
+ upperLayer = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(upperLayer == -1){
+ //alert("The Layer you selected is already on top of parent Layer/WMS");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ upperLayer = iLayer;
+ //find next layer on same level
+ for(i=iLayer+1;i<this.objLayer.length;i++){
+ if(parentLayer == this.objLayer[i].layer_parent){
+ lowerLayer = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(lowerLayer == -1){
+ //alert("The Layer you selected is already on bottom of parent Layer/WMS");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //calc number of layers to move down
+ var layersDown = lowerLayer - upperLayer;
+ //get number of layers to move up
+ for(i=lowerLayer+1; i<this.objLayer.length; i++){
+ if(parentLayer == this.objLayer[i].layer_parent){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var layersUp = i - lowerLayer;
+ //do moving
+ var temp = [];
+ for(i=0;i<layersDown+layersUp;i++){
+ temp[temp.length]=this.objLayer[upperLayer+i];
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<layersUp;i++){
+ this.objLayer[upperLayer+i]=temp[i+layersDown];
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<layersDown;i++){
+ this.objLayer[upperLayer+layersUp+i]=temp[i];
+ }
+ return true;
+function wms_add_data_type_format(datatype,dataformat){
+ var insertDataFormat = true;
+ for (var i = 0 ; i < wms[wms.length-1].data_type.length ; i ++) {
+ if (wms[wms.length-1].data_type[i] == datatype && wms[wms.length-1].data_format[i] == dataformat) {
+ insertDataFormat = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (insertDataFormat === true) {
+ wms[wms.length-1].data_type[wms[wms.length-1].data_type.length] = datatype;
+ wms[wms.length-1].data_format[wms[wms.length-1].data_format.length] = dataformat;
+ }
+function wms_addSRS(epsg,minx,miny,maxx,maxy){
+ wms[wms.length-1].gui_epsg[wms[wms.length-1].gui_epsg.length] = epsg;
+ wms[wms.length-1].gui_minx[wms[wms.length-1].gui_minx.length] = minx;
+ wms[wms.length-1].gui_miny[wms[wms.length-1].gui_miny.length] = miny;
+ wms[wms.length-1].gui_maxx[wms[wms.length-1].gui_maxx.length] = maxx;
+ wms[wms.length-1].gui_maxy[wms[wms.length-1].gui_maxy.length] = maxy;
+function wms_addLayerStyle(styleName, styleTitle, count, layerCount, styleLegendUrl, styleLegendUrlFormat){
+ var currentLayer = wms[wms.length-1].objLayer[layerCount];
+ if (currentLayer) {
+ currentLayer.layer_style[count] = {};
+ currentLayer.layer_style[count].name = styleName;
+ currentLayer.layer_style[count].title = styleTitle;
+ currentLayer.layer_style[count].legendurl = styleLegendUrl;
+ currentLayer.layer_style[count].legendurlformat = styleLegendUrlFormat;
+ }
+//TODO: add layerstyle handling....
+function wms_add_layer(
+ layer_parent,
+ layer_uid,
+ layer_name,
+ layer_title,
+ layer_dataurl_href,
+ layer_pos,
+ layer_queryable,
+ layer_minscale,
+ layer_maxscale,
+ layer_metadataurl,
+ gui_layer_wms_id,
+ gui_layer_status,
+ gui_layer_style,
+ gui_layer_selectable,
+ gui_layer_visible,
+ gui_layer_queryable,
+ gui_layer_querylayer,
+ gui_layer_minscale,
+ gui_layer_maxscale,
+ gui_layer_wfs_featuretype){
+ wms[wms.length-1].objLayer[wms[wms.length-1].objLayer.length] = new wms_layer(
+ layer_parent,
+ layer_uid,
+ layer_name,
+ layer_title,
+ layer_dataurl_href,
+ layer_pos,
+ layer_queryable,
+ layer_minscale,
+ layer_maxscale,
+ layer_metadataurl,
+ gui_layer_wms_id,
+ gui_layer_status,
+ gui_layer_style,
+ parseInt(gui_layer_selectable, 10),
+ parseInt(gui_layer_visible, 10),
+ parseInt(gui_layer_queryable, 10),
+ parseInt(gui_layer_querylayer, 10),
+ parseInt(gui_layer_minscale, 10),
+ parseInt(gui_layer_maxscale, 10),
+ gui_layer_wfs_featuretype );
+ var parentLayer = wms[wms.length-1].getLayerByLayerPos(parseInt(layer_parent, 10));
+ if(parentLayer) {
+ parentLayer.has_childs = true;
+ }
+function layer_addEpsg(epsg,minx,miny,maxx,maxy){
+ var j = wms[wms.length-1].objLayer.length-1;
+ var k = wms[wms.length-1].objLayer[j].layer_epsg.length;
+ var currentLayer = wms[wms.length-1].objLayer[j];
+ currentLayer.layer_epsg[k]={};
+ currentLayer.layer_epsg[k].epsg = epsg;
+ currentLayer.layer_epsg[k].minx = minx;
+ currentLayer.layer_epsg[k].miny = miny;
+ currentLayer.layer_epsg[k].maxx = maxx;
+ currentLayer.layer_epsg[k].maxy = maxy;
+function wms_layer(
+ layer_parent,
+ wms_layer_uid,
+ layer_name,
+ layer_title,
+ layer_dataurl_href,
+ layer_pos,
+ layer_queryable,
+ layer_minscale,
+ layer_maxscale,
+ layer_metadataurl,
+ gui_layer_wms_id,
+ gui_layer_status,
+ gui_layer_style,
+ gui_layer_selectable,
+ gui_layer_visible,
+ gui_layer_queryable,
+ gui_layer_querylayer,
+ gui_layer_minscale,
+ gui_layer_maxscale,
+ gui_layer_wfs_featuretype){
+ this.layer_id = wms_layer_count;
+ this.layer_uid = wms_layer_uid;
+ this.layer_parent = layer_parent;
+ this.layer_name = layer_name;
+ this.layer_title = layer_title;
+ this.layer_dataurl_href = layer_dataurl_href;
+ this.layer_pos = layer_pos;
+ this.layer_queryable = layer_queryable;
+ this.layer_minscale = layer_minscale;
+ this.layer_maxscale = layer_maxscale;
+ this.layer_metadataurl = layer_metadataurl;
+ this.layer_epsg = [];
+ this.gui_layer_wms_id = gui_layer_wms_id;
+ this.gui_layer_status = gui_layer_status;
+ this.gui_layer_selectable = gui_layer_selectable;
+ this.gui_layer_visible = gui_layer_visible;
+ this.gui_layer_queryable = gui_layer_queryable;
+ this.gui_layer_querylayer = gui_layer_querylayer;
+ this.gui_layer_minscale = gui_layer_minscale;
+ this.gui_layer_maxscale = gui_layer_maxscale;
+ this.gui_layer_style = gui_layer_style;
+ this.gui_layer_wfs_featuretype = gui_layer_wfs_featuretype;
+// this.gui_layer_style = null;
+ this.has_childs = false;
+ this.layer_style = [];
+ wms_layer_count++;
+ * check the scale of the layer
+ *
+ * @param Object mapObj the mapbender mapObject of the layer
+ * @param Integer scale [optional] a scale given by the user,
+ * if not given, use the map's current scale
+ * @return boolean if the layer is in scale or not
+ * @type boolean
+ */
+wms_layer.prototype.checkScale = function(mapObj, scale){
+ var minScale = parseInt(this.gui_layer_minscale, 10);
+ var maxScale = parseInt(this.gui_layer_maxscale, 10);
+ var currentScale;
+ if (typeof(scale) === "number") {
+ currentScale = scale;
+ }
+ else {
+ currentScale = parseInt(mapObj.getScale(), 10);
+ }
+ if(minScale === 0 && maxScale === 0){
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(minScale > currentScale || (maxScale !== 0 && maxScale < currentScale)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ * set visibility of the layer
+ * @param boolean visible visibility on/off
+ */
+wms_layer.prototype.setVisible = function(visible){
+ this.gui_layer_visible = parseInt(visible, 10);
+ //console.log("setVisible(%i) for Layer %s",visible, this.layer_name);
+ * set queryability of the layer
+ * @param boolean queryable queryability on/off
+ */
+wms_layer.prototype.setQueryable = function(queryable){
+ this.gui_layer_querylayer = parseInt(queryable, 10);
+ //console.log("setQueryable(%i) for Layer %s",queryable, this.layer_name);
Added: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/php/mod_map1.php
--- branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/php/mod_map1.php (rev 0)
+++ branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/php/mod_map1.php 2009-06-04 13:50:53 UTC (rev 4001)
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# $Id: mod_map1.php 2144 2008-02-26 23:16:14Z christoph $
+# http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Administration
+# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
+<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
+<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
+echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.CHARSET.'">';
+$sql = "SELECT e_width, e_height FROM gui_element WHERE e_id = 'mapframe1' AND fkey_gui_id = $1";
+$v = array($_SESSION["mb_user_gui"]);
+$t = array("s");
+$res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t);
+$cnt = 0;
+while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+ $e_width = $row["e_width"];
+ $e_height = $row["e_height"];
+ $cnt++;
+if($cnt > 1){ echo "alert('mapframe1: ID not unique!');";}
+echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
+echo "\n";
+echo "var mod_map1_width = '".$e_width."';\n";
+echo "var mod_map1_height = '".$e_height."';\n";
+echo "</script>\n";
+<script type="text/javascript">
+function init () {
+ parent.eventInitMap.register(function init_mod_map1(){
+ parent.mb_registerMapObj('mapframe1', 'maps', null,mod_map1_width, mod_map1_height);
+ document.getElementById("maps").style.width = mod_map1_width;
+ document.getElementById("maps").style.height = mod_map1_height;
+ });
+// -->
+<body leftmargin='0' topmargin='0' onload="init()" bgcolor='#ffffff'>
+<div id='markResult' name='maps' style ='position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 0px; height: 0px; z-index:26'> </div>
+<div id='maps' name='maps' style ='position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 0px; height: 0px; z-index:2;'> </div>
+<div id='highlight' style="position:absolute;top:-10px;left:-10px;width:14px;height:14px;z-index:3;visibility:visible"><img src="../img/redball.gif"/></div>
+<div id='l_right' name='l_right' style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:0px;height:0px;overflow:hidden;z-index:10;visibility:hidden;background-color:#ff0000;cursor: crosshair;"></div>
+<div id='l_bottom' name='l_bottom' style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:0px;height:0px;overflow:hidden;z-index:11;visibility:hidden;background-color:#ff0000;cursor: crosshair;"></div>
+<div id='l_left' name='l_left' style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:0px;height:0px;overflow:hidden;z-index:12;visibility:hidden;background-color:#ff0000;cursor: crosshair;"></div>
+<div id='l_top' name='l_top' style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:0px;height:0px;overflow:hidden;z-index:13;visibility:hidden;background-color:#ff0000;cursor: crosshair;"></div>
+<div id="sandclock" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:14;"></div>
+<div id="scalebar" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:15;"></div>
+<div id="measuring" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:16; font-size:10px"></div>
+<div id="measure_display" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:17;"></div>
+<div id="copyright" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:18;"></div>
+<div id="measure_sub" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:19;"></div>
+<div id='permanent' style="position:absolute;top:-10px;left:-10px;width:14px;height:14px;z-index:13;visibility:hidden"><img src="../img/redball.gif"/></div>
+<div id="digitize_sub" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:24;"></div>
+<div id="digitize_display" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:25;"></div>
+<div id='um_title' name='um_title' style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; DISPLAY:none; OVERFLOW:visible; POSITION:absolute; DISPLAY:none; BACKGROUND:#BEC1C4;border:1px solid black; z-index:98;"></div>
+<div id='um_draw' name='um_draw' style="LEFT:0px;OVERFLOW:visible;POSITION:absolute;TOP:0px;z-index:99;"></div>
+<img id='um_img' name='um_img' style ='position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 0px; height: 0px; border:0;z-index:100' src='../img/transparent.gif' useMap='#um'>
+<map name='um' id='um'></map>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+ require_once "../javascripts/point.js";
+ require_once "../extensions/jquery.js";
+ require_once "../extensions/jqjson.js";
+ require_once "../extensions/wz_jsgraphics.js";
+ require_once "../print_dynamic/printbox.js";
Added: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/img/mapbender_logo.png
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/img/mapbender_logo.png
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/img/northarrow.png
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/img/northarrow.png
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/img/northarrow_plain.png
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/img/northarrow_plain.png
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/mod_printPDF.php
--- branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/mod_printPDF.php (rev 0)
+++ branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/mod_printPDF.php 2009-06-04 13:50:53 UTC (rev 4001)
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# $Id: mod_printPDF.php
+# http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/mod_printPDF.php
+# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+ <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" />
+ <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
+ <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" />
+ <?php printf("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=%s\" />",CHARSET); ?>
+ <title>Print PDF</title>
+ <?php
+ //FIXME:
+ //setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE.utf8");
+ require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/".$_REQUEST["conf"]);
+ printf("
+ <script type=\"text/javascript\">
+ var target = '%s';
+ var comment1 = '%s';
+ var comment1_length = %s;
+ var comment2 = '%s';
+ var comment2_length = %s;
+ var label_button = '%s';
+ var type = '%s';
+ </script>",
+ $_REQUEST["target"],$label_comment1,$comment1_length,$label_comment2,$comment2_length,$label_button,$type
+ );
+ ?>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ <!--
+ var size;
+ var format;
+ var map_width;
+ var map_height;
+ if(type=='window'){
+ var pt = window.opener;
+ }
+ else if(type == 'iframe'){
+ var pt = parent;
+ }
+ var printBox;
+ function createPrintBox () {
+ size = "A4";
+ document.form1.size.value = size;
+ format = "portrait";
+ var w, h;
+ validate();
+ printBox = pt.window.frames[target].createBox({
+ target:target,
+ width : w/parent.mb_resolution,
+ height : h/parent.mb_resolution,
+ scale : 1000000,
+ afterChangeAngle : function (obj) {
+ if (typeof(obj) == "object") {
+ if (typeof(obj.angle) == "number") {
+ document.form1.angle.value = obj.angle;
+ }
+ if (obj.coordinates) {
+ document.form1.coordinates.value = String(obj.coordinates);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ afterChangeSize : function (obj) {
+ if (typeof(obj) == "object") {
+ if (obj.scale) {
+ document.form1.scale.value = obj.scale;
+ }
+ if (obj.coordinates) {
+ document.form1.coordinates.value = String(obj.coordinates);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ pt.eventAfterMapRequest.register(function () {
+ if (typeof(printBox) !== "undefined") {
+ printBox.repaint();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function destroyPrintBox () {
+ if (printBox) {
+ printBox.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ function mod_legend_print(){
+ var mod_legend_target = target;
+ var ind = pt.getMapObjIndexByName(mod_legend_target);
+ var layers;
+ document.forms[0].layers.value = "";
+ document.forms[0].wms_id.value = "";
+ document.forms[0].wms_title.value = "";
+ document.forms[0].legendurl.value = "";
+ for(var i=0; i<pt.mb_mapObj[ind].wms.length; i++){
+ layers = pt.mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].getLayers(pt.mb_mapObj[ind]);
+ if(layers != "" && layers){
+ if(i>0 && document.forms[0].wms_id.value!=''){
+ document.forms[0].layers.value += "___";
+ document.forms[0].wms_id.value += "___";
+ document.forms[0].wms_title.value += "___";
+ document.forms[0].legendurl.value += "___";
+ }
+ document.forms[0].wms_id.value += pt.mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].wms_id;
+ document.forms[0].wms_title.value += pt.mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].wms_title;
+ for(var j=0; j<layers.length; j++){
+ var layer = layers[j];
+ var title = pt.mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].getTitleByLayerName(layers[j]);
+ var layerStyle = pt.mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].getCurrentStyleByLayerName(layers[j]);
+ if(layerStyle==false){
+ var temp_legendurl = pt.mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].getLegendUrlByGuiLayerStyle(layers[j],"default");
+ }
+ else{
+ var temp_legendurl = pt.mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].getLegendUrlByGuiLayerStyle(layers[j],layerStyle);
+ }
+ //---------- legendurl ----------
+ tmp_name = "";
+ if(j>0){
+ document.forms[0].layers.value += ",";
+ }
+ document.forms[0].layers.value += title;
+ if(j>0){
+ document.forms[0].legendurl.value += ",";
+ }
+ if (temp_legendurl!= '' || !temp_legendurl == 'true'){
+ document.forms[0].legendurl.value += temp_legendurl;
+ }else{
+ document.forms[0].legendurl.value +='0';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(i>0 && document.forms[0].wms_id.value!=''){
+ document.forms[0].layers.value += "___";
+ document.forms[0].wms_id.value += "___";
+ document.forms[0].wms_title.value += "___";
+ document.forms[0].legendurl.value += "___";
+ }
+ document.forms[0].layers.value += "0";
+ document.forms[0].wms_id.value += "0";
+ document.forms[0].wms_title.value += "0";
+ document.forms[0].legendurl.value += "0";
+ }
+ }//for
+ //alert(document.forms[0].layers.value+"---"+document.forms[0].wms_id.value+"---"+document.forms[0].wms_title.value+"---"+document.forms[0].legendurl.value);
+ }
+ function validate(){
+ size = document.getElementById('size').options[document.getElementById('size').selectedIndex].value;
+ format = document.getElementById('format').options[document.getElementById('format').selectedIndex].value;
+ if(size != "false" && format != "false"){
+ if(size == "A4" && format == "portrait"){
+ map_width = <?php echo $a4p_map_width; ?>;
+ map_height = <?php echo $a4p_map_height; ?>;
+ }
+ if(size == "A4" && format == "landscape"){
+ map_width = <?php echo $a4l_map_width; ?>;
+ map_height = <?php echo $a4l_map_height; ?>;
+ }
+ if(size == "A3" && format == "portrait"){
+ map_width = <?php echo $a3p_map_width; ?>;
+ map_height = <?php echo $a3p_map_height; ?>;
+ }
+ if(size == "A3" && format == "landscape"){
+ map_width = <?php echo $a3l_map_width; ?>;
+ map_height = <?php echo $a3l_map_height; ?>;
+ }
+ if(size == "A2" && format == "portrait"){
+ map_width = <?php echo $a2p_map_width; ?>;
+ map_height = <?php echo $a2p_map_height; ?>;
+ }
+ if(size == "A2" && format == "landscape"){
+ map_width = <?php echo $a2l_map_width; ?>;
+ map_height = <?php echo $a2l_map_height; ?>;
+ }
+ if(size == "A1" && format == "portrait"){
+ map_width = <?php echo $a1p_map_width; ?>;
+ map_height = <?php echo $a1p_map_height; ?>;
+ }
+ if(size == "A1" && format == "landscape"){
+ map_width = <?php echo $a1l_map_width; ?>;
+ map_height = <?php echo $a1l_map_height; ?>;
+ }
+ if(size == "A0" && format == "portrait"){
+ map_width = <?php echo $a0p_map_width; ?>;
+ map_height = <?php echo $a0p_map_height; ?>;
+ }
+ if(size == "A0" && format == "landscape"){
+ map_width = <?php echo $a0l_map_width; ?>;
+ map_height = <?php echo $a0l_map_height; ?>;
+ }
+ if (typeof printbox !== "undefined") {
+ printBox.setPrintWidthAndHeight(map_width, map_height);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function updateLayerVisibilityInMapUrl (map, wmsIndex, scale) {
+ var thisLayer;
+ var url = map.mapURL[wmsIndex];
+ var pattern = /LAYERS=([^&]*)/i;
+ var layerList = pattern.exec(url);
+ if (layerList.length > 0) {
+ thisLayer = layerList[1].split(",");
+ }
+ else {
+ return url;
+ }
+ var newUrl = "";
+ // this code is copied from mb_checkScale
+ var thisScale = scale;
+ var str_layer = "";
+ var cnt_layer = 0;
+ for(var i=0; i < map.wms[wmsIndex].objLayer.length; i++){
+ var currentLayer = map.wms[wmsIndex].objLayer[i];
+ var myLayername = currentLayer.layer_name;
+ var myMinscale = currentLayer.gui_layer_minscale;
+ var myMaxscale = currentLayer.gui_layer_maxscale;
+ for (var ii=0; ii<thisLayer.length; ii++){
+ var minscaleOK = false;
+ var maxscaleOK = false;
+ if(thisLayer[ii] == myLayername){
+ if(myMinscale === 0 || thisScale >= myMinscale){minscaleOK = true;}
+ if(myMaxscale === 0 || thisScale <= myMaxscale){maxscaleOK = true;}
+ if (maxscaleOK === true &&
+ minscaleOK === true &&
+ !currentLayer.has_childs){
+ if(cnt_layer > 0) {
+ str_layer += ",";
+ }
+ str_layer += thisLayer[ii];
+ cnt_layer++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newUrl = url.replace(pattern, "LAYERS=" + str_layer);
+ return newUrl;
+ }
+ function refreshParams(){
+// validate();
+ var f = document.forms[0];
+ size = document.getElementById('size').options[document.getElementById('size').selectedIndex].value;
+ format = document.getElementById('format').options[document.getElementById('format').selectedIndex].value;
+ scale = parseInt(document.getElementById('scale').value, 10);
+ if(size != "" && format != ""){
+ var ind = pt.getMapObjIndexByName(target);
+ f.map_url.value = '';
+ for(var i=0; i<pt.mb_mapObj[ind].wms.length; i++){
+ if(pt.mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].gui_wms_visible > 0){
+ if (pt.mb_mapObj[ind].mapURL[i] != false &&
+ pt.mb_mapObj[ind].mapURL[i] != 'false' &&
+ pt.mb_mapObj[ind].mapURL[i] != '') {
+ if(f.map_url.value != ""){
+ f.map_url.value += "___";
+ }
+ // set layer visibility according to scale of the box
+ var mapUrl = updateLayerVisibilityInMapUrl(pt.mb_mapObj[ind], i, scale);
+ f.map_url.value += mapUrl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //overview_url
+ var ind_overview = pt.getMapObjIndexByName('overview');
+ if(pt.mb_mapObj[ind_overview].mapURL != false ){
+ f.overview_url.value = pt.mb_mapObj[ind_overview].mapURL;
+ }
+ }
+ f.map_scale.value = scale;
+ f.epsg.value = pt.mb_mapObj[ind].epsg;
+ mod_legend_print();
+ }
+ function printMap(){
+ if(size != "false" && (format == "portrait" || format == "landscape")){
+ refreshParams();
+ if(document.form1.c1.value != comment1){
+ document.form1.comment1.value = document.form1.c1.value;
+ }
+ if(document.form1.c2.value != comment2){
+ document.form1.comment2.value = document.form1.c2.value;
+ }
+ if(document.form1.mylegendcheckbox.checked == 0){
+ document.form1.mylegend.value = 'false';
+ }else{
+ document.form1.mylegend.value = 'true';
+ }
+ // write the measured coordinates
+ if (pt.mod_measure_RX != undefined && pt.mod_measure_RY != undefined) {
+ var tmp_x = '';
+ var tmp_y = '';
+ for(i = 0; i<pt.mod_measure_RX.length; i++) {
+ if(tmp_x != '') {
+ tmp_x += ','
+ }
+ tmp_x += pt.mod_measure_RX[i];
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i<pt.mod_measure_RY.length; i++) {
+ if(tmp_y != '') {
+ tmp_y += ','
+ }
+ tmp_y += pt.mod_measure_RY[i];
+ }
+ document.forms['form1'].elements['measured_x_values'].value = tmp_x;
+ document.forms['form1'].elements['measured_y_values'].value = tmp_y;
+ }
+ if (format == "portrait") {
+ document.form1.mapwidth.value = parseInt(map_width, 10);
+ document.form1.mapheight.value = parseInt(map_height, 10);
+ }
+ else if (format == "landscape") {
+ document.form1.mapwidth.value = parseInt(map_height, 10);
+ document.form1.mapheight.value = parseInt(map_width, 10);
+ }
+ document.form1.submit();
+ }
+ else{
+ alert('<?php echo _mb("No format selected")."!"?>');
+ }
+ }
+ function checkCommentLength(obj,maxLength){
+ if(obj.value.length > maxLength){
+ obj.value = obj.value.substr(0,maxLength);
+ }
+ }
+ -->
+ </script>
+ <?php include("../include/dyn_css.php"); ?>
+<body onload="createPrintBox()" onunload="destroyPrintBox()">
+<form name="form1" method="post" action="mod_printPDF_pdf.php?<?php echo SID; ?>" target="_blank">
+<p id="container_size">
+ <label for="size"><?php echo $label_format ?></label>
+ <select id="size" name="size" onchange="validate();">
+ <option value="false">-</option>
+ <?php
+ for($i = 4; $i >= 0; $i--) {
+ if(${"a".$i}) {
+ printf("<option value=\"A%s\">%s</option>",$i,${"label_format_a".$i});
+ }
+ }
+ ?>
+ </select>
+<p id="container_orientation">
+ <label for="format"><?php echo $label_orientation; ?></label>
+ <select id="format" name="format" onchange="if (this.value == 'portrait') printBox.setPortrait(); else printBox.setLandscape();">
+ <option value="portrait"><?php echo $label_portrait; ?></option>
+ <option value="landscape"><?php echo $label_landscape; ?></option>
+ </select>
+<?php if($highquality === TRUE): ?>
+ <p id="container_quality">
+ <label for="quality"><?php echo $label_quality; ?></label>
+ <input type="radio" id="quality" name="quality" value="1" checked="checked" /> <?php echo $label_72dpi; ?>
+ <input type="radio" id="quality" name="quality" value="2" /> <?php echo $label_288dpi; ?>
+ </p>
+<?php endif; ?>
+ for($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) {
+ $max_comment_length = ${"comment".$i."_length"};
+ $label_hint = ($max_comment_length > -1) ? sprintf(" <em>("._mb("max.")." %s)</em>",$max_comment_length) : NULL;
+ $javascript = ($max_comment_length > -1) ? sprintf(" onblur=\"checkCommentLength(this,%s)\"",$max_comment_length) : NULL;
+ $html = sprintf("<p id=\"container_comment%s\">",$i);
+ $html .= sprintf("<label for=\"c%s\">%s%s</label> ",$i,${"label_comment".$i},$label_hint);
+ $html .= sprintf("<textarea id=\"c%s\" name=\"c%s\" cols=\"20\" rows=\"2\"%s></textarea> ",$i,$i,$javascript);
+ $html .= "</p>";
+ echo $html;
+ }
+ <p id="container_angle">
+ <label for="angle"><?php echo $label_angle; ?></label>
+ <input type="text" id="angle" name="angle" value="0" onchange="printBox.setAngle(parseInt(this.value))"/>
+ </p>
+ <p id="container_scale">
+ <label for="scale"><?php echo $label_scale; ?></label>
+ <input type="text" id="scale" name="scale" value="0" onchange="printBox.setScale(parseInt(this.value))"/>
+ </p>
+ <input type="hidden" id="coordinates" name="coordinates" value="0" />
+ <input type="hidden" id="mapwidth" name="mapwidth" value="0" />
+ <input type="hidden" id="mapheight" name="mapheight" value="0" />
+<?php if($legend === TRUE): ?>
+ <p id="container_legend">
+ <label for="mylegendcheckbox"><?php echo $label_legend; ?></label>
+ <input type="checkbox" id="mylegendcheckbox" name="mylegendcheckbox" value="false" />
+ </p>
+<?php else: ?>
+ <input type="hidden" name="mylegendcheckbox" value="false" />
+<?php endif; ?>
+<input type="hidden" name="map_url" />
+<input type="hidden" name="overview_url" />
+<input type="hidden" name="wms_title" />
+<input type="hidden" name="wms_id" />
+<input type="hidden" name="layers" />
+<input type="hidden" name="legendurl" />
+<input type="hidden" name="map_scale" />
+<input type="hidden" name="epsg" />
+<input type="hidden" name="conf" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST["conf"]; ?>" />
+<input type="hidden" name="comment1" />
+<input type="hidden" name="comment2" />
+<input type="hidden" name="mylegend" value="true" >
+<input type="hidden" name="measured_x_values" />
+<input type="hidden" name="measured_y_values" />
+ <input type="button" id="print" name="print" value="<?php echo $label_button; ?>" onclick="printMap();" />
Added: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/mod_printPDF_pdf.php
--- branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/mod_printPDF_pdf.php (rev 0)
+++ branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/mod_printPDF_pdf.php 2009-06-04 13:50:53 UTC (rev 4001)
@@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
+# $Id:
+# http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/mod_printPDF_pdf.php
+# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../classes/class.ezpdf.php");
+include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../classes/class_stripRequest.php");
+include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../classes/class_weldMaps2PNG_rotate.php");
+include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../classes/class_weldOverview2PNG_rotate.php");
+include (dirname(__FILE__)."/".$_REQUEST["conf"]);
+include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../classes/class_SaveLegend.php");
+include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../print/print_functions.php");
+if($log == true){
+ include (dirname(__FILE__)."/../classes/class_log.php");
+$factor = intval($_REQUEST["quality"]);
+#$date = date("d.m.Y",strtotime("now"));
+$linewidth_dashed = 0.5;
+$linewidth = 0.5;
+function microtime_float(){
+ list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
+ return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
+$time_start = microtime_float();
+$time_end = microtime_float();
+$time = $time_end - $time_start;
+function rotate($point, $center, $angle) {
+ if ($angle === 0) {
+ return $point;
+ }
+ // first, calculate point around 0
+ // then rotate
+ // then add center vector again
+ $pNew = array(
+ $point[0] - $center[0],
+ $point[1] - $center[1]
+ );
+ $angle = deg2rad(-$angle);
+ return array(
+ ($pNew[0] * cos($angle) + $pNew[1] * sin($angle)) + $center[0],
+ ($pNew[0] * -sin($angle) + $pNew[1] * cos($angle)) + $center[1]
+ );
+function rotatePoints($coordArray, $angle) {
+ $center = array(
+ ($coordArray[2] + $coordArray[0]) / 2,
+ ($coordArray[3] + $coordArray[1]) / 2,
+ );
+ $p1 = array(
+ $coordArray[0],
+ $coordArray[1]
+ );
+ $p2 = array(
+ $coordArray[2],
+ $coordArray[1]
+ );
+ $p3 = array(
+ $coordArray[2],
+ $coordArray[3]
+ );
+ $p4 = array(
+ $coordArray[0],
+ $coordArray[3]
+ );
+ $newCoordArray = array(
+ rotate($p1, $center, $angle),
+ rotate($p2, $center, $angle),
+ rotate($p3, $center, $angle),
+ rotate($p4, $center, $angle)
+ );
+ return $newCoordArray;
+/* -------------------------------------- */
+$size = $_REQUEST["size"];
+$format = $_REQUEST["format"];
+$map_scale = $_REQUEST["map_scale"];
+$overview_url = $_REQUEST["overview_url"];
+$epsg = $_REQUEST["epsg"];
+ $overview = false;
+function setscalebar($scale){
+ $mb_resolution = 28.35;
+ if($scale < 16){
+ $value = "10";
+ $unit = "cm";
+ $scalefactor = 10/$scale;
+ $img_width = round($scalefactor * $mb_resolution);
+ }
+ if($scale >= 16 && $scale < 151){
+ $value = "1";
+ $unit = "Meter";
+ $scalefactor = 100/$scale;
+ $img_width = round($scalefactor * $mb_resolution);
+ }
+ if($scale >= 151 && $scale < 1550 ){
+ $value = "10";
+ $unit = "Meter";
+ $scalefactor = 1000/$scale;
+ $img_width = round($scalefactor * $mb_resolution);
+ }
+ if($scale >= 1550 && $scale < 15050){
+ $value = "100";
+ $unit = "Meter";
+ $scalefactor = 10000/$scale;
+ $img_width = round($scalefactor * $mb_resolution);
+ }
+ if($scale < 150050 && $scale >= 15050){
+ $value = "1";
+ $unit = "Kilometer";
+ $scalefactor = 100000/$scale;
+ $img_width = round($scalefactor * $mb_resolution);
+ }
+ if($scale < 1500050 && $scale >= 150050){
+ $value = "10";
+ $unit = "Kilometer";
+ $scalefactor = 1000000/$scale;
+ $img_width = round($scalefactor * $mb_resolution);
+ }
+ if($scale < 15000050 && $scale >= 1500050){
+ $value = "100";
+ $unit = "Kilometer";
+ $scalefactor = 10000000/$scale;
+ $img_width = round($scalefactor * $mb_resolution);
+ }
+ if($scale < 150000001 && $scale >= 15000001){
+ $value = "1000";
+ $unit = "Kilometer";
+ $scalefactor = 100000000/$scale;
+ $img_width = round($scalefactor * $mb_resolution);
+ }
+ if($scale >= 150000001){
+ $value = "1000";
+ $unit = "Kilometer";
+ $scalefactor = 100000000/$scale;
+ $img_width = round($scalefactor * $mb_resolution);
+ }
+ $array_scale[0] = $unit;
+ $array_scale[1] = $img_width;
+ $array_scale[2] = $value;
+ return $array_scale;
+$border = 0.8 * $DPC;
+if($matching == true){
+ $urls = preg_replace($pattern,$replacement,$_REQUEST["map_url"]);
+ $urls = $_REQUEST["map_url"];
+$array_urls = explode("___", $urls);
+$myURL = new stripRequest($array_urls[0]);
+//$map_width = round($myURL->get("width"));
+$map_width = $_REQUEST["mapwidth"];
+//$map_height = round($myURL->get("height"));
+$map_height = $_REQUEST["mapheight"];
+//$map_extent = $myURL->get("BBOX");
+$map_extent = $_REQUEST["coordinates"];
+ for($i=0; $i<count($array_urls); $i++){
+ $m = new stripRequest($array_urls[$i]);
+ $m->set('width',(intval($m->get('width'))*4));
+ $m->set('height',(intval($m->get('height'))*4));
+ if(in_array($m->get('map'),$highqualitymapfiles)){
+ $m->set('map',preg_replace("/\.map/","_4.map",$m->get('map')));
+ }
+ $array_urls[$i] = $m->url;
+ }
+$coord = mb_split(",",$map_extent);
+// analyse overview url and draw rectangle with position
+$o_url = new stripRequest($overview_url);
+$overview_width = round($o_url->get("width"));
+$overview_height = round($o_url->get("height"));
+ $o_url->set('width',(intval($o_url->get('width'))*4));
+ $o_url->set('height',(intval($o_url->get('height'))*4));
+ if(in_array($o_url->get('map'),$highqualitymapfiles)){
+ $o_url->set('map',preg_replace("/\.map/","_4.map",$o_url->get('map')));
+ $overview_url = $o_url->url;
+ }
+if($matching == true){
+ $overview_url = preg_replace($pattern,$replacement,$overview_url);
+if ($size == "A4" && $format == "portrait"){
+ $overview_left = $a4p_overviewOffset_left;
+ $overview_bottom =$a4p_overviewOffset_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A4" && $format == "landscape"){
+ $overview_left = $a4l_overviewOffset_left;
+ $overview_bottom =$a4l_overviewOffset_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A3" && $format == "portrait"){
+ $overview_left = $a3p_overviewOffset_left;
+ $overview_bottom =$a3p_overviewOffset_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A3" && $format == "landscape"){
+ $overview_left = $a3l_overviewOffset_left;
+ $overview_bottom = $a3l_overviewOffset_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A2" && $format == "portrait"){
+ $overview_left = $a2p_overviewOffset_left;
+ $overview_bottom =$a2p_overviewOffset_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A2" && $format == "landscape"){
+ $overview_left = $a2l_overviewOffset_left;
+ $overview_bottom = $a2l_overviewOffset_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A1" && $format == "portrait"){
+ $overview_left = $a1p_overviewOffset_left;
+ $overview_bottom =$a1p_overviewOffset_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A1" && $format == "landscape"){
+ $overview_left = $a1l_overviewOffset_left;
+ $overview_bottom = $a1l_overviewOffset_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A0" && $format == "portrait"){
+ $overview_left = $a0p_overviewOffset_left;
+ $overview_bottom =$a0p_overviewOffset_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A0" && $format == "landscape"){
+ $overview_left = $a0l_overviewOffset_left;
+ $overview_bottom = $a0l_overviewOffset_bottom;
+$o_extent = $o_url->get("BBOX");
+$array_overview_url[0] = $overview_url;
+if($log == true){
+ $l = new log("printPDF_overview",$array_overview_url);
+$o_new = new stripRequest($overview_url);
+$o_url_new =$o_new->url;
+$array_overview[0] = $overview_url;
+$array_overview[1] = $o_url;
+ * north arrow
+ */
+if($size == "A4" && $format == "portrait"){
+ $northarrow_left = $a4p_northarrow_left;
+ $northarrow_bottom = $a4p_northarrow_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A4" && $format == "landscape"){
+ $northarrow_left = $a4l_northarrow_left;
+ $northarrow_bottom = $a4l_northarrow_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A3" && $format == "portrait"){
+ $northarrow_left = $a3p_northarrow_left;
+ $northarrow_bottom = $a3p_northarrow_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A3" && $format == "landscape"){
+ $northarrow_left = $a3l_northarrow_left;
+ $northarrow_bottom = $a3l_northarrow_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A2" && $format == "portrait"){
+ $northarrow_left = $a2p_northarrow_left;
+ $northarrow_bottom = $a2p_northarrow_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A2" && $format == "landscape"){
+ $northarrow_left = $a2l_northarrow_left;
+ $northarrow_bottom = $a2l_northarrow_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A1" && $format == "portrait"){
+ $northarrow_left = $a1p_northarrow_left;
+ $northarrow_bottom = $a1p_northarrow_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A1" && $format == "landscape"){
+ $northarrow_left = $a1l_northarrow_left;
+ $northarrow_bottom = $a1l_northarrow_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A0" && $format == "portrait"){
+ $northarrow_left = $a0p_northarrow_left;
+ $northarrow_bottom = $a0p_northarrow_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A0" && $format == "landscape"){
+ $northarrow_left = $a0l_northarrow_left;
+ $northarrow_bottom = $a0l_northarrow_bottom;
+ * special image
+ */
+if ($size == "A4" && $format == "portrait"){
+ $specialImage_left = $a4p_special_left;
+ $specialImage_bottom = $a4p_special_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A4" && $format == "landscape"){
+ $specialImage_left = $a4l_special_left;
+ $specialImage_bottom = $a4l_special_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A3" && $format == "portrait"){
+ $specialImage_left = $a3p_special_left;
+ $specialImage_bottom = $a3p_special_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A3" && $format == "landscape"){
+ $specialImage_left = $a3l_special_left;
+ $specialImage_bottom = $a3l_special_bottom;
+}elseif ($size == "A2" && $format == "portrait"){
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+ new page for legend
+ ------------------------ */
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+ // url with grouped layers------------------
+ $temp_url = explode('*',$my_legendurls[$j]);
+ $temp_layers = explode('*',$layer[$j]);
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+ $y_position = $pdf->ezText("", 1, array('spacing'=>1.2));
+ }
+ $layer_zeilenhoehe = $pdf->getFontHeight(11);
+ $next_position = $y_position - $layer_zeilenhoehe - $imgsize[1];
+ // add this to the height of the legend / addiere dies zur Gesamth�he Legende
+ $sum_legend_height += $layer_zeilenhoehe;
+ $l = $l+1;
+ // if text + picture are smaler then the lower margin + textsize, then set a space
+ //wenn Schrift + Bild kleiner der unteren Margin + Zeilenhoehe, dann Abstand setzen
+ if($size == "A4" && $format == "portrait" && $next_position <= 35 +$layer_zeilenhoehe){ //90 $layer_zeilenhoehe
+ $space = $layer_zeilenhoehe + $imgsize[1];
+ $pdf->ezSetDy(-$space);
+ }
+ if($size == "A4" && $format == "landscape" && $next_position <= 35+$layer_zeilenhoehe){//50
+ $space = $layer_zeilenhoehe + $imgsize[1];
+ $pdf->ezSetDy(-$space);
+ }
+ //write the header layername / Ueberschrift schreiben
+ $legend = $temp_layers[$q]."\n"; //$layer[$j]."\n";
+ $pdf->ezText($legend, 11, array('spacing'=>1.2));
+ //$pdf->ezText($url, 9, array('spacing'=>1.2));
+ //print the picture / Bild schreiben
+ $pdf->ezImage($legendFilename, 0, 'width', 'none', 'left');
+ if($unlink == true){
+ unlink($legendFilename);
+ }
+ } //if legendurl
+ }// for legendurl
+ //frames (x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ if($size == "A4" && $format == "portrait"){
+ #line
+ $pdf->setLineStyle($linewidth, '', '', array());
+ //left
+ $pdf->line($mapOffset_left - $border, $mapOffset_bottom - $border - $footer_height, $mapOffset_left - $border, $mapOffset_bottom + $map_height + $border + $header_height);
+ //right
+ $pdf->line($mapOffset_left - $border, $mapOffset_bottom + $map_height + $border + $header_height, $mapOffset_left + $map_width + $border, $mapOffset_bottom + $map_height + $border + $header_height);
+ //top
+ $pdf->line($mapOffset_left + $map_width + $border, $mapOffset_bottom + $map_height + $border + $header_height, $mapOffset_left + $map_width + $border, $mapOffset_bottom - $border - $footer_height);
+ //bottom
+ $pdf->line($mapOffset_left + $map_width + $border, $mapOffset_bottom -$border - $footer_height, $mapOffset_left - $border, $mapOffset_bottom - $border - $footer_height);
+ if ($legendImage!=''){
+ //image on top of page
+ $pdf->addPngFromFile($legendImage, $mapOffset_left + $map_width + $border - $legendImage_width -6, $mapOffset_bottom + $map_height + $border + $header_height - $legendImage_height - 4 , $legendImage_width, $legendImage_height);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $pdf->setLineStyle($linewidth, '', '', array());
+ //left
+ $pdf->line($mapOffset_left - $border, $mapOffset_bottom - $border, $mapOffset_left - $border, $mapOffset_bottom + $map_height + $border);
+ //right
+ $pdf->line($mapOffset_left - $border, $mapOffset_bottom + $map_height + $border , $mapOffset_left + $map_width + $border, $mapOffset_bottom + $map_height + $border);
+ //top
+ $pdf->line($mapOffset_left + $map_width + $border, $mapOffset_bottom + $map_height + $border , $mapOffset_left + $map_width + $border, $mapOffset_bottom - $border);
+ //bottom
+ $pdf->line($mapOffset_left + $map_width + $border, $mapOffset_bottom -$border , $mapOffset_left - $border, $mapOffset_bottom - $border);
+ if ($legendImage!=''){
+ //image on top of page
+ $pdf->addPngFromFile($legendImage, $mapOffset_left + $map_width + $border - $legendImage_width -6, $mapOffset_bottom + $map_height + $border - $legendImage_height -4 , $legendImage_width, $legendImage_height);
+ //line under legend (only landscape)
+ //$pdf->line($mapOffset_left - $border, $mapOffset_bottom + $map_height + $border - $legendImage_height - 4 , $mapOffset_left + $map_width + $border, $mapOffset_bottom + $map_height + $border - $legendImage_height - 6);
+ }
+ }
+ }// for layers
+ } //if wms_id not 0
+ }// for wms
+ /****
+ */
+ if($_REQUEST["measured_x_values"] != ""
+ && $_REQUEST["measured_y_values"] != ""
+ && is_file($legendFilenameUserPolygon)) {
+ // load image
+ $myY = $pdf->ezText("<b>temporary Object</b>", 11);
+ $pdf->ezSetDy(-15);
+ $pdf->ezImage($legendFilenameUserPolygon, 5, 17, 'none', 'left');
+ if($unlink == true){
+ unlink($legendFilenameUserPolygon);
+ }
+ $pdf->ezSetY($myY - 7);
+ $pdf->ezText("Element", 11, array("left" => 25));
+ // deletes image
+ $pdf->ezSetDy(-15);
+ }
+$pdf->ezText($legendFooter, 11);
+}//legend true
+/* ------------------------
+ end of legend
+ ------------------------ */
+if($download == false){
+ $pdf->ezStream();
+ $content = $pdf->ezOutput();
+ $fp = fopen($downloadFile,'w');
+ fwrite($fp,$content);
+ fclose($fp);
+ echo "<html><head></head><body><a href='".$downloadFile."'>".$downloadText."</a></body></html>";
Added: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/printPDF_b.conf
--- branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/printPDF_b.conf (rev 0)
+++ branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/printPDF_b.conf 2009-06-04 13:50:53 UTC (rev 4001)
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+$admin = new administration();
+# filename for temporary imagefiles
+$filename = TMPDIR."/map_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
+$download = true;
+$downloadFile = TMPDIR."/map_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".pdf";
+$downloadText = _mb("Download: Map as PDF...");
+*run print as iframe or window
+$type = 'window';
+* Legend
+$label_legend = _mb('print legend');
+$legendFilename = TMPDIR."/legend_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
+$legendFilenameUserPolygon = TMPDIR."/legend_".substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,7).".png";
+$legendText = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Legend"));
+$legendFooter = $admin->char_decode(_mb("powered by Mapbender"));
+$legendImage = "./img/mapbender_logo.png";
+$legendImage_width = 90;
+$legendImage_height = 13;
+# log requests, class 'class_log.php' required
+$log = false;
+# delete images:
+$unlink = true;
+# labeling
+$new_comment1 = $admin->char_decode($_REQUEST["comment1"]);
+$new_comment2 = $admin->char_decode($_REQUEST["comment2"]);
+$text1 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Print preview"));
+$text2 = "Mapbender";
+$text3 = "";
+$text4 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Scale 1:")). " ".$_REQUEST["map_scale"];
+$text5 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Date")) . ": ".date("d.m.Y",strtotime("now"));
+$text6 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("Notes")).":";
+$text7 = "";
+$text8 = $new_comment1;
+$text9 = $new_comment2;
+$text10 = "";
+$text11 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("This copy has been generated automatically and is valid without signature."));
+$text12 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("This copy is protected by law (Par. 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW). It can be duplicated, modified, published or be passed to third parties only in agreement with"));
+$text13 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("the publisher, except duplicates and modifications aimed at internal use of government agencies or private use."));
+$text14 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("This copy is protected by law (Par. 3 Abs. 1 VermKatG NW)."));
+$text15 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("It can be duplicated, modified, published or be passed to third parties only in"));
+$text16 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("agreement with the publisher except duplicates and modifications"));
+$text17 = $admin->char_decode(_mb("aimed at internal use of government agencies or private use."));
+* Labeling for buttons, textfields ...
+$label_format = _mb("Format");
+$label_format_a4 = "A4";
+$label_format_a3 = "A3";
+$label_format_a2 = "A2";
+$label_format_a1 = "A1";
+$label_format_a0 = "A0";
+$label_orientation = _mb("Orientation");
+$label_portrait = _mb("portrait");
+$label_landscape = _mb("landscape");
+$label_angle = _mb("Angle ccw");
+$label_scale = _mb("Scale 1:");
+$label_quality = _mb("Quality");
+$label_72dpi = sprintf(_mb("Quality: %d dpi"), 72);
+$label_288dpi = sprintf(_mb("Quality: %d dpi"), 288);
+$label_comment1 = _mb("Comment")." 1:";
+$label_comment2 = _mb("Comment")." 2:";
+$comment1_length = 30;
+$comment2_length = 30;
+$label_button = _mb("print");
+* default
+* url string matching and replacement
+$matching = false;
+$pattern = "/192\.168\.2\.113/";
+$replacement = "";
+* high quality printing 288dpi
+* highquality mapfiles will be supplemented with "_4"
+* example: germany.map -> germany_4.map
+$highquality = true;
+$highqualitymapfiles = array(
+ "/data/umn/germany/germany_demo.map",
+ "/data/umn/mapbender_user/mapbender_user.map"
+# Dots per cm (72 dpi):
+# 28.346456692913385826771653543307
+$DPC = 28.35;
+# available formats:
+$a4 = true;
+$a3 = true;
+$a2 = true;
+$a1 = false;
+$a0 = false;
+# dimensions of the map:
+# A4 portrait
+$a4p_mapOffset_left = 3.3 * $DPC;
+$a4p_mapOffset_bottom = 3 * $DPC;
+$a4p_map_width = 15.7 * $DPC;
+$a4p_map_height = 22 * $DPC;
+$a4p_page_width = 21 * $DPC;
+$a4p_page_height = 29.7 * $DPC;
+$a4p_header_height = 2.6 * $DPC;
+$a4p_footer_height = 1.12 * $DPC;
+# A4 landscape
+$a4l_mapOffset_left = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a4l_mapOffset_bottom = 1.8 * $DPC;
+$a4l_map_width = 25.2 * $DPC;
+$a4l_map_height = 16.4 * $DPC;
+$a4l_page_width = 29.7 * $DPC;
+$a4l_page_height = 21 * $DPC;
+$a4l_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
+$a4l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# A3 protrait
+$a3p_mapOffset_left = 3.3 * $DPC;
+$a3p_mapOffset_bottom = 3 * $DPC;
+$a3p_map_width = 24.1 * $DPC;
+$a3p_map_height = 36.7 * $DPC;
+$a3p_page_width = 29.7 * $DPC;
+$a3p_page_height = 42 * $DPC;
+$a3p_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
+$a3p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# A3 landscape
+$a3l_mapOffset_left = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a3l_mapOffset_bottom = 1.8 * $DPC;
+$a3l_map_width = 37.4 * $DPC;
+$a3l_map_height = 25.4 * $DPC;
+$a3l_page_width = 42 * $DPC;
+$a3l_page_height = 29.7 * $DPC;
+$a3l_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
+$a3l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a2 protrait
+$a2p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a2p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a2p_map_width = 37.3 * $DPC;
+$a2p_map_height = 54.8 * $DPC;
+$a2p_page_width = 42 * $DPC;
+$a2p_page_height = 59.4 * $DPC;
+$a2p_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
+$a2p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a2 landscape
+$a2l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a2l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a2l_map_width = 54.1 * $DPC;
+$a2l_map_height = 37.3 * $DPC;
+$a2l_page_width = 59.4 * $DPC;
+$a2l_page_height = 42 * $DPC;
+$a2l_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
+$a2l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a1 portrait
+$a1p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a1p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a1p_map_width = 54.5 * $DPC;
+$a1p_map_height = 79.5 * $DPC;
+$a1p_page_width = 59.4 * $DPC;
+$a1p_page_height = 84 * $DPC;
+$a1p_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
+$a1p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a1 landscape
+$a1l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a1l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a1l_map_width = 79.5 * $DPC;
+$a1l_map_height = 55.5 * $DPC;
+$a1l_page_width = 84 * $DPC;
+$a1l_page_height = 59.4 * $DPC;
+$a1l_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
+$a1l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a0 portrait
+$a0p_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a0p_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a0p_map_width = 79 * $DPC;
+$a0p_map_height = 115 * $DPC;
+$a0p_page_width = 84 * $DPC;
+$a0p_page_height = 118.8 * $DPC;
+$a0p_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
+$a0p_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+# a0 landscape
+$a0l_mapOffset_left = 3.2 * $DPC;
+$a0l_mapOffset_bottom = 2.3 * $DPC;
+$a0l_map_width = 113 * $DPC;
+$a0l_map_height = 80.5 * $DPC;
+$a0l_page_width = 118.8 * $DPC;
+$a0l_page_height = 84 * $DPC;
+$a0l_header_width = 8.5 * $DPC;
+$a0l_header_height = 6 * $DPC;
+* Overview
+$overview = true;
+$a4p_overviewOffset_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left;
+$a4p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a4l_overviewOffset_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left;
+$a4l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a3p_overviewOffset_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left;
+$a3p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a3l_overviewOffset_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left;
+$a3l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a2p_overviewOffset_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left;
+$a2p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a2l_overviewOffset_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left;
+$a2l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a1p_overviewOffset_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left;
+$a1p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a1l_overviewOffset_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left;
+$a1l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a0p_overviewOffset_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left;
+$a0p_overviewOffset_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom;
+$a0l_overviewOffset_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left;
+$a0l_overviewOffset_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom;
+* Northarrow
+$northarrow = true;
+//$northarrowImage = "./img/northarrow.png";
+$northarrowImage = "./img/northarrow_plain.png";
+$a4p_northarrow_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + 160;
+$a4p_northarrow_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom +2 ;
+$a4l_northarrow_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a4l_northarrow_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom + $a4l_map_height - 40;
+$a3p_northarrow_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left +5;
+$a3p_northarrow_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + $a3p_map_height - 80;
+$a3l_northarrow_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a3l_northarrow_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom + $a3l_map_height - 40;
+$a2p_northarrow_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left +5;
+$a2p_northarrow_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + $a2p_map_height - 80;
+$a2l_northarrow_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a2l_northarrow_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom + $a2l_map_height - 80;
+$a1p_northarrow_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left +5;
+$a1p_northarrow_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + $a1p_map_height - 80;
+$a1l_northarrow_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a1l_northarrow_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom + $a1l_map_height - 160;
+$a0p_northarrow_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left +5;
+$a0p_northarrow_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + $a0p_map_height - 80;
+$a0l_northarrow_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left + 5;
+$a0l_northarrow_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom + $a0l_map_height - 160;
+$northarrowImage_width = 15;
+$northarrowImage_height = 35;
+* special image for the map-page
+$special = true;
+$specialImage = "../img/mapbender_oo.png";
+$a4p_special_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + $a4p_map_width - 50 ;
+$a4p_special_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom + $a4p_map_height + 80;
+$a4l_special_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + $a4l_map_width - $a4l_header_width + 0.8 * $DPC + 10 ;
+$a4l_special_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom + 54;
+$a3p_special_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left + $a3p_map_width - $a3p_header_width ;
+$a3p_special_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + 30;
+$a3l_special_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left + $a3l_map_width - $a3l_header_width + 0.8 * $DPC + 10;
+$a3l_special_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom + 60;
+$a2p_special_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left + $a2p_map_width - $a2p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
+$a2p_special_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + 110;
+$a2l_special_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left + $a2l_map_width - $a2l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
+$a2l_special_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom + 110;
+$a1p_special_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left + $a1p_map_width - $a1p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
+$a1p_special_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + 110;
+$a1l_special_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left + $a1l_map_width - $a1l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
+$a1l_special_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom + 110;
+$a0p_special_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left + $a0p_map_width - $a0p_header_width + 0.1 *$DPC ;
+$a0p_special_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + 110;
+$a0l_special_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left + $a0l_map_width - $a0l_header_width + 0.2 * $DPC ;
+$a0l_special_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom + 110;
+$specialImage_width = 65;
+$specialImage_height = 15;
+* dynamic scalebar
+$scalebar = true;
+$units = "Meter";
+$a4p_scalebar_left = $a4p_mapOffset_left + 2 * $a4p_map_width/3;
+$a4p_scalebar_bottom = $a4p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a4l_scalebar_left = $a4l_mapOffset_left + $a4l_map_width/4 ;
+$a4l_scalebar_bottom = $a4l_mapOffset_bottom + + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a3p_scalebar_left = $a3p_mapOffset_left + $a3p_map_width/4 ;
+$a3p_scalebar_bottom = $a3p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a3l_scalebar_left = $a3l_mapOffset_left + $a3l_map_width/4 ;
+$a3l_scalebar_bottom = $a3l_mapOffset_bottom + + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a2p_scalebar_left = $a2p_mapOffset_left + $a2p_map_width/4 ;
+$a2p_scalebar_bottom = $a2p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a2l_scalebar_left = $a2l_mapOffset_left + $a2l_map_width/4 ;
+$a2l_scalebar_bottom = $a2l_mapOffset_bottom + + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a1p_scalebar_left = $a1p_mapOffset_left + $a1p_map_width/4 ;
+$a1p_scalebar_bottom = $a1p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a1l_scalebar_left = $a1l_mapOffset_left + $a1l_map_width/4 ;
+$a1l_scalebar_bottom = $a1l_mapOffset_bottom + + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a0p_scalebar_left = $a0p_mapOffset_left + $a0p_map_width/4 ;
+$a0p_scalebar_bottom = $a0p_mapOffset_bottom + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$a0l_scalebar_left = $a0l_mapOffset_left + $a0l_map_width/4 ;
+$a0l_scalebar_bottom = $a0l_mapOffset_bottom + + 0.5 * $DPC;
+$scalebar_width = 3 * $DPC;
+$scalebar_height = 0.18 * $DPC;
Added: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/printbox.js
--- branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/printbox.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic/printbox.js 2009-06-04 13:50:53 UTC (rev 4001)
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+function createBox (options) {
+ myPrintBox = new PrintBox(options);
+ myPrintBox.paintPoints();
+ myPrintBox.paintBox();
+ return myPrintBox;
+function PrintBox (options) {
+ if (!options) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ var target = options.target || "mapframe1";
+ var mapObj = parent.getMapObjByName(target);
+ // Default is portrait, A4
+ var printWidth = options.printWidth || 21;
+ var printHeight = options.printHeight || 29.7;
+ // initialised in setScale()
+ var boxWidth, boxHeight;
+ var scale = options.scale || 100000;
+ // behaviour
+ var afterChangeAngle = options.afterChangeAngle || function (obj) {};
+ var afterChangeSize = options.afterChangeSize || function (obj) {};
+ // styles
+ var opacity = options.boxOpacity || 0.6;
+ var boxColour = options.boxColour || "#9999FF";
+ var frameColour = options.frameColour || "#000000";
+ var pointColour = options.pointColour || "#DD0000";
+ var circleColour = options.circleColour || "#DD0000";
+ var circleWidth = options.circleWidth || 4;
+ // attributes
+ this.id = "printbox";
+ var angle = 0;
+ var totalAngle = 0;
+ // the four points of the box as pixel coordinates (incl rotation),
+ // with (0,0) as center. This is important for angle calculations.
+ var pointArray = [];
+ // The pointArray is moved by the center vector.
+ // default: place box in the center of the map
+ var center = options.center || new Point(mapObj.width/2,mapObj.height/2);
+ // the center in real world coordinates
+ var centerMap = null;
+ // the four points of the box as pixel coordinates (NO ROTATION)
+ var startPointPixArray = [];
+ // the four points of the box as real world coordinates (NO ROTATION)
+ var startPointMapArray = [];
+ var that = this;
+ // if the box is smaller than this, the circle will not be drawn
+ // if the box is larger than this, the box will not be filled
+ this.toString = function () {
+ var str = "";
+ str += "Center: " + getCenter() + "\n";
+ str += "Radius: " + radius + "\n";
+ str += "StartRadius: " + startRadius + "\n";
+ str += "Pixelpos: " + String(pointArray) + "\n";
+ str += "StartPixelpos: " + String(startPointPixArray) + "\n";
+ str += "Mappos: " + String(startPointMapArray) + "\n";
+ return str;
+ };
+ var initBehaviour = function () {
+ initMoveBehaviour();
+ initResizeBehaviour();
+ initRotateBehaviour();
+ };
+ var initRotateBehaviour = function () {
+ $circleCanvas.css("z-index", "110").mousedown(function (e) {
+ circleCanvas.clear();
+ var newCenter = getCenter();
+ var mouseMoveStart = getMousePos(e);
+ var vectorA = pointArray[0].minus(newCenter);
+ var currentPos = getMousePos(e);
+ var vectorCurrent = currentPos.minus(newCenter);
+ angle = Math.ceil(getAngle(vectorA, vectorCurrent));
+ $(document).mousemove(function (e) {
+ var currentPos = getMousePos(e);
+ var vectorCurrent = currentPos.minus(newCenter);
+ var currentAngle = Math.ceil(getAngle(vectorA, vectorCurrent));
+ var diffAngle = currentAngle - angle;
+ if (Math.abs(diffAngle) >= 1) {
+ angle = currentAngle;
+ totalAngle = ((totalAngle + diffAngle) +360 )% 360;
+ that.rotate(totalAngle);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }).mouseup(function (e) {
+ angle = 0;
+ $(document).unbind("mousemove");
+ $(document).unbind("mouseup");
+ afterChangeAngle({
+ angle: totalAngle,
+ coordinates: that.getStartCoordinates()
+ });
+ that.paintBox();
+ return false;
+ });
+ return false;
+ }).css("cursor", "move");
+ };
+ var initMoveBehaviour = function () {
+ $boxCanvas.mousedown(function (e) {
+ circleCanvas.clear();
+ var mouseMoveStart = getMousePos(e);
+ var containerStart = new Point(
+ parseInt($container.css("left"), 10),
+ parseInt($container.css("top"), 10)
+ );
+ var diff;
+ $(document).mousemove(function (e) {
+ diff = (getMousePos(e)).minus(mouseMoveStart);
+ $container.css({
+ "top": (containerStart.y + diff.y) + "px",
+ "left": (containerStart.x + diff.x) + "px"
+ });
+ return false;
+ }).mouseup(function (e) {
+ $(document).unbind("mousemove");
+ $(document).unbind("mouseup");
+ recalculateMapPositions();
+ that.rotate(totalAngle);
+ that.paintBox();
+ return false;
+ });
+ return false;
+ });
+ };
+ var initResizeBehaviour = function () {
+ $pointCanvas.css("z-index", "120").mousedown(function (e) {
+ circleCanvas.clear();
+ var vectorA = getCenter();
+ resizeRatio = 1;
+ mouseMoveStart = getMousePos(e);
+ $(document).mousemove(function (e) {
+ var newRadius = vectorA.dist(getMousePos(e));
+ var resizeRatio = newRadius / radius;
+ if (resizeRatio < 0.98 || resizeRatio > 1.02) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) {
+ pointArray[i].x *= resizeRatio;
+ pointArray[i].y *= resizeRatio;
+ startPointPixArray[i].x *= resizeRatio;
+ startPointPixArray[i].y *= resizeRatio;
+ }
+ radius *= resizeRatio;
+ that.paintPoints();
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(document).mouseup(function (e) {
+ $(document).unbind("mousemove");
+ $(document).unbind("mouseup");
+ recalculateMapPositions();
+ recalculatePixPositions();
+ afterChangeSize({
+ scale: that.getScale(),
+ coordinates: that.getStartCoordinates()
+ });
+ that.rotate(totalAngle);
+ that.paintBox();
+ return false;
+ });
+ return false;
+ }).css("cursor", "move");
+ };
+ var setCenter = function (inputCenter) {
+ center = inputCenter.minus(
+ new Point(
+ parseInt($container.css("left"), 10),
+ parseInt($container.css("top"), 10)
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ var getCenter = function () {
+ var c = center.plus(
+ new Point(
+ parseInt($container.css("left"), 10),
+ parseInt($container.css("top"), 10)
+ )
+ );
+ return c;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calculates the angle (-180 < angle <= 180) between two vectors.
+ *
+ * @param {Point} a
+ * @param {Point} b
+ */
+ var getAngle = function (a, b) {
+ var undirectedAngle = 180 * Math.acos(
+ (a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y)
+ /
+ (
+ Math.sqrt(
+ a.x * a.x
+ +
+ a.y * a.y
+ ) *
+ Math.sqrt(
+ b.x * b.x
+ +
+ b.y * b.y
+ )
+ )
+ ) / Math.PI;
+ if ((a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x) > 0) {
+ return -1 * undirectedAngle;
+ }
+ return undirectedAngle;
+ };
+ /**
+ * To be replaced by the map objects native getMousePosition
+ *
+ * @param {Event} e
+ */
+ var getMousePos = function (e) {
+ if ($.msie) {
+ return new Point(event.clientX, event.clientY);
+ }
+ return new Point(e.pageX, e.pageY);
+ };
+ var recalculateMapPositions = function () {
+ for (var i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) {
+ startPointMapArray[i] = convertPixelToMap(startPointPixArray[i].plus(getCenter()));
+ }
+ centerMap = convertPixelToMap(getCenter());
+ };
+ var recalculatePixPositions = function () {
+ setCenter(convertMapToPixel(centerMap));
+ for (var i = 0; i < startPointMapArray.length; i++) {
+ pointArray[i] = convertMapToPixel(startPointMapArray[i]).minus(getCenter());
+ startPointPixArray[i] = convertMapToPixel(startPointMapArray[i]).minus(getCenter());
+ }
+ radius = pointArray[0].dist(new Point(0,0));
+ startRadius = radius;
+ boxWidth = pointArray[2].x - pointArray[0].x;
+ boxHeight = pointArray[0].y - pointArray[2].y;
+ };
+ var initPoints = function () {
+ var w = parseInt((boxWidth/2), 10);
+ var h = parseInt((boxHeight/2), 10);
+ pointArray[0] = new Point(-w, h);
+ pointArray[1] = new Point( w, h);
+ pointArray[2] = new Point( w, -h);
+ pointArray[3] = new Point(-w, -h);
+ startPointPixArray[0] = (new Point(-w, h));
+ startPointPixArray[1] = (new Point( w, h));
+ startPointPixArray[2] = (new Point( w, -h));
+ startPointPixArray[3] = (new Point(-w, -h));
+ radius = pointArray[0].dist(new Point(0,0));
+ startRadius = radius;
+ recalculateMapPositions();
+ scale = that.getScale();
+ };
+ var switchBoxDimensions = function () {
+ setBoxDimensions(boxHeight, boxWidth);
+ afterChangeSize({
+ scale: that.getScale(),
+ coordinates: that.getStartCoordinates()
+ });
+ };
+ this.setPortrait = function () {
+ this.setAngle(0);
+ if (boxWidth > boxHeight) {
+ switchBoxDimensions();
+ }
+ };
+ this.setLandscape = function () {
+ this.setAngle(0);
+ if (boxWidth < boxHeight) {
+ switchBoxDimensions();
+ }
+ };
+ this.setPrintWidthAndHeight = function (width, height) {
+ var currentScale = this.getScale();
+ printWidth = width;
+ printHeight = height;
+ this.setScale(currentScale);
+ };
+ var convertMapToPixel = function (aPoint) {
+ var pArray = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mapObj.frameName, aPoint.x, aPoint.y);
+ return new Point(pArray[0], pArray[1]);
+ };
+ var convertPixelToMap = function (aPoint) {
+ var pArray = parent.makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(mapObj.frameName, aPoint.x, aPoint.y);
+ return new Point(pArray[0], pArray[1]);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets the box width and box height (calculated in setScale)
+ *
+ * @param {Integer} inputWidth
+ * @param {Integer} inputHeight
+ */
+ var setBoxDimensions = function (inputWidth, inputHeight) {
+ boxWidth = inputWidth;
+ boxHeight = inputHeight;
+ initPoints();
+ that.rotate(totalAngle);
+ afterChangeSize({
+ scale: that.getScale(),
+ coordinates: that.getStartCoordinates()
+ });
+ that.paintBox();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns an array of two points, the lower left and upper right of the initial box
+ */
+ this.getStartCoordinates = function () {
+ var a = startPointMapArray[0];
+ var b = startPointMapArray[2];
+ if (!a || !b) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var returnString = a.x + "," + a.y + "," + b.x + "," + b.y;
+ return returnString;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the current scale of the print box
+ */
+ this.getScale = function () {
+ var coords = this.getStartCoordinates();
+ var coordsArray = coords.split(",");
+ var ext = mapObj.getExtentInfos();
+ var extMinX = ext.minx;
+ var extMaxX = ext.maxx;
+ var x = (ext.minx + ext.maxx)/2;
+ var y = (ext.miny + ext.maxy)/2;
+ var scale1 = (x - coordsArray[0]) * (parent.mb_resolution * 100 *2) / mapObj.width;
+ var scale2 = (coordsArray[2] - x) * (parent.mb_resolution * 100 *2) / mapObj.width;
+ scale = Math.round(scale1/2 + scale2/2);
+ return scale;
+ var coords = this.getStartCoordinates();
+ var coordsArray = coords.split(",");
+ xtentx = coordsArray[2] - coordsArray[0];
+ scale = parseInt(Math.ceil(xtentx / (printWidth / 100)), 10);
+ return scale;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Repaints the Box with the current scale. Can be called from outside,
+ * for example after zoom in.
+ */
+ this.repaint = function () {
+ recalculatePixPositions();
+ this.rotate(totalAngle);
+ this.paintBox();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets the current scale, and repaints the box
+ *
+ * @param {Integer} inputScale
+ */
+ this.setScale = function (inputScale) {
+ if (typeof(inputScale) == "number") {
+ var arrayBBox = mapObj.extent.split(",");
+ x = parseFloat(arrayBBox[0]) + ((parseFloat(arrayBBox[2]) - parseFloat(arrayBBox[0]))/2);
+ y = parseFloat(arrayBBox[1]) + ((parseFloat(arrayBBox[3]) - parseFloat(arrayBBox[1]))/2);
+ var minx = parseFloat(x) - (mapObj.width / (parent.mb_resolution * 100 *2) * inputScale);
+ var miny = parseFloat(y) - (mapObj.height / (parent.mb_resolution * 100 *2) * inputScale);
+ var maxx = parseFloat(x) + (mapObj.width / (parent.mb_resolution * 100 *2) * inputScale);
+ var maxy = parseFloat(y) + (mapObj.height / (parent.mb_resolution * 100 *2) * inputScale);
+ var newMinPos = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mapObj.frameName, minx, miny);
+ var newMaxPos = parent.makeRealWorld2mapPos(mapObj.frameName, maxx, maxy);
+ var newBoxWidth = newMaxPos[0] - newMinPos[0];
+ var newBoxHeight = newBoxWidth * (printHeight / printWidth);
+ var mapWidthInM = printWidth / 100;
+ var realWidthInM = inputScale * mapWidthInM;
+ var mapHeightInM = printHeight / 100;
+ var realHeightInM = inputScale * mapHeightInM;
+ var coords = this.getStartCoordinates();
+ if (coords !== null) {
+ var coordsArray = coords.split(",");
+ var oldMin = new Point(parseFloat(coordsArray[0]), parseFloat(coordsArray[1]));
+ var oldMax = new Point(parseFloat(coordsArray[2]), parseFloat(coordsArray[3]));
+ centerMap = (oldMin.times(0.5)).plus(oldMax.times(0.5));
+ }
+ else {
+ centerMap = convertPixelToMap(getCenter());
+ }
+ var newMin = new Point(centerMap.x - 0.5 * realWidthInM, centerMap.y - 0.5 * realHeightInM);
+ var newMax = new Point(centerMap.x + 0.5 * realWidthInM, centerMap.y + 0.5 * realHeightInM);
+ startPointMapArray[0] = new Point(newMin.x, newMin.y);
+ startPointMapArray[1] = new Point(newMax.x, newMin.y);
+ startPointMapArray[2] = new Point(newMax.x, newMax.y);
+ startPointMapArray[3] = new Point(newMin.x, newMax.y);
+ this.getStartCoordinates();
+ var newMinPos = convertMapToPixel(newMin);
+ var newMaxPos = convertMapToPixel(newMax);
+ boxWidth = newMaxPos.x - newMinPos.x;
+ boxHeight = newMinPos.y - newMaxPos.y;
+ var w = parseInt(0.5 * boxWidth, 10);
+ var h = parseInt(0.5 * boxHeight, 10);
+ pointArray[0] = new Point(-w, h);
+ pointArray[1] = new Point( w, h);
+ pointArray[2] = new Point( w, -h);
+ pointArray[3] = new Point(-w, -h);
+ startPointPixArray[0] = (new Point(-w, h));
+ startPointPixArray[1] = (new Point( w, h));
+ startPointPixArray[2] = (new Point( w, -h));
+ startPointPixArray[3] = (new Point(-w, -h));
+ radius = pointArray[0].dist(new Point(0,0));
+ startRadius = radius;
+ this.rotate(totalAngle);
+ afterChangeSize({
+ scale: that.getScale(),
+ coordinates: that.getStartCoordinates()
+ });
+ that.paintBox();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets the angle of the box to a specific angle.
+ *
+ * @param {Integer} angle
+ */
+ this.setAngle = function (angle) {
+ if (typeof(angle) == "number" && angle >= -360) {
+ totalAngle = (360 + angle) % 360;
+ this.rotate(totalAngle);
+ this.paintBox();
+ afterChangeAngle({
+ angle: totalAngle,
+ coordinates: that.getStartCoordinates()
+ });
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ // VIEW
+ //
+ //
+ /**
+ * Rotates the box by a given degree (0 <= degree < 360),
+ * and paints the corner points.
+ *
+ * @param {Integer} degree
+ */
+ this.rotate = function (degree) {
+ var rotationAngle = (Math.PI * parseFloat(degree))/180;
+ var resizeRatio = radius / startRadius;
+ for (var i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) {
+ var p = (convertMapToPixel(startPointMapArray[i])).minus(getCenter());
+ var newx = p.x * Math.cos(rotationAngle) + p.y * Math.sin(rotationAngle);
+ var newy = p.x * -Math.sin(rotationAngle) + p.y * Math.cos(rotationAngle);
+ pointArray[i] = (new Point(newx, newy)).times(resizeRatio);
+ }
+ afterChangeAngle({
+ angle: degree,
+ coordinates: this.getStartCoordinates()
+ });
+ this.paintPoints();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Paints the four corner points of the print box.
+ */
+ this.paintPoints = function () {
+ switchActiveCanvas();
+ var c = center;
+ for (var i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) {
+ activeCanvas.fillEllipse(
+ pointArray[i].x + c.x - 4,
+ pointArray[i].y + c.y - 4,
+ 8,
+ 8
+ );
+ }
+ activeCanvas.paint();
+ passiveCanvas.clear();
+ };
+ var boxTooBig = function () {
+ if (boxWidth > MAX_BOX_WIDTH_OR_HEIGHT || boxHeight > MAX_BOX_WIDTH_OR_HEIGHT) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ var boxTooSmall = function () {
+ if (boxWidth < MIN_BOX_WIDTH_OR_HEIGHT || boxHeight < MIN_BOX_WIDTH_OR_HEIGHT) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Paints the box itself. Plus the circle.
+ */
+ this.paintBox = function () {
+ var r = Math.round(0.75 * radius);
+ var c = center;
+ circleCanvas.clear();
+ if (!boxTooSmall() && !boxTooBig()) {
+ circleCanvas.drawEllipse(c.x-r, c.y-r, 2*r, 2*r);
+ }
+ else {
+ new parent.Mb_warning("The print box is too small or too big. The rotate circle is not shown.");
+ }
+ circleCanvas.paint();
+ boxCanvas.clear();
+ if (!boxTooBig()) {
+ boxCanvas.fillPolygon([
+ pointArray[0].x + c.x,
+ pointArray[1].x + c.x,
+ pointArray[2].x + c.x,
+ pointArray[3].x + c.x
+ ],
+ [
+ pointArray[0].y + c.y,
+ pointArray[1].y + c.y,
+ pointArray[2].y + c.y,
+ pointArray[3].y + c.y
+ ]);
+ }
+ else {
+ new parent.Mb_warning("The print box is too big. The box is not filled.");
+ }
+ // frame
+ boxCanvas.setColor(frameColour);
+ for (var i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) {
+ var indexA = i % 4;
+ var a = pointArray[indexA].plus(center);
+ var indexB = (i + 1) % 4;
+ var b = pointArray[indexB].plus(center);
+ boxCanvas.drawLine(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y);
+ }
+ boxCanvas.setColor(boxColour);
+ boxCanvas.paint();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Clears all canvases, to be performed onunload.
+ */
+ this.destroy = function () {
+ circleCanvas.clear();
+ boxCanvas.clear();
+ activeCanvas.clear();
+ passiveCanvas.clear();
+ };
+ var switchActiveCanvas = function () {
+ if (canvasNr == 1) {
+ canvasNr = 2;
+ activeCanvas = jg[2];
+ passiveCanvas = jg[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ canvasNr = 1;
+ activeCanvas = jg[1];
+ passiveCanvas = jg[2];
+ }
+ };
+ var $container = $("<div id='" + this.id + "' style='position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;" +
+ "'></div>");
+ var $superContainer = $("<div id='container_" + this.id + "' style='position:absolute;z-index:1000;'></div>");
+ $superContainer.append($container);
+ $("body").append($superContainer);
+ var canvasName = [
+ this.id + "_canvas_box",
+ this.id + "_canvas_points1",
+ this.id + "_canvas_points2",
+ this.id + "_canvas_circle"
+ ];
+ var jg = [];
+ var canvasNr = 1;
+ for (var i = 0; i < canvasName.length; i++) {
+ $container.append(
+ $("<div id='" + canvasName[i] + "'></div>")
+ );
+ jg[i] = new jsGraphics(canvasName[i]);
+ }
+ $circleCanvas = $("#" + canvasName[3]);
+ $pointCanvas = $("#" + canvasName[1] + ", #" + canvasName[2]);
+ $boxCanvas = $("#" + canvasName[0]);
+ $boxCanvas.css({
+ "opacity" : opacity,
+ "filter" : "alpha(opacity=" + (opacity * 100) + ")"
+ });
+ var boxCanvas = jg[0];
+ boxCanvas.setColor(boxColour);
+ var activeCanvas = jg[1];
+ activeCanvas.setColor(pointColour);
+ var passiveCanvas = jg[2];
+ passiveCanvas.setColor(pointColour);
+ var circleCanvas = jg[3];
+ circleCanvas.setColor(circleColour);
+ circleCanvas.setStroke(circleWidth);
+ var mouseMoveStart = [];
+ var radius = 0;
+ var startRadius = 0;
+ // "constructor" functions
+ initBehaviour();
+ this.setScale(scale);
+ parent.mb_registerPanSubElement($superContainer.get(0).id);
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic.sql
--- branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic.sql (rev 0)
+++ branches/dynamic_printframe_dev/print_dynamic.sql 2009-06-04 13:50:53 UTC (rev 4001)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+INSERT INTO gui_element(fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_title, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES('gui1','printPDF_dynamic',2,1,'start print GUI','Print','img','../img/button_blink_red/print_off.png','onclick=''window.open("../print_dynamic/mod_printPDF.php?target=mapframe1&sessionID&conf=printPDF_b.conf","printWin","width=260, height=500, resizable=yes ")'' onmouseover=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_off/,"_over");'' onmouseout=''this.src = this.src.replace(/_over/, "_off");'' ',555,60,24,24,1,'','','','','','mapframe1','','http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Print');
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