[Mapbender-commits] r4993 - trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Mon Nov 16 08:26:10 EST 2009

Author: christoph
Date: 2009-11-16 08:26:09 -0500 (Mon, 16 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 4993


Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/map_obj.js
--- trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/map_obj.js	2009-11-16 12:25:55 UTC (rev 4992)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/map_obj.js	2009-11-16 13:26:09 UTC (rev 4993)
@@ -157,43 +157,73 @@
         domElement.style.height = this.height;
-    this.getMousePosition = function(e){
-        var clickX, clickY;
-        if ($.browser.msie) {
-            clickX = parseInt(window.event.offsetX, 10);
-            clickY = parseInt(window.event.offsetY, 10);
-        }
-        else {
-            clickX = e.pageX;
-            clickY = e.pageY;
-        }
-        var currentPos = null;
-        if (this.type == "DIV" && !$.browser.msie) {
-            var mapDomElement = this.getDomElement();
-            currentPos = new Point(clickX - parseInt(mapDomElement.style.left, 10), clickY - parseInt(mapDomElement.style.top, 10));
-            // if the mouse position is not on top of the map, return null
-            if (currentPos.x < 0 || currentPos.x > this.width ||
-            currentPos.y < 0 ||
-            currentPos.y > this.height) {
-                return null;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            currentPos = new Point(clickX, clickY);
-            // sometimes there are divs within the map (like copyright)
-            // then offsetX and offsetY are not valid.
-            if (window.event.srcElement.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "IMG") {
-                var top = parseInt(window.event.srcElement.style.top, 10);
-                var left = parseInt(window.event.srcElement.style.left, 10);
-                currentPos = currentPos.plus(new Point(left, top));
-            }
-        }
-        return currentPos;
-    };
+  	this.getMousePosition = function (event) {
+		var pageX, pageY, offsetX, offsetY;
+		var e = event || window.event;
+		var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
+		if (!e) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		if (typeof e.layerX !== "undefined") {
+			if (target.id === this.getDomElement().id) {
+				offsetX = e.layerX; 
+				offsetY = e.layerY; 
+				return new Point(offsetX, offsetY);
+			}
+		}
+		// FIREFOX w/ other target
+		if (typeof e.pageX !== "undefined") { 
+			pageX = e.pageX; 
+			pageY = e.pageY; 
+		}
+		// IE
+		else if (typeof e.clientX !== "undefined") { 
+			pageX = e.clientX + ((
+						window.document.body && 
+						typeof window.document.body.scrollLeft !== "undefined"
+					) ?
+						window.document.body.scrollLeft : 0);
+			pageY = e.clientY + ((
+						window.document.body && 
+						typeof window.document.body.scrollTop !== "undefined"
+					) ?
+						window.document.body.scrollTop : 0);
+		}
+		var x = 0;
+		var t = (typeof(target)=='string') ? 
+			(document.getElementById ? 
+				document.getElementById(e) : 
+					(document.all ? document.all[e] : null)
+			) : target;
+		while (t) {
+			if ($(t).eq(0).attr("id") === this.getDomElement().id && typeof t.offsetLeft !== "undefined") {
+				x += t.offsetLeft;
+			}
+			t = (typeof t.offsetParent !== "undefined") ?
+				t.offsetParent : null;
+		}
+		pageX -= x;
+		var y = 0;
+		var t = (typeof(target)=='string') ? 
+			(document.getElementById ? 
+				document.getElementById(e) : 
+					(document.all ? document.all[e] : null)
+			) : target;
+		while (t) {
+			if ($(t).eq(0).attr("id") === this.getDomElement().id && typeof t.offsetTop !== "undefined") {
+				y += t.offsetTop;
+			}
+			t = (typeof t.offsetParent !== "undefined") ?
+				t.offsetParent : null;
+		}
+		pageY -= y; 
+		return new Point(pageX, pageY);
+	};
      * converts the extent of the mapobject so that the maximum	extent will be displayed
@@ -526,21 +556,13 @@
-    /**
-     * zoom the map with a zoomfactor and optional to x,y coords
-     *
-     * @param {boolean} in_ in = true, out = false
-     * @param {float} factor the zoomfactor 1 equals 100%
-     * @param {float} x center to x-position
-     * @param {float} y center to y-position
-     */
-    this.zoom = function(in_, factor, x, y){
+	var calculateExtentAfterZoom = function (in_, factor, x, y) {
         factor = parseFloat(factor);
         if (!in_) {
             factor = 1 / factor;
-        var extent = this.getExtentInfos();
+        var extent = that.getExtentInfos();
         var distx = extent.maxx - extent.minx;
         var disty = extent.maxy - extent.miny;
@@ -589,7 +611,19 @@
-        this.setExtent(minx, miny, maxx, maxy);
+		return new Mapbender.Extent(minx, miny, maxx, maxy);		
+	};
+    /**
+     * zoom the map with a zoomfactor and optional to x,y coords
+     *
+     * @param {boolean} in_ in = true, out = false
+     * @param {float} factor the zoomfactor 1 equals 100%
+     * @param {float} x center to x-position
+     * @param {float} y center to y-position
+     */
+    this.zoom = function(in_, factor, x, y){
+        this.setExtent(calculateExtentAfterZoom(in_, factor, x, y));
@@ -676,7 +710,7 @@
      * Return the map URL of the WMS at index i
      * @param {Object} currentWmsIndex
-    this.getMapUrl = function(ii){
+    this.getMapUrl = function(ii, extent){
         var currentWms = this.wms[ii];
         var validLayers = currentWms.getLayers(this);
         if (validLayers.length === 0) {
@@ -712,7 +746,7 @@
         url += "&";
         url += "SRS=" + this.epsg + "&";
-        url += "BBOX=" + this.getExtent() + "&";
+        url += "BBOX=" + extent.toString() + "&";
         url += "WIDTH=" + this.width + "&";
         url += "HEIGHT=" + this.height + "&";
         url += "FORMAT=" + currentWms.gui_wms_mapformat + "&";
@@ -883,59 +917,7 @@
     this.setSingleMapRequest = function(wms_id){
-        eventBeforeMapRequest.trigger({
-            map: this
-        });
-        var ts = mb_timestamp();
-        for (var ii = 0; ii < this.wms.length; ii++) {
-            var currentWms = this.wms[ii];
-            try {
-                if (this.skipWmsIfSrsNotSupported && isIgnoredWms(currentWms)) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-            } 
-            catch (e) {
-                new Mb_warning(e.message);
-            }
-            if (currentWms.wms_id != wms_id) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            var newMapRequest = getLayerHtmlCode(ii);
-            if (Mapbender.log) {
-                var tmp = eval(Mapbender.log + "('" +
-                newMapURL +
-                "','" +
-                ts +
-                "')");
-            }
-            var myDivId = this.elementName + "_div_" + ii;
-            var $wmsDiv = $("#" + myDivId);
-            if ($wmsDiv.size() > 0) {
-                $wmsDiv.remove();
-            }
-            var $newDiv = $(newMapRequest);
-            $("#" + this.elementName + "_maps").append($newDiv);
-            var myMapId = this.elementName + "_map_" + ii;
-            eventAfterMapRequest.trigger({
-                map: this,
-                myMapId: myMapId,
-                url: [this.getMapUrl(ii)]
-            });
-            this.afterMapRequest.trigger({
-                map: this,
-                myMapId: myMapId,
-                url: [this.getMapUrl(ii)]
-            });
-            return true;
-        }
-        return false;
+		this.setMapRequest([wms_id]);
     this.mb_setFutureObj = function(mod_back_cnt){
@@ -979,13 +961,43 @@
 			for (var i = requestCnt + 1; i <= numRequests; i++) {
 		        $("#" + that.elementName + "_request_" + i).hide();
+//			console.log("#" + that.elementName + "_request_" + requestCnt);
+			$("#" + that.elementName + "_request_" + requestCnt + " div img").css({
+				visibility: "visible"
+			}).each(function () {
+//				console.log(this);
+			});
 		// new history item
 		else {
 //			console.log("new");
 	        var newMapRequest = "";
 	        for (var i = 0; i < idArray.length; i++) {
-	            newMapRequest += getLayerHtmlCode(idArray[i], requestCnt);
+	            var currentWms = that.wms[idArray[i]];
+				if (doAnimation && currentWms.gui_wms_visible === 2) {
+					// request larger background image
+					var bgExtent = calculateExtentAfterZoom(false, 2.0, that.extent.center.x, that.extent.center.y);
+//					console.log(bgExtent);
+					var bgSwPix = that.convertRealToPixel(bgExtent.min);
+					var bgNePix = that.convertRealToPixel(bgExtent.max);
+					var left = bgSwPix.x;
+					var top = bgNePix.y;
+					var width = bgNePix.x - bgSwPix.x;
+					var height = bgSwPix.y - bgNePix.y;
+					var html = getLayerHtmlCode(idArray[i], bgExtent, width, height, top, left, requestCnt);
+//					console.log(html);
+				}
+				newMapRequest += getLayerHtmlCode(
+					idArray[i], 
+					that.extent, 
+					that.width, 
+					that.height,
+					0,
+					0,
+					requestCnt
+				);
 			var $currentRequest = $(
 				"<div id='" + that.elementName + "_request_" + (requestCnt) + 
@@ -1004,9 +1016,11 @@
+		$("#" + that.elementName + "_request_" + index).css().show();
-    var displayMaps = function(index){
+    var displayMaps = function(index, wmsArray){
         var ret = eventBeforeMapRequest.trigger({
             map: that
         }, "AND");
@@ -1016,9 +1030,24 @@
         var myMapId = [];
         var mapUrlArray = [];
         var visibleWms = [];
+		var restrictedWmsArray = typeof wmsArray === "object" && wmsArray.length ?
+			wmsArray : [];
         for (var ii = 0; ii < that.wms.length; ii++) {
-            var currentWms = that.wms[ii];
+			var currentWms = that.wms[ii];
+			if (restrictedWmsArray.length > 0) {
+				var found = true;
+				for (var j = 0; j < restrictedWmsArray.length; j++) {
+					if (restrictedWmsArray[j] === currentWms.wms_id) {
+						found = false;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (!found) {
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
             try {
                 if (that.skipWmsIfSrsNotSupported && isIgnoredWms(currentWms)) {
                     new Mb_notice(currentWms.wms_title + " is ignored.");
@@ -1033,7 +1062,7 @@
             myMapId.push(that.elementName + "_request_" + index + "_map_" + ii);
-            mapUrlArray.push(that.getMapUrl(ii));
+            mapUrlArray.push(that.getMapUrl(ii, that.extent));
@@ -1052,29 +1081,58 @@
+	var deactivatePreviousMapImg = function (domNode, index) {
+		var tmpId = domNode.id;
+		var pattern = /_request_([0-9]+)_/;
+		var newId = tmpId.replace(pattern, "_request_" + (index-1) + "_");
+		$("#" + newId).css({
+			visibility: "hidden"
+		});
+	};
 	var doAnimation = false;
 	var animateMaps = function (index) {
-		$("#" + that.elementName + "_request_" + index).css().show();
+		//
+		// show new map
+		// 
 		if (doAnimation) {
+			var newWidth = that.oldExtentPix.max.x - that.oldExtentPix.min.x;
+			var newHeight = that.oldExtentPix.min.y - that.oldExtentPix.max.y;
+			var newTop = that.oldExtentPix.max.y;
+			var newLeft = that.oldExtentPix.min.x;
+			//
+			// abort if no animation is required
+			//
+			if (newLeft === 0 && newTop === 0 && newHeight === that.height && newWidth === that.width) {
+				return;
+			}
+			//
+			// show previous maps for animation
+			//
 			$("#" + that.elementName + "_request_" + (index - 1)).css().show();
 			// hide new images until complete, but perform pan animation
-			$("#" + that.elementName + "_request_" + index).children().children().css({
+			$("#" + that.elementName + "_request_" + index + " div img").css({
 				visibility: "hidden"
 			}).load(function () {
 				this.style.visibility = "visible";
+				$(this).data("loaded", true);
+				if ($(this).data("loaded") && $(this).data("animationFinished")) {
+					deactivatePreviousMapImg(this, index);
+				}
 			// animate new images (zoom)
-			var newWidth = that.oldExtentPix.max.x - that.oldExtentPix.min.x;
-			var newHeight = that.oldExtentPix.min.y - that.oldExtentPix.max.y;
 			if (newWidth !== that.width || newHeight !== that.height) {
 				var currentMapImg = $("#" + that.elementName + "_request_" + index + " div img");
@@ -1085,7 +1143,10 @@
 						width: that.width + "px",
 						height: that.height + "px"
 					}, "normal", "linear", function () {
-						// TODO: deactive corresponding old image
+						$(this).data("animationFinished", true);
+						if ($(this).data("loaded") && $(this).data("animationFinished")) {
+							deactivatePreviousMapImg(this, index);
+						}
@@ -1095,19 +1156,28 @@
 			$("#" + that.elementName + "_request_" + index).css({
 				position: "absolute",
-				top: that.oldExtentPix.max.y,
-				left: that.oldExtentPix.min.x
+				top: newTop,
+				left: newLeft
 					left: "0px",
 					top: "0px"
-				}, "normal", "linear"
+				}, "normal", "linear", function () {
+					$(this).children().children().each(function () {
+						$(this).data("animationFinished", true);
+						if ($(this).data("loaded") && $(this).data("animationFinished")) {
+							deactivatePreviousMapImg(this, index);
+						}
+					});
+				}
 			// animate previous request div and images
+			// calculate old extent's pixel pos in new extent
 			var oldLLPix = that.convertRealToPixel(that.oldExtent.min);
 			var oldURPix = that.convertRealToPixel(that.oldExtent.max);
@@ -1141,20 +1211,20 @@
-    this.setMapRequest = function(){
+    this.setMapRequest = function(wmsArray){
         // initialize history
             var extent = new Extent(that.extent);
 			if (typeof that.oldExtent === "undefined") {
 				that.setExtent(extent, false);
+//				displayMaps(0, wmsArray);
-				animateMaps(0);
+				if (typeof wmsArray === "undefined") {
+					animateMaps(0);
+				}
 			else {
 	            var oldExtent = new Extent(that.oldExtent);
@@ -1165,15 +1235,21 @@
 	                    if (typeof setExtent === "undefined" || setExtent === true) {
+//	        			displayMaps(index + 1, wmsArray);
 	        			displayMaps(index + 1);
-	        			animateMaps(index + 1);
+						if (typeof wmsArray === "undefined") {
+							animateMaps(index + 1);
+						}
 	                back: function(){
 						var index = that.history.getCurrentIndex();
 //	                    console.log("BACK: " + that.history.getCurrentIndex());
+//			            displayMaps(index, wmsArray);
-	        			animateMaps(index);
+						if (typeof wmsArray === "undefined") {
+							animateMaps(index);
+						}
@@ -1183,7 +1259,7 @@
-    var getLayerHtmlCode = function(ii, requestCnt){
+    var getLayerHtmlCode = function(ii, extent, width, height, top, left, requestCnt){
         var currentWms = that.wms[ii];
         var myDivId = that.elementName + "_request_" + requestCnt + "_div_" + ii;
@@ -1199,7 +1275,7 @@
         if (that.layers[ii] !== "" && layerNames !== '') {
             // get map URL
-            newMapURL = that.getMapUrl(ii);
+            newMapURL = that.getMapUrl(ii, that.extent);
             var currentOpacity = currentWms.gui_wms_mapopacity;
             if (currentOpacity != 1) {
@@ -1214,13 +1290,13 @@
         if (newMapURL) {
             imageString = "<img id='" + myMapId + "' name='mapimage' ";
             imageString += "src='" + newMapURL + "' ";
-            imageString += "width='" + that.width + "' ";
-            imageString += "height='" + that.height + "' ";
+            imageString += "width='" + width + "' ";
+            imageString += "height='" + height + "' ";
             imageString += "border='0'>";
         var newMapRequest = "<div id='" + myDivId + "' ";
-        newMapRequest += "style=\"position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; ";
+        newMapRequest += "style=\"position:absolute; top:" + top + "px; left:" + left + "px; ";
         //newMapRequest += "style=\"";
         newMapRequest += "z-index:" + (2 * ii + 20) + ";" + opacityString + "\">";
         newMapRequest += imageString;

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