[Mapbender-commits] r6000 - trunk/mapbender/http/plugins

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Thu Apr 22 06:34:50 EDT 2010

Author: christoph
Date: 2010-04-22 06:34:49 -0400 (Thu, 22 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 6000


Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/plugins/mb_digitize_geometry.js
--- trunk/mapbender/http/plugins/mb_digitize_geometry.js	2010-04-22 09:54:46 UTC (rev 5999)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/plugins/mb_digitize_geometry.js	2010-04-22 10:34:49 UTC (rev 6000)
@@ -1,83 +1,266 @@
+ * Package: mb_digitize_geometry
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * A button that allows to draw a geometry on maps, for example polygons.
+ * 
+ * For other geometries, change the element variable "geometryType", and
+ * of course select another button image.
+ * 
+ * Files:
+ *  - http/plugins/mb_digitize_geometry.js
+ *
+ * SQL:
+ * > INSERT INTO gui_element(fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, 
+ * > e_title, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, 
+ * > e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, 
+ * > e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('<appId>',
+ * > 'mb_digitize_polygon',1,1,'Digitize a polygon geometry',
+ * > 'Digitize a polygon geometry','img',
+ * > '../img/button_digitize/polygon_off.png','',NULL ,NULL ,24,24,NULL ,'',
+ * > '','','../plugins/mb_digitize_geometry.js','','mapframe1','','');
+ * > 
+ * > INSERT INTO gui_element_vars(fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, 
+ * > var_value, context, var_type) VALUES('<appId>', 'mb_digitize_polygon', 
+ * > 'geometryType', 'polygon', '' ,'var');
+ *
+ * Help:
+ * http://www.mapbender.org/<wiki site name>
+ *
+ * Maintainer:
+ * http://www.mapbender.org/User:Christoph_Baudson
+ * 
+ * Parameters:
+ * geometryType      - (String) "polygon", "line", "point" or "rectangle"
+ *
+ * License:
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, Open Source Geospatial Foundation
+ * This program is dual licensed under the GNU General Public License 
+ * and Simplified BSD license.  
+ * http://svn.osgeo.org/mapbender/trunk/mapbender/license/license.txt
+ */
 var $digitize = $(this);
-var DigitizeApi = function () {
+var DigitizeApi = function (o) {
 	var that = this;
 	var featureCollection = new GeometryArray();
 	var defaults = {
 		geometryType: "point"
-	var settings = $.extend(defaults, options);
+	var settings = $.extend(defaults, o);
 	this.events = {
+		/**
+		 * Property: events.finished
+		 * 
+		 * Description:
+		 * Triggered after the geometry has been completed.
+		 * obj.featureCollection contains the GeoJSON
+		 */
 		finished: new Mapbender.Event(),
+		/**
+		 * Property: events.aborted
+		 * 
+		 * Description:
+		 * Triggered if the geometry could not be created.
+		 */
 		aborted: new Mapbender.Event(),
+		/**
+		 * Property: events.added
+		 * 
+		 * Description:
+		 * Triggered after a point has been added to the geometry.
+		 * obj.featureCollection contains the feature collection as GeoJSON
+		 * obj.point contains the last point as Mapbender.Point
+		 */
 		added: new Mapbender.Event(),
+		/**
+		 * Property: events.mousemove
+		 * 
+		 * Description:
+		 * Triggered whenever a new point can be added to the geometry.
+		 * obj.featureCollection contains the feature collection as GeoJSON
+		 * obj.point contains the current mouse position as Mapbender.Point
+		 */
 		mousemove: new Mapbender.Event()
 	var mousemove = function (e) {
-		that.events.mousemove.trigger(e);
+		var map = $(this).mapbender(); 
+		var pt = map.getPos(e);
+		var coord = map.convertPixelToReal(pt);
+		// compute feature collection to be delegated
+		var collection = new GeometryArray();
+		collection.importGeoJSON(featureCollection.toString(), false);
+		if (settings.geometryType === "point") {
+			// if a point is digitized, we discard it, as we will 
+			// display the current position anyway
+			collection = new GeometryArray();
+		}
+		else if (settings.geometryType === "rectangle") {
+			var lastPoint = collection.getPoint(-1, -1, -1);
+			if (lastPoint) {
+				// if the second point of the rectangle is set, add 
+				// other points to complete the polygon
+				var points = calculateRectanglePoints(lastPoint, coord);
+				collection.getGeometry(-1, -1).addPoint(points[1]);
+				collection.getGeometry(-1, -1).addPoint(points[2]);
+				collection.getGeometry(-1, -1).addPoint(points[3]);
+			}
+		}
+		else if (
+			settings.geometryType === "polygon" 
+			|| settings.geometryType === "line"
+		) {
+			var numCollections = collection.count();
+			if (numCollections > 0) {
+				var numFeatures = collection.get(-1).count();
+				if (numFeatures > 0) {
+					var feature = collection.getGeometry(-1, -1);
+					var ps = feature.count();
+					// if geometry is a polygon, reopen it
+					if (ps > 1 && 
+						feature.geomType === Mapbender.geometryType.polygon
+					) {
+						collection.delPoint(-1, -1, -1);
+					}
+					// add current point to geometry
+					feature.addPoint(coord);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// display current mouse position as point
+		collection.addMember(Mapbender.geometryType.point);
+		collection.get(-1).addGeometry();
+		collection.getGeometry(-1, -1).addPoint(coord);
+		that.events.mousemove.trigger({
+			featureCollection: collection.toString()
+		});
+	var calculateRectanglePoints = function (p1, p3) {
+		return [
+			p1, 
+			new Mapbender.Point(p3.x, p1.y), 
+			p3, 
+			new Mapbender.Point(p1.x, p3.y)
+		];
+	};
 	var setPoint = function (e) {
 		var map = $(this).mapbender(); 
 		var pt = map.getPos(e);
 		var coord = map.convertPixelToReal(pt);
+		// do not add same point twice
+		var lastPoint = featureCollection.getPoint(-1,-1,-1);
+		if (lastPoint && coord.equals(featureCollection.getPoint(-1,-1,-1))) {
+			// abort if rectangle
+			if (settings.geometryType === "rectangle") {
+				featureCollection = new GeometryArray();
+				button.stop();		
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+		// add point(s)
+		if (settings.geometryType === "rectangle" && lastPoint) {
+			// if the second point of the rectangle is set, add 
+			// other points to complete the polygon
+			var points = calculateRectanglePoints(lastPoint, coord);
+			featureCollection.getGeometry(-1, -1).addPoint(points[1]);
+			featureCollection.getGeometry(-1, -1).addPoint(points[2]);
+			featureCollection.getGeometry(-1, -1).addPoint(points[3]);
+		}
+		else {
+			featureCollection.getGeometry(-1, -1).addPoint(coord);
+		}
+		// set SRS
 		featureCollection.getGeometry(-1, -1).setEpsg(map.getSrs());
-		// TODO: add snapping!
-		featureCollection.getGeometry(-1, -1).addPoint(coord);
-			point: coord
+			point: coord,
+			featureCollection: featureCollection.toString()
 		if (settings.geometryType === Mapbender.geometryType.point) {
 			return button.stop();
+	var finishFeature = function () {
+		if (featureCollection.count() > 0 &&
+			featureCollection.getGeometry(-1, -1).close()
+		) {
+			button.stop();		
+		}
+	};
+	var correctGeometryType = function (str) {
+		if (str === "rectangle") {
+			return Mapbender.geometryType.polygon;
+		}
+		return str;
+	};
 	var button = new Mapbender.Button({
 		domElement: $digitize.get(0),
-		over: options.src.replace(/_off/, "_over"),
-		on: options.src.replace(/_off/, "_on"),
-		off: options.src,
-		name: options.id,
+		over: o.src.replace(/_off/, "_over"),
+		on: o.src.replace(/_off/, "_on"),
+		off: o.src,
+		name: o.id,
 		go: function () {
-			featureCollection.addMember(settings.geometryType);
+			featureCollection = new GeometryArray();
+			featureCollection.addMember(
+				correctGeometryType(settings.geometryType)
+			);
-			options.$target.bind("click", setPoint);
-			options.$target.bind("mousemove", mousemove);
+			if (settings.geometryType === "rectangle") {
+				o.$target.bind("mousedown", setPoint);
+				o.$target.bind("mouseup", setPoint);
+				o.$target.bind("mouseup", finishFeature);
+			}
+			else {
+				o.$target.bind("click", setPoint);
+				o.$target.bind("dblclick", finishFeature);
+			}
+			o.$target.bind("mousemove", mousemove);
 		stop: function () {
 			if (featureCollection.count() > 0) {
-				if (!featureCollection.getGeometry(-1, -1).close()) {
-					new Mapbender.Exception("Geometry could not be created.");	
+				if (!featureCollection.getGeometry(-1, -1).isValid()) {
+					new Mapbender.Exception("Geometry could not be created.");
 				else {
-					var json = featureCollection.toString();
-						featureCollection: json
+						featureCollection: featureCollection.toString()
-			options.$target.unbind("click", setPoint);
-			options.$target.unbind("mousemove", mousemove);
+			else {
+				new Mapbender.Exception("Geometry could not be created.");	
+				that.events.aborted.trigger();
+			}
+			if (settings.geometryType === "rectangle") {
+				o.$target.unbind("mousedown", setPoint);
+				o.$target.unbind("mouseup", setPoint);
+				o.$target.unbind("mouseup", finishFeature);
+			}
+			else {
+				o.$target.unbind("click", setPoint);
+				o.$target.unbind("dblclick", finishFeature);
+			}
+			o.$target.unbind("mousemove", mousemove);
-$digitize.mapbender(new DigitizeApi());
-$digitize.mapbender().events.finished.register(function (obj) {
-	console.log(obj);
-$digitize.mapbender().events.mousemove.register(function (obj) {
-//	console.log(obj);
-$digitize.mapbender().events.added.register(function (obj) {
-//	console.log(obj);
+$digitize.mapbender(new DigitizeApi(options));

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