[Mapbender-commits] r6541 - branches/banjo_dev/mapbender/http/rest

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Sat Jul 3 13:14:14 EDT 2010

Author: banjo
Date: 2010-07-03 17:14:14 +0000 (Sat, 03 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 6541

Adding HTTP Status code INI file. This file contains an exhaustive list of http status codes and their explanation

Added: branches/banjo_dev/mapbender/http/rest/http_status.ini
--- branches/banjo_dev/mapbender/http/rest/http_status.ini	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/banjo_dev/mapbender/http/rest/http_status.ini	2010-07-03 17:14:14 UTC (rev 6541)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+;This ini file contains the list of possible HTTP status codes
+100 = "Continue"
+101 = "Switching Protocols"
+102 = "Processing"
+200 = "OK"
+201 = "Created"
+202 = "Accepted"
+203 = "Non-Authoritative Information"
+204 = "No Content"
+205 = "Reset Content"
+206 = "Partial Content"
+207 = "Multi-Status"
+300 = "Multiple Choices"
+301 = "Moved Permanently"
+302 = "Found"
+303 = "See Other"
+304 = "Not Modified"
+305 = "Use Proxy"
+306 = "Switch Proxy"
+307 = "Temporary Redirect"
+400 = "Bad Request"
+401 = "Unauthorized"
+402 = "Payment Required"
+403 = "Forbidden"
+404 = "Not Found"
+405 = "Method Not Allowed"
+406 = "Not Acceptable"
+407 = "Proxy Authentication Required"
+408 = "Request Timeout"
+409 = "Conflict"
+410 = "Gone"
+411 = "Length Required"
+412 = "Precondition Failed"
+413 = "Request Entity Too Large"
+414 = "Request-URI Too Long"
+415 = "Unsupported Media Type"
+416 = "Requested Range Not Satisfiable"
+417 = "Expectation Failed"
+500 = "Internal Server Error"
+501 = "Not Implemented"
+502 = "Bad Gateway"
+503 = "Service Unavailable"
+504 = "Gateway Timeout"
+505 = "HTTP Version Not Supported"
+530 = "User Access Denied"

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