[Mapbender-commits] r6631 - trunk/mapbender/lib

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Mon Jul 26 05:35:41 EDT 2010

Author: kmq
Date: 2010-07-26 09:35:41 +0000 (Mon, 26 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 6631

moved georss functionality into a widget

Added: trunk/mapbender/lib/mb.ui.displayFeatures.js
--- trunk/mapbender/lib/mb.ui.displayFeatures.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mapbender/lib/mb.ui.displayFeatures.js	2010-07-26 09:35:41 UTC (rev 6631)
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+var originalI18nObject = {
+	"labelLoadError" : "Could not load Document",
+	"labelName":"Name",
+	"labelUntitled":"Untitled",
+	"labelUrlBox": "Paste URL here",
+	"sProcessing":   "Processing...",
+	"sLengthMenu":   "Show _MENU_ entries",
+	"sZeroRecords":  "No matching records found",
+	"sInfo":         "SLowing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
+	"sInfoEmpty":    "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
+	"sInfoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
+	"sInfoPostFix":  "",
+	"sSearch":       "Search:",
+	"sUrl":          "",
+	"oPaginate": {
+		"sFirst":    "First",
+		"sPrevious": "Previous",
+		"sNext":     "Next",
+		"sLast":     "Last"
+	 }
+var translatedI18nObject = Mapbender.cloneObject(originalI18nObject);
+var displayFeatures = {
+	options: {
+		url: "",
+		position: 'right'
+	},
+	_feeds: {},
+	_popup : null,
+	_create: function(){
+		var that = this, o = this.options;
+		if(o.url){
+			that._load(o.url);
+		}
+		this._popup = $('<div></div>').dialog({autoOpen : false, height: 500, width: 500});
+		this.element.click( function(e){
+			var map = that.element.mapbender();
+			var pos = map.getMousePosition(e);		
+			var clickPoint =  map.convertPixelToReal(new Point(pos.x,pos.y));
+			var feed = null;
+			var requestGeometries = [];
+			// This uses two methods to determine wether a clickposition is on a geometry
+			// - Points are represented as icons, so we check if the click is on an icon
+			// - Polygons don't have a dom Element when not using Rapheljs, so we go ask postgis
+			// after that's finished the results are merged and displayed in a box
+			var pointGeometries = {};	
+			var g,h,nodes = null;
+			for (var i in that._feeds){
+				feed = that._feeds[i] ;
+				requestGeometries = [];
+				for(var j = 0; j < feed.geomArray.count(); j++){
+					g = feed.geomArray.get(j);
+					h = feed.highlightArray[j];	
+					nodes = h.getNodes();
+					if(g.geomType == geomType.point){
+						// we only add one point per highlight so we can assume there's only one node
+						if(!nodes[0]){ continue;}
+						var rect = nodes[0].getBoundingClientRect(); 
+						if(e.clientX >= rect.left && e.clientX <= rect.right &&
+						   e.clientY >= rect.top  && e.clientY <= rect.bottom){
+							// we just need the keys to exist
+							// theywill be merged with the ones coming from the
+							// server
+							pointGeometries[j] = true;
+				//			console.log(nodes[0]);
+						}
+					}else{
+						requestGeometries.push(g.toText());
+					}
+				}
+				var req = new Mapbender.Ajax.Request({
+				url: "../php/intersection.php",
+				method: "intersect",
+				parameters: {
+					clickPoint:	clickPoint.toText(),
+					geometries: requestGeometries
+					},
+				callback: (function(geomArray,pointGeometries){ return function(result, success, message){
+					if(!success){
+						return;
+					}
+					// this is basically an onclick handler, !intersects means
+					// the click didn't happen on the polygon
+					$.extend(result.geometries,pointGeometries);
+					if(!result.geometries || result.geometries.length <1){
+						return;
+					}
+					$("*",that._popup).remove();
+					var $tabs = $("<ul></ul>");
+					// this iterates over an object where the keys are _not_ the incremential
+					// basically a sparse array. therefore I cannot be used to count the entries in the object
+					// this is why j is used
+					var j = 0;
+					for(i in result.geometries){
+						var g = geomArray.get(i);
+						title = g.e.getElementValueByName("title");
+						name  = g.e.getElementValueByName("name");
+						if(typeof(name) == "string"){
+							title = name != "false" ? name : title;
+							if (icon == "false"){
+								g.e.setElement("Mapbender:icon","../img/marker/red.png");
+							}
+						}else{
+							//sane browsers go here
+							title = name != false ? name : title;
+							if (icon === false){
+								g.e.setElement("Mapbender:icon","../img/marker/red.png");
+							}
+						}
+						description = g.e.getElementValueByName("description");
+						$tabs.append('<li><a href="#rsspopup_'+ i +'">'+ title + '</a></li>');
+						that._popup.append('<div id="rsspopup_'+ i +'"><h1>'+ title +'</h1><p>'+ description +'</p></h1>');
+						j++;
+					}
+					if(j > 1){
+						var $tabcontainer = $("<div><div>");
+						$tabcontainer.append($tabs);
+						$tabcontainer.append($('div',that._popup));	
+						that._popup.append($tabcontainer);
+						$tabcontainer.tabs();
+					}
+					that._popup.dialog('open');
+						};
+					}
+				)(feed.geomArray, pointGeometries)
+				});
+				req.send();
+				requestGeometries = [];
+				pointGeometries = {};
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	_load : function(url){
+		var that = this, o = this.options;
+		$.ajax({ url: that._endpointURL,
+			data: {url: o.url},
+			type: 'POST',
+			dataType: "json",
+			success : function(data,textStatus,xhr){
+				if(data.errorMessage){
+					$("<div class='labelLoadError'>ERROR<div>").dialog({ buttons: {"OK":function(){ $(this).dialog("close"); } } } );
+					return;
+				}
+				that._display(data);
+			},
+			error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){
+				$("<div class='labelLoadError'>"+ translatedI18nObject.labelLoadError +"</div>").dialog({ buttons: {"OK":function(){ $(this).dialog("close");  }} });	
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	_display : function(geoJSON){
+		var that = this, o = this.options;
+		var $map = $(that.element).mapbender();
+		var markers = [];
+		var title = "";
+		var $table = $("<table><thead><tr><th class='labelName'>"+ translatedI18nObject.labelName  +"</th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>");
+		if(geoJSON.features){
+			// we always transform _from_ 4326 geoRSS and KML use this as their default
+			var projSrc = new Proj4js.Proj('EPSG:4326');
+			var projDest = new Proj4js.Proj($map.epsg);
+			var markeroptions = {width: "19px", height: "34px"};
+			var g = null;
+			var geomArray = new GeometryArray();
+			var highlightArray = [];
+			geomArray.importGeoJSON(geoJSON);
+			for(var i =0; i < geomArray.count(); i++){
+				var h = new Highlight([this.element.attr('id')], "mapframe1_" + parseInt(Math.random()*100000,10),{
+					"position":"absolute",
+					"top": "0px",
+					"left": "0px",
+					"z-index": "80" },1);
+				g = geomArray.get(i);
+				icon = g.e.getElementValueByName("Mapbender:icon");
+				title = g.e.getElementValueByName("title");
+				name = g.e.getElementValueByName("name");
+				if(name != "false" && name !== false){
+					title = name;
+				}			
+				if(icon == "false" || icon === false){
+					g.e.setElement("Mapbender:iconOffsetX", -10);
+					g.e.setElement("Mapbender:iconOffsetY", -34);
+					g.e.setElement("Mapbender:icon","../img/marker/red.png");
+				}
+				description = g.e.getElementValueByName("description");
+				$row = $("<tr><td>"+ title  +"</td></tr>");
+				$row.css("cursor","pointer");
+				$row.click((function(title,description){
+					return function(){
+						$("*",that._popup).remove();
+						description = description.replace('<a ','<a target="_new" ');
+						that._popup.append($("<div><h1>"+title+"</h1><p>"+description +"</p></div>")).dialog('open');
+					};
+				})(title,description));
+				$("tbody",$table).append($row);
+				h.add(g);
+				highlightArray.push(h);
+				title = "";
+				name = "";
+			}
+			for(var i in highlightArray){
+				highlightArray[i].paint();
+			}
+			$map.events.afterMapRequest.register(function () {
+				for(var i in highlightArray){
+					highlightArray[i].paint();
+				}
+			});
+			that._feeds[url] = {
+				geomArray: geomArray,
+				highlightArray: highlightArray
+			};
+		}
+		var $tableDialog = $("<div></div>").dialog({
+			width: "450",
+			height: "500",
+			autoOpen: true,
+			position: o.position,
+			beforeclose: (function(url){
+				return function(){
+					delete that._feeds[url];
+					for(var i in highlightArray){
+						highlightArray[i].clean();
+					}
+				};
+				})(url),
+			buttons: {"Close": function(){
+					$(this).dialog('close');
+					$(this).dialog('destroy');
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		$tableDialog.append($table);
+		$table.dataTable({"bJQueryUI": true ,
+			"oLanguage":{
+				"sUrl":"../extensions/dataTables-1.5/lang/"+Mapbender.languageId +".txt"
+				} });
+	}
+var displayGeoRSS =  $.extend({},displayFeatures,{
+	_endpointURL: "../php/geoRSSToGeoJSON.php"
+var displayKML = $.extend({},displayFeatures, {
+	_endpointURL: "../php/kmlToGeoJSON.php"
+var displayGeoJSON = $.extend({},displayFeatures,{
+	_endpointURL: "",
+	_load: function(){
+		var self = this, o = this.options;
+		$.ajax({ url: o.url,
+			type: "GET",
+			dataType: "json",
+			success : function(data,textStatus,xhr){
+				self._display(data);
+			}
+		});
+	}

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