[Mapbender-commits] r8000 - branches/2.7

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Tue Jul 26 05:22:03 EDT 2011

Author: astrid_emde
Date: 2011-07-26 02:22:03 -0700 (Tue, 26 Jul 2011)
New Revision: 8000

Changes 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 added

Modified: branches/2.7/Changes.txt
--- branches/2.7/Changes.txt	2011-07-26 08:57:07 UTC (rev 7999)
+++ branches/2.7/Changes.txt	2011-07-26 09:22:03 UTC (rev 8000)
@@ -4,6 +4,107 @@
 The mapbender trac provides different reports. The reports give detailed information about the enhancements
+Changelog 2.7.2
+790	Mapbender StartUpParams are not handled	
+840	IE: WFS featureType configuration - popup helptext ok button not displayed size incorrect	
+765	jquery ui dialog (jumps)	
+786	savewms and loadwmc in my updated guis	
+807	mod_usemap  divs um_img and um_draw are missing	
+816	Digitize: Wrong mouse position in scrolled page in IE	
+817	New Constant in mapbender.conf	
+818	Digitize: Does not work properly in scrolled IE page	
+819	WMC Update to 2.7	
+821	Mod_digitize_splitline don't intersect closed lines.	
+827	Dynamic print frame: provide possibility to cancel a running print	
+828	Dynamic print frame: delete temporary files after pdf creation	
+829	Dynamic print frame: log WMS request in mb_log table in Mapbender db	
+830	Dynamic print frame: avoid reload with ie	
+831	Dynamic print frame: scale modification	
+834	administration - remove application from category does not work	
+836	admin2_de fails to load with IE8	
+838	wrong entry new at the top of the treeGDE	
+839	login.php application overview - change switch on mouseover to click	
+841	IE: WFS featureType configuration - attribute columns - wrong number of header columns and columns	
+846	layer with sld settings not displayed...	
+852	scaleSelect has to refer to ../plugins/mb_selectScale.js and does not need e_attributes	
+853	update script overwrites the user defined EPSG options	
+854	open Legend with a button in a dialog	
+858	integration of new applications PortalAdmin and PortalAdmin_DE	
+859	french translation update in table translation for textes with '	
+796	mismatching i18-Strings de	
+808	mb_background doesn't work in 2.7	
+812	Wrong Value in SQL-Update-Script	
+813	Clean 'layer_load_count'	
+814	URL of OL-Link to WMC	
+815	Title of OL-Link from WMC	
+844	guis looses Category when renamed	
+848	2.7.x: Count of failure-login by users is not counted	
+851	initial icon for Layer-Group wrong	
+823	Show Icons in real Size	
+833	Picture for showCoords not transparent (blue_red)	
+782	table mb_meetingpoint does not exist	
+842	add createCategory to Administzration and Administration_DE	
+811	spatial search and digitize conflict	
+850	FeatureInfo Dialog jumping arround	
+527	HTTP authentication for OWS Proxy	
+837	function getAvailableWfsForGeom(geom wfsConf) does not check for gml:MultiPolygonPropertyType and other element_types gml:* (with GeoServer 2.1.0)
+Changelog 2.7.1
+778	WFS administration
+791	copy application - gui_lyer_title are not copied to new application
+799	gui_digitize update of a geometry does not work
+801	setbackground - background wms is not displayed
+806	load wfs doesn't load describeFeatureType information
+506	Use WMS monitor from www.geoportal.rlp.de
+661	Northarrow Print Overview
+715	Cutting two lines does not work as expected when
+720	login.php creates a session even if the user is not logged in
+734	temporary load GeoRSS and KML
+743	reloadTree triggers a single map request for every layer
+746	Layertree for GeoRSS and KML files GeoRSS
+747	WFS conf Layertree for selection
+749	setbackground - mb_background
+773	senseful description for new metadata applications
+774	admin_wmc_metadata does not load when no wmc is in the database
+776	slippy map (Browser overflow)
+777	change application description does not work
+784	WMS Metadata fails to start - authentication issue?
+787	Monitoring runs on database errors
+788	some scripts refer to x_geoportal instead of geoportal
+789	create and edit user - filter for users does not filter correctly
+792	featureInfoResults in dialog windows are displayed at the same position
+793	Can't insert Basepoint
+794	Digitize/update feature shows all configured Featuretypes
+800	resizeMapsize does not work on start
+802	slider in template_print is not displayed correctly
+699	wms status in treGDE
+739	Installation from script
+756	enhanced Metadatainformations for service and layer - check Abo alert a notice
+780	slippy map in Internet Explorer ...
+781	MousewheelZoom and selArea
+795	undefined targets of toogelModule after upgrade
+775	translation mistake in AdWMSFromFilteredListAjax
+503	Digitize module pop-ups
+810	WFS update has problem with updating featuretypes
+316	Mapbender treeGDE Observations
+451	select tool problem
+454	polish translation for Mapbender
+459	Administration Interface - TranslationBuilder
+485	Update Governance pages
+476	scale parameter for getlegendgraphic dropped by owsproxy
+785	setBBOX doesn't work
+500	Bug in WFS-Update
+779	Digitizing
+803	Administration_DE and Administration: Delete WFS Conf module does not load
 Changelog 2.7
 20	addWMS beim Login

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