[Mapbender-commits] r8009 - trunk/mapbender/http/php
svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Wed Jul 27 08:40:00 EDT 2011
Author: armin11
Date: 2011-07-27 05:40:00 -0700 (Wed, 27 Jul 2011)
New Revision: 8009
Enhancement of georss handling. The georss entries may now have imageUrls and their size defined. Also a possibility to prohibit mousewheel scroll is implemented.
Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_wmc2ol.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_wmc2ol.php 2011-07-26 21:35:16 UTC (rev 8008)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_wmc2ol.php 2011-07-27 12:40:00 UTC (rev 8009)
@@ -219,6 +219,8 @@
$miny = $xml->General->BoundingBox['miny'];
$maxx = $xml->General->BoundingBox['maxx'];
$maxy = $xml->General->BoundingBox['maxy'];
+ //Get epsg code out of WMC
+ $xml_epsg=str_replace('EPSG:','',$xml->General->BoundingBox['SRS']);
$dx=$maxx-$minx;//in meters
@@ -236,7 +238,16 @@
//start function for initialize client
$html.="function initGeoportal(){\n";
//define ol central map object
- $html.=" map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');\n";
+ $html.=" map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', { controls: [\n";
+ $html.=" new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(\n";
+ if ($_REQUEST["disableMouseScroll"] == '1') {
+ $html.=" {zoomWheelEnabled : false}\n";
+ }
+ $html.=" ),\n";
+ $html.=" new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom(),\n";
+ $html.=" new OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser(),\n";
+ $html.=" new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution()\n";
+ $html.=" ] });\n";
//define options for ol map object
$html.=" var options = {\n";
$html.=" projection: \"".$xml->General->BoundingBox['SRS']."\",\n";
@@ -273,8 +284,6 @@
//Check if epsg is equal to BBOXEpsg
- //Get epsg code out of WMC
- $xml_epsg=str_replace('EPSG:','',$xml->General->BoundingBox['SRS']);
if ($_REQUEST["mb_myBBOXEpsg"]!=$xml_epsg){
//Transform the given BBOX to epsg of WMC
$sql= "select asewkt(transform(GeometryFromText ( 'LINESTRING ( ".$array_bbox[0]." ".$array_bbox[1].",".$array_bbox[2]." ".$array_bbox[3]." )', $targetEpsg ),".intval($xml_epsg)."))";
@@ -477,10 +486,10 @@
$html.=" var pointVectorLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(\"Vector Layer\", {\n";
- $html.=" styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({\n";
- $html.=" pointRadius: \"".$pointRadius."\", // based on feature.attributes.type\n";
- $html.=" fillColor: \"".$fillColor."\"\n";
- $html.=" })\n";
+ //$html.=" styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({\n";
+ //$html.=" pointRadius: \"".$pointRadius."\", // based on feature.attributes.type\n";
+ //$html.=" fillColor: \"".$fillColor."\"\n";
+ //$html.=" })\n";
$html.=" });\n";
//end of definition of the point vector layer
//push the features to the layer
@@ -594,26 +603,52 @@
$coords = explode(" ", $gmlElements->Point->pos);
$geoRssEpsg = $gmlElements->Point->attributes()->srsName;
$geoRssEpsgId = str_replace('EPSG:','',$geoRssEpsg);
- //transform coordinates if other epsg was choosen
if ($geoRssEpsgId != $xml_epsg){
- //coords have to be transformed
- $sql= "select asewkt(transform(GeometryFromText ( 'POINT ( ";
- $sql .= $coords[0]." ".$coords[1]." )',". $geoRssEpsgId ."),".intval($xml_epsg)."))";
- //select asewkt(transform(GeometryFromText ( 'POINT ( 7 50 )', 4326 ),31466));
- $e = new mb_notice("mod_wms2ol.php: sql (transform)=".$sql);
- $res = db_query($sql);
- //read out result
- $pointNew = db_fetch_row($res);
- $e = new mb_notice("mod_wms2ol.php: pointNew=".$pointNew[0]);
- $pattern = '~POINT\((.*)\)~i';
- preg_match($pattern, $pointNew[0], $subpattern);
- $e = new mb_notice("mod_wms2ol.php: subpattern=".$subpattern[1]);
- $coords = explode(' ',$subpattern[1]);
+ //validate parameters:
+ if (is_numeric($coords[0]) && is_numeric($coords[1]) && is_numeric($geoRssEpsgId) && is_numeric(intval($xml_epsg))) {
+ //coords have to be transformed
+ $sql= "select asewkt(transform(GeometryFromText ( 'POINT ( ";
+ $sql .= $coords[0]." ".$coords[1]." )',". $geoRssEpsgId ."),".intval($xml_epsg)."))";
+ //select asewkt(transform(GeometryFromText ( 'POINT ( 7 50 )', 4326 ),31466));
+ $e = new mb_notice("mod_wms2ol.php: sql (transform)=".$sql);
+ $res = db_query($sql);
+ //read out result
+ $pointNew = db_fetch_row($res);
+ $e = new mb_notice("mod_wms2ol.php: pointNew=".$pointNew[0]);
+ $pattern = '~POINT\((.*)\)~i';
+ preg_match($pattern, $pointNew[0], $subpattern);
+ $e = new mb_notice("mod_wms2ol.php: subpattern=".$subpattern[1]);
+ $coords = explode(' ',$subpattern[1]);
+ } else {
+ echo _mb("Some georss entries does not have numeric values for CRS or coordinates! For security reasons the script will die!");
+ die();
+ }
+ //extract styles for single features
+ $imageUrl = $georssXml->entry[$i]->imageUrl->attributes()->href;
+ $imageSize = $georssXml->entry[$i]->imageSize;
+ //style
+ $html .= " var pointStyle = {\n";
+ //validate imageUrl to url
+ if (isset($imageUrl) && $imageUrl != '' && parse_url($imageUrl)) {
+ if (isset($imageSize) && $imageSize != '' && is_int((integer)$imageSize)) {
+ $html .= " pointRadius: \"".$imageSize."\",\n";
+ } else {
+ $html .= " pointRadius: \"".$pointRadius."\",\n";
+ }
+ $html .= " externalGraphic: \"$imageUrl\"";
+ } else {
+ $html .= " pointRadius: \"".$pointRadius."\",\n";
+ $html.=" fillColor: \"".$fillColor."\"\n";
+ }
+ $html .= " };\n";
+ //generate point objects
$html.=" var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(";
- $html.=" pointFeatures[".$i."] = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point, {title: \"".$georssXml->entry[$i]->title."\", description : \"".str_replace("\"", "'",$georssXml->entry[$i]->content)."\", link : \"".$georssXml->entry[$i]->link->attributes()->href."\"});\n";
+ $html.=" pointFeatures[".$i."] = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point, {title: \"".$georssXml->entry[$i]->title."\", description : \"".str_replace("\"", "'",$georssXml->entry[$i]->content)."\", link : \"".$georssXml->entry[$i]->link->attributes()->href."\"}, pointStyle);\n";
$html.=" return pointFeatures;\n";
@@ -634,12 +669,55 @@
$georssElements = $georssXml->entry[$i]->children('http://www.georss.org/georss');
$gmlElements = $georssElements->children('http://www.opengis.net/gml');
$coords = explode(" ", $gmlElements->Point->pos);
- $html.=" var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(";
+ $geoRssEpsg = $gmlElements->Point->attributes()->srsName;
+ $geoRssEpsgId = str_replace('EPSG:','',$geoRssEpsg);
+ //transform coordinates if other epsg was choosen
+ if ($geoRssEpsgId != $xml_epsg){
+ //validate parameters:
+ if (is_numeric($coords[0]) && is_numeric($coords[1]) && is_numeric($geoRssEpsgId) && is_numeric(intval($xml_epsg))) {
+ //coords have to be transformed
+ $sql= "select asewkt(transform(GeometryFromText ( 'POINT ( ";
+ $sql .= $coords[0]." ".$coords[1]." )',". $geoRssEpsgId ."),".intval($xml_epsg)."))";
+ //select asewkt(transform(GeometryFromText ( 'POINT ( 7 50 )', 4326 ),31466));
+ $e = new mb_notice("mod_wms2ol.php: sql (transform)=".$sql);
+ $res = db_query($sql);
+ //read out result
+ $pointNew = db_fetch_row($res);
+ $e = new mb_notice("mod_wms2ol.php: pointNew=".$pointNew[0]);
+ $pattern = '~POINT\((.*)\)~i';
+ preg_match($pattern, $pointNew[0], $subpattern);
+ $e = new mb_notice("mod_wms2ol.php: subpattern=".$subpattern[1]);
+ $coords = explode(' ',$subpattern[1]);
+ } else {
+ echo _mb("Some georss entries does not have numeric values for CRS or coordinates! For security reasons the script will die!");
+ die();
+ }
+ }
+ //extract styles for single features
+ $imageUrl = $georssXml->entry[$i]->imageUrl->attributes()->href;
+ $imageSize = $georssXml->entry[$i]->imageSize;
+ //style
+ $html .= " var pointStyle = {\n";
+ //validate imageUrl to url
+ if (isset($imageUrl) && $imageUrl != '' && parse_url($imageUrl)) {
+ if (isset($imageSize) && $imageSize != '' && is_int((integer)$imageSize)) {
+ $html .= " pointRadius: \"".$imageSize."\",\n";
+ } else {
+ $html .= " pointRadius: \"".$pointRadius."\",\n";
+ }
+ $html .= " externalGraphic: \"$imageUrl\"";
+ } else {
+ $html .= " pointRadius: \"".$pointRadius."\",\n";
+ $html.=" fillColor: \"".$fillColor."\"\n";
+ }
+ $html .= " };\n";
+ $html.=" var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(";
- $html.=" pointFeatures[".$i."] = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point, {title: \"".$georssXml->entry[$i]->title."\", description : \"".str_replace("\"", "'",$georssXml->entry[$i]->content)."\", link : \"".$georssXml->entry[$i]->link->attributes()->href."\"});\n";
+ $html.=" pointFeatures[".$i."] = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point, {title: \"".$georssXml->entry[$i]->title."\", description : \"".str_replace("\"", "'",$georssXml->entry[$i]->content)."\", link : \"".$georssXml->entry[$i]->link->attributes()->href."\"}, pointStyle);\n";
- //***Generate Dummy Point for testing
+ //***Generate Dummy Point for testing //no styles given
$html.=" var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(2594468.92,5530693.03);\n";
$html.=" pointFeatures[".$featureCount."] = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point, {description : \"Testbeschreibung\", link : \"Testlink\"});\n";
@@ -662,6 +740,14 @@
//generate the single attributes for the layer presentation
+ /*if ($_REQUEST["disableMouseScroll"] == 'true') {
+ //$html .= "var movemap = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({zoomWheelEnabled : false});\n";
+ //$html .= "movemap.disableZoomWheel();\n";
+ $html .= "controls = map.getControlsByClass('OpenLayers.Control.Navigation');\n";
+ $html .= "for(var i = 0; i<controls.length; ++i) {\n";
+ $html .= " controls[i].disableZoomWheel();\n";
+ $html .= "}\n";
+ }*/
//end of javascripting part
if ($_REQUEST['withoutBody'] == '1') {
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