[Mapbender-commits] r8519 - trunk/mapbender/http/php

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Thu Dec 6 05:53:36 PST 2012

Author: armin11
Date: 2012-12-06 05:53:36 -0800 (Thu, 06 Dec 2012)
New Revision: 8519

possibility to export wmc

Added: trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_exportWmc2Json.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_exportWmc2Json.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_exportWmc2Json.php	2012-12-06 13:53:36 UTC (rev 8519)
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../classes/class_wmc.php");
+$user = new User();
+$admin = new administration();
+$userId = $user->id;
+//check for parameter wmc_id
+	echo 'Error: wmc_id not requested<br>';
+	die();	
+	//must leave script
+function _e ($str) {
+	return htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET);
+if (!$userId) {
+	$userId = PUBLIC_USER;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["wmc_id"]) & $_REQUEST["wmc_id"] != "") {
+	//validate to csv integer list
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["wmc_id"];
+	$pattern = '/^[0-9_]*$/';
+	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+		echo 'wmc_id: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+	}
+	$wmc_id = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+} else {
+	echo "Mandatory parameter <b>wmc_id</b> is not set or empty!";
+	die();
+if (isset($_REQUEST["epsg"]) & $_REQUEST["epsg"] != "") {
+	//validate to csv integer list
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["epsg"];
+	$pattern = '/^[0-9]*$/';
+	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+		echo 'epsg: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+	}
+	$epsg = $testMatch;
+	$crs = "EPSG:".$epsg;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+} else {
+	echo "Mandatory parameter <b>epsg</b> is not set or empty!";
+	die();
+//define background layer
+//define list of typical background layer ids
+//use wms id because the layers can be pulled dynamically
+//background wms list
+$backgroundWms = array(913,914);
+$backgroundLayer = array();
+//get list of layers for this wms
+$v = array();
+$t = array();
+$sql = "SELECT layer_id FROM layer WHERE fkey_wms_id in ( ";
+for($i=0; $i<count($backgroundWms);$i++){
+	if($i > 0){$sql .= ",";}
+	$sql .= "$".($i + 1);
+	array_push($v,$backgroundWms[$i]);
+	array_push($t,'i');
+$sql .= ")";
+$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+while($row = db_fetch_assoc($res)){
+	$backgroundLayer[] = $row['layer_id'];
+//not needed if searchInterface is used!!
+function getLayerNameGetMapUrlById() {
+//from mod_coordsLookup_server.php
+function transform ($x, $y, $oldEPSG, $newEPSG) {
+	if (is_null($x) || !is_numeric($x) || 
+		is_null($y) || !is_numeric($y) ||
+		is_null($oldEPSG) || !is_numeric($oldEPSG) ||
+		is_null($newEPSG) || !is_numeric($newEPSG)) {
+		return null;
+	}
+	if(SYS_DBTYPE=='pgsql'){
+		$con = db_connect(DBSERVER, OWNER, PW);
+		$sqlMinx = "SELECT X(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".pg_escape_string($x)." ".pg_escape_string($y).")',".pg_escape_string($oldEPSG)."),".pg_escape_string($newEPSG).")) as minx";
+		$resMinx = db_query($sqlMinx);
+		$minx = floatval(db_result($resMinx,0,"minx"));
+		$sqlMiny = "SELECT Y(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".pg_escape_string($x)." ".pg_escape_string($y).")',".pg_escape_string($oldEPSG)."),".pg_escape_string($newEPSG).")) as miny";
+		$resMiny = db_query($sqlMiny);
+		$miny = floatval(db_result($resMiny,0,"miny"));
+	}else{
+		$con_string = "host=" . GEOS_DBSERVER . " port=" . GEOS_PORT . 
+			" dbname=" . GEOS_DB . "user=" . GEOS_OWNER . 
+			"password=" . GEOS_PW;
+		$con = pg_connect($con_string) or die ("Error while connecting database");
+		/*
+		 * @security_patch sqli done
+		 */
+		$sqlMinx = "SELECT X(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".pg_escape_string($x)." ".pg_escape_string($y).")',".pg_escape_string($oldEPSG)."),".pg_escape_string($newEPSG).")) as minx";
+		$resMinx = pg_query($con,$sqlMinx);
+		$minx = floatval(pg_fetch_result($resMinx,0,"minx"));
+		$sqlMiny = "SELECT Y(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".pg_escape_string($x)." ".pg_escape_string($y).")',".pg_escape_string($oldEPSG)."),".pg_escape_string($newEPSG).")) as miny";
+		$resMiny = pg_query($con,$sqlMiny);
+		$miny = floatval(pg_fetch_result($resMiny,0,"miny"));
+	}
+	return array("x" => $minx, "y" => $miny);
+//Function to create an OpenLayers Javascript from a mapbender wmc document
+function createJsonFromWmc($wmcId, $crs){
+	$myWmc = new wmc();
+	global $user;
+	global $userId;
+	global $admin;
+	global $backgroundLayer;
+	//maybe faster to parse the xml itself and read the new layer_names and getmapurls directly
+	/* example reduced wmc json
+	{"wmc":{"id":"6","title":"Testwmc","bbox":"","timeStamp":"123123123"},"layerList":[{"internal":true,"currentFormat":"image/png","id":31452,"opacity":50},{"internal":"false","currentFormat":"image/jpeg","getMapUrl":"","layerTitle":"","layerName":"","layerAbstract":"","layerBbox":"","opacity":"50"}]}
+	*/
+	//geometryfromtext(((((((((((((((((((('POLYGON(('::text || layer_epsg.minx::text) || ' '::text) || layer_epsg.miny::text) || ','::text) || layer_epsg.minx::text) || ' '::text) || layer_epsg.maxy::text) || ','::text) || layer_epsg.maxx::text) || ' '::text) || layer_epsg.maxy::text) || ','::text) || layer_epsg.maxx::text) || ' '::text) || layer_epsg.miny::text) || ','::text) || layer_epsg.minx::text) || ' '::text) || layer_epsg.miny::text) || '))'::text, 4326) AS the_geom, (((((layer_epsg.minx::text || ','::text) || layer_epsg.miny::text) || ','::text) || layer_epsg.maxx::text) || ','::text) || layer_epsg.maxy::text AS bbox
+	$sql = "SELECT wmc_title, wmc_serial_id, wmc, wmc_timestamp, abstract, srs, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, srs  from mb_user_wmc WHERE wmc_serial_id = $1;";
+	$v = array($wmcId);
+	$t = array('i');
+	$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+	$row = db_fetch_assoc($res);
+	$typeOfSerialId = gettype($row['wmc_serial_id']);
+	if ($typeOfSerialId == "NULL") {
+		echo "No WebMapContext document with id ".$wmcId." found in mapbender database!";
+		die();
+	}
+	//transform coords if needed
+	$requestedEPSG = preg_replace("/EPSG:/","", $crs);
+	$wmcEPSG = preg_replace("/EPSG:/","", $row['srs']);
+	if ($requestedEPSG != $wmcEPSG) {
+		//transform bbox to other crs
+		$llc = transform($row['minx'], $row['miny'], $wmcEPSG, $requestedEPSG);
+		$urc = transform($row['maxx'], $row['maxy'], $wmcEPSG, $requestedEPSG);
+	}
+	if (!is_null($llc) || !is_null($urc)) {
+		//overwrite values from database
+		$row['minx'] = $llc["x"];
+		$row['miny'] = $llc["y"];
+		$row['maxx'] = $urc["x"];
+		$row['maxy'] = $urc["y"];
+		$row['srs'] = "EPSG:".$requestedEPSG;
+		$e = new mb_exception("CRS for WMC with wmc_serial_id ".$row['wmc_serial_id']." is tranformed to ".$row['srs']);
+	}
+	//build object
+	//build background part
+	$wmcObject->backGroundLayer[0]->serviceType = "WMTS";
+	$wmcObject->backGroundLayer[0]->name = "Hybrid";
+	$wmcObject->backGroundLayer[0]->url = "http://www.gdi-rp-dienste2.rlp.de/mapcache/wmts/";
+	$wmcObject->backGroundLayer[0]->layer = "test";
+	$wmcObject->backGroundLayer[0]->matrixSet = "UTM32";
+	$wmcObject->backGroundLayer[0]->format = "image/jpeg";
+	$wmcObject->backGroundLayer[0]->active = true;
+	$wmcObject->backGroundLayer[1]->serviceType = "WMS";
+	$wmcObject->backGroundLayer[1]->name = "Luftbild";
+	$wmcObject->backGroundLayer[1]->url = "http://geo4.service24.rlp.de/wms/dop40_geo4.fcgi?";
+	$wmcObject->backGroundLayer[1]->layers = "dop";
+	$wmcObject->backGroundLayer[1]->format = "image/jpeg";
+	//build wmc part
+	$wmcObject->wmc->id = $row['wmc_serial_id'];
+	$wmcObject->wmc->title = $row['wmc_title'];
+	$wmcObject->wmc->timeStamp = $row['wmc_timestamp'];
+	//transform bbox to requested crs
+	//TODO
+	$wmcObject->wmc->crs = $row['srs'];
+	$wmcObject->wmc->bbox = $row['minx'].",".$row['miny'].",".$row['maxx'].",".$row['maxy'];
+	//parse wmc
+	$xml = simplexml_load_string($row['wmc'], "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOBLANKS);
+	$layerArray = $xml->LayerList->Layer;
+	//initialize layer
+	$layerCount = 0;
+	for ($i=0; $i<count($layerArray); $i++) {
+		$mbExtensions = $layerArray[$i]->Extension->children('http://www.mapbender.org/context');
+		//$layer_array_queryable[$i]=$mbExtensions->querylayer;
+		/*if (($layer_array_queryable[$i]=='1') and ($xml->LayerList->Layer[$i]->attributes()->hidden=='0') and ($mb_extensions->layer_parent!='')){
+			$someLayerQueryable=true;
+		} else {
+			$layer_array_queryable[$i]=0;
+		}*/
+		//echo gettype($layerArray[$i]->Name->nodeValue);
+		//get id if given!
+		$layerHidden = (integer)$layerArray[$i]->attributes()->hidden;
+		$layerQueryable = (integer)$layerArray[$i]->attributes()->queryable;
+		$layerSRS = explode(" ",(string)$layerArray[$i]->SRS);
+		if ($layerHidden == 1) {
+			$layerActive = false;
+		} else {
+			$layerActive = true;
+		}
+		$layerId = (integer)$mbExtensions->layer_id;
+		$layerParent = (string)$mbExtensions->layer_parent;
+		//<Layer queryable="0" hidden="0">
+		//gui_wms_opacity
+		//use only layer which are not hidden and no root layer and support the requested SRS
+		if ($layerParent != '' && in_array($crs, $layerSRS)) {
+			if (!isset($layerId) || $layerId == '') {
+				$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->internal = false; 
+				$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->layerName = (string)$layerArray[$i]->Name;
+				$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->opacity = (integer)$mbExtensions->gui_wms_opacity;
+				$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->active = $layerActive;
+				$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->currentFormat = (string)$layerArray[$i]->FormatList->Format[0];
+				$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->getMapUrl = (string)$layerArray[$i]->Server->OnlineResource->attributes('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink')->href;
+				$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->layerTitle = (string)$layerArray[$i]->Title;
+				$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->layerAbstract = (string)$layerArray[$i]->Abstract;
+				$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->layerQueryable = $layerQueryable;
+				//layerBbox - TODO
+				$layerCount++;
+			} else {
+				if (!in_array($layerId,$backgroundLayer)) {
+					$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->internal = true; 
+					$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->layerId = (integer)$mbExtensions->layer_id;
+					$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->opacity = (integer)$mbExtensions->gui_wms_opacity;
+					$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->active = $layerActive;
+					$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->currentFormat = (string)$layerArray[$i]->FormatList->Format[0];
+					$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->layerQueryable = $layerQueryable;
+					//$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->hidden = $layerHidden;
+					//$wmcObject->layerList[$i]->layerHidden = $layerHidden;
+					//$wmcObject->layerList[$layerCount]->layerParent = $layerParent;
+					$layerCount++;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	echo json_encode($wmcObject);
+createJsonFromWmc($wmc_id, $crs);

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