[Mapbender-commits] r8282 - trunk/mapbender/http/geoportal

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Thu Mar 8 11:19:17 EST 2012

Author: armin11
Date: 2012-03-08 08:19:17 -0800 (Thu, 08 Mar 2012)
New Revision: 8282

Special gazetteer server module - only for geoportal application

Added: trunk/mapbender/http/geoportal/gaz_geom_mobile.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/geoportal/gaz_geom_mobile.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/geoportal/gaz_geom_mobile.php	2012-03-08 16:19:17 UTC (rev 8282)
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+# $Id$
+# http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/gaz_service.php
+# Copyright (C) 2002 CCGIS 
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+//Check if the result should be delivered as a webservice
+IF ($_REQUEST['resultTarget'] != 'web') {
+	(isset($_SERVER["argv"][1]))? ($user_id = $_SERVER["argv"][1]) : ($e = new mb_exception("geom: user lacks!"));
+	(isset($_SERVER["argv"][2]))? ($sstr = $_SERVER["argv"][2]) : ($e = new mb_exception("geom: string lacks!"));
+	(isset($_SERVER["argv"][3]))? ($epsg = $_SERVER["argv"][3]) : ($e = new mb_exception("geom: epsg lacks!"));
+	$searchThruWeb = false;
+} else {
+	$maxResults = 15; //set default
+	$outputFormat = 'json'; //set default
+	$epsg = 31466;
+	if (isset($_REQUEST["maxResults"]) & $_REQUEST["maxResults"] != "") {
+		//validate integer to 100 - not more
+		$testMatch = $_REQUEST["maxResults"];
+		//give max 99 entries - more will be to slow
+		$pattern = '/^([0-9]{0,1})([0-9]{1})$/';		
+ 		if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+			echo 'maxResults: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+			die(); 		
+ 		}
+		$maxResults = $testMatch;
+		$testMatch = NULL;
+	}
+	if (isset($_REQUEST["outputFormat"]) & $_REQUEST["outputFormat"] != "") {
+		$testMatch = $_REQUEST["outputFormat"];	
+ 		if (!($testMatch == 'json')){ 
+			echo 'outputFormat: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+			die(); 		
+ 		}
+		$outputFormat = $testMatch;
+		$testMatch = NULL;
+	}
+	if (isset($_REQUEST["searchEPSG"]) & $_REQUEST["searchEPSG"] != "") {
+		$testMatch = $_REQUEST["searchEPSG"];	
+ 		if (!($testMatch == '31467' or $testMatch == '31468' or $testMatch == '25832' or $testMatch == '4326')){ 
+			echo 'searchEPSG: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+			die(); 		
+ 		}
+		$searchEPSG = $testMatch;
+		$testMatch = NULL;
+	}
+	/*if (isset($_REQUEST["callback"]) & $_REQUEST["callback"] != "") {
+		$testMatch = $_REQUEST["callback"];	
+		$pattern = '/^jQuery\d+_\d+$/';
+		if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+ 		//if (!($testMatch == '31467' or $testMatch == '31468' or $testMatch == '25832' or $testMatch == '4326')){ 
+			echo 'callback: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+			die(); 		
+ 		}
+		$callback = $testMatch;
+		$testMatch = NULL;
+	}*/
+	//for debugging
+	$callback = $_REQUEST["callback"];
+	//get searchText as a parameter
+	$searchText = $_REQUEST['searchText']; //TODO: filter for insecure texts
+	$sstr = $searchText;
+	$epsg = $searchEPSG;
+	$searchThruWeb = true;
+$con = pg_connect("host=".GEOMDB_HOST." port=".GEOMDB_PORT." dbname=".GEOMDB_NAME." user=".GEOMDB_USER." password=".GEOMDB_PASSWORD)
+or die('Verbindungsaufbau fehlgeschlagen: ' . pg_last_error());
+function replaceChars($text){
+	$search = array( "ä",  "ö",  "ü",  "Ä",  "Ö",  "Ü",  "ß","tr." );
+	$repwith = array("ae", "oe", "ue", "AE", "OE", "UE", "ss","tr");
+	if(CHARSET=="UTF-8")
+		$text = utf8_decode($text);
+	$ret = str_replace($search, $repwith, $text);
+	if(CHARSET=="UTF-8")
+		$ret = utf8_encode($ret);
+	return $ret;
+/******* conf ***********************************/
+$factor = 1;
+if (intval($epsg) == 4326) $factor = 0.00001; 
+/******* wohnplätze *******************/
+$bufferWP = 1000*$factor;
+$arrayWP = array();
+$arrayWPKey = array();
+/******* gemeinde *********************/	
+$bufferG = 100*$factor;
+$arrayG = array();
+$toleranceG = 100*$factor;
+/******* kreis *********************/	
+$bufferK = 100*$factor;
+$arrayK = array();
+$toleranceK = 1000*$factor;
+/******* verbandsgemeinde *********************/	
+$bufferV = 100*$factor;
+$arrayV = array();
+$toleranceV = 1000*$factor;
+/******* strasse *********************/	
+$bufferSTR = 100*$factor;
+$arraySTR = array();
+$toleranceSTR = 100*$factor;
+/******* Strasse / Hsnr ****************/
+$bufferSH = 100*$factor;
+$arraySH = array();
+$toleranceSH = 1000*$factor;
+$e = new mb_exception("gaz_geom_mobile was invoked with string:".$sstr);
+/****** Workflow *********************************/
+$astr = split(",",replaceChars($sstr));
+//if only one string without any comma is given
+if(count($astr) == 1){
+	$astr[0] = trim($astr[0]);
+	$e = new mb_exception("gaz_geom_mobile: only one string detected: ".$astr[0]);
+	//check if there may be a postal code
+	$plz = getPlz($astr[0]);
+	//check if there is a housenumber
+	$hsnr = getNr($astr[0]);
+	if($plz != false){
+		//checkSize($astr[0]);
+		checkWP($plz, strtoupper(getCity($astr[0])));
+		checkGfromWP();
+	}
+	else if($hsnr != false){
+	}
+	else if($hsnr == false && $plz == false){
+		checkWP(false,strtoupper($astr[0]));
+		checkG(strtoupper($astr[0]));
+		checkGfromWP();
+		checkK(strtoupper($astr[0]));
+		checkVg($astr[0]);
+	}
+//if 2 parts are given - the first one may be a combined or a single value
+// '56743 mendig' or 'ferdinand-sauerbruch-strasse 15' or 'koblenz' or 'mendig' or, or, or ...
+else if(count($astr) == 2){
+	$e = new mb_exception("gaz_geom_mobile: two strings detected: ".$astr[0]." and ".$astr[1]);
+	$astr[0] = trim($astr[0]);
+	$astr[1] = trim($astr[1]);
+	$ckeys = array();
+	$cnames = array();
+	$cmissing = array();
+	$myplz = false;
+	$mycity = false;
+	$mystr = false;
+	$mynr = false;
+	$myzs = false;
+	$both = array();
+	// check first entry for postal code
+	if(getPlz($astr[0])){
+		$myplz = getPlz($astr[0]);
+		$e = new mb_exception("gaz_geom_mobile: postalcode detected: ".$myplz);
+		if(getNr($astr[1])){
+			$mynr = getNr($astr[1]);
+			$myzs = getAppendix($astr[1]);
+			$mystr = getStrn($astr[1]);
+		}
+		else{
+			$mystr = trim($astr[1]);	
+		}
+	}
+	//check first entry for number
+	else if(getNr($astr[0])){
+		$mynr = getNr($astr[0]);
+		$myzs = getAppendix($astr[0]);
+		$mystr = getStrn($astr[0]);
+		$e = new mb_exception('gaz_geom_mobile: search for streetname: '.$mystr);
+		//check if in second value there is a postalcode
+		if(getPlz($astr[1])){
+			$myplz = getPlz($astr[1]);
+		}
+		//maybe it will be a city name
+		else{
+			$mycity = trim($astr[1]);
+			$e = new mb_exception('gaz_geom_mobile: search for city: '.$mycity);
+		}
+	}
+	//check second for postal code
+	else{
+		if(getPlz($astr[1])){
+			$myplz = getPlz($astr[1]);
+		}
+		if(getNr($astr[1])){
+			$mynr = getNr($astr[1]);
+			$myzs = getAppendix($astr[1]);
+			$mystr = getStrn($astr[1]);
+			$mycity = getCity($astr[0]);
+		}
+		else{
+			array_push($both,$astr[0]);
+			array_push($both,$astr[1]);	
+		}
+	}
+	// workflow
+	if(count($both) == 2){
+		$a = "%".strtoupper(trim($both[0]))."%";
+		$b = "%".strtoupper(trim($both[1]))."%";
+		$v = array($a, $a);
+		$t = array('s', 's');
+		$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT gem_schl_neu, gemeinde AS gem FROM gis.verwaltungseinheit ";
+		$sql .= "WHERE gemeinde_upper LIKE $1";
+		$sql .= "UNION SELECT DISTINCT gem_schl_neu, gemeinde_gem_teile AS gem FROM gis.wohnplatz ";
+		$sql .= "WHERE gemeinde_gem_teile_upper LIKE $2) AS str";
+		$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+		while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+			array_push($ckeys, $row['gem_schl_neu']);
+			array_push($cnames, encode($row['gem']));
+			array_push($cmissing, $b);
+		}
+		$v = array($b, $b);
+		$t = array('s', 's');
+		$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT gem_schl_neu, gemeinde AS gem FROM gis.verwaltungseinheit ";
+		$sql .= "WHERE gemeinde_upper LIKE $1";
+		$sql .= "UNION SELECT DISTINCT gem_schl_neu, gemeinde_gem_teile AS gem FROM gis.wohnplatz ";
+		$sql .= "WHERE gemeinde_gem_teile_upper LIKE $2) AS str";
+		$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+		while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+			array_push($ckeys, $row['gem_schl_neu']);
+			array_push($cnames, encode($row['gem']));
+			array_push($cmissing, $a);
+		}
+		if(count($ckeys)>0){
+			for($i=0; $i<count($ckeys); $i++){	
+				$v = array($ckeys[$i], $cmissing[$i]);
+				$t = array('i', 's');
+				$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT str_name_ewois, ";
+				$sql .= "SRID(the_geom) AS srid, AsGML(the_geom) AS gml ,";
+				$sql .= "(xmin(the_geom) - ".$bufferSH.") as minx, ";
+				$sql .= "(ymin(the_geom) - ".$bufferSH.") as miny, ";
+				$sql .= "(xmax(the_geom) + ".$bufferSH.") as maxx, ";
+				$sql .= "(ymax(the_geom) + ".$bufferSH.") as maxy ";
+				$sql .= "FROM gis.strassenschluessel WHERE gem_schl = $1 ";
+				$sql .= " AND (str_name_ewois_upper LIKE $2)";
+				if (isset($epsg) && is_numeric($epsg) && intval($epsg) != 31466) {
+					$sql = str_replace("the_geom", "transform(the_geom,".$epsg.")", $sql);
+				}				
+				$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+				while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+					$show = encode($row["str_name_ewois"])."  ".$cnames[$i];
+					$e = new mb_exception('gaz_geom_mobile: street found: '.$row["str_name_ewois"]);
+					stack_it($arraySTR,"str",$show,"str",$row["srid"],$row["minx"],$row["miny"],$row["maxx"],$row["maxy"],$row["gml"]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else{
+//	echo $myplz ."#";
+//	echo $mycity ."#";
+//	echo $mystr ."#";
+//	echo $mynr ."#";
+//	echo $myzs ."#";
+//	print_r($both);	
+		checkSH($mystr,$mynr,$myzs,$myplz,$mycity);
+	}
+//$fillSH = checkSH("Akazienweg",30,false,56075,"Koblenz"); 
+function checkMinLength($str) {
+	global $searchThruWeb;
+	if (strlen($str) < 3) {
+		if ($searchThruWeb) {
+		//errorOutput();
+			null_json_output();
+		} else {
+			null_output();
+		}
+		die();
+	} 
+//Strasse Hausnummer
+function checkSH($s,$h,$z,$p,$o){
+	global $bufferSH, $arraySH, $epsg;
+	if ($o && $s) {
+		$str_schl = array();
+		$str_schl_gem = array();
+		$ckeys = array();
+		$cnames = array();
+		$a = "%".strtoupper(trim($o))."%";
+		$v = array($a, $a);
+		$t = array('s', 's');
+		$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT gem_schl_neu, gemeinde AS gem FROM gis.verwaltungseinheit ";
+		$sql .= "WHERE gemeinde_upper LIKE $1";
+		$sql .= "UNION SELECT DISTINCT gem_schl_neu, gemeinde_gem_teile AS gem FROM gis.wohnplatz ";
+		$sql .= "WHERE gemeinde_gem_teile_upper LIKE $2) AS str";
+		$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+		while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+			array_push($ckeys, $row['gem_schl_neu']);
+			array_push($cnames, $row['gem']);
+		}
+		if(count($ckeys)>0){
+			for($i=0; $i<count($ckeys); $i++){	
+				$v = array($ckeys[$i], "%". strtoupper(trim($s)). "%");
+				$t = array('i', 's');
+				$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT str_schl_alt ";
+				$sql .= "FROM gis.strassenschluessel WHERE gem_schl = $1 ";
+				$sql .= " AND str_name_ewois_upper ILIKE $2";
+				$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+				while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+					array_push($str_schl, $row['str_schl_alt']);
+					$e = new mb_exception('gaz_geom_mobile: strassenschluessel: '.$row["str_schl_alt"].' for '.$s.' found' );	
+					array_push($str_schl_gem, $cnames[$i]);
+				}
+			}
+			//select all streetkeys
+			if (count($str_schl > 0)) {
+				$v = array($h);
+				$t = array('i');
+				$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT name, hausnummer, zusatz, plz, post_ortsname, ";
+				$sql .= "SRID(the_geom) AS srid, AsGML(the_geom) AS gml ,";
+				$sql .= "(xmin(the_geom) - ".$bufferSH.") as minx, ";
+				$sql .= "(ymin(the_geom) - ".$bufferSH.") as miny, ";
+				$sql .= "(xmax(the_geom) + ".$bufferSH.") as maxx, ";
+				$sql .= "(ymax(the_geom) + ".$bufferSH.") as maxy ";
+				$sql .= "FROM gis.hauskoordinaten ";
+				$sql .= "WHERE hausnummer = $1 AND strschl IN (";
+				for($i=0; $i<count($str_schl); $i++){	
+					if($i > 0){$sql .= ",";}
+					$sql .= "$".($i+2);
+					array_push($v,$str_schl[$i]);
+					array_push($t,'i');
+				}
+				$sql .= ")";
+				if (isset($epsg) && is_numeric($epsg) && intval($epsg) != 31466) {
+					$sql = str_replace("the_geom", "transform(the_geom,".$epsg.")", $sql);
+				}				
+				$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+				while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+#$show = $row["name"]." ".$row["hausnummer"];
+				if($row["zusatz"] != 'null'){
+				#	$show .= $row["zusatz"];
+$show = utf8_decode($row["name"])." ".$row["hausnummer"].$row["zusatz"];
+//$show = $row["name"]." ".$row["hausnummer"].$row["zusatz"]; TODO: exchange this, when the hauskoordinaten table is delivered in a homogenous encoding! 
+	else
+{$show = utf8_decode( $row["name"])." ".$row["hausnummer"];}	
+		$show .= ", " . $row["plz"]. " " . $row["post_ortsname"];
+	stack_it($arraySH,"haus",$show,"sh",$row["srid"],$row["minx"],$row["miny"],$row["maxx"],$row["maxy"],$row["gml"]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		//is this 'else' obsolete?
+		$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT name, hausnummer, zusatz, plz, post_ortsname, ";
+		$sql .= "SRID(the_geom) AS srid, AsGML(the_geom) AS gml ,";
+		$sql .= "(xmin(the_geom) - ".$bufferSH.") as minx, ";
+		$sql .= "(ymin(the_geom) - ".$bufferSH.") as miny, ";
+		$sql .= "(xmax(the_geom) + ".$bufferSH.") as maxx, ";
+		$sql .= "(ymax(the_geom) + ".$bufferSH.") as maxy ";
+		$sql .= "FROM gis.hauskoordinaten ";
+		$sql .= "WHERE name ILIKE $1 AND hausnummer = $2 ";
+		$v = array("%".$s."%",$h);
+		$t = array('s','i');
+		if($z){
+			$sql .= "AND zusatz = $" . (count($v)+1);
+			array_push($v,$z);
+			array_push($t,'s');
+		}
+		if($p){
+			$sql .= "AND plz = $" . (count($v)+1);
+			array_push($v,$p);
+			array_push($t,'i');
+		}
+		if($o){
+			$sql .= "AND post_ortsname ILIKE $" . (count($v)+1);
+			array_push($v,"%".$o."%");
+			array_push($t,'s');
+		}
+		#$sql .= " GROUP BY the_geom, name, hausnummer, zusatz, plz, post_ortsname";	
+		if (isset($epsg) && is_numeric($epsg) && intval($epsg) != 31466) {
+			$sql = str_replace("the_geom", "transform(the_geom,".$epsg.")", $sql);
+		}				
+		$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+		while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+			$show = utf8_decode($row["name"])." ".$row["hausnummer"];
+			$e = new mb_exception('gaz_geom_mobile.php: streetname2: '.utf8_decode($row["name"]));
+			//$show = $row["name"]." ".$row["hausnummer"]; TODO: see above
+			if($row["zusatz"] != null){
+				$show .= $row["zusatz"];	
+			}
+			$show .= ", " . $row["plz"]. " " . utf8_decode($row["post_ortsname"]); 
+			stack_it($arraySH,"haus",$show,"sh",$row["srid"],$row["minx"],$row["miny"],$row["maxx"],$row["maxy"],$row["gml"]);
+		}
+	}
+	return true;
+function checkWP($plz,$name){	
+	global $bufferWP, $arrayWP, $arrayWPKey, $epsg;
+	$v = array();
+	$t = array();
+	checkMinLength($name);
+	$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT gemeinde_gem_teile, gem_schl_neu, postleitzahl,";
+	$sql .= "SRID(the_geom) AS srid, AsGML(the_geom) AS gml ,";
+	$sql .= "(xmin(the_geom) - ".$bufferWP.") as minx, ";
+	$sql .= "(ymin(the_geom) - ".$bufferWP.") as miny, ";
+	$sql .= "(xmax(the_geom) + ".$bufferWP.") as maxx, ";
+	$sql .= "(ymax(the_geom) + ".$bufferWP.") as maxy ";
+	$sql .= "FROM gis.wohnplatz WHERE ";
+	if($plz == false){
+		$sql .= "gemeinde_gem_teile_upper ILIKE $1 ";
+		array_push($v,"%".$name."%");
+		array_push($t,'s');
+	}
+	else if($name == false){
+		$sql .= "postleitzahl = $1 ";
+		array_push($v,$plz);
+		array_push($t,'i');
+	}
+	else{
+		$sql .= "postleitzahl = $1 AND gemeinde_gem_teile_upper ILIKE $2 ";
+		array_push($v,$plz);
+		array_push($t,'i');
+		array_push($v,"%".$name."%");
+		array_push($t,'s');
+	}
+	$sql .= "GROUP BY the_geom, gemeinde_gem_teile, gem_schl_neu, postleitzahl";	
+	if (isset($epsg) && is_numeric($epsg) && intval($epsg) != 31466) {
+		$sql = str_replace("the_geom", "transform(the_geom,".$epsg.")", $sql);
+	}				
+	$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+	while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+		$show = encode($row["gemeinde_gem_teile"]);
+		$show.= " (Wohnplatz)";
+		if(intval($row['postleitzahl'])> 1){ $show .= " (".$row['postleitzahl'].")"; }
+		stack_it($arrayWP,"wohnplatz",$show,"wp",$row["srid"],$row["minx"],$row["miny"],$row["maxx"],$row["maxy"],$row["gml"]);
+		if(!in_array($row["gem_schl_neu"],$arrayWPKey)){
+			array_push($arrayWPKey,$row["gem_schl_neu"]);
+		}
+	}
+	return true; 
+function checkGfromWP(){
+	global $arrayWPKey, $bufferG, $arrayG, $toleranceG, $epsg;
+	if(count($arrayWPKey) == 0){
+		return false;	
+	}
+	$v = array();
+	$t = array();
+	$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT gemeinde, ";
+	$sql .= "SRID(the_geom) AS srid, AsGML(Simplify(the_geom,$toleranceG)) AS gml ,";
+	$sql .= "(xmin(the_geom) - ".$bufferG.") as minx, ";
+	$sql .= "(ymin(the_geom) - ".$bufferG.") as miny, ";
+	$sql .= "(xmax(the_geom) + ".$bufferG.") as maxx, ";
+	$sql .= "(ymax(the_geom) + ".$bufferG.") as maxy ";
+	$sql .= "FROM gis.verwaltungseinheit WHERE gem_schl_neu IN(";
+	for($i=0; $i<count($arrayWPKey); $i++){
+		if($i > 0){$sql .= ",";}
+		$sql .= "$".($i+1);
+		array_push($v,$arrayWPKey[$i]);
+		array_push($t,'i');
+	}
+	$sql .= ") GROUP BY the_geom, gemeinde";
+	if (isset($epsg) && is_numeric($epsg) && intval($epsg) != 31466) {
+		$sql = str_replace("the_geom", "transform(the_geom,".$epsg.")", $sql);
+	}				
+	$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+	while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+		stack_it($arrayG,"gemeinde",encode($row["gemeinde"]." (Wohnplatz)"),"g",$row["srid"],$row["minx"],$row["miny"],$row["maxx"],$row["maxy"],$row["gml"]);
+	}
+function checkG($str){
+	global $bufferG, $arrayG, $toleranceG, $arrayWPKey, $epsg;
+	checkMinLength($str);
+	$tmp = array();
+	$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT gemeinde, gem_schl_neu, ";
+	$sql .= "SRID(the_geom) AS srid, AsGML(Simplify(the_geom,$toleranceG)) AS gml ,";
+	$sql .= "(xmin(the_geom) - ".$bufferG.") as minx, ";
+	$sql .= "(ymin(the_geom) - ".$bufferG.") as miny, ";
+	$sql .= "(xmax(the_geom) + ".$bufferG.") as maxx, ";
+	$sql .= "(ymax(the_geom) + ".$bufferG.") as maxy ";
+	$sql .= "FROM gis.verwaltungseinheit WHERE gemeinde_upper ILIKE $1 ";
+	#$sql .= "GROUP BY the_geom, gemeinde, gem_schl_neu";
+	if (isset($epsg) && is_numeric($epsg) && intval($epsg) != 31466) {
+		$sql = str_replace("the_geom", "transform(the_geom,".$epsg.")", $sql);
+	}				
+	$v = array("%".$str."%");
+	$t = array('s');
+	$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+	while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+		stack_it($arrayG,"gemeinde",encode($row["gemeinde"]." (Gemeinde)"),"g",$row["srid"],$row["minx"],$row["miny"],$row["maxx"],$row["maxy"],$row["gml"]);
+		$tmp[count($tmp)] = $row["gem_schl_neu"]; 
+	}
+	$arrayWPKey = array_diff($arrayWPKey,$tmp);
+function checkK($str){
+	global $bufferK, $arrayK, $toleranceK, $epsg;
+	checkMinLength($str);
+	$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT kreis, ";
+	$sql .= "SRID(the_geom) AS srid, AsGML(Simplify(the_geom,".$toleranceK.")) AS gml ,";
+	$sql .= "(xmin(the_geom)-".$bufferK.") as minx, ";
+	$sql .= "(ymin(the_geom)-".$bufferK.") as miny, ";
+	$sql .= "(xmax(the_geom)+".$bufferK.") as maxx, ";
+	$sql .= "(ymax(the_geom)+".$bufferK.") as maxy ";
+	$sql .= "FROM gis.kreis_pl WHERE kreis_upper ILIKE $1 ";
+	if (isset($epsg) && is_numeric($epsg) && intval($epsg) != 31466) {
+		$sql = str_replace("the_geom", "transform(the_geom,".$epsg.")", $sql);
+	}				
+	$v = array("%".$str."%");
+	$t = array('s');
+	$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+	while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+		stack_it($arrayK,"kreis",encode($row["kreis"]." (Landkreis)"),"k",$row["srid"],$row["minx"],$row["miny"],$row["maxx"],$row["maxy"],$row["gml"]);
+	}
+function checkVg($str){
+	global $bufferV, $arrayV, $toleranceV, $epsg;
+	checkMinLength($str);
+	$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT vg, ";
+	$sql .= "SRID(the_geom) AS srid, AsGML(Simplify(the_geom,".$toleranceV.")) AS gml ,";
+	$sql .= "(xmin(the_geom)-".$bufferV.") as minx, ";
+	$sql .= "(ymin(the_geom)-".$bufferV.") as miny, ";
+	$sql .= "(xmax(the_geom)+".$bufferV.") as maxx, ";
+	$sql .= "(ymax(the_geom)+".$bufferV.") as maxy ";
+	$sql .= "FROM gis.vg_fl WHERE vg ILIKE $1 ";
+	if (isset($epsg) && is_numeric($epsg) && intval($epsg) != 31466) {
+		$sql = str_replace("the_geom", "transform(the_geom,".$epsg.")", $sql);
+	}				
+	$v = array("%".$str."%");
+	$t = array('s');
+	$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+	while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+		stack_it($arrayV,"verbandsgemeinde",encode($row["vg"]." (Verbandsgemeinde)"),"vg",$row["srid"],$row["minx"],$row["miny"],$row["maxx"],$row["maxy"],$row["gml"]);
+	}
+function stack_it(&$stack,$category,$showtitle,$prefix,$srid,$minx,$miny,$maxx,$maxy,$gml){
+	global $searchThruWeb;
+	if (!$searchThruWeb) {
+	$doc = new DOMDocument();
+	$member = $doc->createElement("member");
+	$doc->appendChild($member);
+	$member->setAttribute('id',$prefix.count($stack));
+	$fc = $doc->createElement("FeatureCollection");
+	$member->appendChild($fc);
+	$fc->setAttribute("xmlns:gml","http://www.opengis.net/gml");
+	$bb = $doc->createElement("boundedBy");
+	$fc->appendChild($bb);
+	$box = $doc->createElement("Box");
+	$bb->appendChild($box);
+	$box->setAttribute('srsName',"EPSG:".$srid);
+	$c = $doc->createElement("coordinates");
+	$box->appendChild($c);
+	$coords = $doc->createTextNode($minx.",".$miny." ".$maxx.",".$maxy);
+	$c->appendChild($coords);
+	$fm = $doc->createElement("featureMember");
+	$fc->appendChild($fm);
+	$wp = $doc->createElement($category);
+	$fm->appendChild($wp);
+	$title = $doc->createElement("title");
+	$wp->appendChild($title);
+	$ttitle = $doc->createTextNode($showtitle);
+	$title->appendChild($ttitle);
+	$geom = $doc->createElement("the_geom");
+	$wp->appendChild($geom);		
+	$myNode = @simplexml_load_string($gml);
+	$mySNode = dom_import_simplexml($myNode);
+	$domNode = $doc->importNode($mySNode, true);
+	$geom->appendChild($domNode);	 
+	array_push($stack,$member);
+	} else {
+		//generate simple json objects as array elements
+		$classJSON = new Mapbender_JSON;
+		$returnJSON = new stdClass;
+		$returnJSON->title = $showtitle;
+		$returnJSON->category = $category;
+		$returnJSON->minx = $minx;
+		$returnJSON->miny = $miny;
+		$returnJSON->maxx = $maxx;
+		$returnJSON->maxy = $maxy;
+		$returnJSON = $classJSON->encode($returnJSON);
+		array_push($stack,$returnJSON);	
+	}		
+function null_output(){
+	global $sstr, $arrayWP, $arrayG, $arrayK, $arraySH, $arraySTR, $arrayV;
+	$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0');
+	$doc->encoding = CHARSET;
+	$result = $doc->createElement("result");
+	$doc->appendChild($result);
+	$ready = $doc->createElement('ready');
+	$result->appendChild($ready);
+	$tready = $doc->createTextNode("true");
+	$ready->appendChild($tready);
+	echo $doc->saveXML();
+function null_json_output(){
+	global $sstr, $arrayWP, $arrayG, $arrayK, $arraySH, $arraySTR, $arrayV;
+	echo "{\"totalResultsCount\":0,\"geonames\":[]}";
+function xml_output(){
+	global $sstr, $arrayWP, $arrayG, $arrayK, $arraySH, $arraySTR, $arrayV, $searchThruWeb, $callback, $maxResults;
+	if (!$searchThruWeb) {
+		$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0');
+		$doc->encoding = CHARSET;
+		$result = $doc->createElement("result");
+		$doc->appendChild($result);
+		for($i=0; $i<count($arrayWP); $i++){
+			$domNode = $doc->importNode($arrayWP[$i], true); 
+			$result->appendChild($domNode);
+		}
+		for($i=0; $i<count($arrayG); $i++){
+			$domNode = $doc->importNode($arrayG[$i], true);
+			$result->appendChild($domNode);
+		}
+		for($i=0; $i<count($arrayK); $i++){
+			$domNode = $doc->importNode($arrayK[$i], true);
+			$result->appendChild($domNode);
+		}
+		for($i=0; $i<count($arraySH); $i++){
+			$domNode = $doc->importNode($arraySH[$i], true);
+			$result->appendChild($domNode);
+		}
+		for($i=0; $i<count($arraySTR); $i++){
+			$domNode = $doc->importNode($arraySTR[$i], true);
+			$result->appendChild($domNode);
+		}
+		for($i=0; $i<count($arrayV); $i++){
+			$domNode = $doc->importNode($arrayV[$i], true);
+			$result->appendChild($domNode);
+		}
+		$ready = $doc->createElement('ready');
+		$result->appendChild($ready);
+		$tready = $doc->createTextNode("true");
+		$ready->appendChild($tready);
+		//if ($searchThruWeb) {
+		//	header("Content-type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8");
+		//}
+		echo $doc->saveXML();
+	} else {
+		//generate json object with gml content
+		$classJSON = new Mapbender_JSON;
+		$returnJSON = new stdClass;
+		$countGeonames = 0;
+		$returnJSON->totalResultsCount = 0;
+		for($i=0; $i<count($arrayK); $i++){
+				if ($countGeonames >= $maxResults) {
+					break;
+				}
+				$returnJSON->geonames[$countGeonames] = $classJSON->decode($arrayK[$i]);
+				$countGeonames++;
+				if (countGeonames >= $maxResults) {
+				}
+		}
+		for($i=0; $i<count($arrayV); $i++){
+				if ($countGeonames >= $maxResults) {
+					break;
+				}
+			$returnJSON->geonames[$countGeonames] = $classJSON->decode($arrayV[$i]);
+			$countGeonames++;
+		}
+		for($i=0; $i<count($arrayG); $i++){
+				if ($countGeonames >= $maxResults) {
+					break;
+				}
+			$returnJSON->geonames[$countGeonames] = $classJSON->decode($arrayG[$i]);
+			$countGeonames++;
+		}
+		for($i=0; $i<count($arraySTR); $i++){
+				if ($countGeonames >= $maxResults) {
+					break;
+				}
+			$returnJSON->geonames[$countGeonames] = $classJSON->decode($arraySTR[$i]);
+			$countGeonames++;
+		}
+		for($i=0; $i<count($arrayWP); $i++){
+				if ($countGeonames >= $maxResults) {
+					break;
+				}
+			$returnJSON->geonames[$countGeonames] = $classJSON->decode($arrayWP[$i]);
+			$countGeonames++;
+		}
+		for($i=0; $i<count($arraySH); $i++){
+				if ($countGeonames >= $maxResults) {
+					break;
+				}
+			$returnJSON->geonames[$countGeonames] = $classJSON->decode($arraySH[$i]);
+			$countGeonames++;
+		}
+		$returnJSON->totalResultsCount = $countGeonames;
+		if ($returnJSON->totalResultsCount == 0) {
+			$returnJSON->geonames = array();
+		}
+		if (isset($callback) && $callback != '') {
+			 $returnJSON = $callback."(".$classJSON->encode($returnJSON).")";
+		} else {
+			  $returnJSON = $classJSON->encode($returnJSON);
+		}
+	       	echo $returnJSON;	
+	}
+function encode($s){
+#	if(CHARSET == 'UTF-8'){
+#		$s = utf8_encode($s);
+#	}
+	return $s;
+function getPlz($str){
+	$p = "/.*(\d{5}).*/";	
+	$am = array();
+ 	if(preg_match($p, $str, $am)){
+ 		return $am[1];
+ 	}
+ 	else{
+ 		return false;
+ 	}
+function getCity($str){
+	$p = "/(^\d{5}){0,1}(.*)/";	
+	$am = array();
+ 	if(preg_match($p, $str, $am)){
+ 		return trim($am[2]);
+ 	}
+ 	else{
+ 		return false;
+ 	} 
+function getNr($str){
+	$p = "/.*[^0-9](\d{1,4})[^0-9]*/";
+	$am = array();
+ 	if(preg_match($p, $str, $am)){
+ 		return $am[(count($am)-1)];
+ 	}
+ 	else{
+ 		return false;
+ 	} 
+function getStrn($str){
+	$p = "/^(\D+)\d/";	
+	$am = array();
+ 	if(preg_match($p, $str, $am)){
+ 		return trim($am[1]);
+ 	}
+ 	else{
+ 		return false;
+ 	} 
+function getAppendix($str){
+	$p = "/.*\d+.*(\D{1})/";	
+	$am = array();
+ 	if(preg_match($p, $str, $am)){
+ 		return $am[1];
+ 	}
+ 	else{
+ 		return false;
+ 	}
+function getCKeysByName($city){
+	global $ckeys;
+	$city = "%".strtoupper(trim($city))."%";
+	$sql = "SELECT gem_schl_neu FROM gis.wohnplatz ";
+	$sql .= "WHERE gemeinde_gem_teile_upper ILIKE $1 ";
+	$v = array($city);
+	$t = array('s');
+	$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+	while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+		array_push($ckeys, $row['gem_schl_neu']);
+	}

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