[Mapbender-commits] r9561 - trunk/documents/presentations/FOSS4G2016
svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Mon Aug 22 02:33:04 PDT 2016
Author: astrid_emde
Date: 2016-08-22 02:33:04 -0700 (Mon, 22 Aug 2016)
New Revision: 9561
demos osm_local
Added: trunk/documents/presentations/FOSS4G2016/FOSS4G2016_Mapbender3_Workshop_digitizer.txt
--- trunk/documents/presentations/FOSS4G2016/FOSS4G2016_Mapbender3_Workshop_digitizer.txt (rev 0)
+++ trunk/documents/presentations/FOSS4G2016/FOSS4G2016_Mapbender3_Workshop_digitizer.txt 2016-08-22 09:33:04 UTC (rev 9561)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+-- DROP VIEW public.view_planet_osm_point;
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.view_planet_osm_point AS
+ SELECT planet_osm_point.osm_id,
+ planet_osm_point.gid,
+ planet_osm_point."addr:housenumber" AS housenumber,
+ planet_osm_point.amenity,
+ planet_osm_point.barrier,
+ planet_osm_point.bicycle,
+ planet_osm_point.brand,
+ planet_osm_point.building,
+ planet_osm_point.capital,
+ planet_osm_point.disused,
+ planet_osm_point.highway,
+ planet_osm_point.historic,
+ planet_osm_point.man_made,
+ planet_osm_point.name,
+ planet_osm_point.power,
+ planet_osm_point.public_transport,
+ planet_osm_point.railway,
+ planet_osm_point.ref AS location,
+ planet_osm_point.religion,
+ planet_osm_point.shop,
+ planet_osm_point.tourism,
+ planet_osm_point."tower:type" AS towertype,
+ planet_osm_point.z_order,
+ planet_osm_point.way AS geom
+ FROM planet_osm_point
+ WHERE planet_osm_point.amenity = 'post_box'::text
+ALTER TABLE public.view_planet_osm_point
+ OWNER TO "user";
+#-------------UNIQUE ID------------------------------------
+ALTER TABLE public.planet_osm_point ADD COLUMN gid integer;
+ALTER TABLE public.planet_osm_point ALTER COLUMN gid SET NOT NULL;
+ALTER TABLE public.planet_osm_point ALTER COLUMN gid SET DEFAULT nextval('planet_osm_point_gid_seq'::regclass);
+planet_osm_point_gid_seq: start value auf 9570 setzen
+ label: point digitizing
+ maxResults: 500
+ featureType:
+ connection: osm_local
+ table: view_planet_osm_point
+ uniqueId: gid
+ geomType: point
+ geomField: geom
+ srid: 4326
+ openFormAfterEdit: true
+ zoomScaleDenominator: 500
+ allowEditData: true
+ allowDelete: true
+ allowDigitize: true
+ toolset:
+ - type: drawPoint
+ - type: moveFeature
+ - type: selectFeature
+ - type: removeSelected
+ popup:
+ title: point test suite
+ width: 500px
+ searchType: currentExtent # currentExtent|all - default is currentExtent
+ tableFields:
+ gid: {label: Nr. , width: 20%}
+ location: {label: Location , width: 80%}
+ formItems:
+ - type: tabs
+ children:
+ - type: form
+ title: Basic information
+ css: {padding: 10px}
+ children:
+ - type: label
+ title: Welcome to the digitize demo. Try the new Mapbender3 feature!
+ - type: input
+ title: Name
+ mandatory: true
+ name: name
+ mandatoryText: Please give a name to the poi.
+ infoText: "Help: Please give a name to the new object."
+ - type: input
+ title: Location
+ mandatory: false
+ name: location
+ mandatoryText: Please give a title to the poi.
+ - type: select
+ title: Amenity
+ name: amenity
+ options: {post_box: post_box}
Added: trunk/documents/presentations/FOSS4G2016/FOSS4G2016_Mapbender3_Workshop_searchrouter.txt
--- trunk/documents/presentations/FOSS4G2016/FOSS4G2016_Mapbender3_Workshop_searchrouter.txt (rev 0)
+++ trunk/documents/presentations/FOSS4G2016/FOSS4G2016_Mapbender3_Workshop_searchrouter.txt 2016-08-22 09:33:04 UTC (rev 9561)
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+-- View: public.view_planet_osm_point
+-- DROP VIEW public.view_planet_osm_point;
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.view_planet_osm_point AS
+ SELECT planet_osm_point.osm_id,
+ planet_osm_point.gid,
+ planet_osm_point."addr:housenumber" AS housenumber,
+ planet_osm_point.amenity,
+ planet_osm_point.barrier,
+ planet_osm_point.bicycle,
+ planet_osm_point.brand,
+ planet_osm_point.building,
+ planet_osm_point.capital,
+ planet_osm_point.disused,
+ planet_osm_point.highway,
+ planet_osm_point.historic,
+ planet_osm_point.man_made,
+ planet_osm_point.name,
+ planet_osm_point.power,
+ planet_osm_point.public_transport,
+ planet_osm_point.railway,
+ planet_osm_point.ref AS location,
+ planet_osm_point.religion,
+ planet_osm_point.shop,
+ planet_osm_point.tourism,
+ planet_osm_point."tower:type" AS towertype,
+ planet_osm_point.z_order,
+ planet_osm_point.way AS geom
+ FROM planet_osm_point
+ WHERE planet_osm_point.amenity = 'post_box'::text
+ALTER TABLE public.view_planet_osm_point
+ OWNER TO "user";
+class: Mapbender\CoreBundle\Component\SQLSearchEngine
+ connection: osm_local
+ relation: public.view_planet_osm_point
+ attributes:
+ - osm_id
+ - amenity
+ - brand
+ - highway
+ - name
+ - location
+ - gid
+ geometry_attribute: geom
+ location:
+ type: text
+ options:
+ required: false
+ label: location
+ attr:
+ data-autocomplete: on
+ compare: ilike
+ view: table
+ count: true
+ headers:
+ location: Location
+ brand: Brand
+ callback:
+ event: click
+ options:
+ buffer: 50
+ minScale: 500
+ maxScale: 2500
+ styleMap:
+ default:
+ strokeColor: '#00ff00'
+ strokeOpacity: 1
+ fillOpacity: 0
+ select:
+ strokeColor: '#ff0000'
+ fillColor: '#ff0000'
+ fillOpacity: 0.8
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