[Mapbender-commits] r10035 - trunk/mapbender/http/php

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Mon Jan 21 08:15:09 PST 2019

Author: armin11
Date: 2019-01-21 08:15:09 -0800 (Mon, 21 Jan 2019)
New Revision: 10035

New draft for json interface to registrated csw catalogue

Added: trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_callCswMetadata.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_callCswMetadata.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_callCswMetadata.php	2019-01-21 16:15:09 UTC (rev 10035)
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+//classes for csw handling
+//parsing parameters
+//initialize request parameters:
+//	$searchId = "dummysearch";
+$searchText = "*";
+//	$isoCategories = NULL;
+//	$inspireThemes = NULL;
+//	$customCategories = NULL;
+//	$timeBegin = NULL;
+//	$timeEnd = NULL;
+//	$regTimeBegin = NULL;
+//	$regTimeEnd = NULL;
+} else {
+	$maxResults = 10;
+$searchBbox = NULL;
+$searchTypeBbox = "intersects"; //outside / inside
+$languageCode = "de";
+$outputFormat = 'json';
+//$searchResources = "dataset,service,application,other";
+//$searchResources = "dataset";
+$searchPages = "1";
+//	$resourceIds = NULL; //resourceIds is used to get a comma separated list with ids of the resources - layer - featuretypes - wmc
+//it will be used to filter some results 
+$resultTarget = "web";
+//	$preDefinedMaxResults = array(5,10,15,20,25,30);
+//	$searchEPSG = "EPSG:31466";
+//	$resolveCoupledResources = false;
+$classJSON = new Mapbender_JSON;
+if (defined('ABSOLUTE_TMPDIR')){
+	$tempFolder = ABSOLUTE_TMPDIR;
+} else {
+	$tempFolder = TMPDIR;
+//	$orderBy = "rank"; //rank or title or id or date
+$hostName = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
+$headers = apache_request_headers();
+$originFromHeader = false;
+foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
+    	if ($header === "Origin") {
+		//$e = new mb_exception("Origin: ".$value);
+		$originFromHeader = $value;
+    	}
+//read the whole query string:
+//$e = new mb_exception("mod_callMetadata.php: searchURL".$searchURL);
+//decode it !
+$searchURL = urldecode($searchURL);
+//control if some request variables are not set and set them explicit to NULL
+$checkForNullRequests = array("registratingDepartments","isoCategories","inspireThemes","customCategories","regTimeBegin","regTimeEnd","timeBegin","timeEnd","searchBbox","searchTypeBbox","searchResources","orderBy","hostName","resourceIds","restrictToOpenData");
+for($i=0; $i < count($checkForNullRequests); $i++){
+	if (!$_REQUEST[$checkForNullRequests[$i]] or $_REQUEST[$checkForNullRequests[$i]] == 'false' or $_REQUEST[$checkForNullRequests[$i]] == 'undefined') {
+		$_REQUEST[$checkForNullRequests[$i]] = "";
+		$searchURL = delTotalFromQuery($checkForNullRequests[$i],$searchURL);
+	}
+//Read out request Parameter:
+if (isset($_REQUEST["searchId"]) & $_REQUEST["searchId"] != "") {
+	//generate md5 representation, cause the id is used as a filename later on! - no validation needed
+	$searchId = md5($_REQUEST["searchId"]);
+if (isset($_REQUEST["searchText"]) & $_REQUEST["searchText"] != "") {
+	$test="(SELECT\s[\w\*\)\(\,\s]+\sFROM\s[\w]+)| (UPDATE\s[\w]+\sSET\s[\w\,\'\=]+)| (INSERT\sINTO\s[\d\w]+[\s\w\d\)\(\,]*\sVALUES\s\([\d\w\'\,\)]+)| (DELETE\sFROM\s[\d\w\'\=]+)";
+	//validate to csv integer list
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["searchText"];
+	$pattern = '/(\%27)|(\')|(\-\-)|(\")|(\%22)/';		
+ 	if (preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){
+		//echo 'searchText: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>searchText</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$searchText = $testMatch;
+        $searchText = str_replace('<','{<}',$searchText);
+ 	$searchText = str_replace('>','{>}',$searchText);
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+	if ($searchText ==='false') {
+		$searchText ='*';
+	}
+/*if (isset($_REQUEST["registratingDepartments"]) & $_REQUEST["registratingDepartments"] != "") {
+	//validate to csv integer list
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["registratingDepartments"];
+	$pattern = '/^[\d,]*$/';		
+ 	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+		//echo 'registratingDepartments: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>';
+		echo 'Parameter <b>registratingDepartments</b> is not valid (integer or cs integer list).<br/>';
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$registratingDepartments = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["resourceIds"]) & $_REQUEST["resourceIds"] != "") {
+	//validate to csv integer list
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["resourceIds"];
+	$pattern = '/^[\d,]*$/';		
+ 	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+		//echo 'resourceIds: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>resourceIds</b> is not valid (integer or cs integer list).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$resourceIds = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["isoCategories"]) & $_REQUEST["isoCategories"] != "") {
+	//validate to csv integer list
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["isoCategories"];
+	$pattern = '/^[\d,]*$/';		
+ 	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+		//echo 'isoCategories: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>isoCategories</b> is not valid (integer or cs integer list).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$isoCategories = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["inspireThemes"]) & $_REQUEST["inspireThemes"] != "") {
+	//validate to csv integer list
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["inspireThemes"];
+	$pattern = '/^[\d,]*$/';		
+ 	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+		//echo 'inspireThemes: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>inspireThemes</b> is not valid (integer or cs integer list).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$inspireThemes = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["customCategories"]) & $_REQUEST["customCategories"] != "") {
+	//validate to csv integer list
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["customCategories"];
+	$pattern = '/^[\d,]*$/';		
+ 	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){
+ 		//echo 'customCategories: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>';
+		echo 'Parameter <b>customCategories</b> is not valid (integer or cs integer list).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$customCategories = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["timeBegin"]) & $_REQUEST["timeBegin"] != "") {
+	//validate to iso date format YYYY-MM-DD
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["timeBegin"];
+	$pattern = '/^(19|20)[0-9]{2}[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/';		
+ 	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){
+		//echo 'timeBegin: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>timeBegin</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$timeBegin = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;	
+if (isset($_REQUEST["timeEnd"]) & $_REQUEST["timeEnd"] != "") {
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["timeEnd"];
+	$pattern = '/^(19|20)[0-9]{2}[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/';		
+ 	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+		//echo 'timeEnd: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>timeEnd</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$timeEnd = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["regTimeBegin"]) & $_REQUEST["regTimeBegin"] != "") {
+	//validate to iso date format YYYY-MM-DD
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["regTimeBegin"];
+	$pattern = '/^(19|20)[0-9]{2}[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/';		
+ 	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+		//echo 'regTimeBegin: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>regTimeBegin</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$regTimeBegin = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["regTimeEnd"]) & $_REQUEST["regTimeEnd"] != "") {
+	//validate to iso date format YYYY-MM-DD
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["regTimeEnd"];
+	$pattern = '/^(19|20)[0-9]{2}[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/';		
+ 	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+		//echo 'regTimeEnd: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>';
+		echo 'Parameter <b>regTimeEnd</b> is not valid.<br/>';
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$regTimeEnd = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["maxResults"]) & $_REQUEST["maxResults"] != "") {
+	//validate integer to 100 - not more
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["maxResults"];
+	//give max 99 entries - more will be to slow
+	$pattern = '/^([0-9]{0,1})([0-9]{1})$/';		
+ 	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+		//echo 'maxResults: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>maxResults</b> is not valid (integer < 99).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$maxResults = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["catalogueId"]) & $_REQUEST["catalogueId"] != "") {
+	//validate integer to 100 - not more
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["catalogueId"];
+	//
+	$pattern = '/^([0-9]{0,1})([0-9]{1})$/';		
+ 	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+		//echo 'maxResults: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>catalogueId</b> is not valid (integer < 99).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$catalogueId = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+} else {
+	echo 'Mandatory parameter <b>catalogueId</b> not set!<br/>'; 
+	die();
+if (isset($_REQUEST["searchBbox"]) & $_REQUEST["searchBbox"] != "") {
+	//validate to float/integer
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["searchBbox"];
+	//$pattern = '/^[-\d,]*$/';	
+	$pattern = '/^[-+]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)*$/';
+	$testMatchArray = explode(',',$testMatch);
+ 	if (count($testMatchArray) != 4) {
+		echo 'Parameter <b>searchBbox</b> has a wrong amount of entries.<br/>'; 
+		die(); 
+	}
+	for($i=0; $i<count($testMatchArray);$i++){
+		if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatchArray[$i])){ 
+			echo 'Parameter <b>searchBbox</b> is not a valid coordinate value.<br/>'; 
+			die(); 		
+ 		}
+	}
+	$searchBbox = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["searchTypeBbox"]) & $_REQUEST["searchTypeBbox"] != "") {
+	//validate to inside / outside - TODO implement other ones than intersects which is default
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["searchTypeBbox"];	
+ 	if (!($testMatch == 'inside' or $testMatch == 'outside' or $testMatch == 'intersects')){ 
+		//echo 'searchTypeBbox: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>';
+		echo 'Parameter <b>searchTypeBbox</b> is not valid (inside,outside,intersects).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$searchTypeBbox = $testMatch; //TODO activate this
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+/*if (isset($_REQUEST["accessRestrictions"]) & $_REQUEST["accessRestrictions"] != "") {
+	//validate to ?
+	//TODO implement me //$accessRestrictions = $_REQUEST["accessRestrictions"];
+if (isset($_REQUEST["languageCode"]) & $_REQUEST["languageCode"] != "") {
+	//validate to de, en, fr
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["languageCode"];	
+ 	if (!($testMatch == 'de' or $testMatch == 'en' or $testMatch == 'fr')){ 
+		//echo 'languageCode: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>languageCode</b> is not valid (de,fr,en).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$languageCode = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["outputFormat"]) & $_REQUEST["outputFormat"] != "") {
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["outputFormat"];	
+ 	if (!($testMatch == 'json' or $testMatch == 'georss')){ 
+		//echo 'outputFormat: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>outputFormat</b> is not valid (json,georss).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$outputFormat = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+//$restrictToOpenData = false;
+/*if (isset($_REQUEST["restrictToOpenData"]) & $_REQUEST["restrictToOpenData"] != "") {
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["restrictToOpenData"];	
+ 	if (!($testMatch == 'true' or $testMatch == 'false')){ 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>restrictToOpenData</b> is not valid (true,false).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	switch ($testMatch) {
+		case "true":
+			$restrictToOpenData = "true";
+		break;
+		case "false":
+			$restrictToOpenData = "false";
+		break;	
+	}
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["resolveCoupledResources"]) & $_REQUEST["resolveCoupledResources"] != "") {
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["resolveCoupledResources"];	
+ 	if (!($testMatch == 'true' or $testMatch == 'false')){ 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>resolveCoupledResources</b> is not valid (true,false (default to false)).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	switch ($testMatch) {
+		case "true":
+			$resolveCoupledResources = "true";
+		break;
+		case "false":
+			$resolveCoupledResources = "false";
+		break;	
+	}
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["hostName"]) & $_REQUEST["hostName"] != "") {
+	//validate to some hosts
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["hostName"];	
+	//look for whitelist in mapbender.conf
+	if (!in_array($testMatch,$HOSTNAME_WHITELIST_array)) {
+		//echo "Requested hostname <b>".$testMatch."</b> not whitelist! Please control your mapbender.conf.";
+		echo "Requested <b>hostName</b> not in whitelist! Please control your mapbender.conf.";
+		$e = new mb_notice("Whitelist: ".HOSTNAME_WHITELIST);
+		$e = new mb_notice("hostName not found in whitelist!");
+		die(); 	
+	}
+	$hostName = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+/*if (isset($_REQUEST["orderBy"]) & $_REQUEST["orderBy"] != "") {
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["orderBy"];	
+ 	if (!($testMatch == 'rank' or $testMatch == 'title' or $testMatch == 'id' or $testMatch == 'date')){ 
+		//echo 'orderBy: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>orderBy</b> is not valid (rank,title,id,date).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$orderBy = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+}// else {*/
+//$orderBy= 'rank';
+if (isset($_REQUEST["searchResources"]) & $_REQUEST["searchResources"] != "") {
+	//validate to wms,wfs,wmc,georss
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["searchResources"];
+	#$pattern = '/^(19|20)[0-9]{2}[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/';
+	$countSR = count(explode(',',$testMatch));
+ 	if (!($countSR >= 1 && $countSR <= 4)){ 
+		//echo 'searchResources: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> count of requested resources out of sync.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>searchResources</b> count of requested resources out of sync.<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	} else {
+		$testArray = explode(',',$testMatch);
+		for($i=0; $i<count($testArray);$i++){
+			if (!($testArray[$i] == 'dataset' or $testArray[$i] == 'service' or $testArray[$i] == 'application' or $testArray[$i] == 'nonGeographicDataset')) {
+			//echo 'searchResources: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b>at least one of them does not exists!<br/>'; 
+			echo 'Parameter <b>searchResources</b> at least one of them does not exists! (dataset, service, application, nonGeographicDataset)<br/>';
+			die();
+			}
+		}
+		unset($i);
+	}
+	$searchResources = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+if (isset($_REQUEST["searchPages"]) & $_REQUEST["searchPages"] != "") {
+	//validate to csv integer list with dimension of searchResources list
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["searchPages"];
+	$pattern = '/^[-\d,]*$/';		
+ 	if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ 
+		//echo 'searchPages: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>searchPages</b> is not valid (integer or integer csv).<br/>';
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	if (count(explode(',',$testMatch)) != count(explode(',',$searchResources))) {
+		//echo 'searchPages: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> has a wrong amount of entries.<br/>'; 
+		echo 'Parameter <b>searchPages</b> has a wrong amount of entries.<br/>';
+		die(); 
+	}
+	$searchPages = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+#$searchPages = $_REQUEST["searchPages"];
+	#$searchPages = split(',',$searchPages);
+if (isset($_REQUEST["resultTarget"]) & $_REQUEST["resultTarget"] != "") {
+	//validate to web,debug,file
+	$testMatch = $_REQUEST["resultTarget"];	
+ 	if (!($testMatch == 'web' or $testMatch == 'debug' or $testMatch == 'file'  or $testMatch == 'webclient' or $testMatch == 'internal' or $testMatch == "categories")){ 
+		//echo 'resultTarget: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>';
+		echo 'Parameter <b>resultTarget</b> is not valid (file,web,debug,webclient,internal,categories).<br/>'; 
+		die(); 		
+ 	}
+	$resultTarget = $testMatch;
+	$testMatch = NULL;
+//$e = new mb_exception("UserID GET: ".$_REQUEST['userId']);
+//$e = new mb_exception("UserID from session (new): ".Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id"));
+//$e = new mb_exception("UserID from session (old): ".$_SESSION['mb_user_id']);
+/*if (isset($_REQUEST["userId"]) & $_REQUEST["userId"] != "") {
+        //validate integer to 100 - not more
+        $testMatch = $_REQUEST["userId"];
+        //give max 99 entries - more will be to slow
+        $pattern = '/^[0-9]*$/';  
+        if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){
+             	//echo 'userId: <b>'.$testMatch.'</b> is not valid.<br/>';
+                echo 'Parameter <b>userId</b> is not valid (integer).<br/>';
+                die();
+        }
+        $userId = $testMatch;
+        $testMatch = NULL;
+} else { //look for id in session
+  $userId = Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id");
+  if ($userId == false) {
+	  $userId = PUBLIC_USER;
+    }
+#$searchResources = array('wms','wfs','wmc','georss');
+#$searchPages = array(1,1,1,1);
+//TODO: if class is called directly
+if ($resultTarget == 'debug') {
+	echo "<br>DEBUG: searchURL: ".$searchURL."<br>";
+	#echo "<br>DEBUG: languageCode: ".$languageCode."<br>";
+if ($resultTarget == 'file' or $resultTarget == 'webclient') {
+	if (!isset($searchResources) OR ($searchResources == "")) {
+		$searchResources = "dataset,service,application,other";
+		$resolveCoupledResources = true;
+		$searchPages = "1,1,1,1";
+	}
+if (!isset($searchPages) OR ($searchPages == "")) {
+	for($i=0;$i<count(explode(",",$searchResources));$i++) {
+		$searchPages[$i] = 1;
+	}
+	$searchPages = implode(",",$searchPages);
+	//$e = new mb_exception("mod_callMetadata.php: set searchPages to :".$searchPages);	
+if ($resultTarget == 'web' or $resultTarget == 'debug') {
+	if (!isset($searchResources) OR ($searchResources == "")) {
+		$searchResources = "dataset";
+		$searchPages = "1";
+	}
+//convert the respources and the pagenumbers into arrays
+$searchResourcesArray = explode(",",$searchResources);
+$searchPages = explode(",",$searchPages);
+//begin main program
+$queryString  = $searchText;
+$queryStringParts = explode("+",$queryString);
+$queryText = $queryStringParts[0];
+//TODO query	
+$existsSpatialFilter = false;
+$searchBboxArray = explode(",", $searchBbox);
+if ($searchBbox !== NULL) {
+    $existsSpatialFilter = true;
+    switch ($searchTypeBbox) {
+	case "intersect":
+		$spatialFilter .= "<ogc:BBOX>";
+	break;
+	case "inside":
+		$spatialFilter .= "<ogc:Within>";
+	break;
+	case "outside":
+		$spatialFilter .= "<ogc:Disjoint>";
+	break;
+	default:
+		$spatialFilter .= "<ogc:BBOX>";
+    }
+    $spatialFilter .= "<ogc:PropertyName>BoundingBox</ogc:PropertyName>";
+    $spatialFilter .= "<gml:Envelope>";
+    $spatialFilter .= "<gml:lowerCorner>".$searchBboxArray[0]." ".$searchBboxArray[1]."</gml:lowerCorner>";
+    $spatialFilter .= "<gml:upperCorner>".$searchBboxArray[2]." ".$searchBboxArray[3]."</gml:upperCorner>";
+    $spatialFilter .= "</gml:Envelope>";
+    switch ($searchTypeBbox) {
+	case "intersect":
+		$spatialFilter .= "</ogc:BBOX>";
+	break;
+	case "inside":
+		$spatialFilter .= "</ogc:Within>";
+	break;
+	case "outside":
+		$spatialFilter .= "</ogc:Disjoint>";
+	break;
+	default:
+		$spatialFilter .= "/<ogc:BBOX>";
+    }
+//csw Id = catalogueId
+$csw = new csw();
+if ($csw == false) {
+	echo "Catalogue with id ".$catalogueId." not found in mapbender database!";
+	die();
+$cswClient = new cswClient();
+$cswClient->cswId = $catalogueId;
+//$e = new mb_exception("invoke get record by id");
+//$e = new mb_exception("catalogue id = ".$cswId);
+//map paging to results
+if ($existsSpatialFilter == true){
+    $additionalFilter = $spatialFilter;
+} else {
+    $additionalFilter = false;
+$recordType = $searchResources;
+//first count all hits for filter:
+$cswResponseObject = $cswClient->doRequest($cswClient->cswId, 'counthits', false, false, $recordType, false, false, $additionalFilter);
+$e = new mb_exception("Number of type ".$recordType." datasets in portal CSW: ".$cswClient->operationResult);
+$maxRecords = (integer)$cswClient->operationResult;
+$pages = ceil($maxRecords / $maxResults);
+//$e = new mb_exception("pages: ".$pages);
+$metadataArray = array();
+$numberOfMetadataRecords = 0;
+//$cswResponseObject = $cswClient->doRequest($cswClient->cswId, 'getrecords', $fileIdentifier, false, false, false, false, $additionalFilter);
+//parse XML
+//$e = new mb_exception("maxResults: ".$maxResults);
+for ($i = 0; $i < 1 ; $i++) {
+//for ($i = 0; $i <= $pages-1 ; $i++) {
+	//$cswClient = new cswClient();
+	//$cswClient->cswId = $catalogueId;
+	$result = $cswClient->doRequest($cswClient->cswId, 'getrecordspaging', false, false, $recordType, $maxResults, ($i*$recordsPerPage)+1, $additionalFilter);
+	$page = $i + 1;
+	//$e = new mb_exception("page: ".$page." (".$pages.")");
+	//$e = new mb_exception("result: ".json_encode($cswClient->operationSuccessful));
+	if ($cswClient->operationSuccessful == true) {
+		//$e = new mb_exception("operation successfull");	
+		//$e = new mb_exception(gettype($cswClient->operationResult));
+		$metadataRecord = $cswClient->operationResult->xpath('/csw:GetRecordsResponse/csw:SearchResults/gmd:MD_Metadata');
+		//$e = new mb_exception("number of records: ".count($metadataRecord));
+		//what is possible: keywords, categories?, spatial, ...
+		for ($k = 1; $k <= count($metadataRecord) ; $k++) {
+			$fileIdentifier = $cswClient->operationResult->xpath('/csw:GetRecordsResponse/csw:SearchResults/gmd:MD_Metadata['.$k.']/gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString');
+			$fileIdentifier = (string)$fileIdentifier[0];
+			echo $fileIdentifier." - ";
+			$mdDateStamp = $cswClient->operationResult->xpath('/csw:GetRecordsResponse/csw:SearchResults/gmd:MD_Metadata['.$k.']/gmd:dateStamp/gco:Date');
+			$mdDateStamp = (string)$mdDateStamp[0];
+			echo $mdDateStamp."<br>";
+			$datasetIdentifier = $cswClient->operationResult->xpath('/csw:GetRecordsResponse/csw:SearchResults/gmd:MD_Metadata['.$k.']/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/@uuid');
+			$datasetidentifier = (string)$datasetidentifier[0];
+			$url =  $cswClient->operationResult->xpath('/csw:GetRecordsResponse/csw:SearchResults/gmd:MD_Metadata['.$k.']/gmd:distributionInfo/gmd:MD_Distribution/gmd:transferOptions/gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions/gmd:onLine/gmd:CI_OnlineResource/gmd:linkage/gmd:URL');
+			$url = (string)$url[0];
+			if (isset($url) && $url !=="") {
+				//$metadataArray[$numberOfMetadataRecords]['uuid'] = $datasetIdentifier;
+				$metadataArray[$numberOfMetadataRecords]['uuid'] = $fileIdentifier;
+				$metadataArray[$numberOfMetadataRecords]['changedate'] = $mdDateStamp;
+				$numberOfMetadataRecords++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+//function to delete one of the comma separated values from one get request
+function delFromQuery($paramName,$queryString,$string,$queryArray,$queryList) {
+	//check if if count searchArray = 1
+	if (count($queryArray) == 1){
+		//remove request parameter from url by regexpr or replace
+		$str2search = $paramName."=".$queryList;
+		if ($paramName == "searchText") {
+			$str2exchange = "searchText=*&";
+		} else {
+			$str2exchange = "";
+		}
+		if ($paramName == "searchResources") {
+			$str2exchange = "searchResources=dataset,wms,wfs,wmc&";
+		} else {
+			$str2exchange = "";
+		}
+		$queryStringNew = str_replace($str2search, $str2exchange, $queryString);
+		$queryStringNew = str_replace("&&", "&", $queryStringNew);
+	} else {
+	//there are more than one filter - reduce the filter  
+		$objectList = "";
+		for($i=0; $i < count($queryArray); $i++){
+			if ($queryArray[$i] != $string){
+				$objectList .= $queryArray[$i].",";		
+			} 
+		}
+		//remove last comma
+		$objectList = rtrim($objectList, ",");
+		$str2search = $paramName."=".$queryList;
+		//echo "string to search: ".$str2search."<br>";
+		$str2exchange = $paramName."=".$objectList;
+		//echo "string to exchange: ".$str2exchange."<br>";
+		$queryStringNew = str_replace($str2search, $str2exchange, urldecode($queryString));
+	}
+	return $queryStringNew;
+//function to remove one complete get param out of the query
+function delTotalFromQuery($paramName,$queryString) {
+	//echo $paramName ."<br>";
+	$queryString = "&".$queryString;
+	if ($paramName == "searchText") {
+			$str2exchange = "searchText=*&";
+		} else {
+			$str2exchange = "";
+	}
+	if ($paramName == "searchResources") {
+		$str2exchange = "searchResources=dataset,wms,wfs,wmc&";
+	} 
+	$queryStringNew = preg_replace('/\b'.$paramName.'\=[^&]*&?/',$str2exchange,$queryString); //TODO find empty get params
+	$queryStringNew = ltrim($queryStringNew,'&');
+	$queryStringNew = rtrim($queryStringNew,'&');
+	return $queryStringNew;
+//delete all string entries from array
+function deleteEntry($arrayname, $entry) {
+	$n = $arrayname.length;
+	for($i=0; $i<($n+1); $i++){
+		if ($arrayname[$i] == $entry) {
+			$arrayname.splice($i, 1);
+		}
+	}
+	return $arrayname;
+function correctWmsUrl($wms_url) {
+	//check if last sign is ? or & or none of them
+	$lastChar = substr($wms_url,-1);
+	//check if getcapabilities is set as a parameter
+	$findme = "getcapabilities";
+	$posGetCap = strpos(strtolower($wms_url), $findme);
+	if ($posGetCap === false) {
+		$posGetAmp = strpos(strtolower($wms_url), "?");
+		if ($posGetAmp === false) {
+			$wms_url .= "?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS";
+		} else {
+			switch ($lastChar) {
+				case "?":
+					$wms_url .= "REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS";
+				break;
+				case "&":
+					$wms_url .= "REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS";
+				break;
+				default:
+					$wms_url .= "&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS";
+				break;
+			 }
+		}
+	} else {
+		//check if version is defined
+		$findme1 = "version=";
+		$posVersion = strpos(strtolower($wms_url), $findme1);
+		if ($posVersion === false) {
+			$wms_url .= "&VERSION=1.1.1";
+		} else {
+			//mapbender only handle 1.1.1
+			$wms_url = str_replace('version=1.3.0', 'VERSION=1.1.1', $wms_url);
+			$wms_url = str_replace('VERSION=1.3.0', 'VERSION=1.1.1', $wms_url);
+		}
+	}
+	//exchange &? with & and & 
+	$wms_url = str_replace('&?', '&', $wms_url);
+	$wms_url = str_replace('&?', '&', $wms_url);
+	$wms_url = str_replace('&', '&', $wms_url);
+return $wms_url;
+function isValidURL($url) {
+	return preg_match('|^http(s)?://[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i', $url);

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