[Mapbender-commits] r10272 - in trunk/mapbender: http/extensions/mobilemap resources/db

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 27 02:25:38 PDT 2019

Author: hollsandre
Date: 2019-09-27 02:25:38 -0700 (Fri, 27 Sep 2019)
New Revision: 10272

removed two bat files

Deleted: trunk/mapbender/resources/db/install.bat
--- trunk/mapbender/resources/db/install.bat	2019-09-27 06:51:45 UTC (rev 10271)
+++ trunk/mapbender/resources/db/install.bat	2019-09-27 09:25:38 UTC (rev 10272)
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
- at echo off
-REM Script to install Mapbender  database
-REM Delete old Logfiles
-del log_*.txt
-del err_*.txt
-echo ==============================================================================
-REM Disclaimer
-echo DISCLAIMER: Mapbender database setup script. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
-echo This script will create a database for you and will import the Mapbender data to the new database
-echo It will possibly also compile the Mapbender.mo files
-echo You need:
-echo - a running postgresql 8.x database 
-echo - database user with write access 
-echo If everything is prepared you can continue.
-echo You can give nearly all arguments on commandline:
-echo e.g.
-echo %0 localhost 5432 mapbender template_postgis postgres
-echo ==============================================================================
-REM 5 Params expected
-if not %5x==x goto ARGSSUPPLIED
-echo Continue?
-set /p PREPARED="(y)es or (n)o:"
-if %PREPARED%x==x goto :PREP
-if %PREPARED%==y goto :PREP_OK
-if %PREPARED%==n goto :End
-goto :PREP
-rem Database
-set /p DBHOST="Database host (just hit return for default 'localhost'):"
-set /p DBPORT="Database port (just hit return for default '5432'):"
-set /p DBNAME="Database name:"
-echo "The following database template should be postgis-enabled!"
-set /p DBTEMPLATE="database template to use (just hit return for default 'template_postgis'):"
-set /p DBUSER="Database user:"
-rem Password
-rem echo.
-echo Database Password will be asked many times during install, unless pgpass.conf is used...
-IF %DBTEMPLATE%x==x set DBTEMPLATE=template_postgis
-IF %DBHOST%x==x set DBHOST=localhost
-IF %DBPORT%x==x set DBPORT=5432
-set DBHOST=%1
-set DBPORT=%2
-set DBNAME=%3
-set DBUSER=%5
-REM dbtype and encoding are fixed
-echo Your Choices:
-echo Databasetype: %USEDBTYPE%
-echo Encoding: %USEDBENC%
-echo Database Host: %DBHOST%
-echo Database Port: %DBPORT%
-echo Database Name: %DBNAME%
-echo Database Template: %DBTEMPLATE%
-echo Database User: %DBUSER%
-echo Looks ok, start install?
-rem delete ARG#5
-set /p START_INSTALL="(y)es or (n)o? "
-goto PREP
-rem echo on
-REM do these exist?
-psql --version 2> nul 1> nul
-echo creating db
-createdb -U %DBUSER% -E %USEDBENC% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -T %DBTEMPLATE% %DBNAME% "Mapbender Database Version 2.6"
-echo creating schema
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/pgsql_schema_2.5.sql %DBNAME% 1>log_schema.txt 2> err_schema.txt
-echo importing data
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/pgsql_data_2.5.sql %DBNAME% 1>log_data.txt 2> err_data.txt
-echo setting sequences
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/pgsql_serial_set_sequences_2.5.sql %DBNAME% 1>log_sequences.txt 2> err_sequences.txt
-echo performing updates
-echo   update to 2.5.1rc1
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.5_to_2.5.1rc1_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>log_update.txt 2> err_update.txt
-echo   update to 2.5.1
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.5.1rc1_to_2.5.1_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>>log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
-echo   update to 2.6rc1
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.5.1_to_2.6rc1_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>>log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
-echo   update to 2.6
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.6rc1_to_2.6_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>>log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
-echo   update to 2.6.1
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.6_to_2.6.1_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
-echo   update to 2.6.2
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.6.1_to_2.6.2_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
-echo   update to 2.7rc1
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.6.2_to_2.7rc1_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
-echo   update to 2.7rc2 to 2.7.1
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.7rc1_to_2.7rc2_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
-echo   update to 2.7.2
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.7.1_to_2.7.2_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
-echo   update to 2.7.3
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.7.2_to_2.7.3_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
-echo   update sequences
-psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/pgsql_serial_set_sequences_2.7.sql %DBNAME% 1>> log_sequences.txt 2>> err_sequences.txt
-rem install mapbender.conf
-if not exist ..\..\conf\mapbender.conf copy ..\..\conf\mapbender.conf-dist ..\..\conf\mapbender.conf
-echo please check and edit your mapbender.conf.
-rem update .po files
-echo ""
-msgfmt --version 2> nul 1> nul
-echo "Compiling .po files..."
-pushd ..\..\tools\
-findstr /v "^# ^chmod" i18n_update_mo.sh > i18n_update_mo.bat
-call i18n_update_mo.bat
-del i18n_update_mo.bat
-goto END:
-echo Sorry, msgfmt not found, must be in PATH-Variable, won't compile translations...
-echo Have a look at http://www.mapbender.org/Gettext#Utility_programms for msgfmt.
-goto END:
-echo Sorry, psql not found, must be in PATH-Variable, exiting...
-goto END
-REM End, keep Terminal session open
-echo Finished...check the log files to see if an error occured.

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