[Mapbender-dev] guidelines for code, commits and release

Marc Jansen jansen.marc at gmx.de
Fri Jan 19 09:10:31 EST 2007

Astrid Emde schrieb:
> Hi list,
> christoph and I are preparing the new release.
> In this context we were sitting together and discussing about:
> - Release guidelines
> - commit guidelines
> - Code conventions
> We would like to discuss our suggestions with you. Let's go for more 
> structure!
> Please have a look at the following pages. And give your comments:
> http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Release_guide
numbering: aggreed.
branches might be nice, too.
(is there any chance to have "nightly builds?", and do we need these?)
the demo server is a very good idea... and a short explanation to the 
visitor (which parts should be tested the most)
> http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Commit_guidelines

I really would like to have a short lesson on using SVN. Maybe someone 
from the Wheregroup might teach me some important stuff from face to face?

> http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Code_conventions

I already talked about this once or twice... :-)
> Our motivation is to make programming, committing code and release 
> organisation and packaging as easy as possible.

-- Marc

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