[Mapbender-dev] Cleaning up the SQL database

Samson, Marko Marko.Samson at wald-und-holz.nrw.de
Mon Jun 4 07:39:11 EDT 2007

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapbender_dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org 
> [mailto:mapbender_dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of 
> Arnulf Christl
> Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 1:50 PM
> To: Discussion of Mapbender Development
> Subject: [Mapbender-dev] Cleaning up the SQL database
> Hi,
> I propose to change our way to manage SQL data in Mapbender.
> There are two different kinds
> * Service data (WMS, WFS)
> * GUI element data (code, module, position, content, element 
> variables, etc.)
> == Service Data ==
> This is a hot topic when updating. Currently we have a fixed 
> ID that is generated by the development server's sequence. 
> This is horror for people who maintain a large number of WMS 
> and have them organized in GUI. Currently every time 
> Mapbender is updated we get load-errors because of 
> constraints on the WMS ID or - even worse - we mess up the 
> client's repository and bound GUIs.

Why don't we reduce the 'basic' services to 'Demis World Map', 'Jpl
World Map', 'Germany' and 'MB Users' (for example) and just offer a list
of other services-links at the wiki. So everyone can add services and
delete obsoleted links. These basic-services could be offerd with a
'Basic Services' insertscript, for people who need a basic installation
for testing mapbender or whatever.
That would simplify to handle a effective list of services and updating
the database, too.

> == GUI element data ==
> GUI element data comes in two variants:
> # template GUI (currently gui, gui1, etc.) # as an "SQL 
> template" to be used to update private GUI. 
> In the second case it is required to add the GUI name to any 
> update scripts. Potentially we do not need to do this because 
> people can first update gui and gui1 and then copy from those 
> GUIs. (There was a separate discussion to rename gui and gui1 
> into template_gui or template_basic_gui, etc.)
> Some Mapbender functionality needs several modules. Therefore 
> sometimes in the Wiki we name the function as the code, 
> sometimes we invent a new name. Example:
> * http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/AddWMS (simple)
> * http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/MonitorCapabilities (many)
> Another background is maintainability of the SQL. Currently 
> keeping the dump up to date is painful and error prone. My 
> hope is that if we split the large SQL chunk up into little 
> pieces it will help maintenance because then the developer of 
> the corresponding module also maintains the SQL snippet. The 
> snippets are stored using the SVN which will also enhance 
> updating for professional users and will allow us to have 
> regular auto-builds over night so that the dev server is 
> always up to date. 

I like the method of copying from one 'basic_gui'.

/*now brainstormingmode*/
On the other hand, it would be nice to have a little function to insert
a new module/element into a specified gui.
If we have splitted SQL for every element, we could create a
mod_insertelementintodesiredgui script much easier.
Perhaps it would be possible to create it with help of the sql-snippets
and auto-builds from svn, to have a generated xml file, or something
like that, with all single element-sqls ordered by the element names.
(something like:
<element name='logout'>
<functionality>Ends this session.</functionality>
<insertsql>INSERT INTO gui_element(fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public,
e_comment, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width,
e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file,
e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires) VALUES($Request['desiredgui'], 'logout',
'2', '1', 'Logout', 'img', '../img/button_gray/logout_off.png',
title="Logout"', '660', '10', '24', '24', '1', '', '', '', '', '', '',
INSERT INTO gui_element_vars(fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name,
var_value, context, var_type) VALUES($Request['desiredgui'], 'logout',
'logout_location', '', 'webside to show after logout' ,'php_var');
<element name='nextone'>
So the script could parse the generated-file and offer the elements at
the new installation-form, where the user just has to select the desired
element and to insert his desired gui. 
Would this (builing a file(xml for example) from svn-sqlsnippets) even
possible with auto-build svn functionality? I don't know!

So far, enough storm across my brain now.;-)
What do you think about it?

Sadly, I can't join you today at IRC-Meeting!


> This needs a lot more thought as it will even tie back into 
> packaging, install scripts, etc. Potentially this is better 
> done in the Wiki once we know what we are talking about. Feel 
> free to start this as a new page or tie it to a Trac ticket. 
> Regards, Arnulf. 
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