[Mapbender-dev] summary: Mapbender IRC Meeting Nov 12, 2007

Marc Jansen jansen.marc at gmx.de
Tue Nov 13 09:26:51 EST 2007

Hi devs,

here are the functions,

 * Converts a given string to a boolean and returns it (small helper as 
elementVars are always strings).
 * Handles this rather strict:
 *    '1'     => true
 *    'true'  => true
 *    '0'     => false
 *    'false' => false
 * Nearly all other cases evaluate to 'undefined', this behaviour can be 
changed if the first line is altered and the variabnle bool is
 * initialized with a value (e.g. var bool = false).
 * @param {string} the var to convert
 * @return {boolean} a boolean version of the passed var according to 
the above described rules or 'undefined'
 * @author Marc Jansen <jansen at terrestris.de>
function elementvar_2_boolean(theVar) {
  var bool;
  if (   theVar.toLowerCase() === 'true'
      || parseInt(theVar, 10) === 1      ) {
    bool = true;
  } else {
    if (   theVar.toLowerCase() === 'false'
        || parseInt(theVar, 10) === 0       ) {
        bool = false;
  return bool;
 * Converts a given string to a integer and returns it (small helper as 
elementVars are always strings).
 * @param {string} the var to convert
 * @return {integer} a integer version of the passed var or 'NaN'
 * @author Marc Jansen <jansen at terrestris.de>
function elementvar_2_integer(theVar) {
  return parseInt(theVar, 10);
 * Converts a given string to a float and returns it, german decimal 
divider ',' is recognized (small helper as elementVars are always strings).
 * @param {string} the var to convert
 * @return {integer} a float version of the passed var or 'NaN'
 * @author Marc Jansen <jansen at terrestris.de>
function elementvar_2_float(theVar) {
  return parseFloat( theVar.replace(/,/g, '.') );

Shall I commit these?... would be good for my stats atr ohloh ;-)

-- Marc

Christoph Baudson (WhereGroup) schrieb:
> -----------------------
> Element vars
> -----------------------
> We were discussing the necessity of variable types for element vars 
> (if you don't know what element vars are, see 
> http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Element_var). Now, there's only one 
> type (string), and the scripts parse it they way they want.
> There were some pros and cons for the introduction of types:
> - interface might become more complicated
> + type safety in scripts
> + arrays are hard to handle at the moment
> Marc had written a small JS conversion function that he will send to 
> the dev-list.

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